Ways for us to get New Subscribers?

Aliana Blue



They should just put fully functional trial codes in cereal boxes.

Why yes Mr. Kellog, if you put this code in your box, we promote our game. On the other hand, thousands of cereal boxes will be bought by RMT Spammers to get the codes, we'll ban them within a day or two, at which point they'll go back and buy some more. I do believe we have a win/win deal right here.

Players' Choice Awards: Best Dual-Origin Level Range Arc!

It's a new era, the era of the Mission Architect. Can you save the Universe from...

The Invasion of the Bikini-clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space? - Arc ID 61013



Originally Posted by Aliana Blue View Post
They should just put fully functional trial codes in cereal boxes.

Why yes Mr. Kellog, if you put this code in your box, we promote our game. On the other hand, thousands of cereal boxes will be bought by RMT Spammers to get the codes, we'll ban them within a day or two, at which point they'll go back and buy some more. I do believe we have a win/win deal right here.
Oh man can we please find ways to exploit RMTers for lulz and profit?



Originally Posted by ColdSun View Post
Reading this thread is sort of sad. As small as this community is, it is sad to see you folks fight and hurl insults.
This is just what happens with P_P posts something. You get used to it...



Originally Posted by Aliana Blue View Post
They should just put fully functional trial codes in cereal boxes.

Why yes Mr. Kellog, if you put this code in your box, we promote our game. On the other hand, thousands of cereal boxes will be bought by RMT Spammers to get the codes, we'll ban them within a day or two, at which point they'll go back and buy some more. I do believe we have a win/win deal right here.
I would totally support this were it not a horrible waste of food when too many other people in the world are starving. I have visions of that scene near the start of WILLY WONKA AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY where the girls are 'shelling chocolate bars' to find the Golden Ticket, and discarded TONS AND TONS of chocolate.

Although the idea of RMTers being poured into fudge, blown up as blueberries, dropped down garbage chutes into furnaces, and miniaturized via WonkaVision does have a certain appeal...


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by Frost View Post
This is just what happens with P_P posts something. You get used to it...
I just think it shows the class of people who post here.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I just think it shows the class of people who post here.
Would you mind using flame abilities with a smaller AoE? You also might want to slot for damage.



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
I would totally support this were it not a horrible waste of food when too many other people in the world are starving.
Calling the average breakfast cereal "food" is a bit of a stretch tho...

Players' Choice Awards: Best Dual-Origin Level Range Arc!

It's a new era, the era of the Mission Architect. Can you save the Universe from...

The Invasion of the Bikini-clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space? - Arc ID 61013



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I just think it shows the class of people who post here.
*blinks rapidly*

You have over 10,100 posts... don't YOU post here?



Hate to get off the flaming subject and back on the OP, but I have gotten quite a few people to at least try the game, and most have joined. I have yet to get the refer-a-friend bonus though. I'm not sure what hoop I'm not passing through but even when it says "retail activated" I don't get the extra time on my account.

Not that it matters much. Having another friend to play with is reward enough but... it's a bit disappointing to get promised something and never get it... ya know?



For that, G_A, I'd suggest dropping a line to customer support to make sure the credit got applied. Provide your login name, your friend's login name, his join date, your join date, and if you got any kind of confirmation email when s/he signed up, include that.

It may just be that it got lost in the shuffle.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



I think it is pretty likely he hasn't paid for a month above and beyond his free month from the initial game I purchased for him (we got tired of the Trial restrictions). He just keeps buying cheap copies of COH he finds around Dallas and applying those... and now his 2 month Referral has expired.

It's just too bad that it has to be a credit card payment within 2 months to get the credit if that's the reason. Plus I'm lazy and don't care enough to pursue it, but I can believe that would be a real turn-off for someone trying to use the system for the reward.



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post

7) Design your own t-shirts and hit the 'con circuit. Phoenix Comicon will be here in May, and hubby, me, and as many of our friends as can make it will be there in CoH gear and wandering as a group to promote the game. Network, network, network.
Holy crap! I didn't know that came here. I think I might hit Atomic this weekend too. I am so taking the wife and kids there. The kids wanna see the "real Hulk" too.

Badging in a PvP zone?

If you are treasure hunting on a battlefield wearing an enemy uniform, there is a high probability that you will be attacked.

This is an enjoy-the-ride game. "50" is only a number, not the goal of the game. - Noxilicious



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I just think it shows the class of people who post here.
Then you must be leading the pack on that then.



Good grief!

Shouldn't Marketing be doing this stuff? Shouldn't they be the ones hurting their heads over how to get word of this game out to the masses?

I'm really curious to see how much effort is put into showcasing GR when more info finally comes out about it.

I mean really...do we forum posters need to rack our brains to come up with a way to sell this game? Do we really need new and convoluted ways to advertise?

Every webcomic site and gaming site/forum on the web has EVE Online ads on them. I left that game 2 years ago and I still couldn't forget about it if I wanted to. I go to Bluesnews, it's there. I go to Looking for Group, it's there. I go to Penny Arcade, it's there. I go to Firingsquad, it's there. I can't remember the last time or place I saw a COX banner ad on any website. And if I have to strain my brain to recall something like that, then it's a pretty fair indication of how much effort marketing makes on this game's behalf.

