Ways for us to get New Subscribers?

Aliana Blue



Originally Posted by Dr_HR View Post
Argeed, i think they should ease of the trails now they have the new emails in place + the spammer options for broadcasts n all is nothing to worry about now.
No. When somethings working as intended you don't turn it off. That defeats the purpose.



Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
Very simply, the amount of processing time that would need to be devoted to parsing everyone's now massive ignore list would go through the roof. Barring further knowledge about the specifics of the chat server implementation (I'm not exactly sure at which point in the pipeline they put the references to the ignore list) I can't make a detailed analysis, but even conservatively giving an average of 5000 people on an ignore list (remember that the reason the ignore list needs to be expanded is because we're lifting restrictions on trials, so spam is going to come back up), the amount of processing time starts becoming non-trivial (computer geek code for "oh man, that's pretty damn big"). Once you add in the code for dynamically managing the size of user's ignore lists rather than just always allocating 3.2kb, and we are looking at one ugly and slow chat system.
The problem isn't the amount of processing time needed (any sane system will store the ignore list in an O(log n)- or O(1)-lookup data structure), it's the amount of memory needed. In order to get a reasonable performance level out of the chat system, all ignore lists need to be stored in RAM (otherwise, someone sending one email to each user in turn would bring the chat system to a halt). This, in turn, leaves a target for a denial-of-service attack: someone simply adds to their ignore list until the chat server runs out of memory.



I can only imagine disabling trial accounts being able to team leader was the devs thinking, "well, the RMTers might spam random invites and /team "BUY GOLD FROM BLAHBLAHRA.COM $10 FOR 100 MILLION!"

Of course, you could just automatically reject blind invites. Got into that habit during MA and the level 1s randomly inviting 50s and demanding you PL them. But if it's a farmer's bot it'll keep spamming out invites until a GM bans the account...and then it'll take maybe 5 minutes tops to activate a new trial account and spam invites until a GM bans it. Repeat ad naseum.



Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
The problem isn't the amount of processing time needed (any sane system will store the ignore list in an O(log n)- or O(1)-lookup data structure), it's the amount of memory needed. In order to get a reasonable performance level out of the chat system, all ignore lists need to be stored in RAM (otherwise, someone sending one email to each user in turn would bring the chat system to a halt). This, in turn, leaves a target for a denial-of-service attack: someone simply adds to their ignore list until the chat server runs out of memory.
This also makes sense.

Every now and then I have to smack myself upside the head because the amount of practical experience I have is very low.

@Morac | Twitter
Trust the computer. The computer knows all.



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
Make the trial account less restrictive. Let trial players be able to start a team.

First person to say, "The trial is the same as WoW offers!" gets a punch through the internet from me. CoH/V doesn't have about 5m NA / EU players, so the stakes are different.
Hmmm..... There's a reason, beyond encouraging people to buy the game, that trial accounts can't use broadcast, tells, channels, or invite people to teams.
Here's a hint...

SuperGuy Invites You To Join a Team.


You have been kicked from the team.

They can hit 7 innocent victims at a time that way. Account gets banned? So what. Make another, it's free.


In regards to the use of "you support" above, no it is not a typo. Yes, I am intelligent enough to know that proper grammar would be "your support", but unfortunately, the useless idiots who propagate spam like above, do not.

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".



I see no issue with using social networking sites to try and lure in new blood...to be honest....I think anything is worth a try right now...I am not a huge fan of in game items being tied to it but if it achieves the goal then go for it...

The game is definitely an "underground" name...I went to my local EB games when the MA edition came out and asked for it...the store manager said they don't carry COH but they carry WoW and Warhammer...I thought it was strange but browsed some games and found the MA edition tucked away on a shelf...this seems wrong to me....

I agree with the OP that we need some inexpensive advertising...I do set my facebook status to say I am going to play City Of Heroes for more info message me...but I have over 500 friends on facebook...would they all play COH...???...dunno...but it is alot easier to have some app for them to explore than sending 500 instant messages to see...

"A great love is alot like a good memory. When it's there and you know it's there,but it's just out of your reach. It can be all that you think about. You can focus on it and try to force it but the more you do, the more you seem to push it away. But if you're patient and hold still...maybe...just maybe...it will come to you. I just need to be somewhere she can find me" - Church from Red vs Blue



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I really do love how selfish you people are.
Okay, YOU are the one advocating in-game rewards for out-of-game interactions. People aren't saying that having a Facebook App or somesuch is a Bad Thing. They're objecting to an in-game reward system (other than maybe the current carrot of free time).

