Filthy killstealers




I don't have a widescreen display, so every now and then I'll zero in on a street mob and start hitting them just as someone else swoops in from offscreen with the same idea. That kind of thing always brings out my inner Englishman, causing me to apologize for something I don't actually think is my fault.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
What can we say? Galaxy City never seems to have those idiots. That's why it gets used as a starting zone by players wanting to avoid those situations.
I love Galaxy so much, so peaceful...well except for the Clockwork, Vahz, Hellions and other riff raff

Member of the Hyperion Force



One time I had a high level guy send one of my lowbie characters an SG invite. I declined, so the dude followed me around spamming SG invites and killing any mob that I tried to fight. I had to log off and log back on as a different character to keep playing.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
What can we say? Galaxy City never seems to have those idiots. That's why it gets used as a starting zone by players wanting to avoid those situations.
*high fives*

Glaxay City forever! Back Alley Brawler > Ms. Liberty. After all, HE isn't responsible for the creation of the baby eating Longbow. Plus, no LOLSewers teams!

Ah! I <3 Galaxy City!

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:



I love running around with my illusionist/empath and throwing buffs. I have on ocassion(I16...phantasm follows every were...must remember) forgotten to dismiss my phantasm with the resault I have apologize and skulk away feeling like an idiot. Unfortunately,with this many people involved in game there going to be some braying donkeys running around who think it is fun to annoy people. By all means report such idiots. It has really been going down, not nearly as bad as it was years ago. But we must kep vilgilant, or they will start to multiply again.

Life was simpler before I gained some knowledge



Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
Not... quite what I meant either, and I think it might be bad form to name names in the forums...
Yes its against forum rules, you don't want to do that. If you think people are specifically griefing you, you should contact a GM and give them the name.


Founder of A.G.O.N.Y. Supergroup on Victory
Member of Thought Sanctum VG on Victory
Member of St0rm Batallion SG on Guardian



I was on a lowbie brute over in Virtue earlier this week, just after i16 hit live.. I was level three, going toe to toe against some level four Snakes in Mercy, a "eh, why not?" sort of moment while heading to another mission. I got the lieutenant down to just a sliver of hp when this level one stalker comes up and gets a lucky shot in and kills him, and then runs on his way.

I only lost 1exp over it, but it annoyed me enough to one star the guy with a reason why, although I really shouldn't expect everyone to be courteous in the game. But for the most part, if I am looking to street sweep I'll normally go to areas that see little traffic. I play to relax and have fun, getting annoyed is counterproductive. >>



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
*high fives*

Glaxay City forever! Back Alley Brawler > Ms. Liberty. After all, HE isn't responsible for the creation of the baby eating Longbow. Plus, no LOLSewers teams!

Ah! I <3 Galaxy City!
Galaxy City sounds great! How do I get there from Mercy so people don't killsteal me while I'm street-sweeping to 4 before I begin arcs?

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



I have trouble finding the balance between "don't kill-steal" and "I have a right to work on my badges too" with the Troll Raves in Skyway. If see another high-level toon there, I don't worry about it much, since neither of us are getting xp, drops, or anything but kill-count. But for lower-level toons, especially teams, I feel guilty wiping out large numbers of the trolls with one blow. On the other hand, it's not fair for me to have to give up the opportunity to work on my badge just because someone else is there too. I mostly try to stay on the far side of the action, avoiding spawns that seem like someone else is also targeting.

As for buffs, since some people like them and some don't, and the fact that most of my toons don't have them (I play mostly melee types), I just hand out insps, especially greens and purples.

Well, this is TopDoc we're talking about. TopDoc would respec to gain 3 points of damage per day. - Arcanaville



Originally Posted by Mrs_TopDoc View Post
I have trouble finding the balance between "don't kill-steal" and "I have a right to work on my badges too" with the Troll Raves in Skyway. If see another high-level toon there, I don't worry about it much, since neither of us are getting xp, drops, or anything but kill-count. But for lower-level toons, especially teams, I feel guilty wiping out large numbers of the trolls with one blow. On the other hand, it's not fair for me to have to give up the opportunity to work on my badge just because someone else is there too. I mostly try to stay on the far side of the action, avoiding spawns that seem like someone else is also targeting.
Have you ever tried teaming with other people who are fighting the ravers? Makes the badges go a lot faster and it's just as easy to put together as a Rikti or Zombie PUG.



