Ways for us to get New Subscribers?

Aliana Blue



This is what Age of Conan is doing. It hooks up a cool link for your facebook page and gives 7 days for free.

I think this would be cool for this game as well, Could we maybe have a link like this before Christmas?

Would be cool if we could have a Twitter link too
and like AoC, we could have perks for getting more and more people to subscribe



I'm all for getting new players, but seriously, never again do I want to see ingame rewards for getting people to sub. Free time is great, but a repeat of the Victory Laurel/Sandals is not something we need.



Make the trial account less restrictive. Let trial players be able to start a team.

First person to say, "The trial is the same as WoW offers!" gets a punch through the internet from me. CoH/V doesn't have about 5m NA / EU players, so the stakes are different.



Facebook apps = meh. I kinda like the current system of being able to refer people to CoH and get free time for it. More people should probably use that.

Originally Posted by Moiread View Post
I'm all for getting new players, but seriously, never again do I want to see ingame rewards for getting people to sub. Free time is great, but a repeat of the Victory Laurel/Sandals is not something we need.
Are the Victory Laurel/Sandals the same ones they give out during the Valentines event?

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Yes, they can be earned per character by that event.

The 'refer a friend' deal with them unlocked them globally on all characters and was available for a year before the Valentine option.

It was very divisive on the forums at the time.

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Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
Facebook apps = meh. I kinda like the current system of being able to refer people to CoH and get free time for it. More people should probably use that.

Are the Victory Laurel/Sandals the same ones they give out during the Valentines event?
Yeah, they are, now. During the first event, they ran a promo that if you got someone to subscribe, you got access to those pieces and if I recall correctly, that was the only way to get them. It was almost a scandal, and a lot of people were very angry that it required out-of-game actions to earn ingame stuff.

And before anyone brings up booster packs, the only thing that limits your ability to get those is choice or a lack of finances. Getting people to subscribe can be a much more difficult thing.

I gave my promo code away randomly to someone asking for one on broadcast, and I just happened to luck out that the person actually decided to get a subscription.



The reason the valentines offer so was unpopular was due to the fact it was a limited time offer - if they just tacked items on to the currently existing system, then that would be fine imho.

[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]



Fix the City Vault and lets leave Facebook out of it!

...yeah I said it!

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



And before anyone brings up booster packs, the only thing that limits your ability to get those is choice or a lack of finances. Getting people to subscribe can be a much more difficult thing.
I don't see the difference. You could always buy different accounts and claim your main one "recruited" them.



I really do love how selfish you people are.

Instead of thinking about yourselves... Why not think about the 35 million people using sites like Facebook. They are already spending money on those Zynga games. For some, it might be cheaper and more fun to play an unheard of game like CoX.

Ya I said it. Because YOU do not like Facebook and Twitter, YOU automatically shut the idea down. Get your head out of your ***. Seriously people. Any way to get more subscribers to this game, is a good idea.

And YES they should be having links people can post to their pages. Offering 7 days or 14 days of FREE time. No CC required.

Word of mouth only went so far. Now it is time to try new and different ways to get people to play.

For the longest I thought it odd that the people @ my local BestBuys didn't even know what CoX is/was. Well Its because word of mouth didnt do it. It didnt ultimately spread the word - enough -.

They need new ways to get the word out. So, instead of knocking this idea... Its time to start posting CHEAP ways to advertise the game. And links on POPULAR personal webbys like Facebook and Twitter, could definately get the word out there to more people.

Yes I know calling people ***** may not be the best thing to do. But, frankly I dont really care. This community chases people away with their snobbish attitudes.



Originally Posted by Moiread View Post
I'm all for getting new players, but seriously, never again do I want to see ingame rewards for getting people to sub. Free time is great, but a repeat of the Victory Laurel/Sandals is not something we need.
Oh good grief. Much /agree there. Please never again, unless there is an alternative way to get said items.

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Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
Make the trial account less restrictive. Let trial players be able to start a team.

First person to say, "The trial is the same as WoW offers!" gets a punch through the internet from me. CoH/V doesn't have about 5m NA / EU players, so the stakes are different.
I don't think this is a bad idea per se, but are there any specific restrictions you'd lift?



Originally Posted by Creole Ned View Post
I don't think this is a bad idea per se, but are there any specific restrictions you'd lift?
I can understand why trial accounts can't send tells, but I really wish there was a way they could respond to tells I send them.