I know it's tough to watch your precious baby idea get knocked about a bit. But keep telling yourself "tough love".

Instead of thinking about yourselves...
Repeat after me. "Tough love". That chip on your shoulder ain't making it easier either.

Why not think about the 35 million people using sites like Facebook. They are already spending money on those Zynga games. For some, it might be cheaper and more fun to play an unheard of game like CoX.
Most of those Zynga games don't have a 3 GIGABYTE client download and are played in a more transparent manner than CoH would. They're picked up because they're cheap, easy to learn, and easy set up.

Ya I said it.
And you are? Yet another loudmouth on a web board? Welcome to the club! There's an awful lot of us out here! It's almost as crowded as Hell!

Get your head out of your ***. Seriously people.
So one person. ONE PERSON, goes "Facebook? NAH!" and you act like a bunch of people are crapping all over it because of Facebook? C'mon. Is your POV so shaky that you start hurling insults the second someone disagrees with it?

Any way to get more subscribers to this game, is a good idea.
Getting more subscribers is arguably a good thing. Giving people in-game items for it? Arguably not.

And YES they should be having links people can post to their pages. Offering 7 days or 14 days of FREE time. No CC required.

Word of mouth only went so far. Now it is time to try new and different ways to get people to play.
Doesn't mean that a cost/benefit analysis shouldn't be done beforehand.

For the longest I thought it odd that the people @ my local BestBuys didn't even know what CoX is/was. Well Its because word of mouth didnt do it. It didnt ultimately spread the word - enough -.
Anecdotes are nice and all. But a poor substitute for actual analysis.

They need new ways to get the word out.
As a general point, I agree. It's when we get down to the brass tacks that we find several people sitting on them...

So, instead of knocking this idea...
This is just a plea for yes-man bandwagoning. If the idea is good, it'll stand on it's own merits regardless of whether or not some forum droll thinks (and I use the term charitably) "it smells like dookie".

Its time to start posting CHEAP ways to advertise the game.
No. It's time to start posting ways we think would be EFFECTUAL in bringing new blood into the game.

And links on POPULAR personal webbys like Facebook and Twitter, could definately get the word out there to more people.
"Could". You ARE, of course, familiar with why web advertising brings such disgustingly low ROI?

Sure, we COULD possibly have a slashdot-style flood of new subscribers.
Then again, we could NOT.

Yes I know calling people ***** may not be the best thing to do. But, frankly I dont really care.
And this is why you fail grasshopper.

This community chases people away with their snobbish attitudes.
Unlike rage-trolling. That keeps people REALLY close. Right? Right?

And I'm not going to say "sorry if you're offended". Currently I'm not. If you want civility, you have to BE civil.

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Originally Posted by Ar_Kain View Post
It would be very easy to increase the number of players;

Match the subscription rate of WoW.

That simple.
I dunno if Paragon wants to give away that many accounts to the gold sellers.

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For those who actually USE social networking sites like MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, etc, yes... those might be useful venues to use, so long as it's not consider spamming or harassment. After all, we don't want CoH to be seen with the same stigma as, say, 'a certain another annoying game with the most misleading ads on the planet.'

(Though as a side note, THAT was marketing - and they even ADMITTED it!)

I do think a LOT of the playerbase probably has told their family and friends about it, and many of them may have tried it already. If it's not their thing, it's not their thing... though I'd certainly suggest trying again once GR goes live with its graphics upgrade, as that might impress people.

But ways to get folks into the game, or spread the word?

1) If you've got a website, put a CoH banner on it - if you don't like the ones in the fankits, design your own, and make them available for other players.

2) Links in your MySpace, Facebook, etc pages.

3) Occasionally mention it in Twitter - if you're on Raptor or whatever, then you can set it to automatically add whenever you play such-and-such game. (Note - CO has the feature that 'so-and-so just beat such-and-such level or such-and-such baddie', and those were so repetitive and fastcoming that people starting blocking friends because of the annoyance factor... so don't take it too far.)

4) Hit your local gaming stores and mention to the owners that "hey, GOING ROGUE is going live hopefully by June - would you mind if a couple of us brought in our computers and gave a demo?"

