Bring back rep comments!




Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Or paying attention to the comments that came immediately upon finding the system, asking for it to be turned off - as in, not just the first day, but the first few HOURS.

Or remembering the abuse of the PREVIOUS rating system, and not having it turned on in the first place.

It shouldn't have been here in the first place.

Want to comment, post in the thread or send a PM.

This sums it up well for me.

Also, this discussion went so well last time(Sarcasm), I am not seeing it going so well this time.

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How often do the powers that be reverse thier decisions?

I see the turning off of comments as a direction that will either stay as it is, or go further, by just turning off the little green/red/grey dots.

But we can discuss it (hopefully politely) and make requests as we see fit.



Want to comment, post in the thread or send a PM.
That's stupid. Threads wouldn't be worth reading if one post out of two was simply "I agree" or "you're wrong, idiot". That's the sort of thing rep is useful for (yes, even the latter, knowing people react bad to something I say is worth something to me).

It just seems to me the only reason anyone could want a completely optional system to be removed is because they're angry they get bad comments. If you care about e-rep so much that you can't turn it off and never look at comments, stop being a jerk and act nice.



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
That's stupid. Threads wouldn't be worth reading if one post out of two was simply "I agree" or "you're wrong, idiot".
So say why. That, by the way, is exactly why we've been told that's frowned on - "fluff" posts (/agree, /no, /jranger.) Oh, and yeah, adding the "idiot" to the end pushes it into "personal attack," technically.
That's the sort of thing rep is useful for (yes, even the latter, knowing people react bad to something I say is worth something to me).
Use the star system on the thread. You have another way to indicate "I've read the thread and approve/disapprove" if that's all you've got to say. Of course - you can always PM the person if you don't want to add comments to the thread, again.
It just seems to me the only reason anyone could want a completely optional system to be removed is because they're angry they get bad comments. If you care about e-rep so much that you can't turn it off and never look at comments, stop being a jerk and act nice.
Except, of course, that it has decided to be open after closing. And that people aren't just reacting to someone "being a jerk." And that others are being abusive and violating forum rules. (With the added "bonus" of being anonymous.) Assuming it's someone "being a jerk" and getting neg-repped in response - well, you know what they say about assuming.



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
That's stupid. Threads wouldn't be worth reading if one post out of two was simply "I agree" or "you're wrong, idiot". That's the sort of thing rep is useful for (yes, even the latter, knowing people react bad to something I say is worth something to me).

It just seems to me the only reason anyone could want a completely optional system to be removed is because they're angry they get bad comments. If you care about e-rep so much that you can't turn it off and never look at comments, stop being a jerk and act nice.
Forget it, you can't reason with these people. It doesn't matter to them how many people found it useful or enjoyable, all that matters to them is that they personally don't like it, so nobody else should be allowed to have it either.

Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!



I wonder what the chances are they looked at the people to be banned for comments and went "Ohhh...that's too many..."



Pshhhh. You wouldn't need to do it to all offenders. Just a handful of highly visable ones. You announce that personal attacks via reputation wont be tolerated, and then a few highly visable forum users vanish for a few weeks. People will get the message.

Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!



Originally Posted by Blood Spectre View Post
Pshhhh. You wouldn't need to do it to all offenders. Just a handful of highly visable ones. You announce that personal attacks via reputation wont be tolerated, and then a few highly visable forum users vanish for a few weeks. People will get the message.
Public ban list would be more effective ^_^.



I doubt the web/forum team have spare time to do more than switch the rep comment display on or off, but if they do then the easiest way to bring back visible rep without increasing their moderation duties would be to:

1) Get rid of comments on rep altogether, or alternatively offer a list of selectable pre-set comments - e.g. for good rep: (a) I agree with you; (b) very well said; (c) I agree with you and that was well said; etc. - e.g. for bad rep: (a) I disagree with you; (b) I can't understand what you mean - please phrase your posts better; (c) no need to be so rude; etc.

2) Get rid of the anonymity - when you get positive or negative rep, show who awarded it (although this might potentially increase moderation if some posters feel they are being stalked/victimised).

Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
I feel naked without my comments and its too cold to be naked!
I'm offended by your nudity and demand its removal!



i also argee that comments should be named.
if this is all over bad comments, then when the system forces the person to make that comment, then i bet they will reconsider what they might be saying.

i mean, i just got a bad rep from someone...fair enough, prop from this thread- i dont know (now) but would like to know why.

if however u cant name people with their comments, how about a report/block user button, if its offence, the person can either report it if its tht bad, or block that person from commenting on them again.
(have either a report button or block button)



Originally Posted by Dr_HR View Post
if however u cant name people with their comments, how about a report/block user button, if its offence, the person can either report it if its tht bad, or block that person from commenting on them again.
(have either a report button or block button)
Funny that you should mention the report button.

