Farming & PL'ing - Designed by Devs or Unintentional By-Product

Ad Astra



After much time musing to myself and generally pondering the above I have decided it is time to ask the question...

Are farming and PL'ing merely a by-product of the way the game has changed or is it engineered carefully by the Devs for some reason as yet inknown?

My reasons for wondering this are pretty simple. I do not want this to descend into a 'farming/pl'ing is bad vs good' debate, nor turn into a flame-fest of epic proportions - it is merely a question raised when I couldnt sleep last night

Farming didn't exist (in any great way) until IOs and Auction House appeared. As soon as costume part recipes came onto the market and started costing 50million inf+ to buy the need for more inf arose and farming became mroe prevalent. then with the introduction of Purple Enhancements costing anywhere up to 150mil inf each this requirement grew again and farming really came to the forefront of the game as people wanted to make there character then best they could do. Next came PVP enhancements costing (iirc) up to about 500mil inf each. No casual player could even hope to spec out their character(s) with a few sets of these without farming influence/infamy. This has all become easier with AE and with the SSK system coming in i16 will be easier outside of AE too.

In the same way in a real world economy, when prices for things that people want or feel they need gets too high then there are people who will turn to alternate methods of getting enough cash to buy - it is the same in CoX - people dont have enough inf to fully kit out a character they will farm to get what they need.

Therefore this could have been prevented or the perceived need lessened in a few ways which on the surface seem simple enough. Introduce a price cap in AH/BM. Set it so nothing can cost more than 10mil. Yes it will mean that 'everyone' can afford high end enhancements which wasnt necessarily the Devs intention, but as everyone wants these anyway and a lot of people farm to be able to afford them, reducing the price will have the same end result - people will be able to afford them but won't have to farm - this would hopefully mean less people will feel the need to do AE farms and more people will be back to normal game content or will use AE for its true purpose -playing individually generated content and arcs.

PL'ing is slightly different, however it feels (from a personal viewpoint) that a lot fo the newer content (RWZ revamp, Cimerora and new TF's) is all higher level - 35+. Again personally, after a few years in game I do find a lot of the lower level content tedious and look forward to getting to lvl 20 (stamina), lvl 22 (SO's) and lvl 35+ (RWZ etc) and have no qualms in speeding through the lower levels to content I enjoy. Everything the Devs have done so far to prevent PL'ing or farming seems to have been half-hearted and has made no difference at all. Are the Devs really powerless to stop it and are just letting it ride, or are they not doing anything much to stop it because it was secretly intended to occur.

Remember, I have no good, bad or indiffernet views on PL and farming - people pay their money and should be allowed to play how they like as long as it doesnt adversley affect others or break the EULA - I just wanted to post this before it keeps me awake tonight

Golden-Phoenix - Lvl 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Oodja Nikabolokov - Lvl 50 SS/WP Brute
Baby-Phoenix - Lvl 50 Peacebringer
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris?



I tink you start from the flawed position that farming and PL'ing were not truly present in the early years of the game.

Originally Posted by Baby_Phoenix View Post
After much time musing to myself and generally pondering the above I have decided it is time to ask the question...

Are farming and PL'ing merely a by-product of the way the game has changed or is it engineered carefully by the Devs for some reason as yet inknown?

My reasons for wondering this are pretty simple. I do not want this to descend into a 'farming/pl'ing is bad vs good' debate, nor turn into a flame-fest of epic proportions - it is merely a question raised when I couldnt sleep last night

Farming didn't exist (in any great way) until IOs and Auction House appeared. As soon as costume part recipes came onto the market and started costing 50million inf+ to buy the need for more inf arose and farming became mroe prevalent. then with the introduction of Purple Enhancements costing anywhere up to 150mil inf each this requirement grew again and farming really came to the forefront of the game as people wanted to make there character then best they could do. Next came PVP enhancements costing (iirc) up to about 500mil inf each. No casual player could even hope to spec out their character(s) with a few sets of these without farming influence/infamy. This has all become easier with AE and with the SSK system coming in i16 will be easier outside of AE too.
If your character needs Purples - you aren't a Casual Player.

Yes, costume pieces were very pricy at the beginning - and the Devs increased drops of those recipes to lessen those proces, to good effect.

In the same way in a real world economy, when prices for things that people want or feel they need gets too high then there are people who will turn to alternate methods of getting enough cash to buy - it is the same in CoX - people dont have enough inf to fully kit out a character they will farm to get what they need.

