Release Notes for 1600.20091102.0 - 11/04/09




Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
I'm going to go out on a limb here. What are the chances of having Walk grant a small +regen and +recovery buff while it's on? Have it be, say, half or a third of the benefit of Rest while still moving at a slow walk?
I was going to suggest the same thing!

Originally Posted by Keen Stronghold View Post
You want fries with that shake?

Originally Posted by BayBlast View Post
NPC's have had the walk animation all along, so I have no idea why it took five years to finally give it to players. Nonetheless, I'm happy to see this addition!
NPCs and PCs have different animation rigs... their moving parts move differently. Also was the problem of all the other animations that PCs can do while walking which NPCs don't, which was solved by shutting off all other powers.

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Originally Posted by AquaJAWS View Post
  • I thought Sprint was available at level 1? Rest pops up at 2 (or maybe 3, I forget)
You are right, sprint is level 1.

Welcome to City of Heroes, where you must learn to run before you can learn to walk!!!



Can anyone post a video of male/huge walk cycles?

And maybe a video of the idle post when you stop walking but the power is still toggled on?

My test server thingy isn't working for some reason.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
[/list] You are right, sprint is level 1.

Welcome to City of Heroes, where you must learn to run before you can learn to walk!!!
You actually get walk at 1 too so not sure what Niv was on. vv

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Overall Response

Beautiful! Wonderful! I love it! It looks so cool, especially if you zoom in for a close up of your toon and swing the camera to the side.

Hunh Department

I never realized moving backwards was slower than moving forwards. It's noticeable that walking backwards is slower than walking forwards by the beat of the pace of footsteps. Timed courses showed that's the case. But it's also true for normal trotting, Sprint, SuperSpeed, and Fly, even though Real Numbers doesn't show the change in speed.

Walking on Water

When you walk into water, you keep the walking animation. However, if you're already swimming while trotting, Sprinting, or SuperSpeeding, then switching to Walk puts you in a slow breast stroke. In fact, the breast stroke animation is exactly the same no matter how fast you're swimming; it even keeps the same speed, which looks too slow for superspeed swimming and too fast for walking swimming.

Walking on Geysers

When walking into a Shadow Shard Geyser, the animation is a slow walk through the air. And if you stop moving forward, the animation is the idle position while being catapulted through the air.

Buffs and Toggles and Walking

Any click buffs, or inspiration buffs, or the Proc120 buffs will continue to work while walking. All toggles, however, detoggle and don't come back on when you leave Walk; which can be a little bit of an annoyance, especially if you have a lot of toggles running. Could toggles be suppressed instead of detoggled while walking?

Sounds of Footsteps

Walking on pavement or grass had a really good sound (male toon tested). It sounded like there were three footstep sounds per terrain, and they'd switch randomly so that it didn't sound so mechanical. Footsteps had a heartbeat rhythm rather than a steady beat, which also kept it from sounding mechanical. Good work!

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Originally Posted by Ssyrie View Post
Any chance we could get a different power icon for walk? Using the same one as sprint seems kinda silly.
Besides, the sprint icon looks like you're sprinting. We need a more saunter-ish looking icon for walk.

Also, i was fiddling with walk and plunging into water. Dropping off a ledge or pier results in walking along in the water. Toggling it on from TP/Hover results in doing the swimming animation while moving at walking speeds.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
All toggles, however, detoggle and don't come back on when you leave Walk; which can be a little bit of an annoyance, especially if you have a lot of toggles running. Could toggles be suppressed instead of detoggled while walking?
As stated in the patch note, this toggle is not intended to be used in combat. It's mainly there for people to RP in safe areas...Atlas Park, Pocket D, etc. It can certainly be used outside of those areas, but there's only a certain level of functionality that we're going to be able to accomodate for now.

Eventually, I'd like to create walk animations for the various combat modes...but that's a significant chunk of work and I don't know if we'll ever be able to get to it. If we can, then Walk could be made into a regular travel mode which could work with combat as well. Which would make the issue of toggle deactivation/suppression moot.



You know, I noticed that walk is like, really useful for turning off all your toggles in one click.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
Eventually, I'd like to create walk animations for the various combat modes...but that's a significant chunk of work and I don't know if we'll ever be able to get to it. If we can, then Walk could be made into a regular travel mode which could work with combat as well. Which would make the issue of toggle deactivation/suppression moot.
Exellent! Thanks.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Overall Response

Beautiful! Wonderful! I love it! It looks so cool, especially if you zoom in for a close up of your toon and swing the camera to the side.

