Notes on new team difficulty settings

Abigail Frost



Either this thing is truly random or that's a good start for getting to the bottom of it.

Ouro has yielded the same gawd-awful results for me as "real-time" missions.

Grasping at straws here...

-What "add-on's" do you have on that account?
Science pack? Magic pack? Good-Evil? etc.

-Are you earning xp?
-Do you have the Chronologist dayjob badge (the one for a Mission Complete recipe bonus)?
-Does your toon "wear" a badge title? (e.g., Gearsmasher, Hero of the City, etc.)

Repeat Offenders



>-What "add-on's" do you have on that account?

DVD edition, Good vs. Evil Edition, Wedding Pack. That's it I think.

>-Are you earning xp? level 50?

>-Do you have the Chronologist dayjob badge (the one for a Mission Complete recipe bonus)?

The badge? Yes. The actual power? No.

>-Does your toon "wear" a badge title? (e.g., Gearsmasher, Hero of the City, etc.)[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but I don't remember which one on that particular character. I'm leaving for the next four hours, I can check then. Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



Originally Posted by Kitteh View Post
That may indeed explain Synapse's POV.

OTOH, I've also accessed Abyss (on my Brute) via Ouro and have seen bugged drops still. (And yes, I realize these are two separate animals.)
On the Test server, I've primarily run the Abyss map on its "normal" version (I saved the map for a long time because it was the last arc in the game that I hadn't finished on my brute, and didn't want to feel like I had done all the v-side content on one character...). The bulk of my low-percentage drops came from that. When I ran the same map thru Ouroboros, I didn't notice a difference, but as Leandro says that may still be a contributing factor.

To answer another of your questions that I accidentally deleted, the version of my brute that I've used on Test is not in any SG.

I have all the add-ons except, I think, the DVD edition. Badge title is "Goon Squad". Never had Chronologist awarding anything while I was testing, but also never completed the mission.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



Unai's Freaks map 0/8/n/n, SG mode, Saved Mission

Script didn't recognize that Bosses were Lts and it should have given 1209 minion equivalents instead of 1358, but even with that drop rate is still lower than expected

Archie Gremlin's Drop Stats v0.3.1
Type   DropRate Drops Expected  Mobs
Pool A    1.10%    15    26-50  1358 minion equivalents
Salvage   5.71%    68   78-115  1192 minion equivalents
(Table excludes mobs of unknown rank and their drops.)
(1 in 20 runs will be outside the expected range.)
784 rewarding mobs defeated
  149 bosses and elite bosses
  276 lieutenants
  359 minions
  0 pets and 5 greys
784 inf/debt rewards
  1413202 inf
19249 prestige
15 Pool A recipes (Mob Defeats)
  2 uncommon and rare recipes
    Crushing Impact: Acc/Dam/Rech (Recipe)
    Perfect Zinger: Taunt (Recipe)
  13 common recipes
68 salvage
  4 rare
  9 uncommon
  55 common
11 single origin enhancements
1 inspirations (0 tier 3, 0 tier 2, 1 tier 1, 0 special)



I ran Demon ship from Tavish Bell twice. Settings 0/8/n/n, SG mode, Saved Mission
1st run: 5 recipes, 28 salvage, 4 SOs
2nd run: 10 recipes, 17 salvage, 2 SOs

Archie Gremlin's Drop Stats v0.3.1
INFORMATION - Couldn't identify the rank of any mobs. Skipping drop rates.
412 rewarding mobs defeated
  0 bosses and elite bosses
  0 lieutenants
  0 minions
  412 rewarding mobs of unknown rank
    Burn Protector (38)
    Possessed Scientist (374) failed heuristic rank check
418 inf/debt rewards
  906186 inf
12008 prestige
15 Pool A recipes (Mob Defeats)
  3 uncommon and rare recipes
    Extreme Measures: Dam/Int/Rech (Recipe)
    Kinetic Crash : Recharge/Endurance (Recipe)
    Nightmare: Acc/Fear/Rech (Recipe)
  12 common recipes
45 salvage
  0 rare
  9 uncommon
  36 common
6 single origin enhancements
64 inspirations (0 tier 3, 21 tier 2, 43 tier 1, 0 special)



Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
Comparison run: this is the defeat all demons map from Harvey Maylor, which I had available on the same blaster, and ran immediately after the Chimera map; I only took time to unload the salvage and recipes in Wentworths.

