The Neverending Apocalypse




Ugh. This ongoing event--via costume salvage turn in--is REALLY getting intrusive and annoying. Devs, can you PLEASE PLEASE datamine and see if anybody is even participating anymore when this gets triggered? On Virtue now with a hunt mission needing to wait out YET ANOTHER iteration of the DA. Why isn't this event relegated to holiday season only? Especially since it dominates an entire zone for 15 minutes? I see it inadvertently tripped at least a half dozen times each play session on a crowded server like Virtue. And I honestly never see anyone anymore trying to complete the event for badges. If the data reflects what I suspect here--that any interest amongst the player base in this event has waned entirely, can it PLEASE just be switched off permanently till next Halloween?



I wouldn't mind it if it left existing zone mobs in place, but as it is at the moment; it's really quite annoying.

Another improvement would be if it occasionally did the Banner event instead of Zombies for a little variety.

[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]



I haven't been bothered by it at all. If it comes up during a hunt mission I simply do one of the other two missions I have open in mission slots. I have three missions to choose from, and I reserve one of those slots for radio/safeguard - newspaper/mayhem missions and none of those are ever hunt missions. Then as soon as the event is over I wrap up the hunt mission. Sometimes I even jump in the AE and run something there.

The only people who are justified in being irritated by these zone events are the ones doing TF's. But even then the application of a little rational common sense would resolve that by simply using the time to call a brief break and let people run to the bathroom, grab a beverage or bite to eat, drop stuff off into storage, restock inspirations from bases/Arena, etc.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I haven't been bothered by it at all. If it comes up during a hunt mission I simply do one of the other two missions I have open in mission slots. I have three missions to choose from, and I reserve one of those slots for radio/safeguard - newspaper/mayhem missions and none of those are ever hunt missions. Then as soon as the event is over I wrap up the hunt mission. Sometimes I even jump in the AE and run something there.
But since this event requires usually two teams to complete and gain badges with and I have yet to see post Halloween a single broadcast, recruitment, etc. and when you buzz by the banners they are invariably unoccupied--if this event is now being ignored 100% by the player base because of it's dynamics (regardless of server population) and relative triviality on larger population servers--why is it even still running? If the data shows that 100% of the events over the past month have not been completed and if they haven't even been attempted, then this event now only exists to be avoided. And that is just weird.



Question for the OP - are you on Virtue?

Just curious, since I'm seeing a ton of them (a couple zombie invasions and a ton of Supernatural events,) yet a friend of mine on another server (think he was on Victory) wasn't seeing anything. And this has to be more often than people turning in costume salvage. I have very recently seen at least four simultaneous ones (or near simultaneous,) three redside, one blue come up in event messages within the last hour. (Port Oakes and Nerva JUST ended, Mercy's ongoing right now, don't remember what the blueside zone is.)

Just wondering if it's ongoing elsewhere. Because, yes, this thing is tiresome. It was before the planned event was over.



Originally Posted by Orion_Star_EU View Post
Another improvement would be if it occasionally did the Banner event instead of Zombies for a little variety.
This is what occurs right now. Banners are sometimes triggered instead of zombi.



I think it's burnt eveyone out,I need one more badge(Banner of Scorn) and I can't get hardly anyone to run the event in packed zones.
It would be good if regular spawns still ran around when events occured,that way ppl could still do w/e they are doing and seeing zombies eat Luddites imo would be funny as hell.



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
This is what occurs right now. Banners are sometimes triggered instead of zombi.
Oh, I haven't seen that before. Although it barely ever happens on the EU servers anyway

[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
This is what occurs right now. Banners are sometimes triggered instead of zombi.
In the time I was on virtue, it was almost all banner redside, I think I saw two Zombie.



To Bill:

Yeah, redside I play on Virtue. And that is where I'm seeing DA event after DA event each evening. Meanwhile, on Triumph (my blueside first home) and Protector (second home), I rarely see the events triggered. I'm assuming it's just the higher population and new alts after new costume slots that can account for the MUCH higher incidents on Virtue.

My point overall is this: on these lower population servers, it's going to be hard as it is to get folks together to do the event on the rare chance it happens. On the large population servers it's a mild nuisance but still no one ever seems to be engaging it.

One person in this thread posts about wanting to get one last badge but not being able to rally enough folks. I understand the impetus to badge--I really do. I badge on ALL my characters, obsessively so on a good half dozen. And yet the sense that the DA (and ZA which right now on virtue seems to be triggered at about a 1 to 4 or 1 to 5 ratio instead) will ALWAYS be available--this sense seems to undermine chances of actually getting the badges for these HIGHLY team oriented events. Why not just shut the darn thing off except as a seasonal holiday? That way, enthusiasm for the DA will actually be there next year when ToT and all other things Halloween go live again.



