Going Rogue clarifications




Originally Posted by Fire_Away View Post
I'll take that bet and counter with that there will be two separate markets in Praetoria.
Oh god, that would be horrible.

I think that would put our various currencies into the double-digits, too. Urgh.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



I was thinking along the lines of one influence based market access point and one infamy based market access point ... not additional currencies (or markets).

[Edit add: And what would be horrible would be to not give the people starting in Praetoria the same 1-20 lvl market opportunities as any hero or villain starting in Paragon City or the Rouge Isles.]

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



Originally Posted by Janel View Post
Quick question if Villains can become heroes then if a level 50 has a hero but not a level 50 Villain can they make a widow an start it out on hero side?
I'm not entirely sure what you're asking. Are you asking if you'll be required to switch your 50 Hero to a Villain in order to make a VEAT? Well, you shouldn't need to do that--they're lowering the EAT unlocking requirements to level 20 in Issue 17, due out in April. Going Rogue is set to be released in July.

As far as creating a brand new EAT character, no, you won't be able to make a Kheldian that starts as a Villain or an Arachnos Soldier that starts as a Hero (and all EAT classes are unavailable to start in Praetoria as well). You CAN switch sides later, though... meaning you could create a Warshade and roleplay that he's actually a full Nictus once you've switched sides, or you could create a Widow that starts off serving Arachnos but then say they've defected and joined Longbow, etc.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



If a Rogue is in Paragon City (or vice versa) and drops an Ouro portal, or uses someone else's...do they go to the hero or villain zone?

This not only opens up the question of which zones can I shortcut to, but can a Rogue team with Heroes to do flashbacks or Ouro TFs?

I really hope there is a system for this, if you are in Paragon, you go to Hero, if in Rogue Isles, you go to Villain. Or perhaps adding a portal in Ouro where you can go to the opposite side's Ouro, if you are able to go to the opposite side at all (if you are a rogue/vigilante)

@Incarnadine - 50s on Victory:
Electric-Boogaloo (Electric/Psy Dominator) | Floating Flame (Fire/Psy Blaster) | Guldo Golem (Stone/Mace Tanker) | Hornak (Elec/Elec Brute) | Insatiable Greed (Demon/Dark Mastermind) | Solar Explorer (Plant/Thermal Controller) | TimeTraveler (Kin/Ice Defender) | Verranil (Emp/Archery Defender)



I hope this hasn't been asked yet. I've looked and found nothing to answer my question, but I hope I'm not repeating anything.

I have an SS/WP Brute that is as close to what I want for my main, but I don't like that, as a "Villain", he has to use Patron Powers. When I migrate to being a Hero will I be able to access the Ancillary Powers? If I am at a high enough level when I've had to take a Patron Power, will we be given respecs when we go fully from Villain to Hero (and vise versa)?

Or will our prayers to the Devs finally be answered and we get SS for Scrappers? ;-)



Originally Posted by Rick_Tacular View Post
I hope this hasn't been asked yet. I've looked and found nothing to answer my question, but I hope I'm not repeating anything.

I have an SS/WP Brute that is as close to what I want for my main, but I don't like that, as a "Villain", he has to use Patron Powers. When I migrate to being a Hero will I be able to access the Ancillary Powers? If I am at a high enough level when I've had to take a Patron Power, will we be given respecs when we go fully from Villain to Hero (and vise versa)?

Or will our prayers to the Devs finally be answered and we get SS for Scrappers? ;-)

We don't know.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Something funny occurred to me, but may be an issue later on...

The Valentine's event requires a hero group to have a villain to complete a mission, as well as a villain group to have a hero to complete mission.

If you are a Rogue or Vigilante, can you fill the requirement either way?




Originally Posted by Stormfront_NA View Post
Something funny occurred to me, but may be an issue later on...

The Valentine's event requires a hero group to have a villain to complete a mission, as well as a villain group to have a hero to complete mission.

If you are a Rogue or Vigilante, can you fill the requirement either way?

