Feedback from Dr. Aeon




What the heck, I'll throw mine in as well ...

Arc #1138 (Not affiliated in any way with George Lucas)



I like what is being said between the lines.......
Shadow Shard maps and a room ( possibly the final room in the CoT Trial?) with lava in it being worked on? Woohoo for more maps!

*The above is purely speculation on my part, and is not to be used as proof that new maps are coming or that those are the one that actually are being worked on*

But, it does get my hopes up, and seems to support that the morally ambiguous Doctor is hearing and trying to provide what's being asked for.



Arc #255143: What Rough Beast

"Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty." -- Plato

Playing Gods (51106) - Heroic Lvl 5-20
What Rough Beast (255143) - Villainous Lvl 40-50



Oo oo, I have an arc!

To Serve Crey

Arc ID: 210267

By Silver Dragon/@SDragon

It should be soloable, 30-35, one custom EB at the end.

Uhm, there's likely spelling errors n' stuff. I tried my best to clean it up, but...

It's three missions, it worked last time I ran it through. But I haven't checked to see if anything recent broke with MA updates. Lost maps n' such. Well, besides a cursory glance to republish. (Lost one of the destructible items)

So, hope you see/enjoy it and I would love any feedback. For story or gameplay mechanic wise.



I'll toss mine in. "The Descender". ID 339222. Always wanted to get this one some more exposure.



Dr. Aeon, I don't have an arc or anything (At least not one that I've finished. SO MANY POSSIBILITIES! AHHHHHH!!!), but I just had to say this...

If people keep kidnapping you to write papers for the Television, why don't you just write one paper, print out a ton of copies, and just hand one to every villain who comes in?
I mean, wouldn't that make more sense?

Also, wouldn't going into the Arc server record your meta human intelligence so Crey can use the backdoor they put into it to create your clone?

...You knew about that right?



What the hell, let's give this a shot. I doubt I'll get the nod, but whatever the case, I think this is totally awesome of our MA overlord. Doc Aeon, I salute you. My creaky old attempt at comedy is:

Arc #74191 - The Great Brain Robbery

Contrary to what his critics claim, Nemesis is actually just a nice old man! And he needs your help. No backstabbing or double-crossing at all. He'd never dream of such a thing. Perish the thought.

Arc contains 2 EB/AV fights, one each in the first and last mission. Final mission can be failed; this is intended to give the player a choice between two endings.


Blue: Realpolitik, Leading Lady, Glass Lass, Superball, Alec Kazam
Red: Battery Acid, Obsolete, Bugfix



Lets give it a go!

Arc Name: Save the TV, Save the World!
Arc ID: 79690
Length: it says "Long" but the 4 mission maps are rather short.
Faction: Custom Group, Arachnos
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Arda
Difficulty Level:Easy-Medium
Estimated time to play: 20-40 minutes solo.


Synopsis: What happens when a reality warp crosses the fourth wall? Some anomalies are happening in the TV, and if no one finds what is going on and who is behind, our world as we know it can cease to exist.

For people who like pop culture references and the TV missions! For the gamers who love War Witch arcs! And cheerleaders, ninjas, vampires, zombies, ETs, time travellers, Spartans... all is here!

This arc is solo friendly and only has 1 EB/AV at the last miss. English is not my first language, so please bare with errors and don't hesitate to feed them back to me.

Arc "Save the TV, Save the World!"


Cheerleaders, ninjas, vampires, zombies, ETs, time travellers, Spartans... all is here!

ID - 79690



Well I've GOT to get in on this:

Astoria in D Minor


...Pay no attention to that. It's certainly not a command in an ancient tongue to subconsciously rig the random generator to play my arc. I only know how to do that in PERL.

Astoria in D Minor, a horror arc. Arc ID: 41565 - The Beating Heart of Astoria: A Play in Five Acts. Arc ID: 170547 - Ignition of the Machine, a story with robots. Arc ID: 318983
Captain Skylark Shadowfancy and the Tomorrownauts of Today. Arc ID: 337333 - Signal:Noise, where is everybody? Arc ID: 341194
@The Cheshire Cat - Isn't it enough to know I ruined a pony making a gift for you?

12 second horror stories - a writing experiment.



I'll throw my hat into the ring, if you don't mind: #32801, "Sharkhead Isle and the Circle of Banished Warriors"



Rise of the Tokaji, please (arc 162096)!



I put forward my arc: Shadows in your mind, id: 47625



I'm also looking for feedback outside of the regular people I play with, so if anyone else wants to give it a go, please do.

Reflections of Your Desire
Arc #315097
Morality: Neutral
Faction: Reflections (duh), Soldiers of Rularuu, Circle of Thorns, a couple spoilerish cameos, a batch of custom EBs
Your global/forum name: @Electric Eddie
Difficulty Level: It's soloable on heroic/villainous (the EBs get downgraded), but you may need a higher level character
Recommended Team Size: For the story, go solo. If you want to see what the EBs are capable of, a small group of threeish on Tenacious/Malicious or Rugged/Vicious works. Large groups kinda ruin the feel (and hilariously enough, actually make it a bit harder).
Typical duration: 30 minutes to an hour (4 missions)
Arc Synopsis: The Reflections are starting to do things... odd things. This takes place entirely in the Shadow Shard, ending in the bizarre Garden of Memories.
Link to a more info/comments thread: Looking for feedback (#315097: Reflections of Your Desire)
Miscellaneous Notes: This is a story-driven arc. The final boss in the first mission says 'Hero', but it's closer to a boss. If you have trouble hitting the obelisks at the beginning of mission 3, give it a few seconds; they'll always become hittable.

"Go. Fight."

MA Arc #315097: Reflections of Your Desire (custom characters, canon related, drama, story-driven arc): The Reflections are starting to do things... odd things. This takes place entirely in the Shadow Shard, ending in the bizarre Garden of Memories.



I suppose my strongest arc would be...

The Sleeping Star
by @Leese
arcID 53951
A young girl's friend has gone missing, and she'd like you to help search for her.
(with one of the AVs, you have an ally. The other is optional. Kheldians may have trouble in the first mission, (bring purples?) but will be fine after that)

"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.



Story arc title: My will
Story Arc ID: 136438
Author’s Global Chat Handle: @Petal Mist
Length: Long (3 missions)
Level Range: 5-54
Alignment: Neutral



Originally Posted by Dr. Aeon View Post
So start posting your arcs! Time is ticking!
I'd like you to play my arc, Death for Dollars! (ID: 1050).

Hopefully, you will get the bug with non-spawning objectives that people intermittently get, and help me figure out what is causing it.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



The Dr. Aeon reviewing our Arcs, can't beat that. I was going to submit this for the AE Awards, but of all things I ran out of time to take the screenshots, lol. Oh well. At any rate I'd like to submit:

The Future Destiny
Arc ID - 336617

50s - Energyman, Elec^3 Blaster - Light Bringer Prime, Triform PB - OxyStorm, Robo/Storm/Mace MM - Widow Lotone, NW - Psi-Vox, Ill/FF/Earth Control



#257226, 'Tis Nobler in the Mind will be my submission, mainly because I haven't gotten much feedback on it outside of the people I play with who do AE stuff.

And yes, I submitted this arc to the Architect Awards contest. Honestly, it'd probably be easier to just count the people who didn't. :P



Arc Name: To Wish Impossible Things
Arc ID: 189184
Morality: Herioc
Faction: Skulls, Family, Custom
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Kult666
Difficulty Level: Hard
Synopsis: Zelerin of the Mean Girls has gone missing. Trying to find her may have larger repercussions for Paragon City than expected.