City of Heroes Issue 16: Hands-on Preview




Originally Posted by Toony View Post
But this is just fanfiction. It does not matter in the game, it does not move any storylines forward (like the coming storm), and it is heavily limited in what it can do.
Well, nothing "matters" in the game- it's a game.
I realize I probably care less about the "official" storyline than many people, but I don't draw any distinction between a fun, well written mission delivered by a dev or one delivered by a player.
They both achieve exactly the same ends for me- a fun diversion that advances my character's goals.

As for devs my experience it is just that. The devs choice. A dev liked it, doesn't mean I will. Just because George Lucas likes someones movie doesn't mean I will.
Like what you like.
I mentioned Dev's Choice as a handy grouping of missions above a certain baseline of craftsmanship. It was shorthand for "AE delivered a lot of really good content".
I've played many other missions I enjoyed more and thought were 'better' than ones that were tabbed by the devs. Anybody who looks around will find arcs to suit their taste.

I14 delivered a tremendous amount of content.
Player stories set in this imaginary world aren't inherently less involving and compelling than official ones.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Seriously. Every time I start to believe people shouting how the devs hate farmers, they turn around and do something like this. Being able to choose 'no bosses'? That is SERIOUSLY pro-farm.
At the same time, between super-sidekicking and being able to treat yourself as an 8-man team, the farmers now have zero reason to bother everyone else.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
At the same time, between super-sidekicking and being able to treat yourself as an 8-man team, the farmers now have zero reason to bother everyone else.
Which is great for the non-farmers AND the farmers.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
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Originally Posted by Eisenzahn View Post
So... you expect me to be excited by the fact that something that was a consistent part of Free Updates since Issue 1 has now been slashed in priority for issues 14, 15 and now apparently 16, because they're planning on selling it to me instead?
The features we've been getting lately have been tremendously resource intensive.

It seems churlish to gripe about missing story when they're delivering something as revolutionary as MA & one of the most requested features ever in Power Customization, and with an expansion on the horizon that I expect to deliver CoV levels of new storyline to the game.

It'd be fab if we could have EVERYTHING, but dev resources are finite & there are only so many writers to go around. We can either complain about that, or be happy that the rest of the team picked up their slack & delivered some pretty impressive technical advancements while the story crew were chewing on Going Rogue.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



The one saving grace on the lack of story content this issue was the announcement that they got a lot of older bugs cleared up. Hopefully that will make some of the current content (including MA...) smoother.



I for one look forward to seeing purples falling from the sky and seeing the price of salvage plummet.

These dynamic sliders should fully solidify City of X as City of Farmers. Story? who needs story? with being able to set for x team members and customize the types of enemies we face it is a full-fledged Hack and Slash... and you never need story in a hack and slash.

hmm City of Dual Boxing Instanced Farmers...nah doesn't quite have a catchy sound to it hehe.



Yeah, I'm probably the odd man out (then again, I'm new) but I'm actually sort of disappointed with some of slider options.



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
Yeah, I'm probably the odd man out (then again, I'm new) but I'm actually sort of disappointed with some of slider options.
Why? You don't have to use them, and you don't have to be on teams that use them. You can keep it just as it is currently and be on your happy way.

Why care how other people are playing the game? I say let them farm.



Originally Posted by Eisenzahn View Post
So... you expect me to be excited by the fact that something that was a consistent part of Free Updates since Issue 1 has now been slashed in priority for issues 14, 15 and now apparently 16, because they're planning on selling it to me instead? I didn't start playing until after CoV... was there a similar slowdown before it was released? Looking at the list of features in earlier issues certainly doesn't suggest it.
The short answer is no there was not a reduction in content. However with that said, CoV had a additional staff that was hired for its development cycle particularly in the realm of story (two notable names were Zeb Cook and Shane Hensley). So, really there was parallel development on CoH and CoV. When the game was finished most of that additional staff moved on to other companies.

