Notes on new team difficulty settings

Abigail Frost



Originally Posted by AgentMountaineer View Post
Thanks for the time and effort you put into this, Archie. I'm heading over to the site to download it now!
This exactly. Long after this current issue is resolved this little application will make the life of a tester verifying drop rates in closed and open testing so much easier.

Thank you

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by LostHalo View Post
No, it won't.

In-game, it'll float around the global channels, poking its head in, asking "sup gaiz?" for a few weeks to a couple of months, then go to a predictable cycle like the accuracy nerfcalls. Occasionally, there will be a flare-up when you get people that are convinced they're right and "their friend" has had crap drops or some other silliness, kind of like the random people that are still 100% certain each server has its own market. These latter ones are usually reserved for "Legendary PuGs" so the effect should be localized (of course, this doesn't account for people that get confused by wrong information and ask about it, possibly sparking a debate).

On the forums? It'll probably follow a cycle like the accuracy nerfcalls (after this thread dies down), with a possible wildcard response coming from ignorant people who notice/wonder why their drop rates changed. After that, it just will be in danger of necroequinophiliacs and being used as a localized Internet meme. And in fact, it already is in use.

Wow, some lovely predictions there. heh heh
Unfortunately, they are most likely right on the money.

As long as the drop rates are fixed I'll be a happy camper;
can ignore the rest of the fallout.
(Though, the meme IS kinda funny.)




Originally Posted by pohsyb View Post
This was caused by an uninitialized variable, in this case specifically it was a structure declared locally when awarding a drop table.
I'm late to this party, but having had to find and fix just such problems in the past, I just wanted to thank the devs for finding and fixing it. Nasty errors, these.

My Arc: The Power From Out Of Space, ID# 64800
Mrs. Spoon's Arc: Shades of Betrayal, Acts of Salvation, ID# 59147



Originally Posted by QuantumTrance View Post
well, iam a player that likes to PVP, and for that to happen i need to Farm to get those rare items. With this very low drops, i just waste my time running a BM farm 10 times to get one drop. I've tried every single setting there is, and i do not plan in spending tons of dollars buying influence online so i can slot my PVP heroes. before issue 16 drops were good, not they are super rare, even regular IO drops...

Good reason to move on to a different game until this gets somehow fixed.
Good-bye, then.
Oh, by the way, the problem has already been solved and the fix is working its way through the release process so it should be on the live servers in a week or two.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Apparantly the fix just hit Test.



Are we sure it's that patch?
Or the one from 4 days ago?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
City of Heroes didn't fail, City of Heroes was killed. If a 747 dropped on your house, you'd say you were killed, not you failed to find a safer dwelling.
"The U.S. is in no more danger of coming under Sharia law than it is the rules of Fight Club." - Will McAvoy.



Originally Posted by Cardiff_Giant View Post
Are we sure it's that patch?
Or the one from 4 days ago?
Nope, check out the patch notes in the Training Room forum. It includes a fix for the drop rate. I'm going to run some tests right now.

Edit: Or rather, I am going to run some tests after the updater has finished updating.

Edit Edit: Good timing on the release of the new dropstats, Archie....just in time for this patch.



Originally Posted by AgentMountaineer View Post
Edit: Or rather, I am going to run some tests after the updater has finished updating
Alright, as much as I want to keep playing and continue to avoid my homework, I need to get to it. Here is my sampling after running five missions from Borea in the RWZ in the Training Room. My cumulative total is at the bottom of the code box.

Character: Level 50 Kat/WP Scrapper
Difficulty:  +0/8/yes/no

Mission 1: Server: Training Room Zone/Mission: V_Caves_30_Layout_04_01 
Foes: Rikti
            Archie Gremlin's Drop Stats v0.4.0

Defeats  Minion Lieut.   Boss Under.    Pet   Grey Unknown
     73      57     12      2      0      0      2       0

Drops         Total Common Uncommon   Rare Very Rare
Pool A            4      3        1      0         0
Pool B            1
Salvage           5      4        1      0
Inspirations     30     24        6      0

Other Drops
Inf. Rewards         72 (384,031 inf, 0 xp, 0 debt)
Vanguard Merits      10
Enhancements          1 single origin enhancements

Pool        DropRate   Drops        Expected Mobs
Pool A         4.60%       4             1-7      87 minion equivalents
Salvage        6.31%       5            3-12      79 minion equivalents
(1 in 20 runs will be outside the expected range.)

