Stray Kitten

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  1. Manly tears were shed. That's all I can really say.
    • Three-man mothership raid
    • Two-Man MoLGTF
    • 15 minute ITF
    • 8 minute 46+ Treespec

    Those are the ones that come to mind offhand, but I know there's been a lot more.
  2. Stray Kitten

    Magi farm

    Originally Posted by RevolverMike View Post
    ...NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT....
    That's the majority of the problem. This card is fairly old, but on top of that it's a low end card. Really you need at least one that's x500 or x50 in order to get much milage out of the newer graphics.
  3. Congrats to everyone involved. Wish I could've been there, but work etc. etc.
  4. Things like this are why I hide from searches unless I'm feeling particularly adventurous.
  5. Stray Kitten

    MoTPN - June 2nd

    All five badges + Master confirmed! Great run everyone. Thanks for hosting, Amy.
  6. Stray Kitten

    MoTPN - June 2nd

    I'll be there. May be a bit after 7:30 before I make it, but I'll be there before 8:00 so save me a spot if you can.
  7. Stray Kitten

    MoDD - May 19th

    I'll be getting off work around 7 that day, so I'll try my best to make this.
  8. If I'm around and you need help, hit me up. I've done most of the MoTFs several times.
  9. Just checked, I need anything post-UGT, but my work schedule kind of sucks right now so don't count me just yet.
  10. You may just need to verify the files. I'm not at my Windows computer currently, so I can't check for certain, but I believe you just right-click the game name in the launcher and click "Verify" or "Repair". Hopefully someone else can correct me if that's not where it's located.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pagan_Tech View Post
    All files are in the same directory. I'm running it all out of a folder on my desktop. Links don't seem to work if created, the perl script attempts to install it where the link was clicked.
    Just noticed this. If you add a line to your script, you can put/link the script wherever you want.

    ./ -renderthread 0
    should be
    cd <path/to/CoH>
    ./ -renderthread 0
  12. Would like to share that I also had a successful install using this "template" in Ubuntu 11.10.

    System Specs:
    Intel Core2Quad Q6600
    8GB DDR2 RAM (can't remember the specific speed)
    eVGA nVidia 250GTS

    My system was very similar, so perhaps Intel/nVidia systems lend themselves to CoH on Linux? Just confirming that it does indeed work under Ubuntu 11.10 using the Wine version in the repositories. Only modifications to the OS was swapping from Unity to Gnome 3. Have not tested in Unity yet, but may do that later this evening.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Placta View Post
    Bring whatever you want.
    I've already got it on my badger, so I'm just there to help out. Let me know what you need.
  14. Roster
    @Placta - Elec/elec blaster
    @Stray Kitten - Whatever we need (my rad/rad corr seems to be a popular choice)
  15. Sorry I had to duck out early. Long story, but I had to keep a friend from going to jail. Good to see that you all got Bunker Buster at least. I'll do my best to be available for next week.
  16. Wanting to give CoH a shot in Linux again after not having done so since.. around i11 or so. I was just wondering if there were any Linux users out there currently and what kind of problems they have encountered.

    I already gave this thread a read through, but since that was just one person's input I was kind of curious about seeing if anyone else knew of anything to avoid/any other tips before I started down this road.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by General_CoH View Post
    Yes, I'm sure. If you don't believe me, try it yourself. My understanding is that Free players can't send mail but can accept them fine.
    This is what I've run across as well. Gave a little inf to a returning player having trouble purchasing basic DOs and the like through email when I wasn't allowed to trade directly with him. He was returning on a new account because he couldn't remember how to access his old one, and was unable to send tells, join an SG, etc. etc.
  18. I'll do my best to be there this week. I think I'm open for a full Sunday for once.
  19. Probably my own solo SG that I already have going as a storage base.
  20. Stray Kitten

    FTP and SG's

    Originally Posted by Cobalt Azurean View Post

    Premiums also can't pay the rent, but seem eligible to join.

    Only VIPs can pay the rent or create'em.
    That's a bit of an oversight if I ever saw one. A lot of people may be returning to dead SGs and want to pay the rent to get things up and running again.
  21. Fwiw, rogues are able to join, but will slow things down a little because of lack of hero ouro access.
  22. Stray Kitten

    Mids update

    Originally Posted by Silas View Post
    Huh, so was it Mid -> St0ney -> Diellan?

    Or am I totally misremembering St0ney having anything to do with it. Coulda sworn I saw him credited sometime ago.
    He had plenty to do with it, and if I recall, was the first to take over after Mid bowing out. But there were at least a few others who stepped up for the intermittent periods I believe, but I may be mistaken.
  23. Good to see you back, Cim. I can get you the hook up on at least a few channels.