Archie Gremlin's Drop Stats v0.3.1

Type   DropRate Drops Expected  Mobs
Pool A    1.17%     7     9-25  596 minion equivalents
Salvage   6.35%    31    29-53  488 minion equivalents
(Table excludes mobs of unknown rank and their drops.)
(1 in 20 runs will be outside the expected range.)

435 rewarding mobs defeated
  0 bosses and elite bosses
  161 lieutenants
  274 minions

435 inf/debt rewards
  803537 inf
10646 prestige

7 Pool A recipes (Mob Defeats)
  2 uncommon and rare recipes
    Mocking Beratement: Rech (Recipe)
    Soaring: Endurance (Recipe)
  5 common recipes

31 salvage
  0 rare
  1 uncommon
  30 common

5 single origin enhancements
187 inspirations (0 tier 3, 69 tier 2, 118 tier 1, 0 special)

0 other drops
No TF mode, drops are low again. I think I'm on to something.

Note: in order for the mobs to be recognized, I added this to mobTypes.txt:

# Demons
  Demon Lord, Demon Overlord,
That's matching what I'm seeing now that you mention it.

My new ice/fire has been leveling up in Dark Astoria at natural level and has been getting abysmal recipe drops (11 recipes total [all commons] in 7 levels + debt repayment from level 20 to level 27) salvage and enhancers have been normal.

My Fire/EM has to hit a pillar of ice and fire to exemp down to DA levels. His drops have been pretty close to normal Salvage drops have been normal, no enhancers (as expected) and a "fairly normal" number of recipes, (still on the low side on recipes however [about 75% of my typical average for that toon. My sample size is pretty low ATM though])

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Originally Posted by Johnny_Velocity View Post
Well, this would account for the fact that AE ticket drop rates do not seem to be affected.

If Synapse accessed the Abyss maps via Oro, that would also put him in TF mode, which would account for why he couldn't reproduce the problem...

Edit: Well, maybe not based on the report right above.
Very very good point. I was in fact in Ouroboros mode. I'm going to do some testing outside of Ouroboros. I think we're getting closer to finding out what is actually going on here. Thanks for everyone's diligence. We're still looking into this.




Now, Kitteh.... be reasonable... he can post after he gets home...

Seriously, Synapse, thanks much for your continued efforts on this, it's truly appreciated, even if we don't say so often enough.

Given the massive scope of the product, the relative lack of major problems is quite the accomplishment, keep up the good work.



Harvey's Demon farm, 2 runs, 0/8/n/n, SG mode, Saved Mission

1st run: 4 recipes, 36 salvage, 8 SOs
2nd run: 11 recipes, 32 salvage, 8 SOs

besides Temp Power recipe, no other uncommon drops >.<

Archie Gremlin's Drop Stats v0.3.1
INFORMATION - Couldn't identify the rank of any mobs. Skipping drop rates.
858 rewarding mobs defeated
  0 bosses and elite bosses
  0 lieutenants
  0 minions
  858 rewarding mobs of unknown rank
    Demon (531)
    Demon Lord (244)
    Demon Overlord (83)
858 inf/debt rewards
  1607208 inf
  44000 debt
21291 prestige
15 Pool A recipes (Mob Defeats)
  1 uncommon and rare recipes
    Temporary Power: Power Analyzer Mk III
  14 common recipes
68 salvage
  2 rare
  11 uncommon
  55 common
16 single origin enhancements
26 inspirations (0 tier 3, 8 tier 2, 18 tier 1, 0 special)



thanks for another response, Synapse.

Good work folks in digging deeper into this!



Originally Posted by Synapse View Post
Very very good point. I was in fact in Ouroboros mode. I'm going to do some testing outside of Ouroboros. I think we're getting closer to finding out what is actually going on here. Thanks for everyone's diligence. We're still looking into this.

