Is it worth it?




I have been hearing a LOT of ******** about the additional server lag due to the new power customization stuff. Personally I never was overly enthused about it myself, but for those of you who were like zomfg I gotta have pink imps or blue the lag worth it?



I haven't been experiencing any lag outside of the Rikti ship raid, so honestly I don't think that the power customization has a lot to do with it.

Personally, based on the evidence I've seen thus far, I think its a server or networking hardware problem moreso than anything to do with the game itself.



Agreed with Stray. I began noticing more hiccups in the connection, mapservers, rubberbanding, etc weeks before 16 went live.

MS raids were a lagfest before, and they'll continue to be one now.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



I have noticed more lag. I don't know what it stems from, but it sure is annoying. I've not customized any powers just in case that contributes towards it.

Lowering my particle count has helped a lot.



I've not noticed any more lag than before and I'm on quite possibly the worst rig ever, the slightest thing sets it off. But then again I get weirdness with lag, a lot of times when everyone has been complaining about lag and LCTMs I've not had any, no idea why that is.

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I'm with Stray and Flash on this. I haven't experienced anything too different from before i-16. I'm inclined to think it's more an ISP or server issue than anything else.



Sadly, my computer is a horrible hot mess. However, my lag experience has actually improved since I16. I took part in a rikti invasion in Steel on the Freedom Server the other day. When I clicked on my powers, they actually did something! Like immediately! It was freaky!

@The Omega Elementress
Currently playing Project Willow lvl 50 DB/WP Incarnate Shifted Scrapper



I'm on third world internets.

I've always had lag or disconnects, but I've experienced more (especially on Imperious runs) in the time around i16 than prior issues.

Is it worth it? Uh, shrug, I guess. I've always had lag. It's never been perfect. I don't really know what kind of answer you were looking for.

It isn't worth it. I'm going to Aion. Rolling a Sorceror. RITE. NAO.

"I do it better than anybody you've ever seen do it.
The screams from the haters, it's got a nice ring to it.
I guess every super hero needs his theme music .."



As I stated in a previous thread. I understand Power Customization and Server lag to be unrelated. Below is a cut & paste from that threat:

Recently in one of the suggestion threads, a poster claimed they didn't like power customization due to the lag it would add, which prompted responses such as:

- All rendering is done on the client. The additional bandwidth usage would be miniscule.
I'm glad someone else finally said this to be clear.

- Power customization is just a form of costume data. The suggestion that the bandwidth will crush folks connections and that we should be able to shut it off to prevent that sounds as inane as saying "costumes are too elaborate and take up too much bandwidth, therefore, folks on slower computers should only see default gloves and boots on all other characters." Makes zero sense.

- Bandwidth is based on your connection speed and has nothing to do with a slow pc. At. All. I assume you mean rendering speed that has nothing to do with your connection, based on cpu and gpu specs. At most, the power colors would probably equal two bytes, or two digits.



Originally Posted by The_Bronx View Post
I'm on third world internets.

I've always had lag or disconnects, but I've experienced more (especially on Imperious runs) in the time around i16 than prior issues.

Is it worth it? Uh, shrug, I guess. I've always had lag. It's never been perfect. I don't really know what kind of answer you were looking for.

It isn't worth it. I'm going to Aion. Rolling a Sorceror. RITE. NAO.
You sir are not allowed to leave this game with all those cool names your holding!!!!!!!



I have noticed no additional lag.

"Life is about perseverance. It's about slogging through no matter what." - Stormy Llewellyn
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Originally Posted by Dinah Might View Post
You sir are not allowed to leave this game with all those cool names your holding!!!!!!!
If I get this job, I may actually be leaving for quite a while.

At which point, I may just release some of the serious ones I am holding that I haven't even mentioned.

"I do it better than anybody you've ever seen do it.
The screams from the haters, it's got a nice ring to it.
I guess every super hero needs his theme music .."



Originally Posted by The_Bronx View Post
If I get this job, I may actually be leaving for quite a while.

At which point, I may just release some of serious the ones I am holding that I haven't even mentioned.
Obviously, I'm interested in anyone you are releasing. I'll make you a deal, I'll even give them back if you return and want any of them.



To get thread back on the tracks

Lag & server stability unrelated to colour customization. Therefor, yes it is worth it.



At first I was meh about power customization, until I went to a tailor and started playing it. Now I love the possibilities.

Regarding lag, we had absolutely no lag issues during the last Post-I16 Hami and there were many flashy power customizations going on there.

Our Thursday night RWZ raid, however was unbearably laggy. It made no difference that everyone was had no capes, no power customizations and in bikinies (except that it was hawt! But i'm a perv). It was still a lag fest, but that was always the case post I14.

