Controllers as Healers?




Hey there, I have a level 30 or so Gravity/Empathy healer aptly modeled after Jesus XD and of course, I want him to be a healer. (No, he can't cure your blindness.)
A question I had was how effective a Grav/Emp build could even possibly be for team healing, as I want to make him more of an AoE healer as opposed to a single target healer. Also, what are some good builds for this kind of thing, if any.




You realize you can't have more than one AoE heal, right? So to be an "AoE healer" means you'll set follow on the Tank, put Healing Aura on auto and then get up and leave the room because it'll get BORING.

Also, insert standard rant HERE about how healing in this game is overrated and unnecessary and how making a "healer"* is totally pointless. ESPECIALLY if you're a controller, who's job it is to prevent your teammates for even taking damage in the first place.

However, if that's what you really want to do, the only Controller primary that'll help your cause is Plant; it has Spirit tree, which increases the Regen rate of all nearby allies. None of the other controller powersets have anything that'll add to your healing abilities.

*: Note that "healer" =/= Empath. Empathy has other great tools that aren't direct heals, but help the team be more productive and thus ensuring that they don't need to be healed as much in the first place.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by DocDominion View Post
Hey there, I have a level 30 or so Gravity/Empathy healer aptly modeled after Jesus XD and of course, I want him to be a healer. (No, he can't cure your blindness.)
A question I had was how effective a Grav/Emp build could even possibly be for team healing, as I want to make him more of an AoE healer as opposed to a single target healer. Also, what are some good builds for this kind of thing, if any.
Well if you go pure empathy your only going to have one AoE heal. Now if you want to be a troller healer you won't be as good as a emp/rad defender but you can still go pure empathy and do some major healing.

As I said before though, Emps only have one AoE heal and then they also have their AoE RAs. That's really as much as an emp gets AoE wise. If you do get those RAs I would get hasten so you can have them recharging really fast, that way you can have RA up almost all the time. So with both RAs up and your AoE heal your team shouldn't die.

Pinnacle - The Drunk Server!
MAIN: Desi Boy> Level 51 Fire/Fire Tank
Super Group: C.O.R.E.
Tanking since 05'



Interesting. In the last two days I have seen three controllers advertising as "healers" on the team member search. Could this be a new fad?



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post

You realize you can't have more than one AoE heal, right? So to be an "AoE healer" means you'll set follow on the Tank, put Healing Aura on auto and then get up and leave the room because it'll get BORING.

Also, insert standard rant HERE about how healing in this game is overrated and unnecessary and how making a "healer"* is totally pointless. ESPECIALLY if you're a controller, who's job it is to prevent your teammates for even taking damage in the first place.

However, if that's what you really want to do, the only Controller primary that'll help your cause is Plant; it has Spirit tree, which increases the Regen rate of all nearby allies. None of the other controller powersets have anything that'll add to your healing abilities.

*: Note that "healer" =/= Empath. Empathy has other great tools that aren't direct heals, but help the team be more productive and thus ensuring that they don't need to be healed as much in the first place.
I wouldn't say healers are pointless. They have a use and they help the team a lot. I do agree with your statement about trollers not needing to be helaers because of their role.

What he could do since he wants to be AoE healer on his troller, is just make two builds like we can now. One build=healer and second build=troller.

Pinnacle - The Drunk Server!
MAIN: Desi Boy> Level 51 Fire/Fire Tank
Super Group: C.O.R.E.
Tanking since 05'



Originally Posted by MonkeySpirit View Post
Interesting. In the last two days I have seen three controllers advertising as "healers" on the team member search. Could this be a new fad?
God I hope not I prefer my controllers to be controllers and hold the groups down and debuff the mobs while buffing me, not healing me.

Pinnacle - The Drunk Server!
MAIN: Desi Boy> Level 51 Fire/Fire Tank
Super Group: C.O.R.E.
Tanking since 05'



Originally Posted by DocDominion View Post
(No, he can't cure your blindness.)
Clear Mind: +0.865 PerceptionRadius for 90s [Non-resistable], RES(PerceptionRadius) +86.5% for 90s [Non-resistable]



Controllers as healers isnt new, it used to happen alot in PvP.