Mission 2: Server: Training Room Zone/Mission: SmoothCaves_30_Layout_02 (5:51)
Defeats  Minion Lieut.   Boss Under.    Pet   Grey Unknown
     73      46     13      8      0      0      6       0

Drops         Total Common Uncommon   Rare Very Rare
Pool A            1      1        0      0         0
Salvage           5      5        0      0
Inspirations     36     21       13      2

Other Drops
Inf. Rewards         68 (490,593 inf, 0 xp, 0 debt)
Vanguard Merits      13
Enhancements          1 single origin enhancements

Pool        DropRate   Drops        Expected Mobs
Pool A         1.04%       1             1-7      96 minion equivalents
Salvage        5.66%       5            4-14      88 minion equivalents
(1 in 20 runs will be outside the expected range.)

Mission 3:  Server: Training Room Zone/Mission: Abandoned_Office_30_Layout_03 (6:03)
Defeats  Minion Lieut.   Boss Under.    Pet   Grey Unknown
    124      86     15      9      4      0      9       1
1 rewarding mobs of unknown rank
  Guardian (1) failed heuristic rank check

Drops         Total Common Uncommon   Rare Very Rare
Pool A            2      2        0      0         0
Salvage          16     13        2      1
Inspirations     56     43       11      2

Other Drops
Inf. Rewards        117 (593,545 inf, 0 xp, 0 debt)
Vanguard Merits      18

Pool        DropRate   Drops        Expected Mobs
Pool A         1.40%       2             1-9     143 minion equivalents
Salvage       11.93%      16            6-18     134 minion equivalents
(1 in 20 runs will be outside the expected range.)

This run (3) resulted in failure and had an ally to assist which was likely the cause of the failed heuristic rank 


Mission 4:  Server: Training Room Zone/Mission: V_Abandoned_Office_30_Layout_02 (6:21)
Defeats  Minion Lieut.   Boss Under.    Pet   Grey Unknown
    113      65     22     16      0      0     10       0

Drops         Total Common Uncommon   Rare Very Rare
Pool A            5      4        1      0         0
Salvage          12      9        3      0
Inspirations     49     37       10      2

Other Drops
Inf. Rewards        104 (780,905 inf, 0 xp, 0 debt)
Vanguard Merits      14
Enhancements          3 single origin enhancements

Pool        DropRate   Drops        Expected Mobs
Pool A         3.18%       5            2-10     157 minion equivalents
Salvage        8.32%      12            6-19     144 minion equivalents
(1 in 20 runs will be outside the expected range.)

Mission 4:  Server: Training Room Zone/Mission: SmoothCaves_30_Layout_02 (6:40)
Defeats  Minion Lieut.   Boss Under.    Pet   Grey Unknown
     91      73     11      4      0      0      3       0

Drops         Total Common Uncommon   Rare Very Rare
Pool A            3      3        0      0         0
Pool B            1
Salvage           6      5        1      0
Inspirations     42     27       15      0

Other Drops
Inf. Rewards         89 (427,010 inf, 0 xp, 0 debt)
Vanguard Merits      15

Pool        DropRate   Drops        Expected Mobs
Pool A         2.80%       3             1-7     107 minion equivalents
Salvage        5.99%       6            4-15     100 minion equivalents
(1 in 20 runs will be outside the expected range.)

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: TOTALS :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
            Archie Gremlin's Drop Stats v0.4.0

Defeats  Minion Lieut.   Boss Under.    Pet   Grey Unknown
    474     327     73     39      4      0     30       1
1 rewarding mobs of unknown rank
  Guardian (1) failed heuristic rank check

Drops         Total Common Uncommon   Rare Very Rare
Pool A           15     13        2      0         0
Pool B            2
Salvage          44     36        7      1
Inspirations    213    152       55      6

Other Drops
Inf. Rewards        450 (2,676,084 inf, 0 xp, 0 debt)
Vanguard Merits      70
Enhancements          5 single origin enhancements

Pool        DropRate   Drops        Expected Mobs
Pool A         2.54%      15            9-25     590 minion equivalents
Salvage        8.06%      44           32-57     546 minion equivalents
(1 in 20 runs will be outside the expected range.)
The drop rate is looking *much* better, but I wonder if the SOs are still a little out of pace. I averaged 1 per mission. It seems like it should be more than that, but since it's recipes that I care about the most, the rate of SO drops is not something I am going to cry about.

Another expression of thanks to all the work done on the part of Synapse, Pohsyb and the rest of the team who uncovered the original problem is in order. Thank you for all you do and for finding a solution so quickly. You were seriously underestimated by some.



Thanks for the quick update AgentMountaineer!



SO drops have been pretty abysmal ever since I9. I'd consider one per mission a decent clip.

Of course, they are worth a lot less than common recipes at vendors, and recipes don't need the "right" vendor to give you full price. Hell, you can't even sell SOs to mission contacts, but you can sell recipes.