How about, you can fill neither? Would seem more fair to me to those that decide for one side instead of trying to get both at once to pwn.



Originally Posted by Stormfront_NA View Post
Something funny occurred to me, but may be an issue later on...

The Valentine's event requires a hero group to have a villain to complete a mission, as well as a villain group to have a hero to complete mission.

If you are a Rogue or Vigilante, can you fill the requirement either way?

As far as the game is concerned, a Vigilante is is just a Hero who has access to the Rogue Isles, and a Rogue is still a Villain who can go to Paragon City, so I think they'll still be counted as blue and red for things like the Valentines event.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by erall View Post
Here's a question I've not seen asked, though it may have been.

GR is going to add 2 new powersets, and a LOT of content. Any word on whether charslots/server will be increased again, to allow for all the tasty new altitis flavors?
Since you now can buy new slots, I doubt they will add more with the expansion.



There will almost certainly be free character slots with GR.

Many people who have played this game for a while are either close to if not already filled their available character slots on their favorite server. While its true that everyone has had free server transfers for a couple months, with Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning coming BEFORE GR there will be many players with no free character slots again. The NCSofft execs are not dummies. They aren't stupid enough to have players spend $30 on the expansion and then demand they pay more to get character slots or transfer characters off the server once you see the goodies and want to make new toons.

It would be a bad business decision not to give out 2-4 character slots with GR.



Originally Posted by erall View Post
Here's a question I've not seen asked, though it may have been.

GR is going to add 2 new powersets, and a LOT of content. Any word on whether charslots/server will be increased again, to allow for all the tasty new altitis flavors?
Originally Posted by Anarchist_Kitten View Post
Since you now can buy new slots, I doubt they will add more with the expansion.
That's not what was asked. They are wanting to know if we will have an increase to how many slots we have available per server. You can't buy new slots on a particular server if all of them are already being used. If they increase the maximum number of slots per server (which is what they asked) you could then purchase them.

Originally Posted by Bad_Dog View Post
There will almost certainly be free character slots with GR.

Many people who have played this game for a while are either close to if not already filled their available character slots on their favorite server. While its true that everyone has had free server transfers for a couple months, with Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning coming BEFORE GR there will be many players with no free character slots again. The NCSofft execs are not dummies. They aren't stupid enough to have players spend $30 on the expansion and then demand they pay more to get character slots or transfer characters off the server once you see the goodies and want to make new toons.

It would be a bad business decision not to give out 2-4 character slots with GR.
Again, not what was asked.

I don't expect that they will be increasing the maximum slots per server, I think it will likely stay at 36.

Will we get additional free character slots above the current 12/server? Maybe. Possibly. Very likely.

Until a redname says, we won't know for certain.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Chris_Zuercher View Post
First of all, thank you for coming on and clarifying a few things for us. However, I still have a question. You keep mentioning that rogues and vigilantes will be able to team up. But will they be able to have their own missions on the opposing side, or will they be totally at the mercy of team leaders? Or...will some mission contacts be available, and some not?
I think it would be more like the Valentine event. That in which both sides get different missions but the same contact depends on which side you are on i think strongly that you will be able to play all the missions if you are teamed up with the opposing side, but i can be wrong. I disagree with merging the markets it would be more screwy because of how bad it would be if we had villains side then we would be in trouble because of the way expensive things are, but if its played out that it would be equal then stuff becomes less expensive then sure do that, but its also a coin toss for both on that. I have a question What about Supergroups? Will there be one for each side still or can you join either or now?

Tempstra 50 Rad/Dark Defender/War'nt 50 Warshade/Heliosa 50 Fire/Rad Controller//Captain Blue Balls 50 Fire/Ice Blaster/Pinky Swear 50 Dark/Dark ScrapperMind Dreamer 50 Mind/Kinetics Controller/Rex Bubbles 50 Illusion/Forcefield Controller/Cool Wind 50 Ice/Storm Controller/Lil' Miss Dangerous 50 Gravity/Kinetics Controller/Observationist 50 Illusion/Empathy Controller/Kansas City Brawler 50 Stone/Fire Tank/Hades Exhibit One 50 Dark/Robots MM



Originally Posted by SDragon View Post
Ok, so. If I'm one of the gray options(Rogue/Vigilante)... Why would I bother going over efully?

