Reporting in to say hello!




Hi everyone!

I wasn't really sure where else to post this, so I chose this forum. I just started playing CoX a few days ago. My girlfriend told me she wanted to play some type of MMO, and after some research, we settled on this one. (I also play EVE Online, but that isn't for everyone, and I don't want to go back to WoW) We both made villain characters and are having a blast. Wanted to introduce myself to the community.

I'm hoping this game will have enough varied content to keep us occupied for a while, since I know we are coming in 5 years late! So hello to all of you!



Welcome to the game and the forums! CoV has some of the best content ingame and it should occupy you and your GF for sometime. I too started with CoV, but eventually broke down and picked up CoH when I had exhausted all content (after 1 1/2 years of playing).

Enjoy and feel free to ask questions, get build advice and just have a good ole time!




Tip #1: IGNORE AE (Architect Entertainment) for the first year and play the actual game missions. After a year, you can go back and play in AE if you wish. If someone invites you to an AE team, politely decline.

Trust me, you'll thank me for it later.



Originally Posted by Kylazin View Post
Hi everyone!

I wasn't really sure where else to post this, so I chose this forum. I just started playing CoX a few days ago. My girlfriend told me she wanted to play some type of MMO, and after some research, we settled on this one. (I also play EVE Online, but that isn't for everyone, and I don't want to go back to WoW) We both made villain characters and are having a blast. Wanted to introduce myself to the community.

I'm hoping this game will have enough varied content to keep us occupied for a while, since I know we are coming in 5 years late! So hello to all of you!
Welcome! I started a little over 4 years ago, and I'm STILL finding new things to do, and learning new things. I think that you and your gf will love CoX, and by all means try some heroes as well to give yourself access to all of the content. I'm sure that you won't find a friendlier bunch of folks both in-game and here in the forums.

I don't play much redside (villians) but if you ever find yourself blueside (heroes) and are on the Virtue server, look me up! Send a tell to @SkyRocker or @SkyRocker 2.0 (I have 2 accounts).

So welcome to the game, and the forums. Hope you enjoy your stay!



Originally Posted by Kylazin View Post
Hi everyone!

I wasn't really sure where else to post this, so I chose this forum. I just started playing CoX a few days ago. My girlfriend told me she wanted to play some type of MMO, and after some research, we settled on this one. (I also play EVE Online, but that isn't for everyone, and I don't want to go back to WoW) We both made villain characters and are having a blast. Wanted to introduce myself to the community.

I'm hoping this game will have enough varied content to keep us occupied for a while, since I know we are coming in 5 years late! So hello to all of you!
Welcome to the game. Always nice to see a new face. There's a lot of fun stuff to do blue (hero) and red (villain) side. i'd suggest reading some of the guides in the various forums and asking questions about anything you want to know. Most of the forumites are friendly and willing to help anyone who asks nicely.

The Paragon Wiki and Titan Network are also great resources.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



You picked an interesting time to join. With the recent Architect box drawing in a lot of new players and (not coincidentally) coinciding with a system that made it easy for anybody to get a character to the maximum level quickly, there are a lot more other new players around than usual... and also some vets who resent new players on the assumption that they're all people who took part in the fast-leveling craze and also eat babies. However, I'd say the vast majority out there are still friendly and even somewhat sane. If anybody accuses you of ignorance, just explain that you've only very recently joined.

That said, if you have any questions, feel free to toss them out. I'll hold off on bombarding you with guides.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Well thank you all for the warm response!

I suppose I didn't really do that much research before joining, so I didn't know about this fast leveling craze type of thing? Anyway, I bought the combined box online so I think that means I have access to both heroes and villains?

We are very casual gamers, so it will likely take us a long time before we see half of it, and before we can start playing both sides of the coin. I'm glad to see a friendly community here, since EVE's can be very cutthroat. My girlfriend is quite new to gaming as well, so I am taking it at her pace. Glad to know that the community is willing and able to help.

Thanks again!



