Bring back rep comments!




Originally Posted by Blood Spectre View Post
Ok. Because there are totally so many people complaining about being frivolously reported for no good reason. Sounds to me like you're worried that you might be guilty of something, and are looking for a way out of getting reported, by suggesting that anyone notifying a moderator is wasting their time. I just calls em as I sees em.
I sign my comments with - Forbin.



I love how many internet tough guys we have.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
As a side note, I've never personally met someone that wasn't loyal enough to their immediate family to protect their mother, father, brother, and sister's good name.

Then again, I suppose there's a first time for everything.... Nice to meet you, Blood Spectre!
Personally, I don't really consider these things insulting, because they really don't know my parents or my siblings. Smack talk is smack talk, and nothing more. If someone accused my father of fraud, and went on to write articles about this, that's another issue (this did happen, by the way).

@Morac | Twitter
Trust the computer. The computer knows all.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I sign my comments with - Forbin.
Same here 9 times out of 10. Well obviously i dont sign it Forbin, because that would be crazy. I dont honest! Seriously what i do is i sign it -damz or -noob, ok just realised the noob signature MIGHT be taken wrong way but it is a signature of mine im confused

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I used to preface all reps with "Primal says:", but I've stopped giving reps at all now. Opting out of the game means not playing, period. If I have some praise or condemnation to hand out I can do it in the thread or via PM. Or just sig it, if it was really good.

Seriously, somebody say something awesome and profound so I can add it, give me an excuse to stop watching Boxxy.



Originally Posted by Primal View Post
I used to preface all reps with "Primal says:", but I've stopped giving reps at all now. Opting out of the game means not playing, period. If I have some praise or condemnation to hand out I can do it in the thread or via PM. Or just sig it, if it was really good.

Seriously, somebody say something awesome and profound so I can add it, give me an excuse to stop watching Boxxy. < < < < that 70s show AWESOME clip! Im still laughing now at it!

"A god i say!!!"

Or heres my christman carol nooby style.

*clears throat*

Im making a list
Im checking it twice
If your a noob then prepare to fight!
Nooooooob buster is coming to town
Nooooooob buster is coming to town
The noob buster is busting . . . .
in towwwnnn.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Dr_HR View Post
well this is what u get for people going over bored in bad repping.

i n all dont care really. its only a forum.
I think it's much more likely that significant amounts of mod time was wasted responding to complaints about Neg rep that weren't overboard/hateful/etc.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
So far, so good.

It's called "developing a reputation" in real life as well, in case you missed it.

Once you get one, people pretty much leave you alone, if they've got nothing constructive to say to you.

Some people have their mothers teach them "if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all."

Others.... Well, they have to learn the hard way.


As a side note, I've never personally met someone that wasn't loyal enough to their immediate family to protect their mother, father, brother, and sister's good name.

Then again, I suppose there's a first time for everything.... Nice to meet you, Blood Spectre!
Yes you are a towering momument of masculinity, fearsome and terrible, and no man would dare to speak ill of you or your kin! Better watch your step guys, Alien's in town.

Or, you know, maybe you're just full of it. Because I can tell you this from personal experience, cultivating a reputation as a man who responds to challenges with his fists doesn't keep fights away from you. It brings them on. Until eventually you fight somewhere public enough that the police catch up to you and haul your disruptive and unruly *** out of polite society for a couple of years. Meanwhile, the grown ups have learned to handle our pride without all the chest thumping and urine measuring. Well, less of it anyway.

Now, as for that last bit, let's just be clear as to what exact insult you are attempting to lob at me. Are you saying that my family doesn't have a good name? Or that I am too cowardly to defend it? Or are you suggesting instead that I don't love my family if I don't feel the need to punch people on their behalf?

Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I'm pissed that I can't see my COMPLAINTS. So what does that make me then?
Too good for your husband?

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by Blood Spectre View Post
Yes you are a towering momument of masculinity, fearsome and terrible, and no man would dare to speak ill of you or your kin! Better watch your step guys, Alien's in town.