Good news is you picked a great controller primary for a PvE healer, Grav is awful!


LotD - JaL - POWT/SMD - SoCo - AJs



Originally Posted by hilker View Post
Clear Mind: +0.865 PerceptionRadius for 90s [Non-resistable], RES(PerceptionRadius) +86.5% for 90s [Non-resistable]
Too bad it can't cure the "healer's" blindness.

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~



Probably the best healer combo is Illusion/Emp.

You get an invisability power that allows you to heal without pulling aggro, also its a relatively passive primary; drop the pets then get on with the healing and buffing.

L50s: Tanks: Cryofission - Ice/EM - Dr Celsius - Fire/Ice - Saint George - SD/SS | Controllers: Psichosis - Ill/Kin - Major Chaos - Ill/Stm | Scrappers - Neutron Crusader - DM/SR

Currently Levelling: Angelic Blade - BS/WP Scrapper | Seeds of Destruction - Plant/Kin Controller



thing is in this game their is no direct heal role let me explain. Or gonna be doing more things then heal you should be doing
A.heal/buff/light damage
C.Heal/buff /control

see people that do heal also do other things all the the same time. Just heal your gonna be only using a third of your power at most. Don't fall into the *healer* role



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
thing is in this game their is no direct heal role let me explain. Or gonna be doing more things then heal you should be doing
A.heal/buff/light damage
C.Heal/buff /control

see people that do heal also do other things all the the same time. Just heal your gonna be only using a third of your power at most. Don't fall into the *healer* role
really good point here.

Pinnacle - The Drunk Server!
MAIN: Desi Boy> Level 51 Fire/Fire Tank
Super Group: C.O.R.E.
Tanking since 05'



Lets be honest you can be both with one build. It's not like you can really add anymore aoe healing to a build, so what do you do with the other power choices?

You want to be a good support character? Focus on your primary (so fewer heals are needed) and your secondary (so you use them when they are really needed)

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Originally Posted by Psiphon View Post
Probably the best healer combo is Illusion/Emp.

You get an invisability power that allows you to heal without pulling aggro, also its a relatively passive primary; drop the pets then get on with the healing and buffing.
That was my first controller, and it works well.

However, there is another "healer" powerset for controllers: Thermal Radiation. Originally the "villain" version of healing, it has a mixture of ally heals and buffs and enemy debuffs.

The heals for Thermal are the same basic numbers as Healing Aura and Heal Other. The big difference is that there's nothing to buff defense, regeneration and recovery, but the to-hit and damage buff is greater and there are damage resistance buffs. The status protection is similar, but Thermal also has cold damage resistance, run/recharge debuff resistance, but lacks a perception buff.

Depending on how you like to play, Thermal has certain advantages: there are no PBAoE buffs, so you don't have to summon everyone to you for RAs. On the other hand, you have to buff each individual singly, so if you don't like being a "buff-bot" this set is not for you.

However, that is partially made up for by the massive Damage, Recovery and Regeneration debuffs on Heat Exhaustion, and the Defense and Damage Resistance debuffs on Melt Armor.



Originally Posted by DocDominion View Post
I want to make him more of an AoE healer as opposed to a single target healer.
I think this basic concept is flawed. Maxed out you can only do about 23.2% of your hit points in an area heal, which has a radius of 25 feet.

A level 50 tank has 1874 base hit points, while a controller has 1017. That means, maxed out, your heal is going to do 236 hp, or 13% of the tank's hit points. Many tanks also have lots of hit point bonuses, so you may not be able to heal even 10% of the tank's hits with an area heal. Your single target heal does twice as much healing.

Also, if you're close enough to area heal the tank all the time, you're going to be in the middle of battle, which means you're going to get stunned a lot and hit by AoEs. You will get creamed when you start running into Nemesis troops and Malta.

