Going Rogue clarifications




Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
However, you do NOT know if that it the way it WILL be done.

And if a Praetorian does not START as either a Hero or a Villain, then what does he unlock?
No one does, of course not. Was just suggesting it would be the easiest way to do it.

As to your question: Nada. Zero. Zilch.

It is not guaranteed that there has to be an unlock for getting to 50 in GR. In fact with what the devs have stated they NO LONGER want getting to 50 on ANY side ANYWHERE to be a requirement to unlock an epic AT as they thought it was a bad idea.

it's also arguably not necessary, since the Praets ahve the option to BECOME something that CAN unlock something at 50.

(Also the devs can introuce something that EVERYONE else has to run in Pratoria to unlock the "EPIC AT for Going Rogue." With Praetorians having the advantage of being born there. I doubt they will go this way, as it alienates those who DON'T buy GR.)

That was my point.

Folks need to stop seeing them as another side in the way that COV introduced Villains. From all the devs explanations, once GR comes, there technically are no longer any real sides, except from a straight role play perspective.

And the biggest point that leads me to believe that getting to 50 as a pure Praet WON'T unlock anything at 50: GR is NOT a requirement. Just like COV was NOT a requirement. Based on everything they've said it would be a bonehead move (IMO) to then lock a new epic AT behind GR, since folks have been screaming for NEW epic ATs for ages.

All this leads me to believe that COV was the LAST time we'll EVER see an epic AT unlocked by getting to 50.

IMO, of course.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
It is not guaranteed that there has to be an unlock for getting to 50 in GR. In fact with what the devs have stated they NO LONGER want getting to 50 on ANY side ANYWHERE to be a requirement to unlock an epic AT as they thought it was a bad idea.
So if a Praetorian is unable to unlock any EAT at all, you have no problem with that?



Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
So if a Praetorian is unable to unlock any EAT at all, you have no problem with that?
None. As I stated they can BECOME something and gain either of the two existing. I don't see Praetorians as a new side.

ORRRRRRRRRR, they could do a simple tf that can unlock an EPIC AT and be given special skills related to that AT.

So they would still have access to all of the EPIC ATs one way or another.

EDIT: One could argue the devs could also make it so that getting a villain or hero to 50 could unlock both epic ATs. I'd have no objection to that and would encourage it, as the time of it mattering whether you start as a hero, villain, will soon be OVER.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



An aside:

I'm looking forward to Heroic Stalkers in pvp.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
None. As I stated they can BECOME something and gain either of the two existing. I don't see Praetorians as a new side.
That's not the same thing as "Nada. Zero. Zilch." Either you can unlock something when you start in Praetoria, or you don't. (And if you never leave Praetoria, you still have the potential to leave it even after 50, to unlock an EAT, if that's what you wish. So that's not a case of "you don't unlock anything", just "you don't unlock anything YET")

If those who start in Praetoria can unlock an EAT, any EAT, then they have an EAT that they can unlock, don't they? We are talking about if they do not have an EAT to unlock.

ORRRRRRRRRR, they could do a simple tf that can unlock an EPIC AT and be given special skills related to that AT.

So they would still have access to all of the EPIC ATs one way or another.
If it's a new Epic AT, then Heroes and Villains will still have to get to 50 to unlock their EAT, but Praetorians will be able to unlock theirs at (let's say) 20. You would not have a problem with that?

If it's not a new Epic AT, but Praetorians can unlock at (let's say) 20 what takes Heroes and Villains to get to 50 to unlock, you would not have a problem with THAT?



Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
That's not the same thing as "Nada. Zero. Zilch." Either you can unlock something when you start in Praetoria, or you don't. (And if you never leave Praetoria, you still have the potential to leave it even after 50, to unlock an EAT, if that's what you wish. So that's not a case of "you don't unlock anything", just "you don't unlock anything YET")

If those who start in Praetoria can unlock an EAT, any EAT, then they have an EAT that they can unlock, don't they? We are talking about if they do not have an EAT to unlock.