A word about the content -- while there are lots of missions and Task Forces (called Strike Forces villainside) and additional endless possibilities for missions in the Architect system, this game is an MMO and like all MMOs has some repetitiveness. But unlike many games, the player characters are so variable here -- the costume possibilities, the wide range of powerset combinations that play so differently from each other, the personal biography space each character carries, the badges and titles, the color-customized powers or custom weapons, the alternate costumes, veteran powers, and special powers awarded for missions and accomplishments allow you to make a gigantic variety of character types.

Use that to make your experience better. In City of Heroes/City of Villains, you are a big part of the content yourself. Running a Strike Force on a Thugs/Traps Mastermind will be a totally different playstyle, and require you to focus your attention differently, than doing so on an Electric/Shield Brute or a Fire/Rad Corruptor, to pull random examples out of my...selection of examples.

Most ATs work pretty well; I recommend that you find power combinations that appeal to you, and spend some time making an interesting character. I find over the years that the distinctive, fully-developed characters stick with me and get played much more than even highly effective, but bland, generic characters I made because the powersets sounded strong.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Yes, I know that is the nature of all MMOs and I think I'm prepared for it. This time around though, we just made characters whom we thought would be interesting to play. We didn't look up the different powersets to min/max our characters. We are likely not the most efficient play styles, but thats alright because we are enjoying our characters so far. Thats what matters, right?



Welcome to the Game!

A good way to really get into the community of the game is to find what Global Chat Channel is the gathering ground on your server. Most of the time you can find that out by asking on your servers forums section or just by asking around in-game. These channels help organize teams, task-forces and events as well as connecting you with many players who can answer your questions.

Also, don't be afraid to ask questions of the community. If we can read the question and if it's asked politely there will be plenty of people willing to help.

EDIT: Also, if you get lost in-game this site helps alot: Vidiot Maps

A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.



Originally Posted by Kylazin View Post
Yes, I know that is the nature of all MMOs and I think I'm prepared for it. This time around though, we just made characters whom we thought would be interesting to play. We didn't look up the different powersets to min/max our characters. We are likely not the most efficient play styles, but thats alright because we are enjoying our characters so far. Thats what matters, right?

Exactly. Nail, meet head.



Originally Posted by Kylazin View Post
Well thank you all for the warm response!

I suppose I didn't really do that much research before joining, so I didn't know about this fast leveling craze type of thing? Anyway, I bought the combined box online so I think that means I have access to both heroes and villains?

We are very casual gamers, so it will likely take us a long time before we see half of it, and before we can start playing both sides of the coin. I'm glad to see a friendly community here, since EVE's can be very cutthroat. My girlfriend is quite new to gaming as well, so I am taking it at her pace. Glad to know that the community is willing and able to help.

Thanks again!
You can casual game to your heart's content here. There is no rush to get the the upper levels. Content is pretty well spread out across all level ranges and there are in game tools that let you play at your own pace and intensity level. Personally, I like the way the game plays at the most basic level but you can discover that for yourself.

There's more than enough to do here, take your time. Enjoy the ride.

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.



Originally Posted by Kylazin View Post
Hi everyone!

I wasn't really sure where else to post this, so I chose this forum. I just started playing CoX a few days ago. My girlfriend told me she wanted to play some type of MMO, and after some research, we settled on this one. (I also play EVE Online, but that isn't for everyone, and I don't want to go back to WoW) We both made villain characters and are having a blast. Wanted to introduce myself to the community.

I'm hoping this game will have enough varied content to keep us occupied for a while, since I know we are coming in 5 years late! So hello to all of you!

Welcome to both the game and the forums If you are playing EU side and need help of any form, please feel free to contact me to @damz.

Also, i think the questions everyone really want to know are . . . .

What server you on and what AT/powers you pick?

Welcome again! Hope you enjoy your stay

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Welcome aboard! Please make yourself comfortable.. there's dancing on the Lido Deck and Karaoke will be going all night in the crews' quarters...