The same is not being done this time. While you might see this as being at the expense of free issues, I personally see it as shifting resources. This allows them to deliver requested features while GR is in development. There will be a large amount of content in GR simply by the nature of the expansion. That focus is rightfully there, not because it will be a paid for expansion but, because it will be a third leveling path within the game using content written by the developers.





Originally Posted by Karl_Rove_Man View Post
Why care how other people are playing the game? I say let them farm.
Because I feel it at the market.

And because I find it contradictory for farming to be declared a problem in I14 and then mechanics developed to make farming easier in I16.



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
Because I feel it at the market.

And because I find it contradictory for farming to be declared a problem in I14 and then mechanics developed to make farming easier in I16.
When was farming declared a problem?
Powerleveling is only one form of farming.

I also have a very hard time understanding how drop-farming will have a negative impact on the market.



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
Because I feel it at the market.

And because I find it contradictory for farming to be declared a problem in I14 and then mechanics developed to make farming easier in I16.
You mean the official: we're against farming in AE, but here have the most powerful farming tool you've probably ever seen in any game: statement?

Followed up by: It is apparent that AE has been primarily used in a farming manner, this was never intended, so we have decided to make all of pve even easier to farm and hopefully the farming of AE will subside: statement?

edit: as for the market i16 should make purples a lot more available and common salvage will probably plummet, whether you view that as good or not is up to the individual. Drops in general should be a lot higher, but inf will probably become even more devalued.



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
Also, Re: No Bosses option - I read that to mean "Bosses spawn as Lieutenants" similar to the option to spawn AVs as EBs, but I could very well be wrong. I also wouldn't at all be surprised if it was nullified by the team size slider.
The article explicitly indicates otherwise:
"Just as before, players will be able to choose the level difference of critters they face (up to +4 character level), but with this issue they can choose whether or not to fight bosses in missions. Furthermore, they can choose whether the server assigns missions to the character as if they a single character or more, up to treating the character as a team of eight. All of these sliders are independent of each other."

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Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
Because I feel it at the market.
How so?

This change will just shift around where the money goes.
More purples, so cheaper purples.
More salvage, so cheaper salvage.
Fewer set IO recipes, so more expensive set IO recipes.

It isn't worse or better, it's just different.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
Yeah, I'm probably the odd man out (then again, I'm new) but I'm actually sort of disappointed with some of slider options.
I agree, as I want such options as all lts, all bosses, lt heavy spawns, boss heavy spawns, etc.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Originally Posted by ChaosExMachina View Post
I agree, as I want such options as all lts, all bosses, lt heavy spawns, boss heavy spawns, etc.
I was gonna say "That's too specific for difficulty options", but looking at what's coming up in I16 that sounded kinda silly.


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Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Which is great for the non-farmers AND the farmers.
But if everyone's happy, where will the RAGE come from?

@Golden Girl

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Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
How they would reconcile Patron Pools is what prevents me from believing it's a possibility.

Also, Re: No Bosses option - I read that to mean "Bosses spawn as Lieutenants" similar to the option to spawn AVs as EBs, but I could very well be wrong. I also wouldn't at all be surprised if it was nullified by the team size slider.
Maybe not villains then, but since scrappers are getting a fire epic to match the fire/fire powers they got in the first round of proliferation, it makes sense for other ATs to get epics to match the sets they got then as well. Back then, defenders got cold/ice, tankers got dark/dark and blasters got psychic/mental so it makes sense for those to get a matching epic as well. Not sure what controllers might get since they got plant/thermal back then and already had a fire epic.

That said, with Going Rogue still in the works, they have to sort something out for the villains that crosses over and wont have access to the patrons. Guess we'll see how it turns out when I16 goes into Open Beta.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
How so?

This change will just shift around where the money goes.
More purples, so cheaper purples.
More salvage, so cheaper salvage.
Fewer set IO recipes, so more expensive set IO recipes.

