How would you make a vampire?




Originally Posted by NarfMann View Post
How is killing someone by poking them to death more elegant than cleaving their skull in twain with all the force of a mighty tsunami, washing away life in a wave of crimson mist?
A sword is a noble weapon, that's how. Tsunamis are generally not considered to be noble weapons. You don't have to believe me, or even agree with me, but this notion exists and has existed in fiction for some time. I'm somewhat dubious it exists in real life, where concepts of nobility aren't really as respected or upheld, but in fiction, that's generally true. If there's some kind of holy weapon or long-lost powerful magical weapon, it will almost always be a sword. Holy Hand Grenade aside, you don't often something like a pike or a mace take up the "most powerful" spot very often.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.




What I see as a vampire is a creature of darkness that feeds on people... Thats the basic concept...


Dark Melee is the powerset for it... play with the colors and make the effects on the draining attacks resemble blood, while trying to minimize the effects on the other attacks.

As they are stealthy, i suggest Dark Armor. But dont take the Fire Resistant power (one of the classical vampire vulnerabilities). The stealth power could be mist-colored, to appease the traditional vampiric image.


Fitness. Vampires are always sold as resilient and tireless, so its a first pick.

For movement, there is a few approaches:

1) Classical Bat Vampire. Take Flight and place some Demon Wings.
2) Mystical Vampire. For the elusive There-Not There bloodsucker, use Teleportation.
3) Eastern Vampire. Those pesky and bouncy Vamps could only use Superjump.
4) Modern Vampire. As enhanced and agile beings, superspeed mirrors the superior movement and reaction power.

I would make a mix... Superspeed+Combat Jumping covering a very modern approach of enhanced muscles and skills...

Or just use Ninja Run...

** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.



I should probably clarify one thing: I'm looking for an aristocrat FIRST, vampire SECOND. Just approximating a vampire isn't really enough for me, as stripped of their humanity, Vampires are basically just monsters, which is a type of character I REALLY don't like. As such, I want a vampire, as that brings the cool, but I can't sacrifice the nobleman, as that brings in the human element, which is what ultimately makes the vampire interesting.

Dracula, for instance, wouldn't be nearly as interesting if he operated like a slasher. Which is why, with all due respect, Castlevania's Dracula is so unappealing as a concept. He's about as subtle as a brick to the head, indeed. Part of what makes Alucard much more interesting is that Alucard retains much of his humanity for the most part, and even faces several actual moral dilemmas along the way. He's a vampire, true, and he can teleport, fly, transform, cast spells, heal and so on. But at the end of the day, he still looks, sounds and acts like a nobleman.

I keep seeing Dark Melee, and I actually see that every time the topic comes up. The Vampyri use it, as well, which is an even stronger argument. And it fits, true. But while it fits with the mythos, it doesn't have the kind of visual appeal I'm after.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Well... if you want to think aristocrat.... Nothing beats a nice and regal-looking Broadsword.

** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.



I know many vampire toons, and they're all pretty varied in powersets.

But one that I think was interesting was the Thugs/Dark MM that's serving as a villain in my VG's RP Plot.

The idea is that he's trying to raise an army of Ghouls and Blood Bonded Vampires, so Thugs just fit with the whole "Modern Vampire" thing.



Just to throw in a different spin, and since your looking for a badass, up close and personal fighting vamp, you might try an Axe or Warmace / DA Brute. I'm currently reading the Sookie Stackhouse / True Blood from HBO series of books and one of the main vampires is a thousand year old viking vampire named Erik. And Warmace, there are alot of neat maces to chose from, maybe go with a bone or shovel. Just a thought.



Two things Sam either wait till BS comes over to villain side then make a BS/DA brute or make a BS/DA scrapper then have him go rogue once GR comes out.



As a bit of a departure from the topic: Holy carp! DM/WP is a freakin' great combination for a brute! (at least at low levels)

Carry on!