5) Design your own ads and put them up on YouTube. And they don't have to be flashy CGI (although if you can do ads like the CITY OF VILLAINS ad and the Korean COH ad, please do it!), they can be live-action a la Captain Dynamic.

6) Do you actually know anyone famous? Think you can con them into doing an ad? Case in point... Vic Mignona did a hilarious ad for Wow - because his fans asked him to do it. Does he play? No idea. But it got the word out. Hey, you never know...

7) Design your own t-shirts and hit the 'con circuit. Phoenix Comicon will be here in May, and hubby, me, and as many of our friends as can make it will be there in CoH gear and wandering as a group to promote the game. Network, network, network.

8) Local meet-and-greets - we had one recently here in Arizona at Howie's, one of those places where you can rent computer rigs for massive LAN parties. The organizers contacted the mods and we got posters, mini-figures, etc, and with 20 or more of us yelling as we ran through TFs and SFs and the like, we were an event unto ourselves. I lost track of how many people came over to ask, "What are you guys playing? That's CoH? Tell me more."


And no, I'm not a marketing student. I don't even play one on TV.


EDIT: Also just found this absolutely fascinating article on Games Marketing. Check it out, plus the related articles at the bottom.


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Originally Posted by Dr_HR View Post
Devs do SOMETHING more yer.
The devs aren't the ones in charge of marketing and advertisment.

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Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
And any ****** who thinks chasing people away from the game is a good idea is an idiot.
Never mind that infantile behavior like this chases people away too.

Pot: Hey Kettle. Black? Much?

What does bother me is how much you people only care about what you think is good.
Are you really any different?

Sit back, take a chill pill, slurp a Coke and look at it objectively for a minute.
(Yeah, asking a lot.)
Can you REALLY say the behavior you're exhibiting here is in any way, shape or form different than what you're accusing people of?

You all should have come in here and got behind the idea because it is FREE ADVERTSING for this game.
If the person is being compensated for their advertising, it is not (by definition) free.

Couldn't have said it better myself!

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I've got an idea to increase subscription numbers. Fist we advertise on Penny Arcade. Then we get a CoH twitter and maybe Facebook page. Then we release a new expansion tog et shelf spots!



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
After all, we don't want CoH to be seen with the same stigma as, say, 'a certain another annoying game with the most misleading ads on the planet.'
Play now...milady?

4) Hit your local gaming stores and mention to the owners that "hey, GOING ROGUE is going live hopefully by June - would you mind if a couple of us brought in our computers and gave a demo?"
This actually isn't a bad idea. The local chain out here is somewhat amenable to stuff like this.

8) Local meet-and-greets - we had one recently here in Arizona at Howie's, one of those places where you can rent computer rigs for massive LAN parties. The organizers contacted the mods and we got posters, mini-figures, etc, and with 20 or more of us yelling as we ran through TFs and SFs and the like, we were an event unto ourselves. I lost track of how many people came over to ask, "What are you guys playing? That's CoH? Tell me more."
I wish there were more places like this here. Unfortunately the "internet cafe" kinda died a slow, horrible death in this area once broadband became more ubiquitous. Even the regularly scheduled LAN party scene ain't much to scream about anymore.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by MageX View Post
What makes you think everyone out there would love playing a game with super heroes? Its been around for 6 years, my guess is that who really wanted to play a super herro mmorpg that takes place in paragon already subscribed.

I love the idea of being my own superhero, however i only heard of this game via word of mouth by somebody i worked with and even then i only bought the game because while browsing through some in local game store i came across it and remembered what he said.

Personally i think it'ld be a great idea to have a link of somesort on the network giant that is facebook that'll give out free trials.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by MageX View Post
What makes you think everyone out there would love playing a game with super heroes? Its been around for 6 years, my guess is that who really wanted to play a super herro mmorpg that takes place in paragon already subscribed.
You'd be surprised. I only decided to try the game out back in late 2008, and wound up getting hooked.

Granted, that's more than a year ago, buuuut ...



Originally Posted by MageX

What makes you think everyone out there would love playing a game with super heroes? Its been around for 6 years, my guess is that who really wanted to play a super herro mmorpg that takes place in paragon already subscribed.
I would assert that City of Heroes/Villains provides the flexibility to roleplay a superhero, a vampire, a warrior, a mage, a wizard, a monster... I could go on. There is so much in the powersets and in the costume creator to be anything you want.