Phantom Flight / Villainous Llewthorous



Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
I have been hearing a LOT of ******** about the additional server lag due to the new power customization stuff. Personally I never was overly enthused about it myself, but for those of you who were like zomfg I gotta have pink imps or blue the lag worth it?
No additional lag seen by any of my SG.

And I am a big fan of the addition of power customization.

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Originally Posted by The_Bronx View Post
If I get this job, I may actually be leaving for quite a while.

At which point, I may just release some of serious the ones I am holding that I haven't even mentioned.
Now, hand over access to your storage bins and we'll send you on your way.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Haven't really noticed the lag being any better or worse than its always been for me.

I'm seriously digging the customization thing. Its nice to finally be able to get a lot of my toons looking exactly the way I always envisioned them. And whats even cooler is that I find I'm loving the sheer chaotic aspect of the new colors in large teams situations. For so long, everything was always the same. You could always figure on exactly what things were going to look like when you were fighting. Now, its way different, and way more fun. Seeing colors flying off all over that you dont recognize right off, it makes all fighting seem a little more wild, a little more fun, kind of as insane as I always imagined it would be with actual superpowered folks. But that's just my $.02. Two thumbs up.

�Life's hard. It's even harder when you're stupid.� ― John Wayne

�Just think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are even stupider!� - George Carlin



Originally Posted by Celestial_Lad View Post
I'm with Stray and Flash on this. I haven't experienced anything too different from before i-16. I'm inclined to think it's more an ISP or server issue than anything else.
I didn't have very much lag at all on the Mothership Raids, noe did I get Mapserved very much before Issue 16. I will admit there was some complaints of these issues from others before Issue 16, but I personally have noticed a SIGNIFIGANT increase in lag, bandwidth traffic, and server issues.

We can wax poetical all night about why it does this or that or what is the cause of the lag, but since none of us know the stats on the game servers, oe the NCSoft Network or have actually SEEN the game source code, we are literally stabbing in the dark (let's hope Jack Emmertt is somewhere in that dark).

What we all need to do, (as Stray suggested last night during the Mothership Raid) is to petition the Devs like crazy! Whining on the forums has a slim possibility of reaching the Devs ears, but if you submit a Petition every time you are subjected to a large amount of lag, eventually the Dev will do something about it. The more petitions they get, the higher on the priority scale the problem goes. And also, if they are able to see the situations, times, and variety of effect users, they can better pin-point the problem. As an IT professional, I always go by the motto "When diagnosing an Issue, too much information is ALWAYS better than not enough" and I'm sure several of the Devs would agree with me.

In short. Griping here is nice to help you vent and get things off your chest, (and I'm not at all knocking anyone for that, we all need to vent our frustrations) but venting with petitions at the moment is much more effective way of getting movement from the technical personnel about it.

Just my $.02
We now return you to your regular forum day.


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Originally Posted by Celestial_Lad View Post
I'm with Stray and Flash on this. I haven't experienced anything too different from before i-16. I'm inclined to think it's more an ISP or server issue than anything else.
My point was more that, while there is a difference since i16 hit, the clues that I'm noticing point to something at the server or very close to it. However, in general gameplay there isn't much of a change. Its when you get to the things that were known to be hard on the server/network traffic that we're seeing spikes so I'm thinking something is going on there.



I do get excessive lag and slight mapserves when there is lots of DoT from players' attacks, especially when it's coming from me (as in from my attacks).
Just throwing that out there as well as it may be relatable to the MS lag. *shrug*



I havn't noticed an increase in lag and I did a hami and had no issues...

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Originally Posted by Dazz_Marvelous View Post
I havn't noticed an increase in lag and I did a hami and had no issues...
A few fellow raiders mentioned the same thing, in comparison to the Mothership Raid. Just the odd fact that Mothership Raids have been struck by this lag issue while Hami Raids are still truckin' along with little to no difference.

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I'm running on a pretty top end system and I do catch lag patches off and on but really, the only time I lag the worst is a mass herd on ITF and the god awful Mother Ship lag which is the worst thing ever. Pretty sure it has nothing to do with customized colors but more of server issues.

I'll always be a "Champion" at heart. My server away from home.

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Originally Posted by The_Bronx View Post
It isn't worth it. I'm going to Aion. Rolling a Sorceror. RITE. NAO.
Yo Bronx, roll an Asmodean on Zikel NAO! That's where we at.

On topic, no I haven't been experiencing extra lag other than when i16 first dropped, which happens every issue. Like Dazz said, Hami wasn't a problem at all.