Sounds like Virtue has a problem. Of the two servers I'm on, I've rarely seen this event crop up again.

Maybe it keeps coming back because no one's fighting it? Heh.



Yeah, I'm a villain on Virtue, too, and add me to the list of people that think that having this even crop up every couple of hours is both annoying and pointless. There's no way to get two teams together in time to win it when nobody cares, and nobody feels any urgency to care (at least, not at the same time as each other) because it's going to come around again in another hour or two.

I honestly wish they'd lower the odds on apocaplyses in general, so that it's something that happens maybe one fourth as often as it happens now, and slant it harder towards zombies than towards banners. It's not a major aggravation for me, because as a villain, I don't have that many street-sweeping missions to run, but it is (I say again) pointless and vaguely annoying.



I think all the events should be used sparingly. I was hoping the Winter Event would be in full swing by now, but it looks like the preview is the only taste I'll get this year, what with my travel schedule.

I'd like to see the Rikti, Zombie and Banner events simply turned off for at least 6-8 months, with perhaps a new event in the spring after the Valentine's Day one.

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Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
I think all the events should be used sparingly. I was hoping the Winter Event would be in full swing by now, but it looks like the preview is the only taste I'll get this year, what with my travel schedule.

I'd like to see the Rikti, Zombie and Banner events simply turned off for at least 6-8 months, with perhaps a new event in the spring after the Valentine's Day one.
So can we have an invasion of flying Red Caps with cherub wings shooting arrows with heart-shaped tips instead?



It's funny. A few weeks back, a Banner Event triggered in Atlas on Virtue I happened upon. What surprised me was how quickly after I /b asked if there were any teams forming that a couple of teams slowly got together and got the event completed.

In all honesty, that one was one of the most enjoyable Banner Events I've run. Got all 6 badges, Seduction, and had a blast helping explain the event to some who hadn't seen it before.

And to be honest, I'd rather see a Banner trig than a Zombie Event. I can still travel and the like with no worries about Zombies popping up when I get to my location and get alphaed before getting into the mission.

Thank you for the time...

@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

Arc 5299: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem Updated!! 09/15/09



Unless the Banner event happens in a more populated zone (AP, Talos, Cap), it's unlikely you'll get enough people to do it off-season, especially since there's no unlockable tied to it.

Which is a good reason to limit the Banner to just those zones in the off season and to reduce the amount of times a Banner event is triggered v. a Zombapocalypse.

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Personally, I think that the Deadly Apocalypse events should be limited to one or two zones when it's not the time of the Halloween Event. Limit it to Croatoa, heroside, and Nerva, villainside.

I mean, if the salvage contacts are in that zone, it should trigger in just those zones. If your actions are going to bring the apocalypse, it should be in the zone that YOU are in.

Plus these two zones will get more use as they are also zones that I have seen less and less people in, besides from the occasional TF/SF.

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
read the thread title, instantly thought"just name the damn Empress already bastion"
LOL for the reference.

But of course, Bastion had to pick a new name for himself, too. So now he is Citadel.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



I'm on (arguably) the highest-populated server, and I play all hours of the day and night...

...and I haven't experienced even close to the amount of events he is describing. It almost sounds as if the Virtue server itself may be experiencing some data execution issues or something of the sort...

Over the past week of gameplay for me, I've seen zero zombie events occur (and I run TFs literally every day--sometimes 4 or 5 of them in a day), and only one banner event occur... And that was just about an hour or so ago in Atlas Park...

I don't think it's truly happening "everywhere" or as bad as you imagine it to be, but in either case, I (personally) think it's a great idea to allow people the chance *every once in a while* to still get those badges at any time of the year, rather than waiting a full year for it.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
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I'm on Virtue also and I have seen it hit 3 zones at once,how it does that I don't know.Could be some people are loading the salvage in to get it to spawn or maybe it's just random.Who knows...



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
I'm on (arguably) the highest-populated server, and I play all hours of the day and night...

...and I haven't experienced even close to the amount of events he is describing. It almost sounds as if the Virtue server itself may be experiencing some data execution issues or something of the sort...
The only thing I can guess is that being Virtue, it attracts a higher percentage of RPers who alt. I RP and I really like my costume slots. Guessing that other RP focused players go for the extra costume slot more readily than non-RP players? Maybe that could account for the higher incidents of the DA on Virtue? If so perhaps a much longer "cool down" timer on the triggered version of the event may solve the issue. But as I don't have access to their raw data of what happens on each server, this is all conjecture. (Even if I had access to the rad data, I wouldn't know how to make sense of it though! )



Cant believe we're in a game and people are saying they are fed up of killing zombies . . . . . . . . WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!?!!?

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It's interesting that you're getting so many. I purposely tried to set up a banner event on Victory last month and no matter how many people turned in salvage, it would not trigger. I wonder if population and possibly some other things are affecting it.