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  1. je_saist, thank you for your extremely helpful post. I'm not in any rush to get to 50, and I consider myself to be a casual gamer. My girlfriend and I are both full-time students and we don't play too often. I always focus on the journey and not the destination, it just worries me that after we reach that end-point that the only thing to do is make a new character and do it again. Every other MMO I've played, most players almost exclusively use their high-level characters to progress in content the developers have created and made available for them. They continue to earn things for their characters to make them better and further them in progression.

    I really do like the character creation in this game, and the fact that I can be whatever I want to be. It is really a very cool concept, and the developers have really done a great job on making it a reality. I am going to continue with my "main" (since I've already made 14 characters, none of them getting past level 12, because I come up with a different hero concept and start all over) to 50 and just go from there.
  2. Thanks for the input guys. I suppose I'll formulate some sort of plan for what to do once we reach level-cap.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SunGryphon View Post
    To put it bluntly, yes, this game is about alts. With literally hundreds of AT combinations, if you're only playing one character, you are not experiencing the game.

    One of the biggest things that make this game different from other games is THERE IS NO END GAME.
    Okay that's fair, but without end game, you level up to 50 and then just start a new character and do it all over again? That seems kind of silly especially for an MMO, where the goal is to get your character to the level cap to become more powerful.
  4. I think the question is pretty strait forward. I'm a new-comer to CoX, but I have been playing MMO's since Ultima Online in 1997, I'm familiar with the way many of them operate and how end-game works. Spending time on the CoX forums though, it seems to me the end-game is all about creating a new toon with different powersets and going through it again.

    So my question is this, is there any point to have a level 50? Or is it just to start a new character and do it all over again? I understand that once you are 50, you can go back and complete missed missions and continue to tweak your build, but without some sort of end-game PvE (excuse the WoW reference: Raiding) and no real "gear" to collect, is there even a point to making it to end-game? It seems that all the threads I read people say "just make a new character" but it seems that each character is going to be playing through the same game.

    For me, the end-game is really roleplaying with other people, but from what I've seen (Pinnacle red-side) there aren't many people on, and many times I have to translate to OOC to communicate with them. I'm playing this game with my girlfriend, who is completely new to MMOs, and she is still having a blast, but I want to know what we do once we reach level 50. I know that she isn't the type to want to just do it again with a new costume and some new powers.

    This isn't a criticism of the content in this game, I do like many aspects of this game, but an actual question as to what end-game is truly like in CoX.

    Thanks for reading.

  5. Alright thanks guys for the advice. I made a mistake though, the dom is actually mind/earth, but that's alright. I think I'll stick with my energy melee and electric armor just to see how it goes, if I'm really unhappy I'll just roll another character I guess. I appreciate all the help.
  6. Alright, let's try this. If you were to build a brute that would go well with a mind/earth dom, what would it be? I primarily play with my girlfriend and since she very much enjoys that character, thats who I'd like to synergize with.
  7. Thank you for the correction. I didn't think to use the standard abbreviations, I just shortened the words. I appreciate the input. I suppose I should start building another character then.
  8. Thanks, the energy/electric really fits my character concept well (Former engineer afraid of mortality becoming a cyborg) and I enjoy the way that it plays currently. I duo with my girlfriend's character (mind/earth dom) and since we are both very casual players we weren't really trying to make the best characters. I just wanted to see if it the combo was something that people would actively avoid. I noticed that there is a guide for it in the Brutes guide section, but it is quite out dated and I'm not sure how much of it is still relevant.

    All advice and comments are appreciated.
  9. This is a good question, since my situation is very similiar. Even though this thread is old, it didn't get any replies. Can any vets help out?
  10. Hello everyone,

    I'm quite new to CoX, and therefore quite new to playing any class (let alone a Brute) but I've decided that the Brute AT seems to be the one that interests me.

    I chose my power sets based off of what I thought would be fun/interesting to play, and ended up with Energy Melee / Electric Defense brute. Was this a mistake? Am I going to end up hating this character because of his inability to do anything? Seeing as how I'm a very casual player, and don't often look to min/max characters (I really just like being able to enjoy them, not necessarily be the best.) I'm not trying to find the absolutely most devastating build, but rather one that will do well and will be fun to play.

    So, tell me wise Brute players, is this a bad combination? If not, does anyone have any hint, tips, or tricks for a new CoV player and a new Brute player? I'll be very grateful for anyone that takes the time to respond to this thread.

  11. Hey everyone, my girlfriend and I have been playing CoV for a few weeks now, but it seems that we are having some difficulty with certain parts. Now I know that the whole game is not meant to be duoed, but I was curious what you guys think would work best with a Mind/Earth dominator. (That is what she plays, since she is a casual gamer, she cares not for the min/max, she just plays what she enjoys.) I personally thought about making a brute or a stalker. I'm pretty open to what I play, but I want it to mesh well with her Archetype. I have more time to play than she does, and so I am able to level a few characters to her one.

    Any suggestions? I'd like to thank anyone who helps me in advance.
  12. Uh, no, I never mentioned the server we were playing on. I just asked my girlfriend which server name she liked and we ended up on Pinnacle. I'm playing a Energy/Dark corrupter, and she is playing a mind control/earth dominator. We just hit level 5 and 6 respectively last night. My first toon was a robot/pain mastermind, but I didn't feel like learning all the pets commands and such (too much like my lock in WoW) I'm having a blast (no pun intended) with my corrupter though. Was this a bad choice for server? Should we turn back? Re-roll before its too late?
  13. Yes, I know that is the nature of all MMOs and I think I'm prepared for it. This time around though, we just made characters whom we thought would be interesting to play. We didn't look up the different powersets to min/max our characters. We are likely not the most efficient play styles, but thats alright because we are enjoying our characters so far. Thats what matters, right?
  14. Well thank you all for the warm response!

    I suppose I didn't really do that much research before joining, so I didn't know about this fast leveling craze type of thing? Anyway, I bought the combined box online so I think that means I have access to both heroes and villains?

    We are very casual gamers, so it will likely take us a long time before we see half of it, and before we can start playing both sides of the coin. I'm glad to see a friendly community here, since EVE's can be very cutthroat. My girlfriend is quite new to gaming as well, so I am taking it at her pace. Glad to know that the community is willing and able to help.

    Thanks again!
  15. Hi everyone!

    I wasn't really sure where else to post this, so I chose this forum. I just started playing CoX a few days ago. My girlfriend told me she wanted to play some type of MMO, and after some research, we settled on this one. (I also play EVE Online, but that isn't for everyone, and I don't want to go back to WoW) We both made villain characters and are having a blast. Wanted to introduce myself to the community.

    I'm hoping this game will have enough varied content to keep us occupied for a while, since I know we are coming in 5 years late! So hello to all of you!