Therefore this could have been prevented or the perceived need lessened in a few ways which on the surface seem simple enough. Introduce a price cap in AH/BM. Set it so nothing can cost more than 10mil. Yes it will mean that 'everyone' can afford high end enhancements which wasnt necessarily the Devs intention, but as everyone wants these anyway and a lot of people farm to be able to afford them, reducing the price will have the same end result - people will be able to afford them but won't have to farm - this would hopefully mean less people will feel the need to do AE farms and more people will be back to normal game content or will use AE for its true purpose -playing individually generated content and arcs.
We need Smurphy in here, stat, to explain how price caps DO NOT WORK. But the short answer is that if you place a cap in the official mechanism, then a true Black Market springs up, as players circumvent the system to buy & sell outside it. Can't get it at the market? Buy it off the street.

PL'ing is slightly different, however it feels (from a personal viewpoint) that a lot fo the newer content (RWZ revamp, Cimerora and new TF's) is all higher level - 35+. Again personally, after a few years in game I do find a lot of the lower level content tedious and look forward to getting to lvl 20 (stamina), lvl 22 (SO's) and lvl 35+ (RWZ etc) and have no qualms in speeding through the lower levels to content I enjoy. Everything the Devs have done so far to prevent PL'ing or farming seems to have been half-hearted and has made no difference at all. Are the Devs really powerless to stop it and are just letting it ride, or are they not doing anything much to stop it because it was secretly intended to occur.

Remember, I have no good, bad or indiffernet views on PL and farming - people pay their money and should be allowed to play how they like as long as it doesnt adversley affect others or break the EULA - I just wanted to post this before it keeps me awake tonight
More low level content wold be fantastic. They have added low level content rather recently, by revamping the Hollows and Faultline (frequently overlooked in these types of threads) - but more is always good when you are talking about content.

I don't want to get into the debate about the pre-Stamina level (I enjoy them personally). SO's are less important because by then I am starting my IOs. RWZ content actually kinda bores me, so I don't share you love of getting a character to level 35.

I think our Devs have a clear view of the MMO that includes "some" farming and PL'ing behaviors - because there are some players whose enjoyment of the game is just that aspect. Why drive away those paying customers? We had people farming in I2 just because that's what they enjoy - setting a map and zerging thru it again & again.

Our Devs are trying to balance between extremes. Some may see that as wishy-washy. I see it as practical. YMMV.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Originally Posted by Ad Astra View Post
I tink you start from the flawed position that farming and PL'ing were not truly present in the early years of the game.
Yeah, this. I still remember one of my friends in ye olden days before CoV hit, running around Rikti Crash Site for days at level 50, using Burn to grind his way to amounts of money that we found ludicrous back then... And he was far from the only one. Dumpster herding, anybody?

i9 and i14 changed the magnitude and goals of farming, but it still existed and still wasn't that rare from the get-go.

We need Smurphy in here, stat, to explain how price caps DO NOT WORK.
And here's the easy explanation: The government sets a cap saying that nothing can sell for more than $15,000. I'm going to go buy a Ferrari... along with half the other people I know, since that's a damn good price for one and I can easily afford it now. They can only make so many Ferraris, though, and there are probably a lot fewer Ferraris than people willing to buy them for $15,000. Same thing here. If you set purples/LotGs/whatever unable to sell near the prices that they'll drift to naturally, everybody will be able to afford one and find it worth the money to buy them... so there will be 11756 bidding/0 for sale.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Farming and PowerLeveling are not the same thing. Pick one or the other to complain about.



Originally Posted by Calash View Post
Farming and PowerLeveling are not the same thing. Pick one or the other to complain about.

Farming for items...

Powerleveling FOR EXP...

No matter how much people wanna say they are the same they ARE NOT.



Yeah I bet the devs are like:

Dev1: "How's the new features coming?"

Dev2: "It's going great, we just got the new zone ready, new enemies that appear in a new taskforce, and a new reward system that lets players with level 50 heroes get better by doing heroic things!"

Dev1: "Alright... so, what can the players exploit?"

Dev2: "No, they can't exploit anything, as this is a time based system that rewards regular, active playing in the City than AFKing in an AE farm. Our playtesting has showed that this is actually wo..."

Dev1: "NO! BAD! Make the enemies reap huge rewards if you're bunny hopping behind a phone booth! At least 5 Purple Recipes every 100 hops!"

Dev2: "B-but why would we want players to do that?"

Dev1: "There are casual players that want to purple out their Warshade, we must give them a chance! Now GO GO GO!"



My own thoughts on this.