For the kickass fighter I think Martial Arts would be pretty good



I made a vampire blueside and he was a dark/Regen scrapper. Plenty of ways people can go with it IMO.

Learn modesty, if you desire knowledge. A highland would never be irrigated by river." (Kanz ol-Haghayegh)



Originally Posted by Whisky_Jack View Post
Just to throw in a different spin, and since your looking for a badass, up close and personal fighting vamp, you might try an Axe or Warmace / DA Brute. I'm currently reading the Sookie Stackhouse / True Blood from HBO series of books and one of the main vampires is a thousand year old viking vampire named Erik. And Warmace, there are alot of neat maces to chose from, maybe go with a bone or shovel. Just a thought.
I actually thought about that. Mace I'm not too keen on, as I've tried it and... Let's just say "it could be better." Battle Axe is one of my favourites, but with the kind of COST it comes with, compounded on top of Dark Armour... Ugh! It sounds like another Stone/Stone, and I don't think I could handle that. Not a bad idea otherwise.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by The_Larker View Post
Two things Sam either wait till BS comes over to villain side then make a BS/DA brute or make a BS/DA scrapper then have him go rogue once GR comes out.
Both of these options require a lot of waiting, and if I sit on this too long, it'll lose its appeal. I might just do that, mind you, I'm not saying no, but... I have Broadswords coming out my nose at this point. I'm not sure I could get excited about one again, and Dual Blades is something I've barely played (have one to 40 and that's it), so it's alluring. But then... Broadsword is also kind of regal. So I don't know.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Wait for Dual pistols. Or try Dual blades. The spins and pirouttes wont look so OTT on a being that can move like greased lightning. DP might not have the staying power a scrapper, sadly, but... yeah.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Wait for Dual pistols. Or try Dual blades. The spins and pirouttes wont look so OTT on a being that can move like greased lightning. DP might not have the staying power a scrapper, sadly, but... yeah.
Hellsing's Alucard is impossible to replicate in City of Heroes, plain and simple. Even ignoring his hell hounds and other weird crap when he opens all of his seals, he's still a fighter who has guns for absolutely no reason other than because he's holding back. From what I've seen, he's completely immortal, practically invincible and virtually unhurtable. Even if we could get that kind of staying power on a character in City of Heroes, that would come at the cost of a severe limitation on practical offence and effective range. Because Alucard is essentially running constant God Mode, he gets to be a tank-mage of varying degrees of overpowerdness, meaning he's not subject to balance. We are.

Incidentally, Alucard is a perfect example as to why tank-mages in their extremes are a bad idea. He's boring. He never loses, never really takes any meaningful damage, and all he has to do to win is do that toothy grin, release a seal or two and basically pwn whoever he's fighting. It was fun once, funny twice, repetitive three times and not worth watching from then on. He started out as a cool character, but simply grew into little more than a bully.

So, yeah... All that is to say, in a roundabout way, that while I'd love to wait for Dual Pistols and use that, I really don't think there's any way that could work. Not with our AT balance. I can't replicate the one most famous vampire who uses dual pistols, and I can't really replicate what I'm after besides, so even though I LIKE the idea, it's just not doable from a practical standpoint.

I do like your outlook on Dual Blades, though. Originally I wanted to go with Broadsword, but there's one aspect of the set which normally works for it - its brutality. Broadsword shares a family with War Mace, so all of its animations are vicious bashes that look really cool with a sword, but also lend themselves to unrefined strength a lot more so than they lend themselves to skill. All of my Broadsword Scrappers are power fighters, which fits them well, but this Vampire might do with something a little less "Urk!" That, and Broadsword, to my eyes at least, really only works with large weapons due to how the animations are made. I've tried playing with small swords, and it just feels iffy. A truly sizeable, long sword is the only way for me, and that goes a bit too much into camp and too much into Devil May Cry. That, and I'm running out of large swords to use. I guess I could use the Rularuu Sword at some point, but to be honest, I don't like the Broadsword option. The blade slab is too thin.