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



Originally Posted by Psylenz View Post
Originally Posted by MageX

I would assert that City of Heroes/Villains provides the flexibility to roleplay a superhero, a vampire, a warrior, a mage, a wizard, a monster... I could go on. There is so much in the powersets and in the costume creator to be anything you want.
Plus, as the Midnighter Club has shown, there are huge possibilities for zones outside the current city and time.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I'd just like to see the game get some physical shelf space in stores.
I've been keeping an eye out since the GvE box hit stores and noticed that we don't get that much physical representation in stores.
I'm hardpressed to find the actual Architect Edition box in my area anywhere, yet I can always find stacks of AION, WoW or CO.

Having little Billy Gamer Jr. cruising the aisles of say, WalMart or Fred Meyer and picking through the games section, let's give him something to compare against those other MMO's.



I am all in favor of drawing new, long-term subscribers to the game. I am also painfully aware that marketing has done a horrible job of advertising this game. As others have pointed out, word-of-mouth just doesn't cut it.

I can see the effects of a slowly declining membership in Atlas Park alone. I used to like to hang out there with my 50s and pass out influence to characters with no 3-month vet badge if I thought their characters were well-designed and had great bios. Lately, it's really hard to find a character with less than 18 months worth of vet badges. That speaks volumes.

Now, the question remains: What to do about it. If marketing can't be bothered, a grass-roots effort may, in fact, be called for. Some think that Facebook is a great venue, and I don't altogether disagree with that. But we've also seen other sites rise to the occasion to provide valuable services to the COX community (BadgeHunter, COHTitan, and so on).

I propose that we might consider a grass-roots advertising campaign using subscriber-created posters and videos. I, myself, would be willing to provide the website for it (though you'll have to put up with my hokey domain name), as long as others would be willing to provide the content. I'm not all that great with graphics-editing software, and I don't know squat about video composition.

But imagine what we could do if we had a link we could share with folks on our Facebook or Twitter accounts (if we so chose) that took potential new subscribers to a custom page that contained TONS of advertisements for the game. Posters, video trailers, screenshots, tutorials, testimonials from long-term subscribers. We could potentially build a far-better advertising movement than Paragon/NCSoft has. All it would take is some interest and commitment.

Start small, and build from there. I know we have some very talented people in this community. If the Marketing Department won't do it, maybe it's time we jumped in and did something about it. We shouldn't have to, that's true; but we want to see this game be successful every bit as much (if not moreso) than the Devs and the rest of NCSoft.



Originally Posted by TyrantMikey View Post
I am all in favor of drawing new, long-term subscribers to the game. I am also painfully aware that marketing has done a horrible job of advertising this game. As others have pointed out, word-of-mouth just doesn't cut it.

I can see the effects of a slowly declining membership in Atlas Park alone. I used to like to hang out there with my 50s and pass out influence to characters with no 3-month vet badge if I thought their characters were well-designed and had great bios. Lately, it's really hard to find a character with less than 18 months worth of vet badges. That speaks volumes.

Now, the question remains: What to do about it. If marketing can't be bothered, a grass-roots effort may, in fact, be called for. Some think that Facebook is a great venue, and I don't altogether disagree with that. But we've also seen other sites rise to the occasion to provide valuable services to the COX community (BadgeHunter, COHTitan, and so on).

I propose that we might consider a grass-roots advertising campaign using subscriber-created posters and videos. I, myself, would be willing to provide the website for it (though you'll have to put up with my hokey domain name), as long as others would be willing to provide the content. I'm not all that great with graphics-editing software, and I don't know squat about video composition.

But imagine what we could do if we had a link we could share with folks on our Facebook or Twitter accounts (if we so chose) that took potential new subscribers to a custom page that contained TONS of advertisements for the game. Posters, video trailers, screenshots, tutorials, testimonials from long-term subscribers. We could potentially build a far-better advertising movement than Paragon/NCSoft has. All it would take is some interest and commitment.

Start small, and build from there. I know we have some very talented people in this community. If the Marketing Department won't do it, maybe it's time we jumped in and did something about it. We shouldn't have to, that's true; but we want to see this game be successful every bit as much (if not moreso) than the Devs and the rest of NCSoft.
Did someone a long while back propose printing out Arachnos and Longbow recruitment posters and doing our own viral (did I use that right) ad campaign?