Anything to help get numbers up is nice. I would personally love to see a commercial or something. All ive ever seen is ads in comic books but what about G4 network and cartoon network and nicktoons and spiketv and even oxygen and hallmark I watch um all and would love to see some city of heroes ads come up



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I really do love how selfish you people are.

Instead of thinking about yourselves... Why not think about the 35 million people using sites like Facebook. They are already spending money on those Zynga games. For some, it might be cheaper and more fun to play an unheard of game like CoX.

Ya I said it. Because YOU do not like Facebook and Twitter, YOU automatically shut the idea down. Get your head out of your ***. Seriously people. Any way to get more subscribers to this game, is a good idea.

And YES they should be having links people can post to their pages. Offering 7 days or 14 days of FREE time. No CC required.

Word of mouth only went so far. Now it is time to try new and different ways to get people to play.

For the longest I thought it odd that the people @ my local BestBuys didn't even know what CoX is/was. Well Its because word of mouth didnt do it. It didnt ultimately spread the word - enough -.

They need new ways to get the word out. So, instead of knocking this idea... Its time to start posting CHEAP ways to advertise the game. And links on POPULAR personal webbys like Facebook and Twitter, could definately get the word out there to more people.

Yes I know calling people ***** may not be the best thing to do. But, frankly I dont really care. This community chases people away with their snobbish attitudes.
What makes you think everyone out there would love playing a game with super heroes? Its been around for 6 years, my guess is that who really wanted to play a super herro mmorpg that takes place in paragon already subscribed.



I'd love more people to come to play with us....I do wish there was more advertisements for the game though as well. It's been really quiet lately (okay the last year or two for me since most SGmates have left...no hard feelings..just got burned out from the game).

I don't see a huge deal with giving in-game items for getting friends/others to sign-up for the game. Like someone said above, if you really want those in-game items, talk your friend into signing up for a month in the game, and take him/her out to lunch once or twice to make up for it...ta-da, you get items and they didn't spend any money (per se).

Unfortunately all my friends have already tried the game and...uh...yeah...don't really care to play it again. Then there are my other friends but they're not computer gaming people so...

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It would be very easy to increase the number of players;

Match the subscription rate of WoW.

That simple.

36 level 50's in various servers...haven't been here in a while. It's now over 50



Originally Posted by MageX View Post
What makes you think everyone out there would love playing a game with super heroes? Its been around for 6 years, my guess is that who really wanted to play a super herro mmorpg that takes place in paragon already subscribed.
I've actually met quite a large number of people that didn't like the idea of City of Heroes initially because it was about super heroes. When I convinced them to start checking out the gameplay, story arcs, and number crunchery (yes, the fact that CoX is actually substantially more complex to crunch numbers for than WoW was actually a drawing point for several of my friends; those who didn't care appreciated the fact that it was simple just to tell them what to do) they were actually intrigued enough to try leveling a couple of characters. CoX isn't just about super heroes. It's a game that uses super heroes and super powers to operate and, because of that, it's important to play up the game attribute to many people, especially those that are genre-biased or -neutral.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I really do love how selfish you people are.

Instead of thinking about yourselves... Why not think about the 35 million people using sites like Facebook. They are already spending money on those Zynga games. For some, it might be cheaper and more fun to play an unheard of game like CoX.

Ya I said it. Because YOU do not like Facebook and Twitter, YOU automatically shut the idea down. Get your head out of your ***. Seriously people. Any way to get more subscribers to this game, is a good idea.

And YES they should be having links people can post to their pages. Offering 7 days or 14 days of FREE time. No CC required.

Word of mouth only went so far. Now it is time to try new and different ways to get people to play.

For the longest I thought it odd that the people @ my local BestBuys didn't even know what CoX is/was. Well Its because word of mouth didnt do it. It didnt ultimately spread the word - enough -.

They need new ways to get the word out. So, instead of knocking this idea... Its time to start posting CHEAP ways to advertise the game. And links on POPULAR personal webbys like Facebook and Twitter, could definately get the word out there to more people.

Yes I know calling people ***** may not be the best thing to do. But, frankly I dont really care. This community chases people away with their snobbish attitudes.
If we are so snoobish and hateful to anyone coming in why in game are people coming and getting help from people like us.