Dual Blades, on the other hand, don't need to be large, and in fact look actually kind of silly if I go with the largest options, like the dual Impervium Katanas. I wouldn't quite go with "small," as things like daggers just look silly, but the Valkyrie swords are actually perfect for this opportunity. They extravagant, they're ornate, they're unusual... And they're shiny One of the reasons I haven't made more Dual Blades characters is I lack any Dual Blades options that are truly to my taste. Since we don't get the Roman swords in there, I've had to make do, and that really saps the fun out of it. But this time, I think I can stick with these.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post

Dark is a serious contender in part because it has a copy of Alucard's Soul Drain AND it has a bunch of debilitating clouds. It even has Cloak of Fear, which I've never, EVER been able to justify taking, but that might work as mind control in and of itself. Most importantly, it has one of the most impressive self-resurrect powers in the game, and to me that counts a lot. One of the key aspects of vampirism is that you can shoot them, you can cut them, you can crush them and you can essentially kill them as many times as you want. They won't die. True, Regen and Willpower do have their own self-resurrect powers, but they're uninspiring by comparison. Draining the life from the living and using that to return yourself to life is very much what seals the deal.
I did my vampire as a katana/dark scrapper and I have never regretted it.

The katana goes well with the Blade concept of a vampire and the dark armor has most of the other cool vampire powers, including assuming mist form.



Has anyone mentioned Claws yet? Yeah, I know, they're a bit too Wolverine-ish for the aristocratic vampire Sam's envisioning, just throwing all the ideas out there. My vampire was a Claws/Dark Scrapper, using Fly along with the cloak for the mist form. As much as I loved C:SotN, my main influences were BloodRayne and Vampire The Masquerade - Bloodlines.

Claws were not perfect, as the ones we have are all blaringly obviously NOT natural talons, but it didn't bother me much as the character wasn't really a fully-embraced vampire, long story, so I wrote it off as her being simply familiar with that fighting style although she lacked actual claws. However, when the Science pack allowed size changes, one of her "costumes" was a Gangrel-ish 8-foot Huge wolf-beast thing, and the claws on that model DID look more like talons, due to the clipping.

Sadly, as you'll probably note from all the past-tense usage, the character is no more. I don't like Dark Armor at all, sorry, not gonna slam it as I know it can be very good, but it doesn't work for me. I rolled up another Claws Scrapper, and now my sorta-vampire languishes as a name holder. (Never fear, I seriously doubt it's one you'd want.) I already have pretty much all the combinations mentioned so far tied up in other characters, or they're for Villains and she's a goodie, so she's waiting to see if GR brings any appropriate sets. If somebody digs /Dark though, Claws/Dark's not bad.

Hmm, perhaps the Flat Blade style claws? Not bad, but the Claws stance is what hurts the "elegant aristocrat" image.



Now Sam, remember you did ask how would we make a vampire. It's cool to focus on your own slant as well, but let's not lose sight that there's more than one way to skin a politician... er cat.

Yeah, Primal, I was going to point out the same things... The option of claws, even the flat blade variety (Could work well as a sophisticated set of blades cleverly set up on the forearms... or magical artifacts.... or represent something natural)... but then I was also going to point out that the claws stance just doesn't entirely work (Although, claws can indeed work for a vampire for someone... let's face it, there are a lot of working options).

For the frontline bad ****, I'd say Brute (Or Scrapper if one wanted to be on blueside for now)...
Katana/DA is great... DM/DA is great...

Anyways... I have a DM/DA Brute...
So, when I made a vampire (More from the 1921 Nosfaratu / Bram Stoker Dracula... maybe a tiny bit of Lost Boys... sort of)... I actually ended up making a Dark/Pain Corruptor.