Previously, I could look at my User CP, see an "horribly offensive" neg rep comment and click on it to go to the post it was attached to.
Then, I could click on the report button on my own post and type in "NegRep comment is horribly offensive, and the physical acts it accuses me of are impossible, as my mother is not double jointed, nor am I half-orangutan."

Now, if a NegRep comment were offensive, it is just as much harder to get it reported as it is more difficult to find. (Sorry, the grammar on that last sentence is pretty bad.)



Now, if a NegRep comment were offensive, it is just as much harder to get it reported as it is more difficult to find. (Sorry, the grammar on that last sentence is pretty bad.)

Well to be fair Pork, if it's that hard to find, then you'll never find it to be offended! And if you find it and are offended, you're in the perfect place now to report it.

I still want my comments back though.



Just get rid of the whole system.

It's really quite sad that some individuals require validation in the form of 'rep' for their posts, thus when just the comments are turned off they stamp their feet and throw teddies out of the cot, ignorent of the fact that the system as it was and still is (you can still see the comments left on a post by clicking the scales) open to abuse by violating forum rules.



Originally Posted by Croesis View Post
Just get rid of the whole system.

It's really quite sad that some individuals require validation in the form of 'rep' for their posts, thus when just the comments are turned off they stamp their feet and throw teddies out of the cot, ignorent of the fact that the system as it was and still is (you can still see the comments left on a post by clicking the scales) open to abuse by violating forum rules.
well i can't speak for other people, but i never requre validation over posts.
i like the rep cos its nice to know if people argee with something i said or that they find it helpful..or not helpful.
but overall tbh i dont really mind if they dont come bk cos its still changes nothing to the forums.
but if they are going to hide comments now, as u said just get rid of the whole thing, instead of just showing the points.



Originally Posted by Dr_HR View Post
well i can't speak for other people, but i never requre validation over posts.
It's not all people, just those very vocal few who complain that it's not fair that they can't see their compliments because some people were abusing the anonymous aspect of the system and violating the forum rules.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
So say why. That, by the way, is exactly why we've been told that's frowned on - "fluff" posts (/agree, /no, /jranger.)
Which illuminates the utility of the rep system quite nicely.
It gave the community an outlet for those sorts of impulses.

Use the star system on the thread. You have another way to indicate "I've read the thread and approve/disapprove" if that's all you've got to say. Of course - you can always PM the person if you don't want to add comments to the thread, again.
The star system is worthless as a rep replacement.

A comment on a thread as a whole is meaningless to the individual posters, other than maybe the OP.

Except, of course, that it has decided to be open after closing. And that people aren't just reacting to someone "being a jerk." And that others are being abusive and violating forum rules. (With the added "bonus" of being anonymous.)
They aren't anonymous to the mods, whos job it is to enforce forum rules.

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Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Here's some more for being so darn cute.

*flutters eyes* i've only gained some rep sir.

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Originally Posted by Croesis View Post
It's not all people, just those very vocal few who complain that it's not fair that they can't see their compliments because some people were abusing the anonymous aspect of the system and violating the forum rules.

I'm pissed that I can't see my COMPLAINTS. So what does that make me then?



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
I would like the option to see my rep comments.
But they could be left as optional, so as not to bother trolls who post garbage by letting them see criticism of thier rants.

I wouldn't mind if they were anonymous or tagged with the writer's name.

As it is, I can put in a rep comment to praise a post, but the poster will probably never see it. Or I can derail a thread's main topic by posting a fluff post like "/signed!" or "Awesome idea!", wich detracts from the conversation.
Or you could be happy like me that they're gone, so you don't have to see comments that have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT ALL to do with your post, like comments about your military service, your family, or your intelligence/education level.

I for one am EXTREMELY happy about the change.

Go Devs!


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
They aren't anonymous to the mods, whos job it is to enforce forum rules.
I'd rather the mods have more time to mod the actual boards than spend that time having to sort out the abuse of a small portion of the userbase's 'rep' comments.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I'm pissed that I can't see my COMPLAINTS. So what does that make me then?
Someone else that requires validation of their posts by seeing what other people think of it. Sad, yet oddly comical.



Originally Posted by Croesis View Post
Someone else that requires validation of their posts by seeing what other people think of it.

no u!



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
no u!



Originally Posted by Croesis View Post

I...... ummm.....






Originally Posted by Croesis View Post
I'd rather the mods have more time to mod the actual boards than spend that time having to sort out the abuse of a small portion of the userbase's 'rep' comments.
If they had ever done their job of punishing the violations in the first place, it would have severely curtailed the abuses down to a managable level.

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