Also why have you not left the forums or the game if you feel so terrible about it.

Also to you idea, no I do not want to tie bringing people in and getting items for it. This will lead to more problems of making a have and have not, which this game is not based on.

Originally Posted by Ar_Kain View Post
It would be very easy to increase the number of players;

Match the subscription rate of WoW.

That simple.
Yup just as easy a pressing a button, we can have millions of subs, unfortunately for us they gave me that button and it is frozen in ice in the North.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
Ya I said it. Because YOU do not like Facebook and Twitter, YOU automatically shut the idea down. Get your head out of your ***. Seriously people. Any way to get more subscribers to this game, is a good idea.
And because YOU like it, the idea is awesome? Nice to be calling out others for doing exactly what you are.

And YES they should be having links people can post to their pages. Offering 7 days or 14 days of FREE time. No CC required.

Word of mouth only went so far. Now it is time to try new and different ways to get people to play.
Firstly, lets not state opinions as facts.
Secondly, how is it "new and different" if (an)other game(s) have/has already done it?

For the longest I thought it odd that the people @ my local BestBuys didn't even know what CoX is/was. Well Its because word of mouth didnt do it. It didnt ultimately spread the word - enough -.

They need new ways to get the word out. So, instead of knocking this idea... Its time to start posting CHEAP ways to advertise the game. And links on POPULAR personal webbys like Facebook and Twitter, could definately get the word out there to more people.
Perhaps the people at your Bestbuy aren't interested in MMOs, much less 5 year old ones. Perhaps I should get mad that more folks haven't played "Shadow Warrior."

Also, what if people don't WANT this game to have tons of newbies? What if they like this game to have a small-ish and manageable subscriber base who will actually be loyal to the game, instead of scampering off the next time a shiney button rolls by like a lot of the standard "networking site" users tend to be categorized as.[/quote]

Yes I know calling people ***** may not be the best thing to do. But, frankly I dont really care. This community chases people away with their snobbish attitudes.
And your aggressive one is so much better than being "snobbish." (Not to mention that apparently all one needs to do to be a snob is not use a single type of advertising... never would have guessed.)



well i could get a few bad points here but i dont care...

lets face it people or at least be honest...the "team"..dont give a rats about what we think is a good way to get people. they havent done much advertisement (in my view) in the past and while i am seriously hoping they will kick it up 1000% for GR and future issues, i wouldnt be suprised if all i see or hear is a article here n there about this game.

it would be nice to get told what is at least going through the teams minds about it but hey thats my xmas list for ya.

the trouble is as well. with what little word there is about this game, theres more bad thoughts from annoying little sad people about it. i think i saw a video the other day on youtube and the whole page was people bad thoughts about it. we dont need what word we have bad mouthed before people try it.

Devs do SOMETHING more yer.

aye on this hand...dont really have a great advertisement plan that hasnt already been said in the past or posted here now. (or i would add it )
this is just my one off rant.



Originally Posted by Mylia View Post
Also why have you not left the forums or the game if you feel so terrible about it.

P_P and her hubby did leave. They went to play Champions, however CO sucks so much they came back. Can't blame them for that.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
P_P and her hubby did leave. They went to play Champions, however CO sucks so much they came back. Can't blame them for that.
lol like so many.



Originally Posted by Dr_HR View Post
well i could get a few bad points here but i dont care...

lets face it people or at least be honest...the devs/team..dont give a rats about what we think is a good way to get people. they havent done much advertisement (in my view) in the past and while i am seriously hoping they will kick it up 1000% for GR and future issues, i wouldnt be suprised if all i see or hear is a article here n there about this game.

it would be nice to get told what is at least going through the teams minds about it but hey thats my xmas list for ya.

the trouble is as well. with what little word there is about this game, theres more bad thoughts from annoying little sad people about it. i think i saw a video the other day on youtube and the whole page was people bad thoughts about it. we dont need what word we have bad mouthed before people try it.

Devs do SOMETHING more yer.

aye on this hand...dont really have a great advertisement plan that hasnt already been said in the past or posted here now. (or i would add it )
this is just my one off rant.

You do realize that advertising isn't handled by the Devs. Advertising is handled by marketing. Get sales off their butts.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
P_P and her hubby did leave. They went to play Champions, however CO sucks so much they came back. Can't blame them for that.
Well I should start buying them more games then so they can go there.