I'm tired of seeing these little posts pop up all the time from people trying to do the job that a multi-million dollar MMO software company doesn't seem to be interested in. If they truly don't want to increase the subscriber base for this game, then I'm in no way going to attempt to do it for them beyond the usual telling my friends and people I know who might like the game.

This is bordering on pathetic.



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
Good grief!

Shouldn't Marketing be doing this stuff? Shouldn't they be the ones hurting their heads over how to get word of this game out to the masses?
Yes, they should - but they're not. And as pathetic as may be, I don't want MY game shut down because of them not doing their jobs. I happen to like this game. So if that means I yell and cheer and promote the game any which way I can so I can keep playing it, then I do.

I respect your right to NOT promote it - but for those who want the game to keep going, then I would ask them to step up and help.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
Good grief!

Shouldn't Marketing be doing this stuff? Shouldn't they be the ones hurting their heads over how to get word of this game out to the masses?

I'm really curious to see how much effort is put into showcasing GR when more info finally comes out about it.

I mean really...do we forum posters need to rack our brains to come up with a way to sell this game? Do we really need new and convoluted ways to advertise?

Every webcomic site and gaming site/forum on the web has EVE Online ads on them. I left that game 2 years ago and I still couldn't forget about it if I wanted to. I go to Bluesnews, it's there. I go to Looking for Group, it's there. I go to Penny Arcade, it's there. I go to Firingsquad, it's there. I can't remember the last time or place I saw a COX banner ad on any website. And if I have to strain my brain to recall something like that, then it's a pretty fair indication of how much effort marketing makes on this game's behalf.

I'm tired of seeing these little posts pop up all the time from people trying to do the job that a multi-million dollar MMO software company doesn't seem to be interested in. If they truly don't want to increase the subscriber base for this game, then I'm in no way going to attempt to do it for them beyond the usual telling my friends and people I know who might like the game.

This is bordering on pathetic.
I posted this before Christmas someone necro'd it... and as you can see...
I made a suggestion, and I guess. Suggesting NEW ways to get people to try are game is against the FORUMITE code... and therefor the idea should be bashed to Hell.




This is mostly speculation, so take it for what it's worth.

As far as I know, Paragon Studios doesn't do marketing. NCsoft does. All of the marketing goobs are out of corporate, not affiliated or related with the developers or community reps in any way. If you want to send a letter to the people responsible for marketing City of Heroes, you'd be addressing it to Austin, Texas, not Mountain View, California.

Here's the kicker, though. Theory o' Tony is that those people who are responsible for marketing City of Heroes are the very same people responsible for marketing Guild Wars, Lineage, Lineage II, and Aion. The last in that list is the spoiler of the group. It's the big shiny new kid that the company is putting a lot of emphasis on getting out there into people's grubby little hands. City of Heroes? It's over five years old. It's not supposed to be raking in profits. Money spent marketing it is money that could be better spent marketing Aion, right? At least, I think that's what's going through marketing's head.

Of course, my personal problem with that is that you need both. Aion gets a lot of free marketing by virtue of the fact that it's new. Magazines are reviewing it, it's prominently displayed on store shelves, it's showing up in retail advertisements, etc. It really wouldn't hurt them to divert a few bucks here and there from the Aion budget towards the City of Heroes budget.

After all, Aion is also an unproven game. Look at what happened to Auto Assault. Or Tabula Rasa. I'm not suggesting that in a couple of years Aion will be gone, but what we do know for sure is that City of Heroes is a proven winner. Money spent on it is not wasted, as it's a pretty safe bet than in five more years, it will still be around. So go ahead, NCsoft, spend money on marketing Aion. I really do understand wanting to show really big numbers for its launch. But please, don't forget your old reliables. After the flash and new game smell wears off of Aion, you really want City of Heroes to still be there and going strong for you!

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
After all, Aion is also an unproven game.

Character index



I think it would be funny if a (bunny girl avatared) marketing rep showed up on the forums explaining how they can't do more advertising because of the budget they are allowed so we can play more blame shiftaroo.



How to get new subscribers? Make more Bootleg Edition discs...

...and give a bunch of them to us so that we can pass them out. That'll do a lot, I think. Physical media, especially for "free" is a powerful thing. Much more powerful than just a digital code sent out via e-mail.



Westley's post is pure win. I really like the "Bootleg Edition" idea. Especially if it promoted the villain side LOL

And I heartily approve of your signature pic too Westley





Now that's what I'm talkin' about!



Shouldn't we be removing the Cryptic logos from those, though?

Or is Cryptic still, in some Satan-inspired way, still affiliated with the product?

/em runs off to check the website



Here's my idea for a new promo vid.

The music is Spybreak! by the Propellerheads. Those of you not familiar with the title will recognize it immediately if you've ever seen the Matrix. It's the music playing when Neo assaults the Federal Building. You can hear it here.

Since the piece starts with "Make him look bad!" I'd start it with a sped-up tour of the costume creator. Design a wicked-looking toon, and then run him through the city at high speed. All through the full four minutes of Spybreak, show this character whooping butt on heroes/villains as you see fit in as many different environments as possible. The idea is to emphasize the speed of both solo and team play.

Spybreak is a fast-moving piece of music, and it *really* suits the pace of combat in this game. I think it would make an awesome promo vid.

But that's just my opinion.

EDIT: I really need to learn how to do this video editing stuff.