I find the single target heal to be much more useful than the area. It heals twice as much, recharges twice as fast and has an 80 foot range. If you skimp on Heal Other you will be a terrible healer.

As others mentioned, there's a lot more to playing an empath than healing. Knowing the best team members to receive Fortitude, Adrenalin Boost and Clear Mind (and when they need it) is much more important than spamming Healing Aura.



Originally Posted by DocDominion View Post
Hey there, I have a level 30 or so Gravity/Empathy healer aptly modeled after Jesus XD and of course, I want him to be a healer. (No, he can't cure your blindness.)
A question I had was how effective a Grav/Emp build could even possibly be for team healing, as I want to make him more of an AoE healer as opposed to a single target healer. Also, what are some good builds for this kind of thing, if any.
AoE heals is a terribad way of protecting the team. Using your primary to prevent damage in the first place by rendering the opposition helpless if far more effective. Sure, as an emp, you'll heal on occasion, but there's a huge difference in using spot heals here and there and then spamming heals, and in the process annoying alot of people. Don't make baby Jesus cry, learn to use your primary.

With that said, illusion/emps make great support controllers (if you're looking for suggestions on build choices) with a primary that gives you stealth, damage and a way to manage aggro. That allows you to play your secondary more safely.



haha awesome! I saw a zombie-jesus the other day on Freedom redside! Dunno the build, but he was cool-looking



Originally Posted by DocDominion View Post
Hey there, I have a level 30 or so Gravity/Empathy healer aptly modeled after Jesus
Psalms 4:20 " And Lo did Jesus thowest the holy forklift at his enemies, and he smotest them mightily." Amen.



Originally Posted by DocDominion View Post
Hey there, I have a level 30 or so Gravity/Empathy healer aptly modeled after Jesus XD and of course, I want him to be a healer. (No, he can't cure your blindness.)
A question I had was how effective a Grav/Emp build could even possibly be for team healing, as I want to make him more of an AoE healer as opposed to a single target healer. Also, what are some good builds for this kind of thing, if any.
I have a guide to being a healer (and asking about being a healer-- link in sig). Plant has, you know, spirit tree, which in combination with regen aura and healing aura is about as AoE-hit-point-optimizing as you can get.

You could always construe some of Empathy's other effects (e.g., clear mind, fortitude, adrenaline boost) as various sorts of blessings. Gravity isn't the strongest set or even, probably, the best suited to your concept. But as per the guide, you won't want to play this in order to be "strong."

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



I'm going to offer an alternative view to some of what has been said here.

IMO Controllers can not just be excellent healers, they can be among the best healers. We just have to define "healer" as someone who is capable of repairing HP damage, removing/preventing status effects, and reviving KO'ed heroes in addition to other things like mezzing enemies or dealing damage. Following the team around and healing to the exclusion of all else, as is done in some other games, is not usually a viable tactic in CoH.

A Defender can achieve better heals-per-second and heals-per-endurance-point, but IMO a Controller's primary set makes up for this with by providing more ways to slow incoming damage. It's hard to say whether the Defender or Controller is the better "healer," but clearly Thermal Radiation and Empathy characters are better healers than, say, characters with Martial Arts or Invulnerability.

Some argue that if a Controller was doing his or her job, there would be no need for healing. I think this is more true in theory than in practice. Except under specially engineered circumstances a single Controller cannot stop 100% of the damage coming at the team. Having a heal around is often useful if for no other reason than to keep the team moving.

It is also true that there are team make-ups that make having a healing character less useful. This is kind of irrelevant though. There are team make-ups that make tankers, bubblers, mezzers, and just about any other -ers less useful, so that fact that one can build a team without a healing character shouldnt be mistaken as a sign that healing powers are useless. It is easy to engineer situations where the entire Controller archetype is useless.