Thanks for the continued help on figuring this out, Synapse. While I was a little harsh on the evaluation of your last post, it's good to see that you're still looking into this. It will be nice to iron out this wrinkle on an excellent new issue.

I know it's a little off topic, but this really has been a pretty sweet issue. I've played around a little bit with the power customization and love the extra dimension it adds to a character. Hats off to you, Babs, and all the rest of the Dev team!



Made two runs to compare TF mode vs. no TF mode. Settings are +1/8/yes/no. SG mode off.
No kill numbers, sorry, but here's what dropped:

1st mission was from the contact Unai Kemen: "Close the dimensional ruptures" (the Banished Pantheon outdoor map).
4,087,375 inf
8 SO enhancements
47 Salvage (3 rare, 8 uncommon, 36 common)
2 Recipes (1 Damage, 1 Costume Piece)

2nd mission was from Ouroborus to get into TF mode. I choose the first mission from the Unai Kemen arc: "Find two scientists" (the Hydra outdooor map) (Note: this map is cosiderably smaller than the map in my first run).
1,543,511 inf
6 SO enhancements
40 Salvage (1 rare, 9 uncommon, 30 common)
6 Recipes (all common IOs)

What I got isn't great, but it seems that TF mode gives better results.
I'll do more testing tomorrow.



Is there still anyone looking into the "did your toon zone to get to the mission" theory?

Last night my friends and I all zoomed over to PI to run some radio missions and I got one, possibly two recipe drops over 5 or 6 missions -- +4/x8, 4 and 5 person team. (I saw the one recipe "drop" but when I looked in inventory at the end of the run, there were two. "Did I have that before we started? Umm. Don't know for sure.") During the missions, another player brought up that zoning and drops had been addressed in another thread somewhere. Just for fun, I logged off, logged back in a while later, and have done the same radio mission five times without clicking the glowie:

"Get the Ultrascope!" Beating up Council with my DB/WP scrapper, in Warehouse_30_Layout_01_03

220 defeats, 3 recipes
219 defeats, 4 recipes
(“Doh! Maybe I should count TOTAL drops, too!”)
220 defeats, 30 drops, 4 recipes
220 defeats, 21 drops, 3 recipes
Dualboxing with another toon I'd logged off in PI:
Player one: 220 defeats, 20 drops, 3 recipes
Player two: 220 defeats, 7 drops, 2 recipes

I know, I know. Five runs isn't statistically significant, so hopefully more later. And I'm counting "stuff" by using Word 2007's "replace" feature to count "defeated's", "received's", and "recipe's." I've saved my "data" from the System and Rewards channels if someone else wants to run them through Drop Stats for a more meaningful breakdown.

Overall, though, that's more "stuff" than I've gotten in A LONG TIME soloing OR teaming, so seems like something's going on.

I was in supergroup mode for both toons, logged off between missions to reset. "Main" account for soloing and "Player one" above has pretty much every add-on except Cyborg and Science Pack; second account has Cyborg and I think that's all.

"But it wasn't anything some purples and oranges and lots of screaming in fear couldn't handle." -- Werner

30 level 50's: 12 scrappers, 7 other random melee types, 11 blaster/blapper/support squishies, two accounts, and a TON of altitis since 4/28/04



I think it will be a waste of time trying to check in TF mode.

I have the same low drops on Task Force, Radio Missions, Farming the wall in Cim. ( I tried the wall after i16 a bunch of times, because it used to be a good source for getting purples)

Setting my difficulty in many different ways has not had any affect on the drop rate.



Originally Posted by badchad View Post
I have the same low drops on Task Force, Radio Missions, Farming the wall in Cim. ( I tried the wall after i16 a bunch of times, because it used to be a good source for getting purples)
Me too, me too -- but every time I've recently tried "The Wall" I zoned to get there and then "pffffft - lotsa nothin'." I plan to try again and log off as soon as I get to Cimerora, wait a few minutes, and THEN log in and try it.