Or, you know, maybe you're just full of it. Because I can tell you this from personal experience, cultivating a reputation as a man who responds to challenges with his fists doesn't keep fights away from you. It brings them on. Until eventually you fight somewhere public enough that the police catch up to you and haul your disruptive and unruly *** out of polite society for a couple of years. Meanwhile, the grown ups have learned to handle our pride without all the chest thumping and urine measuring. Well, less of it anyway.

Now, as for that last bit, let's just be clear as to what exact insult you are attempting to lob at me. Are you saying that my family doesn't have a good name? Or that I am too cowardly to defend it? Or are you suggesting instead that I don't love my family if I don't feel the need to punch people on their behalf?

Let's be honest Blood. There's a huge difference between looking for trouble and not backing down from it when it comes looking for you.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
So far, so good.

It's called "developing a reputation" in real life as well, in case you missed it.

Once you get one, people pretty much leave you alone, if they've got nothing constructive to say to you.

Some people have their mothers teach them "if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all."

Others.... Well, they have to learn the hard way.


As a side note, I've never personally met someone that wasn't loyal enough to their immediate family to protect their mother, father, brother, and sister's good name.

Then again, I suppose there's a first time for everything.... Nice to meet you, Blood Spectre!
My family always preffered reason over sensless fighting. I would certainitly prefer my children to listen to 'your dads a (&(^^_)' and walk off, than react the way the fools want. (and working in same school as my child, I'm sure they'll hear it too)

Hitting someone for words is stupid.

Reminds me of the road rage stupidties, where people feel they have a right to brutally bash people who are rude to them on road. People choosingto escalate with volience are often making a idiot choice.

I'm amazed you have never meet anyone who has been sensbile enough to ignore some unimportant nobody's opinion about family members they never have met.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by Blood Spectre View Post
If they had ever done their job of punishing the violations in the first place, it would have severely curtailed the abuses down to a managable level.

I think the few mods we have have more things to be looking at than to be reading everyone's rep comments. We did not have this petty "boast or blast" feature before, and I can't see *any* reason to have it now, other that as a mini game so people can see how many green or red ticks they can get.

My suggestion would be, if you think someone's comment is good, there's nothing wrong with posting in the thread. Same if you think their idea is a poor one. The kind of fungus that have posted some rep comments I've heard about can't stand the light of day, so they won't post in the open. Problem eliminated.

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Originally Posted by DarkEther View Post
I think the few mods we have have more things to be looking at than to be reading everyone's rep comments. We did not have this petty "boast or blast" feature before, and I can't see *any* reason to have it now, other that as a mini game so people can see how many green or red ticks they can get.
I've pointed out several things the rep system is good for.

and I don't understand how you would "boast" via anonymous comments?

The kind of fungus that have posted some rep comments I've heard about can't stand the light of day, so they won't post in the open. Problem eliminated.
I've heard about these people here, they EAT BABIES!
Ya I no, rlly!
Call the FBI!

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I've heard about these people here, they EAT BABIES!
Ya I no, rlly!
Call the FBI!

FBI? The Federation of Baby Ingestors? I don't think they are the ones to call here!



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
FBI? The Federation of Baby Ingestors? I don't think they are the ones to call here!
I thought FBI stood for Female Body Inspectors.



Originally Posted by DarkEther View Post
I think the few mods we have have more things to be looking at than to be reading everyone's rep comments. We did not have this petty "boast or blast" feature before, and I can't see *any* reason to have it now, other that as a mini game so people can see how many green or red ticks they can get.

My suggestion would be, if you think someone's comment is good, there's nothing wrong with posting in the thread. Same if you think their idea is a poor one. The kind of fungus that have posted some rep comments I've heard about can't stand the light of day, so they won't post in the open. Problem eliminated.
/this, many times over.

If you don't want to "gum up the thread" with a simple I agree, and can't think of something else to put with it (like why, for instance,) then PM the person.



Originally Posted by Blood Spectre View Post
Yes you are a towering momument of masculinity, fearsome and terrible, and no man would dare to speak ill of you or your kin! Better watch your step guys, Alien's in town.

Or, you know, maybe you're just full of it. Because I can tell you this from personal experience, cultivating a reputation as a man who responds to challenges with his fists doesn't keep fights away from you. It brings them on. Until eventually you fight somewhere public enough that the police catch up to you and haul your disruptive and unruly *** out of polite society for a couple of years. Meanwhile, the grown ups have learned to handle our pride without all the chest thumping and urine measuring. Well, less of it anyway.