The devs dont' want people to PL. The quick ways to do it have gotten nerfed one by one, and the new super-sidekick system pretty much eliminates the last remaining loophole. They feel so strongly about PLing that they have banned accounts following the AE debacle, and the only metric they announced publicly was "time to 50." There may or may not have been other factors, but that was the only one they came out and said they were looking at.

Farming is another matter. They seem to regard it as something they can at least tolerate. They've nerfed the most outrageous farming maps and tactics (for example, giving all critters ranged attacks) but have never come down with excessive force for simply farming. I believe that they see farming as "something some people enjoy" and not as a deadly sin.

PLing destabilizes the playerbase. People hit 50, wander around bored or get into groups where they have no idea what they're doing. All the complaint threads about the bAEbies should have been a sign that people were getting PL'd, but never learned to play. People like that are unlikely to stick around long: they "won" and then they get bored and leave.

Farmers don't much affect the playerbase directly, except that the best farmers are those with a lot of experience and playtime under their belts: the people who have already shown that they are going to stick around and keep paying the monthly fee. Farmers incidently create wealth, both INF and the things to spend them on, which acts as a stabilizing force for the markets. The new difficulty slider changes seem to be aimed at helping farmers do exactly what they want; play their maps without bothering anyone else. Seriously, getting fillers for a map is annoying for the farmer, annoying for some of the people asked to fill, and in general didn't help anyone. The new difficulty sliders eliminate the last real problem people had with farmers: the tells for fillers.

119088 - Outcasts Overcharged. Heroic.



Originally Posted by Baby_Phoenix View Post
Farming didn't exist (in any great way) until IOs and Auction House appeared.

As soon as costume part recipes came onto the market and started costing 50million inf+ to buy the need for more inf arose and farming became mroe prevalent.
Wrong again.
As always, the BUY IT NAO market price bears little resemblance to what a patient player can get it for. I regularly picked up costume parts for friends on the cheap simply by bidding and waiting a bit.

No casual player could even hope to spec out their character(s) with a few sets of these without farming influence/infamy.
No "casual player" has any need for purples or POs.
These sets are aimed at powergamers, not the 'average' CoH subscriber.

In the same way in a real world economy, when prices for things that people want or feel they need gets too high then there are people who will turn to alternate methods of getting enough cash to buy - it is the same in CoX - people dont have enough inf to fully kit out a character they will farm to get what they need.
One, they don't "need" anything more than SOs to play the game.
Two, I don't farm because I "need" anything, I farm because I enjoy farming. This is the case for most of my farming friends as well.

Introduce a price cap in AH/BM. Set it so nothing can cost more than 10mil.
Please do!
The creation of a real black market will make the prices you faint over now look like a sale at the Dollar Store.

The devs have an interst in curbing PL'ing because it potentially shortens the lifetime of subscriptions. The devs don't much care about farming except as it crosses over into PL territory or involves "exploits", however they choose to define that nebulous term.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Lakanna View Post
Farming is another matter. They seem to regard it as something they can at least tolerate. They've nerfed the most outrageous farming maps and tactics (for example, giving all critters ranged attacks) but have never come down with excessive force for simply farming. I believe that they see farming as "something some people enjoy" and not as a deadly sin.
The devs don't care about farming. It's obvious from most of the original defeat badge requirements that they expected it -- nay, required it -- and even provided places to do it. A prime example is the 10,000 Rikti monkeys that were originally required for Zookeeper, and the island in PI where you would go to get them. Since then the requirements for Zookeeper have been reduced, but the original design essentially required farming. The same is still true with the Illusionist badge, the spirit mask badge, etc. It's impossible to get most of those badges by just playing regular mission content, so to get them you must repeat missions intentionally or farm them in open zones.

For example, to get the Atlas Medallion accolade you need 200 vampyri and 200 warwolves. If you do the right missions in the 25-29 level range on large teams you can get the vampyri relatively easy (I'm not sure about the warwolves -- you might get that one by doing the Hess TF). But unless you intentionally go after those missions you will almost certainly outlevel them before getting those badges. That means you'll have to do those missions in Ouroboros or farm in Striga (which is what I usually wind up doing).

And, yes, farming critters for the reward of a badge is no different than farming critters for the rewards of purples or salvage. It just has an end-point that says you're "done."

Farmers only present a problem when they engage in conduct counter to the EULA (like selling influence for real money), or when they are PLing in conjunction with farming.

PLers, on the other hand, cause problems because they rush players through the game. If a player "finishes" the game before becoming emotionally invested in it (developing social connections, favorite characters, some other long-term goal like playing every AT at least once, PvP, etc.) they will drop their subscription.