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
I don't have a widescreen display, so every now and then I'll zero in on a street mob and start hitting them just as someone else swoops in from offscreen with the same idea. That kind of thing always brings out my inner Englishman, causing me to apologize for something I don't actually think is my fault.
My best on those lines was with a fire scrapper, wading into one of the large Crey/Freak spawns in the vacant lot to the left of the Crey's Folly gate. I waded into the middle and there are explosions, and my fire, and Crey agent auras going off, and bad guys are dropping - except I can't target this one really fast moving figure in the glare, coming right at me!

The dust (and fire and explosions, etc.) settle a bit, and I realize there is another scrapper in the middle of the fight. We'd both closed from different vectors and started laying waste to the bad guys, and both panicked at not being able to target each other. And yes, each started apologizing profusely for poaching the other guy's fight.

My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.



I remember a while ago seeing another player trying to take on 3 or so guys at once and was losing the fight, so I decided to jump in on one of my characters with a taunt power (honestly can't remember what AT.. or why i'd take one) and started taunting. Only then did I realize he was like 3 levels higher than me

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Ah, all the people are coming out of the AE buildings.

I think that if you score a hit on a MOB, you will get credit for it for a hunting mission. If not, then just try to find some out of the way place where you can hunt on your own. Fortunately they don't last long, you can be done with the "Kill X" missions and back to instanced missions quickly enough in the low levels. Don't forget you usually also have a choice of missions, you can do all the instanced ones first, and save the "Kill X" for hours when there aren't a lot of other folks on.

If all else fails, try one shotting greys. Just don't kill steal from the lowbies who validly need to kill them themselves.

If there is someone following you around and constantly killing your foes, then /petition him. "Kill stealing" is not against the TOS, but harassment IS, and if someone is repeatedly kill stealing you in order to make you mad, then they are harassing you. Normally I find that if I and someone else both run into a MOB at the same time, I shoot back a quick, "Sorry, didn't see you" and head in another direction. 9 times out of 10 the other guy will go the other way, and we won't run into each other again. If he follows you, then he's probably looking for trouble. (Or maybe a team. Honestly, though, I've almost never run into this. Folks putting together a team use the search feature, they don't run around looking for other players)



I had a level 50 fire blaster following me around for a haf hour a while back.

Every time I started to head toward a mob he'd launch a Fireball into it, oneshotting the whole spawn.

I asked him politely to stop doing that. His response was: lulz nub

My next tell was telling him to remember this when he gets the email from Support.
He said: lulz wut?
I say: That means I just reported you for harrassment. Have fun now!

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Now, some people help. Like actually help. Like defenders/Corrs lobbing buffs and heals onto you, things that wont actually affect the mob itself.
I still don't like it when they do that. I like seeing if I can handle that big spawn all by myself. I want to test my abilities, test my skill, and challenge myself. Someone throwing a random buff on me ruins the experience for me.

But what isn't is people jumping in and hitting on your fight, and its worse when you've just got the boss/LT down to a small chunk of health, and then someone dives in and 'helps'. Helps themselves to the exp.
I really really hate that. Whats worse is when they throw you a team invite and if you decline, they follow you around and kill steal everything out of... what? Spite that you didn't accept their oh so generous blind invite? Bully you into teaming with them or else they'll steal all your XP? Or "well you're gonna team with me whether you like it or not"?

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by Lanterns Ghost View Post
You talkin about that new SG that like just appeared? What are they called? Oh yeah 5th Column? Cause they were seriously messing with me Wednesday night!

I'd find a nice bunch of Council and would land a hit then WHAM! They just appear outta no where and kilsteal all my Council!
At least when THEY do it, you can go punch them in the face.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



I have an AR/Dev Blaster named Agent Locksley with a costume that is fairly close to a Longbow uniform. While street sweeping some Hellions in Atlas I had another hero following me and attacking groups I'd already aggro'd. After several groups I turned and went down another street and he didn't follow. A couple of minutes later I received a tell from him:

"Sorry about that. I thought you were an NPC."

I took those kill steals as a compliment to my costume design



Originally Posted by Mrs_TopDoc View Post
As for buffs, since some people like them and some don't, and the fact that most of my toons don't have them (I play mostly melee types), I just hand out insps, especially greens and purples.
Heheh, I accidentally KSed someone trying to do that. I'd been trying to play on mall wireless the playsession before hand and forgot I still had Thunder Kick on auto, and I went over to try to give an insp to a lowbie struggling against a mob.


Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



Originally Posted by treboreleets View Post
One time I had a high level guy send one of my lowbie characters an SG invite. I declined, so the dude followed me around spamming SG invites and killing any mob that I tried to fight. I had to log off and log back on as a different character to keep playing.
Ignore them as a spammer, and petition them for harassment and stalking, if this ever happens again.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.