It isn't worse or better, it's just different.
First off, farming generates influence regardless of drops. This is always going to see prices at the overall level go up as only a small proportion (5%, I think) exits due to market fees. Other inf sinks - prestige conversion, contacts, etc - probably don't significantly eat up enough inf to ever meet the ever flowing ocean of inf into CoH/V. An improved ability to farm is only going to see inflation rates go up.

More purples would be cheaper purples, if they all actually made it to market. Some do. Some end up slotted on the many alts people play with. Some go to guild mates. Demand is pretty much always going to strip supply with regards to purples, so prices will continue to rise overall (as they have been doing since they were introduced).

More salvage doesn't equal cheaper salvage when the dedicated farmer knows what to keep and what to trash. As return rates change for certain salvage, so will farmers change what they farm. A lot of salvage / recipes earned by farmers are trashed so have no impact on the market.

Some IO sets might see costs deflated as supply increases, but these are ones with low levels of demand. IO sets that are seen as desirable (or particular recipes for popular frankenslotting) will - as you stated - get more expensive. Farming probably isn't going to change this, except perhaps for what is to be increasing in value with powerset proliferation changes.

I'm also assuming that there are more characters involved in CoH/V than there were 6 months ago or so - more characters means higher levels of demand which in turn drives prices up. When Going Rogue hits and brings with it a heap of new players and characters prices will go up then too. Marketeers will benefit from such changes, but for casual players it puts an increasing number of IOs out of reach.



The MMORPG.COM article mentions 'improvements' to AE that are all already in-game...

Architect Entertainment also will receive some improvements with Issue 16. Some AE missions will fall under the category of Developer Choice Missions. These missions will embody those elements the developers feel make excellent missions, and will be deemed outstanding by the developers. In Developer Choice Missions, the players will be able to select whether the rewards dropped are salvage and enhancements, or AE tickets. Developers Choice Missions are always chosen by the developers, but there is a Hall of Fame category for AE missions which are completely player chosen. The Hall of Fame will make it much easier for the favorite missions to be found.
Since the reporter was given a tour of 'new features' by the devs I'm wondering what new bits are actually coming that have been misreported (maybe even just a new batch of dev choices?) or whether the reporter just got hideously confused.

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Originally Posted by Toony View Post
Some people honestly don't care about power customization. Quite a few, actually. So for those who don't care about power customization, this issue doesn't give alot.

Not to mention I15 was story light (two badly written TF's), and I14 had basically no story at all (make your own).

I'm excited for power customization but I can understand that others would like some actual story content.
I still can't help but wonder if the reason we're getting so much in the way of QoL and mechanics changes is that they're gearing us up for Going Rogue. That is, what we're seeing is part of the game enhancements that are coming, with major resources going to developing new story content and enhanced gameplay systems for GR.

As one who has not seen anywhere near all of the content currently available (even after three years), I can say that the changes we've seen from AE to power spectrum to ssk and so forth is phenomenal to me. These are some of my favorite issues overall.

But I can see where players who have "seen it all" would be seeking new storylines. I also like new storylines (story is one of the most important parts to me, although AE helps there since I enjoy developing my own). I'd like to see more content like the Faultline revamp for lower levels, as well as new stuff for players with high level characters.

You can't have too much content; having multiple story paths for leveling different characters enhances replayability overall.



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
Re: No Bosses option - I read that to mean "Bosses spawn as Lieutenants" similar to the option to spawn AVs as EBs, but I could very well be wrong.
Would be very, very, very nice. Anything to keep my dom from having to face Fortunata Mistresses ever again.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
First off, farming generates influence regardless of drops. This is always going to see prices at the overall level go up as only a small proportion (5%, I think) exits due to market fees. Other inf sinks - prestige conversion, contacts, etc - probably don't significantly eat up enough inf to ever meet the ever flowing ocean of inf into CoH/V. An improved ability to farm is only going to see inflation rates go up.
Farmign AE generates a lot of INF, but the ticket cap ensures that the goods produced- salvage and recipes- are rewarded at a lower rate than INF. Once you hit the ticket cap, you aren't generating any more tickets, but you ARE generating more INF. Playing regular content doesn't have this limitation. The amount of salvage and recipes relative to INF produced will actually increase for farmers, increasing overall supply.

Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
More purples would be cheaper purples, if they all actually made it to market. Some do. Some end up slotted on the many alts people play with. Some go to guild mates. Demand is pretty much always going to strip supply with regards to purples, so prices will continue to rise overall (as they have been doing since they were introduced).
More supply is more supply. Demand isn't likely to spike, especially with the super-sidekick system making PLing a bit harder. When you increase supply overall, and don't increase demand, the net effect should be cheaper prices. I do agree, however, that unless purple recipes really DO rain down from the sky, demand will always outstrip supply, and prices will remain high on them. Expect them to come down a bit, but don't expect to pick them up for I9 prices ever again.

Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
More salvage doesn't equal cheaper salvage when the dedicated farmer knows what to keep and what to trash. As return rates change for certain salvage, so will farmers change what they farm. A lot of salvage / recipes earned by farmers are trashed so have no impact on the market.
And was it different on an AE map? If the dedicated farmers trash stuff from AE, or trash stuff from regular content, it's a wash: no net effect on the market. Here's the fun part, though. By keeping only the stuff "worth selling" they increase supply of those fvery things. It's kinda how a market works: the participants adjust their production based on their profit margins. If common salvage became worthless again, you'd see a lot less of it on the market as people trash it, which makes it rarer and more valuable.

Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
Some IO sets might see costs deflated as supply increases, but these are ones with low levels of demand. IO sets that are seen as desirable (or particular recipes for popular frankenslotting) will - as you stated - get more expensive. Farming probably isn't going to change this, except perhaps for what is to be increasing in value with powerset proliferation changes.
Supply will be increasing on the very recipes that are the most expensive. Goat mentioned that supply would be DECREASING overall on set IOs, though, because more people will be farming regular content, which doesn't allow you to select all your rewards the way tickets do. Thus, expect a small increase for some of the more in-demand sets, especially at low levels (Regen tissue, Miracle, Steadfast- stuff that doesn't drop at 50).
If the price goes high enough, some farmers will return to AE and farm tickets because it's steady income as opposed to the lottery rolls of purple farming.

Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
I'm also assuming that there are more characters involved in CoH/V than there were 6 months ago or so - more characters means higher levels of demand which in turn drives prices up. When Going Rogue hits and brings with it a heap of new players and characters prices will go up then too. Marketeers will benefit from such changes, but for casual players it puts an increasing number of IOs out of reach.
More characters actively playing regular content means higher production of rewards, including IO recipes and salvage. More players playing AE means a lot LESS recipe and salvage drops. If these changes really do move farmers out of AE and back into regular content, then supply of everything should increase. if the changes don't work, then supply will remain constant while these new players you expect pour into the game. If demand goes that high, prices spike, and regular content farming becomes even more lucrative than it is currently. The smart farmers leave AE and farm regular content for increased earning potential. Self-interest makes the market go 'round.

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Using the scrapper as an example: Blaze Mastery was a power set added to the Epic Power Pool which will include the powers Ring of Fire, Char, Fire Blast, Melt Armor, and Fireball. In addition the Body Mastery power set had the power Physical Perfection added for a total of five powers.
That's fan-friggin'-tastic!!! I just might have to change up! Hells has always needed some fireballs for his theme!!!

Just noticed this, but what is "Physical Perfection?" Is that a new power altogether or is it from another set?



Hands-On preview? Sounds kinky...

Looks good so far! Great work! Can't wait till I get my hands all over I16!

Mrowl! *Wink wink nudge nudge pant*