For the game to survive it needs a long-term core base of subscribers. PLing hurts that. For example, if one of your goals is to play all the powersets in an AT, the exploitative PLing that AE started out with will drastically cut short the time it takes.

The new rules won't stop PLing. The real problem with PLing is that you can get experience doorsitting. They're not going to change that as far as I've heard. The difference will be a single level 50 will not be able to solo a map of level 51 mobs and give the doorsitters experiece for +5 mobs. They'll have to be fighting level 54s to get the +5 mob experience. That will generally slow down the PLing, but won't stop it. My guess is that there are players who have builds that will notice no difference at all with the new rules. But the changes will certainly reduce the number of players who can achieve the same XP/minute rate.

The way to truly kill PLing is to stop doorsitting giving XP. If you're not playing the game you shouldn't be getting any XP. That doesn't mean that you have to be attacking the mobs -- you could be invisibly healing the tank or buffing the blasters. But you should be in the mix to get any XP: using your powers, being a candidate for aggro and taking some risk for which you should get a reward.



Farming has existed in this game as long as I remember, if players did not farm for kill badges, they farmed for Influence, even back in the SO days (Including daily Hami raids). To their credit, the devs have taken steps to reduce the need to farm for certain badges, example the Carnie Illusionist badge reduction.

I've never seen anything official stating that purples were designed for power gamers or they were not intended for casual gamers. What's the definition of a casual player anyway? I think items like purples were intended for anyone lucky enough to find one; anyone interested in maxing out certain bonuses; or anyone with enough funds to purchase them.

The time a person devotes to playing increases the ability to purchase/find purples but has nothing to do with their desire to obtain them. Casual or power gamer, no one has a "need" for purples; it's purely a "want".

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post

Farming for items...

Powerleveling FOR EXP...

No matter how much people wanna say they are the same they ARE NOT.
Isn't Powerleveling farming for XP? So powerleveling is always farming but farming is not always powerleveling?

"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time"- Chesty Puller US Marine Corps



No they weren't.



Originally Posted by Ethric View Post
Yeah I bet the devs are like:

Dev1: "How's the new features coming?"

Dev2: "It's going great, we just got the new zone ready, new enemies that appear in a new taskforce, and a new reward system that lets players with level 50 heroes get better by doing heroic things!"

Dev1: "Alright... so, what can the players exploit?"

Dev2: "No, they can't exploit anything, as this is a time based system that rewards regular, active playing in the City than AFKing in an AE farm. Our playtesting has showed that this is actually wo..."

Dev1: "NO! BAD! Make the enemies reap huge rewards if you're bunny hopping behind a phone booth! At least 5 Purple Recipes every 100 hops!"

Dev2: "B-but why would we want players to do that?"

Dev1: "There are casual players that want to purple out their Warshade, we must give them a chance! Now GO GO GO!"
I like Dev 1. He seems to want to cater to the ENTIRE playerbase, rather than a set minority.

Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
I've never seen anything official stating that purples were designed for power gamers or they were not intended for casual gamers. What's the definition of a casual player anyway? I think items like purples were intended for anyone lucky enough to find one; anyone interested in maxing out certain bonuses; or anyone with enough funds to purchase them.
But....But.... Nethergoat's claims are ALWAYS automatically "fact!" He hears it straight word-of-mouth from God and is benevolent enough to share that exclusive information with us! Be thankful!

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by BrokenPrey View Post
Isn't Powerleveling farming for XP? So powerleveling is always farming but farming is not always powerleveling?
Power leveling is going for exp.

farming has nothing to do with exp.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
Power leveling is going for exp.

farming has nothing to do with exp.
and another name for going for xp is farming for xp?

Going for xp and farming for xp is saying the same thing, which is Power leveling.

I'm not saying all Farming is Power Leveling, but Power leveling is a type of farming.

The act of repeating an action a number of times for the purpose of earning something from the repeated action. In City of Heroes this most often involves resetting a mission a number of times in order to earn something out of the mission multiple times. Things earned vary from experience, to influence/infamy/prestige, to badge credits.

"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time"- Chesty Puller US Marine Corps



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
Power leveling is going for exp.

farming has nothing to do with exp.
I don't think it's as absolute as that. It seems more like there's a spot where they intersect on the Venn Diagram of Gamer Behavio(u)r. People can "farm", say, a Freakshow mission (such as by the old reset-and-repeat method) for the xp, but just as easily farm it the same way because they want the drops. The two activities aren't mutually exclusive, but neither is one totally inclusive of the other.

But, back to the OP, no, the devs did not intend for farming and powerleveling to happen. It was going to happen anyway. So, the devs put effort into shutting down the more outrageous and exploitative farm/PL methods.