Hunh Department

I never realized moving backwards was slower than moving forwards. It's noticeable that walking backwards is slower than walking forwards by the beat of the pace of footsteps. Timed courses showed that's the case. But it's also true for normal trotting, Sprint, SuperSpeed, and Fly, even though Real Numbers doesn't show the change in speed.
And it's odd that Walk is the only one that will actually turn your character around so that they face you when you walk 'backwards'. Although slowed down even further make it even more visually hypnotizing.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
This will also make in-game weddings more dignified - a dash to the altar won't have to be a genuine dash anymore'd actually be hilarious to see brides cat-walk down the aisle with all that hip motion and the arm flailing. xD



Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
Ad it's odd that Walk is the only one that will actually turn your character around so that they face you when you walk 'backwards'. Although slowed down even further make it even more visually hypnotizing.
I predict it's another case of minimizing the necessary animation work. BABs has stated they're doing this in their spare time around everything else they're doing... the backwards run animation is seperate from the forward run animation, so it's easier if they just rotate the character to face the camera and keep the forward walk animation.

Personally, I like it. Sometimes I want to see the front of my character, and this beats having to pan the camera around to do it.

"Yes, yes this is a fertile land and we will thrive. And we shall rule over this land, and call it... ... This Land."

Main: Mikuruneko (50, Katana/Regen Scrapper)
Alts: Many



Awesome job, BaB. I understand that this is a non-combat power, but could it be made to use with the costume codes that we get with Halloween and conventions?

I know more people that RP with the costumes on... heck, on Virtue, many players use the convention costumes as their full time costume.

Sadly, we can't use both at the same time. Sad, really. I'd love to just walk around in a Freakshow or Praetorian Clockwork costume.

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Originally Posted by Renardine View Post
Can players on Macs please be allowed to choose to have mouse functionality instead of a walk power?
This x1000.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
This x1000.
Lemme just jot that down on my list of things to animate.


I'll get right on that, as soon as I'm done animating these bug fixes for TF/SF levels.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
Lemme just jot that down on my list of things to animate.


I'll get right on that, as soon as I'm done animating these bug fixes for TF/SF levels.
If you add a task force difficulty selector mouse button, you can animate two birds with one stone.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Ok, just was fiddling around on test again.

Walk might become more of a hassle for those that RP and use binds, as anything that is power related will have to be rewritten to include the "off" command for walk. Which means MM's can't summon pets while walking. Players that RP as soldiers can not draw weapons.

Mostly, the problem I have is that [Walk] detoggles all other powers, yet [Walk] can not be detoggled by anything else. Which is rather difficult if a situation arises, such as a Rikti or Zombie invasions, where you need to jump right into action from any stance.

Unless you mean for [Walk] to be an indoor only power. Because, on Virtue, I only know of a handful of people that RP in Pocket D, while everyone else RP's in the open, away from combat. Things like the Invasions put anyone and everyone into danger, regardless of where you are located.


Unless you can code it so that [Walk] is greyed out in zones during Invasions. That the trigger for the invasions auto-detoggles [Walk].

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Originally Posted by The_Killbot_5000 View Post
Obviously it's the Blue Steel Factor, the cooler you are the more nonchalantly you walk!
I always knew my MM was John Travolta cool, but thanks for the validation!



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
Lemme just jot that down on my list of things to animate.


I'll get right on that, as soon as I'm done animating these bug fixes for TF/SF levels.
I know, I know. You're the animation guy. But you make it seem like you're the only guy working on this game anymore.

EDIT: To clarify... it's not that I, or anyone else, doesn't appreciate the "little things." Things like a walk power appeal to many people because it's a requested feature. The alternate animations for MA and SS were a nice touch. The fixing up of the drones in RWZ was cool too. In fact, the little touches added here and there are one of the reasons I like this game. All I'm saying is that there are some issues in the game that make it very difficult for some of us to play, or nagging balance issues that aren't animation-related. I'm not expecting you to tackle those kinds of things for yourself, but it would be nice to know if, for example, the temporary solution to disable TF/SF difficulty levels, or the temporary solution to disable buffs to pet recharge speed, is temporary temporary or Cathedral of Pain Trial is broken and we're taking it down until we fix it temporary.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
I know, I know. You're the animation guy. But you make it seem like you're the only guy working on this game anymore.
I kinda like it that way! He's like the Go To Guy...and he's all lovable and cuddly to boot!




Okay, I am going to be a grumpy monkey this morning:
I can't believe they are allocating resources to do such marginal things, when they could be designing huge intergalactic suneating robots that we can smash! =(



PS: Well, at least there is some reason to make my next character a fashion model..

Next, the Fashion Model day job badge. The only day job that you actually get while 'playing': Spend 21 days of *in-game time* walking under the Atlas Globe. You just know people would do it!