Now, I'd never had a corruptor before. So, I'm not all that familiar with how each AT plays out. They seemed damaging and powerful enough to me at the time, at the low levels I've played them.

I play the character in a duo... two Dark/Pain Corruptors (nearly the same build on both... just a few individual choices).
We have a blast playing them. We feel pretty damn powerful when we do it (haven't pulled them out in a bit though, this is making me want to, hehe).

Clearly, most everything is represented with those powers.

I still think I could go with a Dark/Dark Brute or a Kat/Dark Brute (maybe claws) plus GW patron powers.

For my Vamp:
I took Hurdle and Health and Stamina (The hurdle instead of swift, simply because having that ability to naturally jump so much higher feels SOOO right).

I took Flight. I do have a demon-bat monster form, but they also fly in human form. Since getting the science booster, I may mess around with other options.

I took stealth, invis and phase shift (I think).
And we went for GW's Patron Powers.

Based on my DM/DA Brute... I really think Cloak Of Darkness works well.
The one thing about both the Dark/Pain Corruptor and the DM/DA Brute is that the feel of those powersets really work well for the feel I wanted and like as a vampire.
I get the feeling that would hold true with a Katana/DA as well (I was really close to choosing that myself).
Dark/Dark Brutes have a very strange and cool, messing-with-your-victim feel, that works quite sinisterly... and if I didn't already have one, I very likely would have chosen it for the Vamp.

And nothing feels so good as when I steal/drain the last bit of health out of an enemy with my corrupter vampire. It's like the feeding.

And we even use some of the Pain buffs only as a feeding frenzy state sort of thing.

I have a nice cape and top hat outfit.
However, I've found myself usually wearing the hooded cloak outfit.
I cant seem to just ignore the sun thing with vampires (Just doesn't feel right to me).

So, I always stay covered up with the hood in daylight... And with this game's crazy day/night cycle... It seems like the time out-of-the-hood and cloak, while outdoors, is very infrequent, hehe.

However... I distinctly recall dropping the hood while feeding on all the Carnies in St. Marshal in the dark... It felt sooooo very right somehow.

Pretty sure a Dominator version could work in there too.

It definitely depends on the aspect that the player wants to exemplify.

Now... Here's the real question...
What origin?

Natural - A Vampire's powers are a part of the nature of a Vampire. SImply... a Vampire's powers are natural for a Vampire.

Magic - A Vampire's power comes from a magical curse/pact. Possibly a curse from a god-like being, sent down upon a powerful mortal that defied that greater being so vehemently, the mortal gained both a curse and terribly great power.

Mutant - A Vampire's powers come from a mutation that passes from one to another, through the blood. Somewhat like a disease that mutates the formerly normal being and gives them super powers... Or is that Science?

Hehe... Honestly, the origins can be used and explained in so many different ways for many concepts (not just Vampires).

Sometimes I pick an origin based on what inherent power I'd want that character to have. Throwing knives seems right for some characters, regardless of the origin of their power.
Other times, I try to fit the guidelines the game provides for the origins and work with that.

What origin is your vampire?
Seems like they could be anything but tech (And, sure. someone could come up with justification for giving their Vampire a tech origin as well... but traditionally speaking... it seems like any but tech could work)

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Vampires have had so many, many powers associated with them it's really going to boil down to which ones you want to emphasise, and you could probably make a case for using any of the powersets. That said if I was going to make a vampire, I would go for:


To represent a nightstalker with an uncanny ability to prey on it's victims (hide), elude from it's captors (placate), and going for that oh so precious jugular (AS and increased crits %).

Dark Melee
It's got everything, from the signature Siphon Life, the mind control aspects in Touch of Fear, and the ability to summon unholy powers in Midnight Grasp.

I'm not sure why you are so hung up on thinking Dark Melee isn't 'badass' and is too refined, Slayer from the Guilty Gear series encompasses both aspects, all the while punching his opponents into a bloody mess.

