What is your fastest ITF time?




I'm curious to see how our group rates. Yesterday we bested our record with a time of 19:38.

Without lag it would've been 2 minutes, 18 seconds.

Ready, set, post!




Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post
I'm curious to see how our group rates. Yesterday we bested our record with a time of 19:38.

Without lag it would've been 2 minutes, 18 seconds.

Ready, set, post!

I dunno, hours? I really don't see the appeal of speed-runs.

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Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
I dunno, hours? I really don't see the appeal of speed-runs.
Some don't, some do.

If you're asking me somewhere in there what the appeal is for me it's about getting the most for my money. There's also a challenge in speed running new TFs and SFs. Over the past month or so we started speed running the STF. Our current best is 42 minutes. It's also cool trying new lineups and new strats for beating old times.

It's fun and most certainly is part of the game.



I guess, but I hope it doesn't lower the merits for those that dislike speed runs.

Uh oh. I think we've found a new scapegoat since farmers aren't so ebil anymore. Speed TFers are eeeeeeeebil!

By the way, 29 mins for the ITF is the fastest team I've been on, and 27 mins for the LGTF.



ITF, 55 minutes, on Invincible, killing nearly everything in sight. Some of the best fun I've had in the game.

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Hmm I think ours was.. 29-30 minutes. ITF. Speed run, skipped as much as we could.



Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
I dunno, hours? I really don't see the appeal of speed-runs.

Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post
There's also a challenge in speed running new TFs and SFs.
You can always find a challenge when there's an e in need of peening.


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I dont tend to try and join fast taskforces I like to join them and help out but occasionally give "reporter live feedback" as it was

We are here live in cimerora where a band of heroes are storming the caves! We are not yet inside the caves but you can feel the powers that are fighting inside! We will try and get a look inside now . . . . . . i can see something, something purple just . . . floating . . . . As a field reporter it is my duty to get closer to this curious object and see just what it is . . . .

*transmission ended*

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I just added my own tag. I bet you can't tell what one it is.

Anyway the intent here isn't to boast, it's something that our team was very proud of. We were at 22 minutes for a long time, then after trying a new strategy we did it in 20 minutes and some seconds then after trying with a new lineup and another new strategy we finally got sub 20. It wouldn't surprise me if someone else got this down below 18 minutes. I guess we could if we used nukes.

And actually I was the only death on the sub 20 run in the crystal mission.

It's under the For Fun! section for a reason. It's fun.

I've also run a +3 killall ITF (when +3 was working) in about an hour with 7 shields and 1 kin. Aside from the lag it was a lot of fun.

But this thread I started is about speed ITF times and not about people's hate for speed runs. Someone else can start a thead called "speed runners vs the world".




No Damz it wasn't.

EDIT: Who said I eat dogs! That's not right. I eat gerbils.



The fastest one I've been on was 25:53.



My fastest is 1:03. Though I've never actually tried to speed run it, either.

That was the team just going in, and killing things.

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no offence but why would anyone care who ran the fastest.
you gained nothing from it.

me tho it was 28 mins no speed run. we just couldnt be ***** to travel so we tp'd everywhere xd



About four hours, I think. My longest was two days. Suck it!

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Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post
I'm curious to see how our group rates. Yesterday we bested our record with a time of 19:38.

Without lag it would've been 2 minutes, 18 seconds.

Ready, set, post!

Do that tomorrow without the -1 TF/SF bug and then brag about it...



Originally Posted by Black_Mute View Post
Do that tomorrow without the -1 TF/SF bug and then brag about it...
You're confident the fix will be in there tomorrow? Go you!

What do you want us to run at? +2? +3? +4?

Tell me what you want and I'll be sure to give it to you pookie.

Silly me for even starting this thread. I should've known better.



Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post
You're confident the fix will be in there tomorrow? Go you!

What do you want us to run at? +2? +3? +4?

Tell me what you want and I'll be sure to give it to you pookie.

Silly me for even starting this thread. I should've known better.


Also, wth is a pookie? Is that a Star Wars reference?



About 28-29 minutes.

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Originally Posted by Black_Mute View Post

Also, wth is a pookie? Is that a Star Wars reference?
Pookie is an affectionate term. It'd be like honeybuns or cuddlywuddlybear. Or even schnookieookiewookums.

And yeah I know that it's planned to be fixed but you're confident it'll work?

Go you!

It'd be nice to have the + difficulties working again. Like I said above I had a lot of fun running +3 with 7 shields and a kin and wouldn't mind the challenge a +3 speed run might bring. I wouldn't expect it to take us more than 5 minutes.



33 minutes but we know someone who did it in 17 minutes



24 something. Although I prefer to do them at max difficulty. I got to enjoy a +4 ITF before the ability was taken away. I look forward to doing +4 ITFs, LGTFs, and LRSFs in the near future. I like to speedrun, but I also like it to be challenging. Speedrunning on +0 is boring. Speedrunning on +2 was fun. Now I want to speedrun on +4.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dr_HR View Post
no offence but why would anyone care who ran the fastest.
you gained nothing from it.
They gained a very high Merit per Minute rate which can translate into big wads of influence.

That's why I keep after Synapse to make Merits a rare defeat drop and to lower the final TF Merit reward to compensate. If people take their time to kill along the way, they aren't penalized for not speeding through it.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
The gained a very high Merit per Minute rate which can translate into big wads of influence.

That's why I keep after Synapse to make Merits a rare defeat drop and to lower the final TF Merit reward to compensate. If people take their time to kill along the way, they aren't penalized for not speeding through it.
And to tie merit rewards to difficulty, so we stop getting annoyingly low merit rewards from people who zip through on +0, when some of us enjoy doing +2 (or in the future, +4), but don't enjoy getting crappy merit returns as a result.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.