If it's a new Epic AT, then Heroes and Villains will still have to get to 50 to unlock their EAT, but Praetorians will be able to unlock theirs at (let's say) 20. You would not have a problem with that?

If it's not a new Epic AT, but Praetorians can unlock at (let's say) 20 what takes Heroes and Villains to get to 50 to unlock, you would not have a problem with THAT?
I'll make it simple: I would have no issue at all, as level 50 is irrelevant to their being an epic AT. The devs have already said the level 50 requirement was a mistake (I wholeheartedly agree) for the EPIC ATs. The epic ATs are not more powerful than any other AT really. That is NOT the reason why they are EPIC ATs. I think the whole lvl 50 thing is what makes many feel disappointed with them, the HEATs in particular.

If that bothers folks that much make it so that a tf or sf exists that ANYONE can do to unlock (EDIT) ANY of the existing epic ATs and ANY other epic AT that can be unlocked in the future. Want to unlock all three, run it three times. If there are more stick it on another tf. If a tf is too long for some folks, make it someother gameplay requirment. ANYTHING BUT getting this or that to LEVEL 50. Anyone who makes THAT suggestion in GR CLOSED Beta, I'd back, as the level 50 requirement I think was always silly. Especially for the VEATs as their storyline isn't all that EPIC or long, so getting a villain to 50 is just some artifical thing done so that heroes didn't *****.

Also, once again folks need to stop looking at Paretorians as a side. They are not. The true sides are Loyalists and Resistance. And seeing as how once GR launches anyone can be become any of them, sides are pretty much irrelevant. At most I see Preas as NEUTRAL.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



To clarify, for me THE MOST important feature of GR is the ability for us to finally do away with this silly sides nonsense, so that it really is one game.

Also known as CROSSOVER, one of the most requested features on the forums. Right up there with Power Cust.

Which is also why I oppose the devs sticking to NOT merging the markets.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
I think the whole lvl 50 thing is what makes many feel disappointed with them, the HEATs in particular.

If that bothers folks that much make it so that a tf or sf exists that ANYONE can do to unlock (EDIT) ANY of the existing epic ATs and ANY other epic AT that can be unlocked in the future.
I would be behind this, as it would resolve the issue quite neatly. That's the problem, though, while you may not like the way the current HEATs and VEATs are unlocked, they ARE unlocked that way, and it would be unfair to introduce a new, easier way to unlock a new EAT while leaving the characters created under the original content stuck with the old method.

I find it very difficult to believe the devs will change the method they use for unlocking HEATs and VEATs, though. As much as they insist that they dislike the mechanism of unlocking EATs at 50, and as much as they say it has negatively influenced the playability of those characters, they have had plenty of opportunity to change that mechanism in the four years that EATs have been in this game, and they have not done so. Unless I see a direct quote from a redname saying, "We are adding a new mechanism to unlock EATs in Going Rogue", I'm not going to consider that likely.

Also, once again folks need to stop looking at Paretorians as a side. They are not. The true sides are Loyalists and Resistance. And seeing as how once GR launches anyone can be become any of them, sides are pretty much irrelevant. At most I see Preas as NEUTRAL.
It's got nothing to do with sides. First of all, the argument I am making is that Praetorians are NOT a side, and thus do not fit with unlocking either the Hero side or Villain side EATs. If that mechanism CONTINUES, then there will need to be some way to determine which EAT the Praetorians unlock. If Villains can unlock HEATs by coming over to the Hero side, then that is an entirely different issue.

Second, this is about balance. I don't care if you call Heroes, Vigilantes, Rogues, Villains, Praetorians, Praetorian Heroes and Praetorian Villains "sides", "factions", "alignments" or what, the fact is those divisions WILL exist, and they need to each have advantages and disadvantages that make them approximately equal in desirability to the others. There should be no advantage to becoming a Vigilante that makes that preferable to staying a Hero. There should be no advantage to starting in Paragon City that makes that preferable to starting in Praetoria. There may be exchanges and trade offs, for instance you can create Brutes in the Rogue Isles but can't create Scrappers, but there should be no reason NOT to be a Hero.