William Shakespeare was the Bob Haney of his day!



PL'ing is the efficient pursuit of XP.
Farming is the efficient pursuit of drops.

In the 'real' world these occasionally overlap, but generally speaking an optimum environment for drops does not generate optimum XP, and vice versa.

The 'problem' with MA from the dev perspective is that tickets allow players to achieve something close to optimum XP and optimum drops simultaneously.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
For example, to get the Atlas Medallion accolade you need 200 vampyri and 200 warwolves. If you do the right missions in the 25-29 level range on large teams you can get the vampyri relatively easy (I'm not sure about the warwolves -- you might get that one by doing the Hess TF). But unless you intentionally go after those missions you will almost certainly outlevel them before getting those badges. That means you'll have to do those missions in Ouroboros or farm in Striga (which is what I usually wind up doing).
If you run the Moonfire TF with an eight-player team, you stand a pretty good chance of getting both Slayer and Silver Bullet by the end of the TF.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



For example, to get the Atlas Medallion accolade you need 200 vampyri and 200 warwolves. If you do the right missions in the 25-29 level range on large teams you can get the vampyri relatively easy (I'm not sure about the warwolves -- you might get that one by doing the Hess TF). But unless you intentionally go after those missions you will almost certainly outlevel them before getting those badges. That means you'll have to do those missions in Ouroboros or farm in Striga (which is what I usually wind up doing).
If you run the Moonfire TF with an eight-player team, you stand a pretty good chance of getting both Slayer and Silver Bullet by the end of the TF.
You can finish up those badges fairly easily with Maxwell Christopher's arc in the lower 40s, if you don't mind waiting that long.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
I like Dev 1. He seems to want to cater to the ENTIRE playerbase, rather than a set minority.

But....But.... Nethergoat's claims are ALWAYS automatically "fact!" He hears it straight word-of-mouth from God and is benevolent enough to share that exclusive information with us! Be thankful!

"The One"
By BaB's basically posting a joke about Casual Players purling out their warshades, I think it's safe to assume that the devs did not intend something ULTRA RARE to be for casual players. I tend to take the devs at what they post and not some lala land fantasy.

Other's MMV

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Farming existed way before IOs.

Used to run 4-5 Hami raids a week on Champion pre-I9, sometimes several in the same day depending on respawn.

Dreck used to be a prime ground for influence farming, as we needed around 5,000,000 inf per alt for Single Origins. People sold Hamis as well in the day...needed a bunch of inf for those Micros and Ribos.

Devs know about farming. Their badge requirements pretty much guarantee they encourage it: 500 decoys, 10,000 (now 1,000) Rikti monkeys, millions of damage taken, etc.

Devs seem to dislike PL more than inf farming as they really want to keep people logged in. Not going to do much as we're always going to find the most efficient XP benefit, super-sidekicking or no.

Lastly, price caps are terrible. If you can LOTGs at 5,000,000 people will just sell them to each other for 70-100 million and no one will list them on the Market.

The Markets create a kind of meeting point between buyers and sellers. It isn't perfect because you can tweak the last five, but there it is.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
I'm sorry, OP.

After you said farming didn't exist until IO's and Recipes, I was unable to take your post seriously. Do some homework before posting.
But has you read a few letters on you would have noticed the brackets containing further information.

I did not say it did not exist, the intimation was that it was not in as greater prevalence as it is not, or certainly not as noticeable as is it now unless you knew where to seek it out.

I will do my homework as soon as you learn to read

Golden-Phoenix - Lvl 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Oodja Nikabolokov - Lvl 50 SS/WP Brute
Baby-Phoenix - Lvl 50 Peacebringer
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris?



Originally Posted by Baby_Phoenix View Post
But has you read a few letters on you would have noticed the brackets containing further information.

I did not say it did not exist, the intimation was that it was not in as greater prevalence as it is not, or certainly not as noticeable as is it now unless you knew where to seek it out.

I will do my homework as soon as you learn to read

Farming didn't exist (in any great way) until IOs and Auction House appeared.
No matter how you justify it, you're still wrong. Look up the Portal Corps demon farms. Before IO's, that was THE farm. It's how Fire/Kin controllers managed to get incredibly stinking rich before the market came around. You couldn't go to Peregrine without seeing someone begging to be bridged, or advertising their Fire/Kin farm team, or doing both at the same time (asking for level 46 characters to help be bridges for their farms).

I know darn well how to read. If you went on to explain yourself, I did not read it because your first point-making sentence is wrong.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."