Recluse was ripped off.
He also got spider legs, and he definitely has some degree of invulnerability and super strength
He also got cookies as a complementary prize. States put up a stink and contacted paragon wiki, and after much sobbing they left that part out for his dignity's sake.
Yeah, he can go toe-to-toe with Statesman (and lose, but a normal would be a smear on the pavement).
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
The well of the furies actually granted them the same powers.
It was their distinct personalities that fueled how it reacted within them.
Stefan was simply tired of living in Cole's shadow. He'd been through too much and was unwilling to admit he was wrong about.... well, everything.
It was the subsequent abandonment, killing of his comrade and floating in isolation as the 'Power' was absorbed that turned Richter into a hideous monster.
The other end of the spectrum was Cole. Even though he wasn't the most up standing citizen around he still had an underlying morality that Richter obviously lacked. This made his transformation more solid and well rounded.
At least, thats my take on it from reading Web of Arachnos.
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
Now it seems to me that Recluse might have gotten the better part of the deal...
Recluse has his own nation.
Statesman is still just a government sanctioned vigilante.
Recluse has thousands of loyal followers willing to die at his command. Statesman has to resort to public service announcements to get anything done.
Recluse is surrounded by hundreds of beautiful, deadly women wearing skin tight clothing.
Statesman has to pretend he's not peeking at Sister Psyche.
Recluse has the option to maim, punish, humiliate, or even kill anyone that annoys him.
Statesman has to "be better than that."
Although they may fear him, people secretly think Recluse is "kinda cool"
People think Statesman is a jerk and laugh at him behind his back for having a stupid hat.
So, who got the better deal?
Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.
Villains always complain....they're never happy about their lot in life. I suppose that's what makes them villains. Take Dr. Evil for instance, for the majority of his life, he was hellbent on $1,000,000 ransom...then it became $100,000,000,000. Then he was jealous of Austin's mojo. But once he found out who his father was, and that he was brothers with Austin Powers, he became happy, became friends with Austin (the whole long-lost brothers bit), and helped Austin defeat Goldmember.
Villains just need a good dose of psychology and anger management to figure out what the underlying problem is. See, Lord Recluse should be happy and mocking Statesman because States doesn't have awesome spider arms! Lord Recluse has 10 many does Statesman have? 2! That's it! Lord Recluse can do sooo much more than Statesman can. States should be jealous of Lord Recluse!
Now it seems to me that Recluse might have gotten the better part of the deal...
Recluse has his own nation. Statesman is still just a government sanctioned vigilante. Recluse has thousands of loyal followers willing to die at his command. Statesman has to resort to public service announcements to get anything done. Recluse is surrounded by hundreds of beautiful, deadly women wearing skin tight clothing. Statesman has to pretend he's not peeking at Sister Psyche. Recluse has the option to maim, punish, humiliate, or even kill anyone that annoys him. Statesman has to "be better than that." Although they may fear him, people secretly think Recluse is "kinda cool" People think Statesman is a jerk and laugh at him behind his back for having a stupid hat. So, who got the better deal? |
Besides, if some kid wondering about the color of her undies sets her off, Lord only knows how she makes it through each day.
I always thought Sister Psyche was a bit of a *ahem* in the comic where she goes off on some kid after reading his mind and learning that he's wondering about her underwear. Poor kid, coming in puberty and trying to make sense of it all and then some beautiful woman in a skintight costume starts playing Thought Police with him. |
You know her heels aren't just fashionable they're also functional. I still have bruises on my forehead.
And if that isn't bad enough she does the same thing every time I go by there. Can I help it if Independence Port is such a big zone that I always get tired and have to stop in that same spot just where she happens to be standing?
It's not my fault that I always run out of endurance at the hospital. I think the developers need to look at that. And I am not "ogling" her I just happen to be staring in her general direction while I am regaining endurance.
I felt a little bad about things and didn't want there to be any misunderstandings so the last time I was Brickstown I stopped by to see Manticore. After I rested for awhile and stared in the general direction of Swan while my endurance came back I went to Manticore and told him what was going on.
It was really kind of weird. He just shook my hand and said "Welcome to my world kid". As he was wishing me good luck and telling me to keep safe I could have sworn I saw a few heel shaped bruises on his jaw.