Now, as for that last bit, let's just be clear as to what exact insult you are attempting to lob at me. Are you saying that my family doesn't have a good name? Or that I am too cowardly to defend it? Or are you suggesting instead that I don't love my family if I don't feel the need to punch people on their behalf?
While I realize that people such as yourself (with proof of the above quote) try to get rises out of people like me, it truly doesn't work. Really. If someone wants to measure their muscles or their urine next to mine, that's their perrogative. If their chest is an inch thicker than mine, that's cool too. If they want to brag about it, that's also their choice.

What I was referring to (in case you may have mis-read) is if or when someone is attacking your family or your reputation (in real life) in any way. Any "normal" or "sane" person would race to protect that which is important to them. It's human nature. If your family is important to you, then you will protect them and what they stand for. By doing so, you will be not only showing what YOU stand for, but what is important to you in life.

Understand? Or do I need to explain it further to you and the rest of the "grown ups?"


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
/this, many times over.

If you don't want to "gum up the thread" with a simple I agree, and can't think of something else to put with it (like why, for instance,) then PM the person.
PMs are quite a bit more 'formal' and less useful for conveying off the cuff opinions about individual posts than the rep system was.

The rep system did what it was designed for much better than any other forum system.

Being as these are their forums, they can certainly do whatever they like with it. And those of us who enjoyed the system and found it useful are entitled to complain about their choices.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



I would like the comments back to find out how I got to 3 bars. That was quite a surprise.



Yup, same direction as the last one.

No need for public violence these days. MMA schools are a dime a dozen, and most times are more than willing to let members duke it out. If that dosen't work, you can check several web pages (or PM me for a good one) where people regularly schedule travel time, and locations for perfectly legal "sparing" matches.

What I don't understand is the need to hide behind anonymity. Over the years I have had several occasions to disagree with other posters, and had no problems sending them PMs, or just openly disagreeing. Then again, my PMs tend to be somewhat reasonable. Why be shy? There are several people in this thread I disagree with, but at least they are in the open about being a jerk at times, so while I may dislike what they say, I still respect their willingness to say it in the open.

Types of Swords
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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
Yup, same direction as the last one.

No need for public violence these days. MMA schools are a dime a dozen, and most times are more than willing to let members duke it out. If that dosen't work, you can check several web pages (or PM me for a good one) where people regularly schedule travel time, and locations for perfectly legal "sparing" matches.

What I don't understand is the need to hide behind anonymity. Over the years I have had several occasions to disagree with other posters, and had no problems sending them PMs, or just openly disagreeing. Then again, my PMs tend to be somewhat reasonable. Why be shy? There are several people in this thread I disagree with, but at least they are in the open about being a jerk at times, so while I may dislike what they say, I still respect their willingness to say it in the open.
Do they sell tickets to the sparring matches to cover travel costs...cause that would be awesome.

Don't settle it in the parking lot! Settle it IN THE RING! Show your neighbor what you think of him in a one on one amature fight and have the crowd see him GO DOWN!



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
This thread is full of the same people, spouting the same arguments.

Old arguments are old.

The mods made a decision. Deal.
no u



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post

What I was referring to (in case you may have mis-read) is if or when someone is attacking your family or your reputation (in real life) in any way. Any "normal" or "sane" person would race to protect that which is important to them. It's human nature. If your family is important to you, then you will protect them and what they stand for. By doing so, you will be not only showing what YOU stand for, but what is important to you in life.

Understand? Or do I need to explain it further to you and the rest of the "grown ups?"

Wait. So you're saying it's not human nature for me to have someone insult my family and for my reaction to be 'Obviously this guy isn't worth my energy, friendship, or compassion' then procede to ignore the loudmouth? We are talking about verbal insults are we not? Reacting with fists against a verbal insult isn't brave or strong or tough. It's ignorant. And beneath my energy. The same can be said of my friends and family. Unless you're a Klingon I guess. That might explain it.

I think this may have been the point Blood Spectre has been trying to make.