As for the single-target heal vs aoe heal topic--it turns out in this game that the 3 main "healing" sets (Empathy, Thermal, and Pain) have both single-target and AoE heals. Both the single target and AoE are useful to have, so I wouldnt recommend specializing with one set or another. Your reaction time will never be good enough to target each team member as damage is done, and an AoE heal hits all team members, their pets, and any NPCs that are assisting the party. As a matter of course, when there are Masterminds in the party it is a good idea to occasionally fire the AoE heal even if you are just "guessing" damage is being done, as can often happen in chaotic fights or if your target is obscured by a doorway.

Of the other sets that are capable of healing HP Kinetics and Radiation both have only an AoE, and Storm has only a weak-ish single target heal that doubles as a useful anti-mezz.



Hey, I'm pretty angry that I got 19 replies and 18 of them weren't really helpful. And I hope you all realize you're ripping on Jesus here.
Anyway, I made the character early when I started and it seemed like fun, so I stuck with it. I DON't want to re-roll to defender, and I already have two builds, one as a troller, and one as a healer.

How bad really IS gravity? There's no way it's un-saveable, right? I mean, suppose I get our lord and savior to 50, he'll be able to pack a punch, won't he?
Anyways, thanks for all the replies, but I'd prefer more like the last one, that is, "Well, I don't like what you're doing, but here's how I would do it..."

Blessed art thou.



Originally Posted by DocDominion View Post
Hey there, I have a level 30 or so Gravity/Empathy healer aptly modeled after Jesus XD and of course, I want him to be a healer. (No, he can't cure your blindness.)
A question I had was how effective a Grav/Emp build could even possibly be for team healing, as I want to make him more of an AoE healer as opposed to a single target healer. Also, what are some good builds for this kind of thing, if any.

In answer to your query, it would be as effective for team healing as any other /Empathy controller or defender, depending on how it was built and played. Others have already stated it in this thread, but there's only so much AoE healing you'll have available to you, regardless of the AT you choose.
I do have a couple questions for you though, which would be firstly, what exactly do you mean when you say 'healer'? Do you mean a character that does nothing but heal, or just a character that has an emphasis on team-support? If healing is all you're after, then I have to ask why a controller over a defender?



Never mind.



Sorry, I should have clarified.
Yes, I want one of my builds to do nothing but heal, and to be able to keep my group alive, regardless of how the tank is doing. A single target healer is an okay alternative if Grav/Emp is no good at AoE heals, and that's fine, I just want to put extra emphasis on my one AoE ability.

So for a single target healer, anybody have any suggested builds?



The word "healer" tends to inflame people a bit round here, Doc. As long as you're aware that empaths buff (or bless or anoint) as well as heal, you'll be fine.

Anyway, I ran a Grav/Emp to 50. Solo'd often and teamed and loved the combo.

Gravity's main problem is that your bread and butter area control comes late (Wormhole at 26) and when it does it has a bit of knockback associated with it, which can lead to people asking you not to use it one teams. Incorrectly in my opinion, but they will do that.
That aside, Gravity is a really fun powerset. Propel is fun because you throw random stuf at people. Wormhole is fun because you get to teleport mobs around as you stun them. Standing inside Singularity while mobs try to melee you is fun. It's probably the least effective set for tearing through PvE content, but its maybe 80% as effective as Illusion or Fire rather than 50% as effective, so dont worry too much about it coming last.
You'll control well and do decent single target damage for a Controller. After playing a Blaster, the saftey provided by my single target hold had me in awe.

As for running a Controller Empath instead of a Defender Empath, your powers are typically around 88% effective as a Defender. You get them later, but other than that a Controller can make for very good team support.
Add in Leadership for some extra buffage - I ran Tactics and Assault on my Grav/Emp. Fortitude gives bigger bonuses to the chosen few, and is an absolute must have, but Leadership will spread bonuses to the whole team, including yourself and your pet.

You could reasonably get by with just Crush, Gravity Distortion, Propel, Wormhole and Singularity from Gravity and not miss much. That leaves room for 8 Empath powers (skip Absorb Pain), Travel Power and pre-requisite, Fitness and 3 Leadership powers.

One question - what travel power does Our Lord use, just out of curiosity?