I always thought Sister Psyche was a bit of a *ahem* in the comic where she goes off on some kid after reading his mind and learning that he's wondering about her underwear. Poor kid, coming in puberty and trying to make sense of it all and then some beautiful woman in a skintight costume starts playing Thought Police with him.
That's why she was upset - she goes to all that trouble and nobody pays attention.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Now it seems to me that Recluse might have gotten the better part of the deal...
Recluse has his own nation. Statesman is still just a government sanctioned vigilante. Recluse has thousands of loyal followers willing to die at his command. Statesman has to resort to public service announcements to get anything done. Recluse is surrounded by hundreds of beautiful, deadly women wearing skin tight clothing. Statesman has to pretend he's not peeking at Sister Psyche. Recluse has the option to maim, punish, humiliate, or even kill anyone that annoys him. Statesman has to "be better than that." Although they may fear him, people secretly think Recluse is "kinda cool" People think Statesman is a jerk and laugh at him behind his back for having a stupid hat. So, who got the better deal? |
It was the subsequent abandonment, killing of his comrade and floating in isolation as the 'Power' was absorbed that turned Richter into a hideous monster.
The other end of the spectrum was Cole. Even though he wasn't the most up standing citizen around he still had an underlying morality that Richter obviously lacked. This made his transformation more solid and well rounded. |
Winston Churchill
Ya know, Eisregen raises a valid point. I wonder if Tyrant is the Marcus Cole from our world, and we got the one from Praetoria? Now that would be interesting.
I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.
So that's why Statesman is portrayed as an overbearing tyrant while Recluse's nation-state is all about the expression of personal freedom? Cause States is the moral one and Recluse the monster? Somehow fiction and in-game reality don't add up there.
Also, last time I fought him, Recluse displayed invulnerability, super-human strength, the ability to fire an array of energy blasts AND quite a sizeable amount of reinforcements. Last time I fought the Statesman, he pretty much just punched really hard.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I put a level 54 Lord Recluse and a level 53 Statesman duke it out. (Because they spawn at those levels in the TF/SF)
Recluse won, but barely. He had like 2.6k HP left when States hit the floor.
A lot of bane spiders were injured during this experiment...
I put a level 54 Lord Recluse and a level 53 Statesman duke it out. (Because they spawn at those levels in the TF/SF)
Recluse won, but barely. He had like 2.6k HP left when States hit the floor. A lot of bane spiders were injured during this experiment... ![]() |
States just needs to go to Atlas and get on a boss farm for an hour or so.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.
I always thought Sister Psyche was a bit of a *ahem* in the comic where she goes off on some kid after reading his mind and learning that he's wondering about her underwear. Poor kid, coming in puberty and trying to make sense of it all and then some beautiful woman in a skintight costume starts playing Thought Police with him.
Besides, if some kid wondering about the color of her undies sets her off, Lord only knows how she makes it through each day. |
At least with Arachnos they don't make a secret out of probably killing you someday for, I dunno, crossing the streets while the traffic lights were red, but with heroes, you never know when they use their super power of moral relativism to explain why you are evil and must be exterminated immediately.
Either way, it's kinda hard to respect a super hero who messes with the minds of everyone who doesn't harbour unconditional love for her.
Heh, I remember that arc, by that Midnighter kid. Also fun is when he mentions Manticore and how he "won't kill you. Probably."
At least with Arachnos they don't make a secret out of probably killing you someday for, I dunno, crossing the streets while the traffic lights were red, but with heroes, you never know when they use their super power of moral relativism to explain why you are evil and must be exterminated immediately. Either way, it's kinda hard to respect a super hero who messes with the minds of everyone who doesn't harbour unconditional love for her. |

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.
Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!
Heh- y'know, the whole 'Sister Psyche goes off on some kid picturing her in her underwear' was actually in the much-beloved Smoke and Mirrors arc. Troy Hickman explained it on the boards a while back (not sure where, sorry- think it was somewhere in the vast morass that is Hero and Villain Culture) that it was actually supposed to be a joke that didn't come across properly- the joke, of course, being that her costume was more revealing than the underwear he was imagining her in, or something to that effect.
"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates
MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"
Sending some pity out to Recluse. Reviewing the wiki on these guys a bit. Pandoras box gave Cole super human strength, invulnerabilty and magical lighting. Recluse got a hairy neck and 'summon moar banes' as his power.
It's all so very sad.