So yeah, I haven't cared much.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



If they would only fully disclose what the drops of EVERYTHING was supposed to be, then dedicated people could check this stuff and help correct errors. I other MMO's like WoW disclose this kinda info? if so, where is it located? if not, why not? Then again, other MMO's might have the budget to dedicate more manpower to fix this sort of thing.
I dunnow. the thing is, I have put ALOT of time and money into this game. If it were a stock, i would definetly have ownership in it. I care about the goings on of it and I want it to be right, run right, and do what it is supposed to. I remember when they used to not want to disclose real numbers.

EDIT: Blizz doesn't disclose anything either. The players use programs to figure it all out also.



Knowing the drop rates of all three major categories of common/uncommon/rare salvage and recipes is pretty good. Granted, it's not like its listed in the game info pages or anything. The info was given out in I9 beta, and since then it's only carried forward by the player community.

It'd be nice to know the purple values though.

I have to say, if they ever changed the rates, I would be totally unsurprised if they didn't tell us the new ones. I wouldn't be massively surprised if they did tell us, though. At this point they've basically set precedents for both.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Thank you devs some more and again btw



From Test (I'm struggling with bringing the output over to the forums here)...

late Monday PM (1 newspaper mish)
Pool A: 3.33 / 4 / 1-9 /120
Salvage: 6.39 / 7 / 4-15 / 110

early Tuesday AM (1 newspaper mish + 1 Ouro mish)
Pool A: 2.88 / 11 / 6-18 / 382
Salvage: 11.09 / 38 / 19-39 / 343

Actuals are within the expected range.

Forgot to check for rares, but I do know that I received 0 ultra rares.

Repeat Offenders



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
Long after this current issue is resolved this little application will make the life of a tester verifying drop rates in closed and open testing so much easier.
You're welcome too!

One of the reasons that I've been working on DropStats is that I'd like to know what the actual drop rates are for purples, random rare boss drops etc. We should be able to figure it out if we can get enough data together. (At at least put reasonable bounds on them.)



I've just done 1000 defeats against Council in a paper mission. The drop rate was 3.08% and was within the expected range. FWIW this is the highest drop rate I've seen since I16 open beta began. Details below:


            Archie Gremlin's Drop Stats v0.4.0

Defeats  Minion Lieut.   Boss Under.    Pet   Grey Unknown
  1,012     951     61      0      0      0      0       0

Drops         Total Common Uncommon   Rare Very Rare
Pool A           33     29        3      1         0
Pool E            1
Salvage          84     64       13      7
Inspirations    294    203       91      0

Other Drops
Inf. Rewards      1,012 (1,128,751 inf, 0 xp, 44,000 debt)
Prestige         15,047
Enhancements          4 single origin enhancements

Pool        DropRate   Drops        Expected Mobs
Pool A         3.08%      33           20-40   1,073 minion equivalents
Pool E         0.11%       1               ?     951 minions
Salvage        8.14%      84          67-101   1,032 minion equivalents
(1 in 20 runs will be outside the expected range.)



This made my day (news that it is going to Live tomorrow).

Thanks to all you number crunchers and the devs for not giving up on it.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Excellent news (: Feel a sense of achievement that things are now in motion

Thanks to the Dev team also, for taking us seriously

Global: @NR
POHSYB: We've been in this meeting for six hours. Can I go back to my box?
Pohsyb sighs.



Ran my Council map twice (344 enemies/map). Total Pool A recipe count was 17, including a purple. Expected range was 14-32 recipes with this sample size, so while it's slightly low it's not low enough that it concerns me.

Thanks again to the dev team for sticking with this and getting it fixed so quickly!

As a final note, I know it's not a nomination-based award, but if we were allowed to nominate people for Bug Hunter I'd absolutely ask them to give it to Archie. His utility will be invaluable to testers going forward, as others have said, and will be a great bug-hunting tool.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
As a final note, I know it's not a nomination-based award, but if we were allowed to nominate people for Bug Hunter I'd absolutely ask them to give it to Archie. His utility will be invaluable to testers going forward, as others have said, and will be a great bug-hunting tool.

Repeat Offenders



Originally Posted by Kitteh View Post
Hear Hear! At the very least he should get some pie...

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Wow. Thanks. I'm really touched.

I doubt a badge will be coming my way but I'll take the pie!

I feel I've played something of a Defender role here, providing back up for the people who actually fought the darned ebil bug.

It's a bit unfair on everyone else who's done lots of testing, but I'd like to single out EarthWyrm for his particularly dogged determination.

Thanks to everyone who's run tests, posted results or theories and pestered the devs.

Finally, thanks to the devs for actually fixing the bug.



Originally Posted by Archie Gremlin View Post
I feel I've played something of a Defender role here, providing back up for the people who actually fought the darned ebil bug.
Proper little force-multiplier, you are! ;-)

{gives pie}

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.