Giving a character started in Praetoria the ability to unlock HEATs, VEATs, and any additional EATs through a Task Force, while one started in Paragon City would have to level to 50, would be one possible reason not to be a Hero. If ANY character would to that task force, that would be more equal, although it would eliminate one reason to play BOTH a Hero and a Villain.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Never mind EATs, VEATs and PEATs - what about the new graphics on misison maps?
A tentative guess would be 'Yes'.
I dont see how they could apply the new Ultra to ONLY the outside. Just from a graphics running PoV. It would take MORE coding, at a guess, for it to NOT work inside but work inside, than it would for Ultra to affect everything.

Don't quote me on that though.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
I would be behind this, as it would resolve the issue quite neatly. That's the problem, though, while you may not like the way the current HEATs and VEATs are unlocked, they ARE unlocked that way, and it would be unfair to introduce a new, easier way to unlock a new EAT while leaving the characters created under the original content stuck with the old method.

I find it very difficult to believe the devs will change the method they use for unlocking HEATs and VEATs, though. As much as they insist that they dislike the mechanism of unlocking EATs at 50, and as much as they say it has negatively influenced the playability of those characters, they have had plenty of opportunity to change that mechanism in the four years that EATs have been in this game, and they have not done so. Unless I see a direct quote from a redname saying, "We are adding a new mechanism to unlock EATs in Going Rogue", I'm not going to consider that likely.

It's got nothing to do with sides. First of all, the argument I am making is that Praetorians are NOT a side, and thus do not fit with unlocking either the Hero side or Villain side EATs. If that mechanism CONTINUES, then there will need to be some way to determine which EAT the Praetorians unlock. If Villains can unlock HEATs by coming over to the Hero side, then that is an entirely different issue.

Second, this is about balance. I don't care if you call Heroes, Vigilantes, Rogues, Villains, Praetorians, Praetorian Heroes and Praetorian Villains "sides", "factions", "alignments" or what, the fact is those divisions WILL exist, and they need to each have advantages and disadvantages that make them approximately equal in desirability to the others. There should be no advantage to becoming a Vigilante that makes that preferable to staying a Hero. There should be no advantage to starting in Paragon City that makes that preferable to starting in Praetoria. There may be exchanges and trade offs, for instance you can create Brutes in the Rogue Isles but can't create Scrappers, but there should be no reason NOT to be a Hero.

Giving a character started in Praetoria the ability to unlock HEATs, VEATs, and any additional EATs through a Task Force, while one started in Paragon City would have to level to 50, would be one possible reason not to be a Hero. If ANY character would to that task force, that would be more equal, although it would eliminate one reason to play BOTH a Hero and a Villain.
You misunderstood my suggestion. My suggestion was that they get rid of completely the level 50 requirement for any and all EPIC ATs as it's an outdated method. Regardless, I don't see them requiring lvl 50 for any further EPIC ATs. And definetly NOT for GR. You didn't address the point that not everyone will be buying GR. Locking a new EPIC AT behind GR (50 or not) would cause an outrage, as folks having been asking for NEW EPIC ATs for literally years after COV came out.

Folks are already complaining that they see all the new dev content as having to be bought via an expansion. I would STRONGLY advise the devs to not let that perception be correct via locking all new content (and yes, ATs are content) behing GR. Already some folks are annoyed that Demon Summoning and Dual Pistols will be have to be "purchased." Adding a new EPIC AT to that would be a BAD idea.

The divisions as far as I'm concerned are irrelevant once GR comes out, but I can see your point that some would still see them.

EDIT: I'd be fine with your last sentence, I personally couldn't care less about incentives to play a pure villain or hero. As I've said of other gameplay aspects (pvp, bases, events) if you need to start sticking special incentives for folks to choose to play that content, that content is badly designed and needs a revamp. Just allow anyone, regardless of origin (as in city of origin) to unlock any of the current Epic ATs or future Epic ATs.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Wouldn't it be best just to have the EAT, Patron, and Ancillary pool's be unlocked by some high level quest for the specific faction. Thin it wouldn't mater if you were a hero or villain. A hero could easily do something to earn Lord Recluse's favor (earning them Patron power-set) just as a villain could earn the respect of Statesman (earning Ancillary power set). And both faction are against the Rikti and Tyrant (Earning both EAT's).

Alternatively If there is an evil alt Statesman there almost invariably will be a good alt Lord Recluse who would be glad to give good ex-villains the same Patron powers as his prime main world counterpart.



Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
Alternatively If there is an evil alt Statesman there almost invariably will be a good alt Lord Recluse who would be glad to give good ex-villains the same Patron powers as his prime main world counterpart.
It would be good, I would like an Administrator to deny or confirm this.



Originally Posted by Moldiver View Post
It would be good, I would like an Administrator to deny or confirm this.
For starters, the Praetorian Ghost Widow is alive and well and is a prominent member of the Resistance, so no Soul Mastery powers from her.

Secondly, though I've never read the books or whatever other lore described the events for myself, I've seen people all over these boards say that Stephan Richter died after consuming the water from the Well of Furies in Praetoria (some people say he just didn't survive the transformation into a superhero, others say that Marcus Cole killed him). It's certainly possible that the man who became Lord Recluse on Paragon Earth is still alive and kicking in Praetoria, but if he is, I wouldn't bank on him being a figure of great power.

Finally, an admin can't really confirm or deny much about story arc, as an admin's job is just to maintain order on the messageboards. What you really want is a developer to come comment on the subject, but they're being pretty hush-hush about any details under the macro level; that is to say, they're allowed (by NCSoft's marketing department) to tell us some of what's going into the expansion, but not any exact details or how it's going to work.

And just as a final tidbit, they told us not to expect that everybody is going to be switching sides. Some characters are inherently good no matter what dimension they're from, and others are inherently evil. While it's feasible that Praetorian Scirroco could (and probably would) be a good guy, I don't see Cap'n Mako as being anything but a crazed, evil fish monster... or possibly an hors d'œuvre on the Tyrant's banquet table.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Moldiver View Post
It would be good, I would like an Administrator to deny or confirm this.
Except there is no point in doing so, because we already know that Cole killed Richter at the well. Arachnos predated Recluse, though--so perhaps there is a Master Weaver of some sort on the grey-side.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
Alternatively If there is an evil alt Statesman there almost invariably will be a good alt Lord Recluse who would be glad to give good ex-villains the same Patron powers as his prime main world counterpart.
Originally Posted by Moldiver View Post
It would be good, I would like an Administrator to deny or confirm this.
This has been officially denied. Praetorian Earth is *NOT* a 'mirror universe' where everything is reversed. It is an 'alternate universe' where many things happen to be reversed but many are simply different.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
Except there is no point in doing so, because we already know that Cole killed Richter at the well. Arachnos predated Recluse, though--so perhaps there is a Master Weaver of some sort on the grey-side.
Killed fufufu I get killed a half a dozen times a night. Granted there's no transporter system but we are taking about divine magic here. Unless you've see his dismembered decomposing corpse I wouldn't bank on him being dead. Alternatively who knows who else could have found that well anyone could have gotten the same powers as our Lord Recluse or a similar power. Or better yet a lady recluse. :P

Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
For starters, the Praetorian Ghost Widow is alive and well and is a prominent member of the Resistance, so no Soul Mastery powers from her.
What do you have to be dead to play with the dead? Better tell that to that Robotic MM Necro/PD I saw the other day. (Toon maid up for effect.)

Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
I don't see Cap'n Mako as being anything but a crazed, evil fish monster... or possibly an hors d'œuvre on the Tyrant's banquet table.
Of corse not but Cap'n Orca (dolphin) would make for a great hero. :P

Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
This has been officially denied. Praetorian Earth is *NOT* a 'mirror universe' where everything is reversed. It is an 'alternate universe' where many things happen to be reversed but many are simply different.
Reversed douse qualify as different.
Just because not every thing es exactly opposite doesn't mean that many things wont be. I imagine that the Riki would be evil in ether world do to there need to eat people to survive. The Clockwork king is crazy so his would still be evil but his toys might be shinier and he might not be just a brain in a bucket. Unless he's responsible for those new neutral robots shown in the Con video.



Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
Killed fufufu I get killed a half a dozen times a night. Granted there's no transporter system but we are taking about divine magic here. Unless you've see his dismembered decomposing corpse I wouldn't bank on him being dead. Alternatively who knows who else could have found that well anyone could have gotten the same powers as our Lord Recluse or a similar power. Or better yet a lady recluse. :P

What do you have to be dead to play with the dead? Better tell that to that Robotic MM Necro/PD I saw the other day. (Toon maid up for effect.)

Of corse not but Cap'n Orca (dolphin) would make for a great hero. :P

Reversed douse qualify as different.
Just because not every thing es exactly opposite doesn't mean that many things wont be. I imagine that the Riki would be evil in ether world do to there need to eat people to survive. The Clockwork king is crazy so his would still be evil but his toys might be shinier and he might not be just a brain in a bucket. Unless he's responsible for those new neutral robots shown in the Con video.
You really NEED to go read the Herocon GR info thread. Stefan Richter of Praetorian Earth is dead, confirmed by the devs. Clockwork King we don't know anything about but the Praetorian Clockwork were created by Anti-Matter and Neuron, we've known this for ages, Clockwork King might exist but more than likely if he does he was never beaten to a pulp by Blue Steel and is just an insanely powerful psychic if anything. Also Rikti eating people? Never heard of it, would like to know where you got that info, plus they're from an alternate dimension themselves and have no beef with Praetorian Earth, so I doubt we'd see them.

And as stated, Praetoria is NOT a mirror world, you have a very narrow view of things and you need to expand that. Things played out slightly different in Praetoria, little minor differences that led to major changes in how things turned out. Stefan Richter died at the well and Marcus Cole had certain things happen to him that gave him the same ideals as Statesman but also with a god complex that led him to take control and create what he thinks is a utopia where everyone is safe and protected as long as they obey the laws. Tyrant isn't EVIL, he's got the right idea but is going about it wrong, or maybe he's doing it the right way? That's the whole POINT to Going Rogue, the idea that just maybe the Praetorians AREN'T the bad guys, and that our world is the one that's really in the toilet. The fact that they're in opposition to our world doesn't make them automatically evil, just like I'm sure Belladonna Vetrano in the resistance in Praetoria won't be a shining beacon of virtue. She'll more than likely be the same trained assassin, just less dead and with a slightly more noble end to achieve, but I don't believe for one second she's above slitting someone's throat to achieve that end, even if she is on the "good" side. Don't be so black and white, it makes things terribly dull.



Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
Killed fufufu I get killed a half a dozen times a night. Granted there's no transporter system but we are taking about divine magic here. Unless you've see his dismembered decomposing corpse I wouldn't bank on him being dead. Alternatively who knows who else could have found that well anyone could have gotten the same powers as our Lord Recluse or a similar power. Or better yet a lady recluse. :P

What do you have to be dead to play with the dead? Better tell that to that Robotic MM Necro/PD I saw the other day. (Toon maid up for effect.)

Of corse not but Cap'n Orca (dolphin) would make for a great hero. :P

Reversed douse qualify as different.
Just because not every thing es exactly opposite doesn't mean that many things wont be. I imagine that the Riki would be evil in ether world do to there need to eat people to survive. The Clockwork king is crazy so his would still be evil but his toys might be shinier and he might not be just a brain in a bucket. Unless he's responsible for those new neutral robots shown in the Con video.
There wouldn't be Rikti in Praetoria. I don't want to spoil the RIkti Storyline, so I'll just leave you with that.



Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
Of corse not but Cap'n Orca (dolphin) would make for a great hero. :P
I'd like to think of myself as a fairly decent hero.



Originally Posted by Positron View Post
With so much info being laid out so quickly at HeroCon, I figured I'd take an opportunity to clarify a lot of confusing points. My apologies for not being more clear when we first explained them.
  • Heroes can become Vigilantes which can then become Villains
  • Villains can become Rogues which can then become Heroes
  • Thus the circle is Hero->Vigilante->Villain->Rogue->Hero
  • This system is usable by any character over X level (X is a number which has yet to be disclosed). It is not "just for Praetorians".
  • A Hero can go all the way to Villain and then back to Hero again, if they put in enough effort.
  • Praetorians do not use the normal GR system, but have points within their stories where they can choose "Loyalist (aka Villain)" or "Resistance (aka Hero)"
  • When Praetorians leave Praetoria for Primal Earth, they choose if they want to be considered a Hero or a Villain, and are plopped into Paragon or the Rogue Isles.
  • A Vigilante (Rogue) can travel to the Rogue Isles (Paragon City), and can team up with the Villains (Heroes) there. They can not use the markets while they are there however. They must be a full Villain (Hero) to use the markets.

Pretty sure that covers the info we gave out, including clarifying answers we gave on various panels over the weekend, and answers to specific questions we were asked by players.

If enough effort = hard as hell.... I'm going to be disinterested in bothering.

My Rules (if I made the system):

1. You make a choice to become neutral, but then have to work to become non-neutral again (Do several missions ~15).
2. You can lock-out becoming neutral.
3. I never requires so much work to flip that you can easily make the entire circuit within the time it takes to complete a mid-20 level.

So I have to work to get from neutral to good, or work get evil, but grey is easily obtainable, with a lock-out option so you never become grey unless you want to.
I want to be able to switch sides often enough that I can make a complete loop within a mid-game level.

I DO NOT WANT a swap sides and its over with. Except an option to swap back that takes forever. I DO NOT WANT a system catered to those who want to make a hero brute or villain tank. I want some fluidity.

I'd like to be able to go Hero->Vigilante->Hero

I'd like there to be paper-missions that flip your side, so that it can be "farmable" without a contact.

Perfect Example:



Add my voice to those who think that continuing not to merge the markets would be stupid. And if I'm wrong, and there's actually a good reason not to merge the markets that I'm somehow incapable of seeing, will someone please explain it to me? GR offers the perfect opportunity to do it with minimal chaos, and with the ability to switch sides, failing to merge the markets would probably lead to an even worse villain market, since a lot of people will just always go to the hero markets to get what they need, since everything's cheaper there anyway.

Failure to merge the markets at this point will basically mean that the merged market that you're going to see anyway will just be much more annoying. Better for the devs to do it and make it easy than for the players to do it and be irritated by needing to.



I dont' know why you think the Hero markets are cheaper.

First, there are more people playing heroside, therefore much more influence than infamy.

Second, supply might be higher on recipies, but it is lower on salvage, heroside. Cost to make things is higher, overall, on heroside than it is villainside, for both salvage and recipies.

Merging the markets will cause a large scale disruption, and it is entirely possible that villains will end up being "locked out" of the market simply because the supply of infamy is lower than the supply of influence.



Originally Posted by Starcloud View Post
I dont' know why you think the Hero markets are cheaper.

First, there are more people playing heroside, therefore much more influence than infamy.

Second, supply might be higher on recipies, but it is lower on salvage, heroside. Cost to make things is higher, overall, on heroside than it is villainside, for both salvage and recipies.