"But it wasn't anything some purples and oranges and lots of screaming in fear couldn't handle." -- Werner

30 level 50's: 12 scrappers, 7 other random melee types, 11 blaster/blapper/support squishies, two accounts, and a TON of altitis since 4/28/04



Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
Task Force mode may be a factor in this problem.
Hah, damn. I noticed something that made me wonder about this. I ran Breaking Knives in Ouro the other day, and it seemed to me that I got quite a lot of recipes. In fact, I posted about it here. But I never followed up to gather a significant set of drop data on it. Now I feel chumpy for that.

Great work. This looks promising.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Eldorado View Post
Me too, me too -- but every time I've recently tried "The Wall" I zoned to get there and then "pffffft - lotsa nothin'." I plan to try again and log off as soon as I get to Cimerora, wait a few minutes, and THEN log in and try it.
I am not sure a few minutes is enough. When you log in, log off and back in right away, you can notice that powers are still activated, etc. There is a certain amount of time that needs to pass before the game "resets" your character. A test to try then, would be to go to the wall, smash for a while log off for the evening. then log back in like the next day and smash some more and see if it is any different.

I played my new scrapper last night. logged him on in KR. did 3 radio missions. first mission I got 3 recipes. second mission i got 0, but it was a "bank being robbed" so there was only like 20 foes in there. third mission I got 1 recipe. I also leveled up, so I went to train before getting my safegard mission.

It so happened I leveled to 12, so I trained with Blue Steel, then went to Steel Canyon to buy DO's. Went back to KR, did my safegard, pretty well cleared it including a few side quests. Nothing. Did another radio mission. Nothing. Logged off for the night with some salvage and 3 TO's and 0 recipes. My settings are normal, but with bosses. Again, pathetically small sample size but I found it really odd that my recipe drops basically went from surprisingly good to nada after a trip to steel canyon and back.

Going to log in for an hour and see what happens right now.

Liberty server
Eldagore lvl 50 Inv/ss, co-founder of The Legion of Smash
3.5 servers of alts....I need help.

May the rawk be with you.

Arc #'s
107020 Uberbots!
93496 A Pawn in Time



I just wanted to let you know you can probably stop recording data, a fix for this should be making its way to the training room fairly soon. Your drop analysis there, when this patch hits the training room, would be very useful. Thanks for everyone's diligence, and believe it or not the bug had nothing to do with team size, what map you were on, whether you were in taskforce mode or not or anything else mentioned in this thread.




Originally Posted by Synapse View Post
I just wanted to let you know you can probably stop recording data, a fix for this should be making its way to the training room fairly soon. Your drop analysis there, when this patch hits the training room, would be very useful. Thanks for everyone's diligence, and believe it or not the bug had nothing to do with team size, what map you were on, whether you were in taskforce mode or not or anything else mentioned in this thread.

Awesome that you have found it

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Synapse View Post
I just wanted to let you know you can probably stop recording data, a fix for this should be making its way to the training room fairly soon. Your drop analysis there, when this patch hits the training room, would be very useful. Thanks for everyone's diligence, and believe it or not the bug had nothing to do with team size, what map you were on, whether you were in taskforce mode or not or anything else mentioned in this thread.

Wow! great to hear and looking forward to seeing how this turns out



I just wanted to let you know you can probably stop recording data, a fix for this should be making its way to the training room fairly soon. Your drop analysis there, when this patch hits the training room, would be very useful. Thanks for everyone's diligence, and believe it or not the bug had nothing to do with team size, what map you were on, whether you were in taskforce mode or not or anything else mentioned in this thread.

When the fix makes it to live you HAVE to tell us what it was Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



Originally Posted by Synapse View Post
I just wanted to let you know you can probably stop recording data, a fix for this should be making its way to the training room fairly soon. Your drop analysis there, when this patch hits the training room, would be very useful. Thanks for everyone's diligence, and believe it or not the bug had nothing to do with team size, what map you were on, whether you were in taskforce mode or not or anything else mentioned in this thread.
Aww, you aren't going to tell us what it was?

Thanks for sticking with it, Synapse, and for letting us know.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA