Farming & PL'ing - Designed by Devs or Unintentional By-Product

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Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
I think part of the issue is also that the devs have said you don't need to touch IOs or the market to enjoy the game.

Inventions are completely 100% optional.

NOTHING in game has been made harder to compensate for IOs.

There are even tool tips on the loading screens that say exactly this.

I think for the devs the true casual play involves SOs.
The game balance has nothing to do with personal playstyle. Nether does loot gathered, or forum posts, or how often I check the boards, or the number of times I tag a post. It is also not up to the devs to define it, we have a definition already in place.

Like the word Farming people are twisting the meaning of the word Casual gaming to mean whatever they want in order to support there argument at the time.

The items you have do not define your playstyle.



Originally Posted by Calash View Post
The items you have do not define your playstyle.
This is very true. Just because I have a self-rez and carry at least 5 large wakie inspirations does not mean I tend to faceplant alot, and don't ask anyone in my SG either. >_>

Just adding some levity to this srs bsns thread.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
This is very true. Just because I have a self-rez and carry at least 5 large wakie inspirations does not mean I tend to faceplant alot, and don't ask anyone in my SG either. >_>

Just adding some levity to this srs bsns thread.
Lolz! You win the thread.



Originally Posted by SoulTouch View Post
Well I just love how you are twisting what I said. No running missions is clearly not farming. No one on these forums claimed that.
You just did.
Maybe that isn't what you meant, but that's what the words you typed mean. And on a forum we're limited to what you type, not what's running through your head as you type it.

Repeating a mission 100 times over or whatnot with or without a team IS farming. Fact.
I've run plenty of missions in this game over 100 times.
That's farming?
If I run them 99, is it not farming?

Your definition stinks. Think up a better one.

And not my defintion. It's paragonwiki's definition.
You know what they say....garbage in, garbage out.
Using someone else's crap definition doesn't get you off the hook.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Calash View Post
The items you have do not define your playstyle.
If you have a multi-billion inf IO monster build that is optimized for performance, you're hardcore even if you're only logging in 30 minutes a week.

If you have a couple of purples and some okay sets because you got most of them as drops and picked up some stuff on the market because you were curious about it, that's casual, even if you play 20 hours a week.

And of course there is the vast middle ground between the two arbitrary designations "hardcore" and "casual" where most players fall.

The stuff you slot and how you slot it goes a long way toward defining whether you approach the game in a casual way or not. I can only play a few hours a week now, broken up into small chunks, but I have a couple of set IO monster builds and several characters pushing a billion inf. I am by no means casual in spite of my limited game time.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
You just did.
Maybe that isn't what you meant, but that's what the words you typed mean. And on a forum we're limited to what you type, not what's running through your head as you type it.

I've run plenty of missions in this game over 100 times.
That's farming?
If I run them 99, is it not farming?

Your definition stinks. Think up a better one.

You know what they say....garbage in, garbage out.
Using someone else's crap definition doesn't get you off the hook.

Your head is so far up your own **** you are not willing to admit when you are wrong. End off. You are taking what I said WORD FOR WORD. What mature person does that? I threw a random number of 100 times. Obviously you can REPEAT mission 3 times over and it will STILL be farming. I have NOTHING against farming, heck most of my play time is farming. And the fact that you or one of you witty friends took the time to tag "definition by noobs" Just goes to show how immature you really are.

Seriously, I don't know you, but if you are going to reply to this with another one of your witty comments. Please save yourself the hassle, cas you wont get a reply back.

@Psycho Jas



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
If you have a multi-billion inf IO monster build that is optimized for performance, you're hardcore even if you're only logging in 30 minutes a week.

If you have a couple of purples and some okay sets because you got most of them as drops and picked up some stuff on the market because you were curious about it, that's casual, even if you play 20 hours a week.

And of course there is the vast middle ground between the two arbitrary designations "hardcore" and "casual" where most players fall.

The stuff you slot and how you slot it goes a long way toward defining whether you approach the game in a casual way or not. I can only play a few hours a week now, broken up into small chunks, but I have a couple of set IO monster builds and several characters pushing a billion inf. I am by no means casual in spite of my limited game time.
They were not multi-billion influence when I purchased them. Inflation has done that. So, is the market to blame for my sudden rise into power-gamehood?

Darn you rising prices! You have turned me into an evil farming powergaming monster!!!



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
If you have a multi-billion inf IO monster build that is optimized for performance, you're hardcore even if you're only logging in 30 minutes a week.

If you have a couple of purples and some okay sets because you got most of them as drops and picked up some stuff on the market because you were curious about it, that's casual, even if you play 20 hours a week.

And of course there is the vast middle ground between the two arbitrary designations "hardcore" and "casual" where most players fall.

The stuff you slot and how you slot it goes a long way toward defining whether you approach the game in a casual way or not. I can only play a few hours a week now, broken up into small chunks, but I have a couple of set IO monster builds and several characters pushing a billion inf. I am by no means casual in spite of my limited game time.

@Psycho Jas



Those tool tips pointing out that IOs are optional have zip to do with "casual" or "hardcore". The tips are just reassuring players that if the system sounds like something they don't care to deal with, they don't have to. Assuming that because someone takes an interest in crafting they're "hardcore", takes a pretty big leap. "Casual" does not necessarily mean "I'm aggressively apathetic and refuse to lift a finger or read a thing" and beats me where this idea came from. The basic info is right there in the IO descriptions, including what's required, and a piece of salvage will fall into your lap after a few fights, so I daresay even someone who pops in for a mission a month might spare a few seconds to mentally put the description with the salvage and then the cartoon light bulb comes on with a ding.

So the whole playerbase is hardcore I guess. Except for that one guy, but he quit last year anyway, didn't even make a thread about it.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I am by no means casual in spite of my limited game time.
I think the problem lies with players trying to define something that isn't clearly definable.

My ingame time is considered casual, 10 hours a week now. However, when I'm ingame I like to find the best loot to make my characters represent my mind's goal for them. Even if finding the loot takes weeks or months, I will eventually finish the build(s).

Is that 'hardcore?' Not from where I sit.

I see hardcore as someone who takes the game mightly seriously and puts forth much more effort into leveling, learning and completing their builds.

I use to be 'hardcore' but now I just enjoy my time ingame; blasting, defending, chatting, selling, buying, respecing, etc.



Originally Posted by SoulTouch View Post
Brilliant & insightful as usual.


The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



I added some tags because it amuses me.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Brilliant & insightful as usual.

Has more meaning then any of you previous posts on this thread tbh.

@Psycho Jas



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
I think the problem lies with players trying to define something that isn't clearly definable.

My ingame time is considered casual, 10 hours a week now. However, when I'm ingame I like to find the best loot to make my characters represent my mind's goal for them. Even if finding the loot takes weeks or months, I will eventually finish the build(s).

Is that 'hardcore?' Not from where I sit.

I see hardcore as someone who takes the game mightly seriously and puts forth much more effort into leveling, learning and completing their builds.

I use to be 'hardcore' but now I just enjoy my time ingame; blasting, defending, chatting, selling, buying, respecing, etc.

The problem is people are trying to define behaviors, which is rather pointless. "Oh if you play X hours a week, you're hardcore...oh if you grind badges, you're hardcore...oh if you spam the forums, you're hardcore." That's about as useful as saying "oh if you run a mission 100 times you're a farmer".

A meaningful definition needs to define the wellspring of the behavior, not the streams it generates.

I define 'hardcore' as a frame of mind. A player that sets expansive goals and achieves them is 'hardcore' to me, regardless of how much or little they play or how they go about achieving those goals.

A player that goes with the flow, playing through the game and taking things as they come, not investing much special effort into ancillary stuff like phat lewt or accolades, is 'casual' to me.

And again, most people fall between the two poles.
KeepDistance (or whatever his name is now- mind4everburning?) earned a billion inf in a month, starting from 0 on a new character. That is HARDCORE.
I'm approaching a billion on the Goat right now, and he's been pecking away at it since I9. That's still 'hardcore', but it's an order of magnitude less hardcore than Keep's feat.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
I added some tags because it amuses me.
I'm not saying it was you who tagged "lol definitions by noobs" but if it was seriously? It amuses you calling another player a noob publicaly for posting up a definition by Paragonwiki? If so, go get a new sense of humor.

@Psycho Jas



Originally Posted by SoulTouch View Post
Has more meaning then any of you previous posts on this thread tbh.
You not understanding it is different from it not having meaning.

I think there's a social group called Butt Hurt Nethergoat Stalkers you can join if you need a shoulder to cry on.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



nah nethergoat is awesome and laminated arguments actually.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
I think the problem lies with players trying to define something that isn't clearly definable.

My ingame time is considered casual, 10 hours a week now. However, when I'm ingame I like to find the best loot to make my characters represent my mind's goal for them. Even if finding the loot takes weeks or months, I will eventually finish the build(s).

Is that 'hardcore?' Not from where I sit.

I see hardcore as someone who takes the game mightly seriously and puts forth much more effort into leveling, learning and completing their builds.

I use to be 'hardcore' but now I just enjoy my time ingame; blasting, defending, chatting, selling, buying, respecing, etc.

I for one have always thought of "hardcore" gamers (in CoH) to be the ones that whip out the math; the ones that discovered and put to use the numbers before they were made available. I can think of a half dozen from the scrapper forums alone.

I asked for people to define what they considered casual and hardcore to help understand their side of the argument, also the jerk laden replies were getting old and wasn't doing much for the betterment of the discussion. Once posters started expressing what they define casual and hardcore as helped me to understand where they were coming from whether I agreed with them or not.

Personally I used to play about 25 hours a week, now it's more like 5. I still have tons of influence and enjoy creating concepts and maxing their attributes out.

Taking everyone's definitions of causal and hardcore into account, I guess I'm a casual player with hardcore tastes?

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
I for one have always thought of "hardcore" gamers (in CoH) to be the ones that whip out the math; the ones that discovered and put to use the numbers before they were made available. I can think of a half dozen from the scrapper forums alone.
I'm a self described hardcore player and I'm allergic to math. I don't pay any attention to numbers, I just observe effects.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Trying to use one or two definitions to define all of gamedum is generally a war between your head and the wall.

In the spirit of less concussions, lets enter some different definitions and ideas.

Casual Player - Someone who plays a few hours a week with little knowledge of anything going on. They play rarely and have little knowledge of the game.

Casual Gamer - Someone who does not get into numerical equations or rare drops. They just play to play. This player is experienced but does not care about drops, builds or numbers. The can play a few hours a week to full time.

Hardcore Player - Someone who plays often. You would believe they were either independently wealthy or unemployed. Every time you log in they are there.

Power Gamer - Someone who plays with the advanced understanding of game mechanics and a desire for upper tier rewards. This player does not have to play often but enough to acquire these rewards.

Gamer Overlord - Someone who plays to be the best. They use the best tools and have a unique understanding of how the game works. They can spout numbers on command and can diagnose most character problems in seconds based on sheer observation. This player plays often and could be confused with a hardcore player if you didn't see their long explainations and detailed critiques of others.

Farmer - Generally a farmer is a version of a Gamer Overlord that uses their "talents" to acquire drops/tickets/merits at an advanced rate. They have a very specific understanding of drop rates the market and rolling systems.

Power Leveler - Generally a Power Leveler can have qualities of a Gamer Overlord however has a specialized understanding of Game mechanics, attack types and the fastest possible route to making the best xp. They understand level gap concepts and bending the system to their wants and needs.

Uber Gamer Overlord - Someone who understands all the above concepts about the Gamer Overlord, Power Leveler and Farmer and can do any of these at will. These players generally have 20 plus 50's and multiple accounts. They have billions of Influence and Infamy invested in builds, the Market and on hand.

While the above definitions are far from perfect and could be modified I think this is more descriptive then just the one or two that have been floating around.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I define 'hardcore' as a frame of mind. A player that sets expansive goals and achieves them is 'hardcore' to me, regardless of how much or little they play or how they go about achieving those goals.

A player that goes with the flow, playing through the game and taking things as they come, not investing much special effort into ancillary stuff like phat lewt or accolades, is 'casual' to me.

And again, most people fall between the two poles.
This is almost exactly how I'd define the two. I know I tend to fall between the two and which side of the line I'm on depends on what we're talking about. And I don't think it matters what the goals are as much as the player's attitude about the goals. Some people are hardcore about their costumes*, some about badges, others about the number of 50s they have, how fast they completed a TF, etc etc etc.

I tend to bounce around the line and sometimes I lean more one direction than another. Some days I'm a hardcore socializer.

*Seriously. The ones who draw out a zillion new options and post them in the costume suggestion forum? Hardcore costumers!


Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



Originally Posted by MissInformed View Post

*Seriously. The ones who draw out a zillion new options and post them in the costume suggestion forum? Hardcore costumers!

You mean the same group of people that had 72 costume tokens, somehow they ran out of free tokens and were ecstatic about the half off tailor vet reward



I would just like to say how amused I am at how quickly the OP disappeared from this thread after posting their initial screed.



OK ok, ill compromise

I am a casualhardcorefarmingpart-timebadgehuntingraidingforumposting player

Is that better?



Originally Posted by Calash View Post
OK ok, ill compromise

I am a casualhardcorefarmingpart-timebadgehuntingraidingforumposting player

Is that better?
You forgot to add "Pielovin" in there

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575