Merging the markets will cause a large scale disruption, and it is entirely possible that villains will end up being "locked out" of the market simply because the supply of infamy is lower than the supply of influence.
Exactly the reason the markets are separate.



Originally Posted by JKPhage View Post
You really NEED to go read the Herocon GR info thread. Stefan Richter of Praetorian Earth is dead, confirmed by the devs. Clockwork King we don't know anything about but the Praetorian Clockwork were created by Anti-Matter and Neuron, we've known this for ages, Clockwork King might exist but more than likely if he does he was never beaten to a pulp by Blue Steel and is just an insanely powerful psychic if anything. Also Rikti eating people? Never heard of it, would like to know where you got that info, plus they're from an alternate dimension themselves and have no beef with Praetorian Earth, so I doubt we'd see them.

And as stated, Praetoria is NOT a mirror world, you have a very narrow view of things and you need to expand that. Things played out slightly different in Praetoria, little minor differences that led to major changes in how things turned out. Stefan Richter died at the well and Marcus Cole had certain things happen to him that gave him the same ideals as Statesman but also with a god complex that led him to take control and create what he thinks is a utopia where everyone is safe and protected as long as they obey the laws. Tyrant isn't EVIL, he's got the right idea but is going about it wrong, or maybe he's doing it the right way? That's the whole POINT to Going Rogue, the idea that just maybe the Praetorians AREN'T the bad guys, and that our world is the one that's really in the toilet. The fact that they're in opposition to our world doesn't make them automatically evil, just like I'm sure Belladonna Vetrano in the resistance in Praetoria won't be a shining beacon of virtue. She'll more than likely be the same trained assassin, just less dead and with a slightly more noble end to achieve, but I don't believe for one second she's above slitting someone's throat to achieve that end, even if she is on the "good" side. Don't be so black and white, it makes things terribly dull.
You run the Pratoren AV ark lately. Be leave me at least as far as the people of our home dimension are concerned they are evil. Or at lest tushy freaking crazy. And the faction called the rebels agree with me. Remember one of the points of the game is that were free to make our own opinion of what is good or evil. Frankly I don't necessarily think even Lord Recluse is totally evil. Regardless of what you think of him his lands are thriving.
At any rate this is a game just because they say something at a con doesn't mean that it's going to get into the game. I simply stated possibility. The alt version of lord recluse could still be around and they might just not want you to know about it yet. Like I sead "Unless you've see his dismembered decomposing corpse I wouldn't bank on him being dead." Could also be his son or daughter seeking revenge against Marcus Cole. Personal revenge could fit rouge status very easily. Isn't that the basis of the Punisher's background that was mentioned as an example of an anty-hero/rouge. You think I'm being black and white but you're thinking in so many absolutes there are no such thin in this or any other world.

As for the riki thing it seams I got them mixed up with the Nictus. But the theory still stands there is no realy moral alignment for planetary conquest since we don't know there motives and there not from ether detention. Though I sort of like the idea of the Pratorenes invading there dimension and the reason there attacking ours is because they mistook it for theirs. Riki lord "Whopsy wrong dimension must have forget to carry the 2." :P (And I know the ailed riki would have dis proven this. IT's A JOKE.) X(
Still the lack of war walls do suggest that if they are there there probably doing far better aginst them than we are.

Oh and as far as markets are concerned if the game can be played with out going to hero or villain side thin there will probably be a pratoren market. Any reason not to combine them is probably both story wise and that would double the back end complexity of the system.



... *reads the above post* ...

So, where do people get those excellent "facepalm" pictures from these days?

Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
Still the lack of war walls do suggest that if they are there there probably doing far better aginst them than we are.
Would you like to know why the Rikti are attacking Paragon Earth? It's explained in the RWZ arcs. Seriously, plain as the nose on your face. The final arc sums up everything.

Don't pay attention to the storyline when in game? You can read the content of the storyarc I'm referring to here.

But by all means, please continue to argue against established story canon just because you think your idea of the in-game story is better than what's actually there.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!