Release Notes for 1600.20091102.0 - 11/04/09




They could make something a tad more neutral that is applicable to more characters.

I'm not saying take out the hipsway, just tone it down a bit.

#2409 - The Mystery of the MAGI vaults. Azuria has contacted you to help her stop the thefts from the MAGI vaults.
#68054 - Out of the gutters. Left for dead, you swore that you were through with being a victim (alt villain beginning story)



Originally Posted by Madcat_88_NA View Post
Why can't the female one say the same thing as the male one? I play a variety of female characters, and I think one, maybe two of them would use their looks to get what they want.

Why are female characters assumed to be about sex, and males about power?
The "assumed to be about sex" part is all in your head. I tested Walk on my necromancer, who is pale, undead, and not supposed to be sexy. The walk gave her a pretty confident looking pace as she walked around with her zombie entourage.

Walk tends to fit with my characters. And not because all my characters are "omg me so sexy." It fits with my sexy characters, it fits with my necromancer, it fits with my valkyrie, and it fits with my crab spider. I haven't tested it with my big hulking Troll Brute, but for everything else, I'm satisfied.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Madcat_88_NA View Post
Why can't the female one say the same thing as the male one? I play a variety of female characters, and I think one, maybe two of them would use their looks to get what they want.

Why are female characters assumed to be about sex, and males about power?
I think it's just as much about feeling good as looking sexy - it's a sort of "I'm on top the world" walk - the sort of walk you'd do a lot if you had superpowers

Sure, you walk differently when you're talking to someone, or thinking about something, or have anything else to distract you - but when you're feeling great, and just going from A to B, then you do walk more like this

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
The "assumed to be about sex" part is all in your head.
Not sure that statement goes too well with your sig

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Not sure that statement goes too well with your sig
My sig isn't about sex. It's all in your head. vv

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Wow, I know a lot of people have been asking for a walk function and will be pleased as punch to see it in here. I'm not one of them. What's next to waste time on? A big red ball?

Arc 185502: Who Killed Snow Globe? a mini mystery Put together the clues to solve the case!

Arc 22832: And Hell Hath No Fury (extreme)
Will you be the key to the Knives of Artemis' survival? or the instrument of their destruction?



A big red ball ? Ooooo and dodge-ball emotes ! Yeah !

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~Dr. Seuss.
"Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. "



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
I had the same issue with BABs. Something was causing me to cap out at 1.4...we're not sure what the culprit is right now, but we're aware that something is inconsistent with the way Walk currently works.
BABs, I know you aren't the go-to guy for this but you're at least paying attention to the thread, and maybe KNOW the go-to guy for this and can go poke him.

We did some testing on test to see if we could figure out the culprit. Right now, my assumption is that there's some kind of IO interaction that's causing it.

All of the people I've spoken to that are moving slow have at least some amount of IOs. Not all IOed out people are walking slow though. I myself have a fully IO-ed out widow who walks at 3.09 on test. However...

Two people I spoke to that had slow move speed were able to switch to an alt build (with nothing slotted) and walk at 3.09. So something about their build or, my assumption is, IOs is making them move slow.

I don't have any characters who are walking slow, or else I'd systematically tear apart their build to find out at what point it fixes. Would anyone who has a slow-moving character be willing to try this?

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Wow...I can't believe this topic generated this much attention...

I'd like to put this in another perspective for a lot of naysayers here. I'm not sure if everyone realizes this or not, but there's a lot of specialized activities going on in a game design. There are times when some members of the team are stuck in a holding pattern waiting for other members of the team to finish something, and so they have one of two options - either sit around with their thumbs up their butts, or do something else that may have been deemed low priority to the project, but that they can do without waiting on another department to finish up.

While I doubt that I'm ever going to use the walk toggle, I do find it heartening that BaBs and the other animators would rather add something to the game, regardless how trivial, than sit back and wait for something to do. It shows a degree of work ethic that I think is not terribly common any more.



Originally Posted by Azrhiaz View Post
Wow, I know a lot of people have been asking for a walk function and will be pleased as punch to see it in here. I'm not one of them. What's next to waste time on? A big red ball?
So, if one or more of the animation team happen to get a little free work time by possibly completing their scheduled work early, what would you suggest they spend that free work time on?
Remember, they do animation - they don't have anything to do with bug fixes, server issues, costume parts, mission design, map creation or finding a way to make Jay less sexy - they do animation.

So maybe they look at a list of low priority/unscheduled requests involving animation, and decide to use this free work time to add the most popular one that's been requested by lots of players for ages?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
BABs, I know you aren't the go-to guy for this but you're at least paying attention to the thread, and maybe KNOW the go-to guy for this and can go poke him.