Again, the fast regeneration another signature power, but also Dull Pain to represent a vampire's unnatural resiliency to attacks, Revive from when they come back from the 'dead', and MoG for when they seem unnaturally untouchable to their attackers.

You could also look at recolouring the click powers to give a red glow, to indicate a sudden blood rush.

Leviathan Mastery
Spirit Shark and the Jaws version can represent a vampire's control over animals, Water Spout for weather control, Summon Guardian for their tendency to have subservient lackeys, and Hibernation for when they rest and regenerate all of their damage near instantly.

I'm unsure if you are able to recolour Hibernate to make it more visually fitting, unless you're going for a pirate vampire.

Power Pools
Flight's obvious, and you've already mentioned the benifits of the TP pool as well.

Edit: I would also make a case for the Super Speed pool as well actually, Hasten and SS for their incredible speeds, and Whirlwind if you're crazy enough, to represent their ability to transform into an 'elemental' form.

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Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Now Sam, remember you did ask how would we make a vampire. It's cool to focus on your own slant as well, but let's not lose sight that there's more than one way to skin a politician... er cat.
Right, right. My bad. I got carried away explaining why my obsession with swords isn't silly


Mutant - A Vampire's powers come from a mutation that passes from one to another, through the blood. Somewhat like a disease that mutates the formerly normal being and gives them super powers... Or is that Science?
Mutation is typically a trait possessed since birth, as it is defined in-game. What you're describing is Science, and fits well with Blade's style of vampires as a disease.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Tangler View Post
I'm not sure why you are so hung up on thinking Dark Melee isn't 'badass' and is too refined, Slayer from the Guilty Gear series encompasses both aspects, all the while punching his opponents into a bloody mess.
I don't mean to say it's not badass, but it isn't as regal as it could be. If I'd gone with something like Dark Blast, then I could concede, but due to personal limitations, I can't really use characters with that powerset for this concept.

Slayer is a good example, though. However, and I say this with all the respect he deserves - he's scruffy. His suit us drawn as wrinkled in the close-up, he has that huge belt that makes it look like his pants are pulled up all the way to his checks and his jacket is unbuttoned. In essence, he's a MODERN vampire of sorts, and I've actually ripped him off already He's definitely a good concept, and I don't know why I keep forgetting about him. I guess his vampirism isn't very pronounced. Not like, say, Dimitri from Darkstalkers. Geez, talk about an OBVIOUS vampire

The reason I actually even bothered with this, though, is I kind of liked Alucard's pic in the dialogues, which showed him with a huge cape, several layers or ornate clothes and a giant blue scarf/handkerchief thing up his front. The look was a great hit with something like the old Victorian/Prussian aristocracy when they wore ornate, embroidered clothes with the big sleeves, poofy pants and... Well, something like this minus the dorky hat.

But, as you said, there re many ways to make or sell a vampire, and I shouldn't try to argue against other representations. For instance, the Dimitri I mentioned before is a very good example of the opposite scale of vampirism - constantly glowing monster with fangs Basically, all of his attacks have him morph into something horrible and scratch or slash at you. In a sense, his style of fighting is probably the best representation of a vampire fight I've seen anywhere, better than even Slayer, because he's so obvious and over-the-top. However, and I have to emphasise this, a large part of this is because he's actually using a lot of magical powers and relying less on direct claw attacks. Bats, teleporting, transformations, magic, etc. And with Darkstalkers crappy combo system, you just don't get to slash at things much, anyway.

Blade's vampires... I plain don't like. They're just thugs/soldiers, only with fangs and super strength. Deacon Frost manages to stand out on nothing more than the actor's ability to make a point, but the rest are just... Bland. This actually goes for Bloodlines, as well. Everyone talks about this game like it's the best thing since sliced bread, but I just couldn't stand it. Ghetto vampires combined with a crappy combat system and depressing settings just don't work for me. If I have to quote Vampire: The Masquerade games, I'd quote Redemption and leave it at that.