Since everyone else seems to be offering support regarding the game itself I figure I'll help out with the true danger to your sanity/free time... the Forums.

Forum Advice/Guidelines:

1) The word Soon has been trademarked; please be aware that use of the word Soon in these forums, especially by a Game Developer should be treated the same way as would the words "yeah, we'll be completely done remodelling your bathroom in 2 days" by any contractor.

2) Any forum name that appears in Red is either a Moderator or a Developer. You are required to read each and every post made by a Red Name; if only to drive up the view count of the original poster of the containing thread. Also, if you happen to the be the next person to post directly after a Red Name post, you must point out this fact, just in case anyone missed it.

3) As a Rookie to the CoH Forums you are obligated to share the load of Noob posting. This shall include but is not limited to: posts of "when is the next issue coming out?", "when is open beta going to start?", "what the heck is Freem?!" and "Why are all you people so obsessed with Pie?"

4) In order to be an official Forum member... you must be obsessed with Pie.

5) In order to wear off your New Poster Smell as quickly as possible, you should up your post count as camoflage. We suggest the Forum Games section.

6) The Forumites are helpful, courteous and friendly. And if you want to maintain this illusion we suggest you never check out your Anonymous reputation comments.

7) Don't worry about using the search function first to check out whether a suggestion, question or announcement has already been mentioned elsewhere when you start your own thread about it... trust me... several people will only be TOO happy to inform you of the fact.

8) Please feel free to explore all the Forums and post within them. We ask that you watch where you step in the Pinnacle Forum as even those passed out from drunkeness don't appreciate being stepped on. Also don't be frightened by the Virtue-goers; they're role players and don't live in the same reality as the rest of us.

9) Don't feed the Lemurs.

10) We recommend that you not read an Ultimus or Westley posts without first donning the approved Safety Glasses.

11) We don't recommend reading a Steelclaw post AT ALL.

12) Since you have obviously already completely ignored our advice regarding suggestion 11 we realize you are simply going to abstain from all our valuable information in the first place... so we are not going to continue... go ahead and just do ANYTHING you want in the Forums! Don't listen to us... FINE! Now, if you'll excuse us... we'll be in the corner sulking.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



The best thing about reading the forums is finding a post from a new player

Glad to hear that you're enjoying the game. Yes, we're generally a friendly and helpful bunch. You're proof that, despite many doomsayers, the game is not dying! If you play on Freedom:

global @hornetsnest

There is no such thing as an "innocent bystander"



Welcome to COH!

It sounds like you purchased the Good VS. Evil Edition. Nowadays, any version will give you access to both sides.

Don't be afraid to explore or ask questions, there are plenty of helpful players, both in the forums and in the game. If someone is rude to you when you ask question, just put them on ignore and move on.

I'll toss my global in the contact list. I am @Kryhavoc in the game.



Ello sir, your welcome gift can be found in the back of this unmarked van.



You've joined at a good time too - soon-ish, we're going to get a new boxed expansion - the closed beta tsting for it is expected to start sometime near the end of the year - so there's still plenty of life in the game

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
4) In order to be an official Forum member... you must be obsessed with Pie.
I am going to start a Forum political party on the platform of 'Shut up about pie already. No, seriously.'

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.




11) We don't recommend reading a Steelclaw post AT ALL.
LOL!! Well done.

But still I fear and still I dare not laugh at the madman!

One man's "meh" is another man's "zomg". - Leatherneck

Procrastination meter coming soon.



Welcome, and some awesome advice here from the veterans.

Enjoy the game, it's awesome!

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



Indeed, welcome to the game.

One thing I like that hasn't been mentioned is that nothing really decays in the game. In another MMO I played, I had to log on often or my house would explode. CoH doesn't care how long breaks you take on a character, with one execption. On day 90, the auction house is cleared, so don't use the auction house for storage.

But you'll learn the ropes soon enough. Welcome to the game, have fun, and enjoy your characters.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"