Yes, "viral" is the word you want. I haven't seen that idea mentioned before, but with so much stuff on the forums, it may have gotten lost in the shuffle (or erased during the forum transition).

Variants of the idea would be:

Arachnos recruitment posters (especially following Recluse's speech)
Arachnos REBELLION posters (villains who don't give a damn about Arachnos and have every intention of sweeping Recluse from the map so THEY can be in charge)
Longbow/Freedom Corps recruitment posters (a call to arms by Statesman and Ms Liberty)
FBSA recruitment posters (specializing in the 5 branches)
Vanguard recruitment posters (for heroes and villains - Earth for humans, defeat the Rikti, etc)


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
Did someone a long while back propose printing out Arachnos and Longbow recruitment posters and doing our own viral (did I use that right) ad campaign?
I'm not sure. But it doesn't sound like a bad idea to me. I mean, what could it hurt, right?

But I think about the videos that we've seen from Samuriko and others, and I think we could put together some truly exceptional videos and posters that promoted things like combat, AE, Wentworths, Flashbacks, the Super Sidekicking system, the Debt System, Taskforces, Travel Powers, the Archetypes, and all the other cool things we have going for us.

Edit: And let's not forget the Rikti Invasions, Zombi Apocalypses, and holiday events!



Reading this thread is sort of sad. As small as this community is, it is sad to see you folks fight and hurl insults. All that aside, I would like to contribute to this thread.

When this game was first released I couldn't stop playing it. My friends from other games joined me and we played for a while together. Back then the only thing to do in the end-game was fight a big transparent blob thingie and herd wolf NPCs in missions to power-level our low level characters. I regret that the most. The whole fun of this game IS the leveling up and the experiences you get while doing it. Friends starting dropping off here and there for various reasons, although the scariest one was some of the changes didn't sit well with them (some nerfs I guess). Maybe some of them thought it would be another DAOC or EQ. Others left to play that monster we know as World of War-crack (errr craft). I continued to play until I wasn't having fun anymore.

I went to other games, mainly WoW, because that is where my friends were. I hated that cartoonish POS since the moment I played it, but I could NOT convince my friends to play anything else. These were people I played with for years and years, since the days of Ultima Online. I've given up on even trying to convince them. Warhammer came out, I tried it. They didn't. Age of Conan - same story. Champions Online - same.

Where am I now? I didn't have many choices to be honest. No other game has been as fun as CoH was for me when I played it. No one I knew was playing it anymore so I was hesitant to play it again. To be honest, I hate to play alone. So I'm back. I brought my son with me too. We will play until we get bored again or something else grabs our attention.

The thing is, many MMO players are just not going to make the switch from The Evil Empire (aka WoW). They are so sucked into the lemming pit it is, and what they can "get" next, that they won't even think of abandoning their hard work (I thought games were supposed to be fun) for something else, especially an old game like CoH.

Your best chance to get new players is from people who are "new" players. This Facebook idea is a good one. I know some of you don't agree and might even be prissy about the types of players it may attract, but I think this game has a LOT to offer fans of super-hero games or even movie fans looking for a new experience after watching a good super-hero movie. It seems that the people running this game have somewhat of an idea of where to get these customers. They certainly won't get them advertising on Fileplanet or other gaming web sites. People there are either disenchanted with all MMOs or are hooked on World of Suckfest, or they are like us, willing to play their favorite MMO even with less people playing it.

It is sad that some of you don't care to see the population grow and like it how it is. In order for new content to be released or anything new, they have to make some profit on the game. The status-quo isn't going to do it. They will only do this until they have something else for these developers to work on. Suits don't care about customers - they care about the bottom line, and if you think they do you are greatly mistaken - especially in a country where they are willing to send all our jobs overseas just to make the mighty dollar line their greedy little pockets.

So anyhow, you have two "sort of" new folks coming back to play this game. I'll do my best to drag others back! I don't expect much though. Haven't you seen the advertisements of the new WoW expansion? They have an army of developers to throw at another grind-fest for their customers and by the sound of my old friends who play that nightmare, their eyes are already lit up and their money is already waiting to be spent.



Originally Posted by ColdSun View Post
Reading this thread is sort of sad. As small as this community is, it is sad to see you folks fight and hurl insults.
The make up sex is out of this world though.



Show me that then.