I mean, the markets are more or less the same(Selling the same stuff, not quantity). And if that's the only difference then why wouldn't I stick near the middle and enjoy both side's content?

UNLESS there's more? Oh please tell me there's more.

I would love to see something like... the PPD attacking Vigilantes?

Maybe contacts on the one side don't talk to you? At least the pure evil/Boyscout guys. Only the "gray" contacts will deal with you? Maybe some new contacts get scattered about the zones with some "gray" content.

What I'm saying is... If market accessibility is the only thing that differs Rogues from Vigilantes... Why be anything other then a Vigilante(For the hero market)?

If you're a Hero or Villain, when compared to the new options. The only difference is you can't team with as many people or see as much content.

Doesn't that make the new options vastly superior to the old?

Lol are you expecting this to be batman where he helps people and the cops are always on his tail for no reason at all.

Tempstra 50 Rad/Dark Defender/War'nt 50 Warshade/Heliosa 50 Fire/Rad Controller//Captain Blue Balls 50 Fire/Ice Blaster/Pinky Swear 50 Dark/Dark ScrapperMind Dreamer 50 Mind/Kinetics Controller/Rex Bubbles 50 Illusion/Forcefield Controller/Cool Wind 50 Ice/Storm Controller/Lil' Miss Dangerous 50 Gravity/Kinetics Controller/Observationist 50 Illusion/Empathy Controller/Kansas City Brawler 50 Stone/Fire Tank/Hades Exhibit One 50 Dark/Robots MM



Now here is a big question here...

How will the percentages work now for powers for brutes and everything etc.. the defense wise for tanks and brutes and everything like that would it go to a tank when you go hero or will you still have low resistance/defense and more damage output.

How else would you switch this would MMs/Controllers be possible if you do vill/heroes or will it be doms/controllers corrupters/blasters tank/brutes stalkers/scrappers but what about defenders and PBs/WS and widow/spider????

This doesn't seem complicated But i think we need more details about what is going on here... especially since this supposed to be let out soon.

The trading system from hero/villian pretorian and rogue and vigil has to maybe accept anything from anyone.. in a sense because it really does get annoying trying to play a team together and you are all teamed up and everything but yet you can't help each other out if you don't have inspirations to hand over. I do by the fact get annoyed by doing LGTF and Pocket D missions.

By the way i would like to have to be able to see the hero/villains powers if you are the opposing side... and bonuses and all of that it would just make more sense if you are teaming with them and all.

Another thing. What about badges??? Would you be able to have access to all the badges from heroes and villains exploration? and all of that, and also the TFs would we be able to access everything now?

How will powers work will everyone be able to have access to every power like brutes have every power for tanks and doms for controllers and when we do a switch do we do a complete dom/controller so like a Archtype respec??? or no???

Hope that wasn't to much for you all but i hope that covers alot of your questions.

Tempstra 50 Rad/Dark Defender/War'nt 50 Warshade/Heliosa 50 Fire/Rad Controller//Captain Blue Balls 50 Fire/Ice Blaster/Pinky Swear 50 Dark/Dark ScrapperMind Dreamer 50 Mind/Kinetics Controller/Rex Bubbles 50 Illusion/Forcefield Controller/Cool Wind 50 Ice/Storm Controller/Lil' Miss Dangerous 50 Gravity/Kinetics Controller/Observationist 50 Illusion/Empathy Controller/Kansas City Brawler 50 Stone/Fire Tank/Hades Exhibit One 50 Dark/Robots MM



Originally Posted by Tempstra View Post
Now here is a big question here...

How will the percentages work now for powers for brutes and everything etc.. the defense wise for tanks and brutes and everything like that would it go to a tank when you go hero or will you still have low resistance/defense and more damage output.