Again, the fast regeneration another signature power, but also Dull Pain to represent a vampire's unnatural resiliency to attacks, Revive from when they come back from the 'dead', and MoG for when they seem unnaturally untouchable to their attackers.

You could also look at recolouring the click powers to give a red glow, to indicate a sudden blood rush.
Hmm... Not a bad idea. But doesn't that sort of sidestep the issues of turning into mist, draining people of their life and quasi-mind-control? I don't actually know, honestly, as I can't really say one way or the other. On the one hand, Dark Armour seems the most appropriate. But on the other hand, it is a terrible set... Effective, maybe, but such a pain to play.

Leviathan Mastery
Spirit Shark and the Jaws version can represent a vampire's control over animals, Water Spout for weather control, Summon Guardian for their tendency to have subservient lackeys, and Hibernation for when they rest and regenerate all of their damage near instantly.

I'm unsure if you are able to recolour Hibernate to make it more visually fitting, unless you're going for a pirate vampire.[/quote]

Huh... Not a bad idea, actually. This might finally give me a reason to pick Fish Mastery on a character. It deviates slightly into Hellsing's weird crap category, and I'm not sure I'd be able to look past the "land sharks" problem (or Chum Spray), but that's definitely an interesting concept. Worth a look at the very least.

Power PoolsEdit: I would also make a case for the Super Speed pool as well actually, Hasten and SS for their incredible speeds, and Whirlwind if you're crazy enough, to represent their ability to transform into an 'elemental' form.
This is probably where gameplay takes precedence. I like the idea, but can you honestly justify taking more than one travel power? I mean, I've seen people do it, and I always question the point of that. If I'll have Teleport, say, why take Super Speed? Or, better yet, if I have Super Speed, why take Teleport? Purely practically speaking.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



(QR to OP)

Honestly? I wouldn't, unless it was for some kind of parody. Vampires are even more overdone than Wolverine, and that's no mean feat.



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
(QR to OP)

Honestly? I wouldn't, unless it was for some kind of parody. Vampires are even more overdone than Wolverine, and that's no mean feat.
Ya know what's really overdone in this game? . . . Super Heroes. Damn things are everywhere. Ya can't turn around without seeing some idjit running by in spandex and wearing his/her underwear outside his/her pants.



People saying stuff is overdone is overdone. Make what you want.



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
(QR to OP)

Honestly? I wouldn't, unless it was for some kind of parody. Vampires are even more overdone than Wolverine, and that's no mean feat.
I'm well aware vampires are overdone. Let's take a stroll down my list of characters and see what else I have that's overdone:

A dude in power armour
An incredibly human robot cyborg girl
An alien girl
A giant green woman
A necromancer
A giant robot
A fallen angel
A panda
A false messiah
A technomagic user
A sorcerer/demon
An immortal
Ghost armour
A bunny girl
A school girl
A "rule the world" villain

Suffice it to say that "overdone" is more or less what I do In fact, I prefer it. Overdone clichés are overdone because they are solid, decent concepts that everyone defaults to. There's nothing wrong with the concepts, themselves. The devil is in the detail, and I've always found that the best starting point for something interesting is actually something fairly cliché. It's part of the reason animé appeals to me so much - animé stories are unashamed copies of famous concepts, and almost always stick to something fairly simple, like "angels and demons" or "spirits" or "evil science" or some such, and they just go from there. In a lot of ways, trying to think up an overcomplicated, "different" basis is detrimental more often than not, as it's actually MORE difficult to take seriously than something generally overdone.

I'm not saying I disagree with you - vampires ARE overdone. But that's part of the reason I want to get into them. It's an interesting idea with a lot of potential that people tend to avoid these days, unless they have some grand, unbelievable spin on it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Kin/Dark/Psi Defender

This will play very Vampirish with all the health and stamina drains, plus you get Hypnosis.