We did some testing on test to see if we could figure out the culprit. Right now, my assumption is that there's some kind of IO interaction that's causing it.

All of the people I've spoken to that are moving slow have at least some amount of IOs. Not all IOed out people are walking slow though. I myself have a fully IO-ed out widow who walks at 3.09 on test. However...

Two people I spoke to that had slow move speed were able to switch to an alt build (with nothing slotted) and walk at 3.09. So something about their build or, my assumption is, IOs is making them move slow.

I don't have any characters who are walking slow, or else I'd systematically tear apart their build to find out at what point it fixes. Would anyone who has a slow-moving character be willing to try this?
Not to quote myself so fast, but I got someone on test to try it. I think we figured it out. One had Pacing of the Turtle, one had Tempered Readiness slotted, which give bonuses to slow powers. Once they removed those, they resumed normal walking speed. Bug found? Should work if you do the "ignore enhancements and buffs" flag?

EDIT: This works with tarot buffs too. Buffs like Death, which increase debuff powers (including slow) will slow down your walk for all of a few seconds (up to the 10 that autos tick at). Once they wear off you resume normal speed, since Walk turns off your autos.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Isn't it a bit early (or late) for an April Fools joke?



Originally Posted by golden girl View Post
not sure that statement goes too well with your sig



Walking is awesome as a Mastermind. I can still control my pets and casually walk around as my zombies eat the brains of everything in sight!

Muahahaha!! Thank you



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
And because I forgot to say it: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I love it! I don't know how to describe this, but I've not been this excited over an addition to the game in a very long while. I know it might be minor, but it's the small things that make the game, and this is a lovely, lovely addition. I can deal with the limitations. I just love my ability to walk now
Sam is giddy like a school girl. I'm a bit scared now.

Surely the end is near?



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
/e facepalm

Thank you for the Walk toggle, it's awesome.
Originally Posted by PhantomRanger View Post
Why facepalm? This is actually a waste of resources that could have been used for something else. It was like someone said Hey man lets give em walk and see what happens. Can't use in combat, have to reapply all toggles, and I get the facepalm not the devs really?
Yes... yes you do.


/em facepalm



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
So, if one or more of the animation team happen to get a little free work time by possibly completing their scheduled work early, what would you suggest they spend that free work time on?
Remember, they do animation - they don't have anything to do with bug fixes, server issues, costume parts, mission design, map creation or finding a way to make Jay less sexy - they do animation.

So maybe they look at a list of low priority/unscheduled requests involving animation, and decide to use this free work time to add the most popular one that's been requested by lots of players for ages?

It boggles my mind that some people seem to be under the impression that the entire dev team works on every single thing that gets done, in lockstep, ignoring everything else.

So if a Walk toggle was created, that must mean that time was taken away from something else, something ~more important~. This is patently false. It means that in their spare time, while other people were working on different things, rather than slack off, they tinkered with the Walk animation and now it's done. Yay!

I'm going to choose to believe that the people who don't understand this are still young and haven't been in the workplace yet.



Just checked out something with the water - if you walk into water with Walk turned on, you keep walking through the water - but if you start walking when you're already in the water, you do the swim animation, but at the Walk speed.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



BaBs and the rest of the animation team:

Thank you for the walk toggle. Other than playing with it initially, I will probably never use it. However, I know this will make my "RP-weenie" friends , and many others like them, very, very happy.

To those that feel the need to criticize it, not everything put into this game will be useful to, or enjoyed by, all. If you don't like it, or intend to use it, that doesn't mean it's a waste of time/resources... because it has been a requested feature for a long, long time, and will make a portion of the player base very happy.



This is cool. I may never use it, but it's cool that it got added to the game. More options for ways to entertain ourselves are always better.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



LOL, there is a thread in the pvp section of the forums complaining that time was spent on this as opposed to pvp fixes.

Cause we know how epic BABs is at coding pvp.

LOL, just LOL

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Curious. How big was the download?
I thought I saw a 30mb download.

Still here, even after all this time!



Not sure if this is related to the Walk power or not - but some of the fire effects of Super Speed seem to be missing, especially when you're standing still.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by minimalist_NA View Post
Issue 17: Walk This Way

That's awesome!



Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
I thought I saw a 30mb download.
Mine was 21.1 MB, but I know I missed at least 1 patch before this, possibly the last 2.

Edited to add: Oh, and this Walk animation is some seriously good work. I went back and looked at the Veteran Rewards teaser video, and there seems to have been some tinkering with it since then. Good job to BAB.

It will look a bit funny on some of my edge case concepts, of course. My teenaged rebel girl hero who doesn't wear heels because she's fine with her height, for instance, looks too... prissy, maybe? That's fine, though, I don't think you could come up with an animation that fit every attitude that a player can imagine their characters having.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."