How else would you switch this would MMs/Controllers be possible if you do vill/heroes or will it be doms/controllers corrupters/blasters tank/brutes stalkers/scrappers but what about defenders and PBs/WS and widow/spider????

This doesn't seem complicated But i think we need more details about what is going on here... especially since this supposed to be let out soon.

The trading system from hero/villian pretorian and rogue and vigil has to maybe accept anything from anyone.. in a sense because it really does get annoying trying to play a team together and you are all teamed up and everything but yet you can't help each other out if you don't have inspirations to hand over. I do by the fact get annoyed by doing LGTF and Pocket D missions.

By the way i would like to have to be able to see the hero/villains powers if you are the opposing side... and bonuses and all of that it would just make more sense if you are teaming with them and all.

Another thing. What about badges??? Would you be able to have access to all the badges from heroes and villains exploration? and all of that, and also the TFs would we be able to access everything now?

How will powers work will everyone be able to have access to every power like brutes have every power for tanks and doms for controllers and when we do a switch do we do a complete dom/controller so like a Archtype respec??? or no???

Hope that wasn't to much for you all but i hope that covers alot of your questions.
Ummm, as far as your first question goes, it's been known for quite sometime that when you switch sides, that's all that happens, you switch sides. You don't suddenly become another AT.

A Brute will be a Brute no matter what side they are on, same for all the other AT's. You will eventually see Villain Controllers, Hero Dominators, Rogue Blasters and Vigilante Masterminds.

Now, we players aren't sure what happens when you do switch sides and you get into the Epic/Patron power territory. Can a Hero Brute get the ancillary powers for say a Scrapper or a Tank, or do they get some version of heroside patrons or will there be new Epic powers for switched over villain AT's? And similarly, will hero AT's get new versions of Patron powers or will Epic pools be added when they go villainside?

That we don't know at this time.

As far as Badges go, I believe you can get all badges from one side, switch, and get them on the opposite side.

The only restriction will be that while you can get all of the accolades, you can only ever have one of the powers/bonuses they grant. So no getting the Atlas Medallion and the villianside equivalent and getting an extra 10 endurance, you'll only get the +5 endurance bonus once.

Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.



Originally Posted by Bad_Dog View Post
There will almost certainly be free character slots with GR.

Many people who have played this game for a while are either close to if not already filled their available character slots on their favorite server. While its true that everyone has had free server transfers for a couple months, with Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning coming BEFORE GR there will be many players with no free character slots again. The NCSofft execs are not dummies. They aren't stupid enough to have players spend $30 on the expansion and then demand they pay more to get character slots or transfer characters off the server once you see the goodies and want to make new toons.

It would be a bad business decision not to give out 2-4 character slots with GR.
Wouldnt it be a good business desicon (ie gaining money for company) if people did buy more character slots?

Though IMHO the free transfers encouraged people to buy more slots too.

I really dont see its NC's job to ensure players have free slots for characters they want.

It would be great if we did get free character slots, but I dont see it as NC's obligation.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



I didn't say its an obligation, its just a good idea not to alienate a portion of the people paying the monthly fee.

Sure it makes them some extra cash if people end up buying more slots. When all is said and done they want a positive image, positive word-of-mouth about GR, and for us to enjoy the product we paid for.

A postive experience with it keeps us coming back. We'll continue to pay the monthly fee and will most likely purchase more expansions/boosters. Which wouldn't last long if they were to ever adopt a stance that appeared to be greed driven.

It would cost them next to nothing to gift everyone who buys GR 2-4 slots, it's gestures like that, that show they aren't trying to burden or alienate the long term, poorer players who scraped up just enough cash to buy the expansion.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
Again, not what was asked.
I was not replying to the question i had a response to the post above me. Which frequently happens in forums in case you hadn't noticed.

Of course, it's entirely possible you got 4,900 posts by needlessly correcting posters. In that case, you might want to read a post above the person you are meaning to correct before posting.