Small Conern about I16




More specifically, power customisation being tied to the tailor.

While I'm very anxious to play around with it, my concern lies in one of the costumes for one of my toons.

You see, if I ever go to edit this costume, I'll lose either the wings or the Magic Bolero, since they "Fixed" it.

Please lets us edit powers separate from our costumes, so I can keep this one, and still change her powers. Or at least consider it. As I know there are people still with some of the original faces that are no longer in the game.



You should be able to edit anything else in the costume without affecting those. My main had the original Face 1 for a long time, and I could change anything else about the costume without affecting the face.

I would say the safest way to go about it is to never even click on Upper body or Back Options.

You shouldn't have any problems, but if you're that concerned about it, you may be better off not editing her powers.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Nah, that's the thing, the second I click on that costume, the wings disappear, without me clicking anything once on the tailor screen.



You can't keep that costume and customize your powers because you are a dirty naughty cheater and the devs hate you!

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



This is true, they do hate me.



You're techically abusing a glitch. You really think the devs are going to make an allowance for it?



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
You're techically abusing a glitch. You really think the devs are going to make an allowance for it?
This. The devs disallowed this combination because of Extreme Clipping, I believe. It's a bit much to ask for them to allow it because you were able to preserve the look by never changing your costume.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by DechsKaison View Post
I had a few costumes that were "broken" by patches, but the reset button works to set them back the way they were. Try that.
Same here. To add insult to injury, the game would try to "fix" my broken costume and then charge me for the "alterations". Hitting "Reset" under the changed costume options would put it back to rights.

In my case, it was an obsolete face and obsolete boots. Never tried it with wings.



I feel your pain. I have a Blaster that still has the old invisible Flak Jacket on one of his cotumes. That costume is never touched, and will not get any new animations.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



I am somewhat surprised at the decision to make the Magic Bolero and Wings incompatible.
Removing the cape option I can understand. However the Wedding Tux (while being much less complex) is practically identical construction-wise and I combine it with wings on my Scrapper.

I wonder if it is simply a case of 'all or nothing' with the back options?



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
This. The devs disallowed this combination because of Extreme Clipping, I believe. It's a bit much to ask for them to allow it because you were able to preserve the look by never changing your costume.
Extreme Clipping? Can't say I've ever noticed it. But hey, whatever. If they say it's an issue, it must be.



Originally Posted by DechsKaison View Post
I had a few costumes that were "broken" by patches, but the reset button works to set them back the way they were. Try that.
His costume wasn't broken. It was fixed. Hitting reset won't help the OP.



I too have a very early character with a look that simply doesn't exist in the tailor anymore. Specifically the Glowing Eyes, that face has been changed (for the worse imo) since the original. I went in several months ago to update something, and found that trying to do anything other than hit the "Back" button screwed everything up. Reset didn't work.

Character is a Fire/Storm Controller, but recoloring her fire for her first slot simply isn't an option. There's nothing that can be done about this really, it is how it is.



I belive the myth behind no Bolero and/or wings is that it goes over the set rendering limit.

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Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
You should be able to edit anything else in the costume without affecting those. My main had the original Face 1 for a long time, and I could change anything else about the costume without affecting the face.
It doesn't always work that way. In fact, I think your case is rare. I have a character who automatically gets a new face every time I open the cotume creator and I have to set it back to the original. Other characters who have pieces that were renamed, moved, or changed opens the creator and is automatically assigned a different outfit. The original miniskirt, for example, was altered, then moved. Whenever I open the costume creator for my first character, she's wearing tights in the costume creator, even though she wears one of the original miniskirts outside the creator. I believe it's the same with the original suit jacket.

The norm seems to be that once you open the creator, you get a "default" costume piece and are unable to replace it with the original.


Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



I'm not positive, but I seem to remember hearing that the bolero/wings combo actually causes problems within the game/database/whatever- it's not just 'clipping'. Could be wrong, of course, but that's the way I remember it going down.

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Originally Posted by TeChameleon View Post
I'm not positive, but I seem to remember hearing that the bolero/wings combo actually causes problems within the game/database/whatever- it's not just 'clipping'. Could be wrong, of course, but that's the way I remember it going down.
My recollection of the reason is that there's a rule about not having more than one moving option on the body. You aren't supposed to have two capes, or capes and wings. It generates too much traffic on the servers to process all the movements of all the people doing it, and while it's not an issue if it's occasional, if everyone was doing it and there was, say, a costume contest, mothership raid, or hami raid, everything would run really slow and start punting people.

One reason why we'll probably never get flowing hair, unless it locks you out of capes and wings too.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Pointless View Post
More specifically, power customisation being tied to the tailor.

While I'm very anxious to play around with it, my concern lies in one of the costumes for one of my toons.

You see, if I ever go to edit this costume, I'll lose either the wings or the Magic Bolero, since they "Fixed" it.

Please lets us edit powers separate from our costumes, so I can keep this one, and still change her powers. Or at least consider it. As I know there are people still with some of the original faces that are no longer in the game.
Sorry if this sounds callous but many of us are in the same boat as you are. We have a costume slot we don't dare edit because we'll lose that now unique costume because things have been "fixed".

You just have to do the same thing as the rest of us have for the past 5 years . . . suck it up and deal (especially since yours was a glitch that was never intended to be allowed). You have 4 other costume slots to play with on that character.

(And don't get me wrong, I want the look you have on a couple of my characters.)



Originally Posted by Pointless View Post
You see, if I ever go to edit this costume, I'll lose either the wings or the Magic Bolero, since they "Fixed" it.
I've got a couple of costumes like that.

I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for them to accommodate unsupported costume options with Power Customization.

Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
You're techically abusing a glitch. You really think the devs are going to make an allowance for it?
You cant even cross the street without tripping over a dirty cheating hacker, can you?

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post

You cant even cross the street without tripping over a dirty cheating hacker, can you?
and the devs cannot seem to do a thing without oppressing you, all these unintended crucifixions must be decimating their wood supply. They had let us know that the ability to have wings with the bolero was a bug, as adults this presented us with a choice, accept that they made a mistake and move on, or cling to the costume piece and never change the costume. Nothing cheating or hacking about it, but just a reasonable mistake that was removed.



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
You're techically abusing a glitch. You really think the devs are going to make an allowance for it?
"Well, just a second there, professor. We, uh, we FIXED the GLITCH. It'll just work itself out naturally."

"We always like to avoid confrontation, whenever possible. Problem is solved from your end."


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I'd quite like it if you could have the top half of the magic bolero with wings but no buttcape. Personally.

That'd solve the problem, surely? (The technical one, anyway.)

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Originally Posted by MorganaFiolett View Post
I'd quite like it if you could have the top half of the magic bolero with wings but no buttcape. Personally.

That'd solve the problem, surely? (The technical one, anyway.)
You can sort of do that. If you use vests without sleeves, the bolero fuzz is one of the shoulder options available.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.




Please, please, please revert this! And devs, stop with the whole "performance issue" as that's a lame excuse why it shouldn't be allowed (that was the reason they gave in one thread way back in April). If it's clipping, wow, that's an even lamer excuse, as lots of costume combinations that are allowed clip.