Is it worth it?




Originally Posted by Cobalt_Azurean View Post
A few fellow raiders mentioned the same thing, in comparison to the Mothership Raid. Just the odd fact that Mothership Raids have been struck by this lag issue while Hami Raids are still truckin' along with little to no difference.
This alone implies that Power Customization is not the culprit. Last RWZ raid i did had far more severe lag than prior to i-16, but i've had periods of severe lag while soloing with no customized powers, so i think it's server and/or ISP related.

The last few days the lag's improved for me, and if anything i'm seeing more customized powers now.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
This alone implies that Power Customization is not the culprit. Last RWZ raid i did had far more severe lag than prior to i-16, but i've had periods of severe lag while soloing with no customized powers, so i think it's server and/or ISP related.

The last few days the lag's improved for me, and if anything i'm seeing more customized powers now.
Which I was pretty sure of before the Mothership Raids even started post i16.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by BlackAmaranth View Post
I didn't have very much lag at all on the Mothership Raids, noe did I get Mapserved very much before Issue 16. I will admit there was some complaints of these issues from others before Issue 16, but I personally have noticed a SIGNIFIGANT increase in lag, bandwidth traffic, and server issues.

We can wax poetical all night about why it does this or that or what is the cause of the lag, but since none of us know the stats on the game servers, oe the NCSoft Network or have actually SEEN the game source code, we are literally stabbing in the dark (let's hope Jack Emmertt is somewhere in that dark).

What we all need to do, (as Stray suggested last night during the Mothership Raid) is to petition the Devs like crazy! Whining on the forums has a slim possibility of reaching the Devs ears, but if you submit a Petition every time you are subjected to a large amount of lag, eventually the Dev will do something about it. The more petitions they get, the higher on the priority scale the problem goes. And also, if they are able to see the situations, times, and variety of effect users, they can better pin-point the problem. As an IT professional, I always go by the motto "When diagnosing an Issue, too much information is ALWAYS better than not enough" and I'm sure several of the Devs would agree with me.

In short. Griping here is nice to help you vent and get things off your chest, (and I'm not at all knocking anyone for that, we all need to vent our frustrations) but venting with petitions at the moment is much more effective way of getting movement from the technical personnel about it.

Just my $.02
We now return you to your regular forum day.


This is the best advice on this type of situation posted to date. Sending in petitions until they fix it is the only way that it will be (Although, if stabbing Emmert in the dark can get it fixed, where's the Bowie and the line?).

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



The question wasn't posed to complain. In fact I am not experiencing any lag problems, then again I haven't been to a rikti raid for a while now. Op was more out of curiosity. This thread is definitely differing from what I am hearing ingame. Everyone here pretty much says it has nothing to do with powers or are not noticing a significant difference in lag. Ingame I am seeing complaints left and right. I guess the people with lowend systems don't frequent the blue boards . :-)



People with low end systems would have lag no matter what was changed, and they'd have no idea what was causing it besides having a crappy computer.

Saying it's the Power Customization is just the obvious choice, and as we've learned with various bugs and things in this game, the obvious isn't usually the reason why something doesn't work right.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
The question wasn't posed to complain. In fact I am not experiencing any lag problems, then again I haven't been to a rikti raid for a while now. Op was more out of curiosity. This thread is definitely differing from what I am hearing ingame. Everyone here pretty much says it has nothing to do with powers or are not noticing a significant difference in lag. Ingame I am seeing complaints left and right. I guess the people with lowend systems don't frequent the blue boards . :-)
No, i'm not saying i don't get lag, i'm just saying that the lag in amount and frequency does not correlate to the presence or absence of customized powers. The RWZ raid after i16 came out was insanely laggy for me, but it wasn't graphical lag for the most part, it was distinctly server-related lag. (When a power takes five times longer than normal to recharge that's not graphics issues; especially when i can still move, occasionally fire off one my fast cycling powers and watch the rest of the fight's pretty colors while waiting.) Server/connection/latency issues have been an occasional problem since i16 went live regardless of whether customized powers are in use.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Is it worth it, let me work it.
I put my thing down, flip it and reverse it....

(Missy Elliot)

Sry. Just heard that song yesterday and now I can't get it out of my head.

Phantom Flight / Villainous Llewthorous



It's been really terrible this weekend for some reason. I'm getting ITF level lag even on a LGTF.



It's bad enough that I just can't play anymore. Gonna try Aion or something till this stuff gets fixed.



Fwiw, the response I was given by Tier 2 tech support was to check and see if the lag was still there after Monday morning maintenance. Sounds like a canned response to me, but I'll still be watching next week.



Well, on all these other games I can put the settings on high and have no lag or reduced fps. With CoH since i16 I've been having to run on absolute lowest settings and it's still unplayable. It's pretty frustrating. So I'm just gonna take a break until if/when they fix it.



Yeah, its reasons like that why I say that it has to be server side. The RWZ raid for instance I dropped my graphics all the way to "City of Polygons" level and it didn't change anything. Were my system resources full then I would be suspect of the client, but I hit 25% of total system resources at the most.



Maybe a Memory Leak was introduced with I16.


AE Arc: 305214 Blood Diamonds (Villainous)




There is a memory leak in CoH. Has been for years.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



This doesn't have the characteristics of a memory leak, because typically a memory leak causes a decrease in performance the longer something is running. This seems to happen more when related to certain events that are taxing on the server (in particular, the RWZ raids and ITF missions 3 and 4).



I haven't played enough since I16 to weigh in on this topic, but, to answer the question, "Is it worth it?" : 42.

Yeah, I went there.



In the beginning, GP did not know much. It took her 15 minutes to get from Miss Liberty to Hollows if she took a round-about way there. When she met the Navigator, he taught her using small words she could understand, how to reconfigure her PC to get rid of the lag. It was totally worth it then.. and for the sake of Lime green fire imps of DOOM.. it is totally worth it now. Not that I'm experiencing any lag.. will have to see next time I crash a ship raid. (GP is not as ignorant as she used to be, but there's plenty of room for improvement! )

Global @Gender Poison
Imagine your RL Mug on your COH Mug on your Coffee Mug