The Neverending Apocalypse




Originally Posted by Commander View Post
Personally, I think that the Deadly Apocalypse events should be limited to one or two zones when it's not the time of the Halloween Event. Limit it to Croatoa, heroside, and Nerva, villainside.

I mean, if the salvage contacts are in that zone, it should trigger in just those zones. If your actions are going to bring the apocalypse, it should be in the zone that YOU are in.

Plus these two zones will get more use as they are also zones that I have seen less and less people in, besides from the occasional TF/SF.
Thematically, it's a good idea, but it runs into gameplay problems. I'm not familiar with Nerva, but Croatoa has two problems:
1) Unlike Atlas or Talos, Croatoa doesn't have a standing population. At any given time, you might have a couple of people working the mission arc, someone popping in to hit the university, and maybe a team doing Katie or the GMs. You simply won't be able to build the two pick-up teams you need to do the banners. Limiting the banner event to this zone won't fix it, because there's nothing for people to do while they're waiting (and it may take hours or days for the next banner event to happen).
2) The Croatoa arc has a high number of street-sweeping missions. A banner event hits it harder than events in most other zones.



Why couldn't it just be someone setting it off with a big stockpile of salvage? They don't happen randomly outside the formal halloween event. They're triggered by someone turning costume salvage, which you can do whether it will open a slot for you or not.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



It may be my playtimes but I haven't seen anybody bothering with the Supernatural Event--and considering it takes at least 1 team, more likely 2 to actually succeed at it, it seems sort of pointless to leave it running. Did they have a miscommunication and leave the supernatural apocalypse running when they meant to turn it off and leave the zombeh apocalypse running like normal (can't think of if i've seen zombie invasion lately)?

It really should only maybe happen one day a week, or maybe happening a weekend a month. That way the people who want to participate aren't diluted by every hour or two Supernatural Event happening in ...

I've been on Virtue most of the time lately too, so yeah. Lots of freakin' supernatural apocs on that server. Maybe the LGTF is spawning them instead of Rikti invasions, haven't been seeing many of those and I had been trying to keep a bit of an eye out to get the rikti's big honkin' metal sword for my katana user (again, maybe my playtime just has nobody doing lady gray runs in that timeframe. On freedom they happen very regularly because there's plenty of speed LGTF/ITF groups who run those daily, like clockwork)



Let me concur with those who point out that it takes at bare minimum a couple of teams to successfully complete the Deadly Apocalypse. (Perhaps a single team of 8 Uber Ubers could do it, but generally speaking, you need two or No Soup For You.)

Couple that with the timer on the event and you have a pretty big problem. Even during the Halloween Event, it was generally impossible to get enough interest going in the last couple of days to get enough folks to pull off the DA, and that was in smaller, more populated areas. In the really big areas, like Ind Port, the travel time between banners doomed the exercise to be futile.

So while I understand the notion that by having the DA run randomly, as with Zombie and Rikti invasions, those that missed the badges before can still pick them up during the rest of the year. Unfortunately, the very mechanics of the DA make it virtually impossible to complete the necessary organization, etc., before the timer runs out.

A+ for the kind thought for the players, but a D- on the execution. The hopefuls without the badges are doomed to still never get them unless it is double xp weekend and the zones are full of badgers without the shinies who will help out. Which is too bad, but there it is.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



I think activating either Apocalypse via costume salvage turn-in should be disabled. The Zombocalypse was awesome when it was introduced last year, but between then and now it lost a lot of its luster.


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