Is this really dumb?





The criticism isn't because you don't like to buff. Noone said you have to like buffing to be a controller. You can just not play buffing sets, as you stated. That is a personal choice and understandable.

The criticism is thinking the only thing important for a controller is the primary. Debuffs are just (if not more) as important as buffs. The point many of us are making is that you need both primary and secondary (whatever it is) to be an all around controller. TA and Storm are incredible sets and aren't buff sets...but you need to use them.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Don't take it now and when i16 is up and running respec into it and change the colors of it to red or orange that way it will look like fire?



Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post

The criticism isn't because you don't like to buff. Noone said you have to like buffing to be a controller. You can just not play buffing sets, as you stated. That is a personal choice and understandable.

The criticism is thinking the only thing important for a controller is the primary. Debuffs are just (if not more) as important as buffs. The point many of us are making is that you need both primary and secondary (whatever it is) to be an all around controller. TA and Storm are incredible sets and aren't buff sets...but you need to use them.
First off, Enantiodromos DID say if I didn't like buffing I shouldn't play a controller.

Originally Posted by Enantiodromos View Post
If you don't want to buff, it's silly to pretend you want to play a controller
Secondly, I said I understand that the secondary is important. I played an Emparthy/Dark Blast defender to 50 and I probably spent more time using my blasts than my primary powers, but I always put priority to my primary powers. Same deal with a controller. I'm invited to teams to CONTROL, so that's my priority.

I'm not saying my secondary isn't important though, if I didn't think it was then I probably wouldn't have even started this thread since my initial question was asking about the importance of a secondary power.

I think there's just a huge amount of misunderstanding going on....



Well, I should speak only for myself then.

I'm invited to teams to CONTROL, so that's my priority.
I whole heartedly disagree. You are invited to the team AS a controller not TO control. That is a powerset, combo, a pairing. You are expected to do both. When someone wants to join a team I don't just say "Oh you're a controller what's your primary" it is almost always "what secondary?" because is all honesty that makes more of a difference.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
Well, I should speak only for myself then.

I whole heartedly disagree. You are invited to the team AS a controller not TO control. That is a powerset, combo, a pairing. You are expected to do both. When someone wants to join a team I don't just say "Oh you're a controller what's your primary" it is almost always "what secondary?" because is all honesty that makes more of a difference.
I agree, I am expected to do both, and I do do both. Again, I think you just have me misunderstood as some stubborn fool who doesn't know how to take advantage of his archetype. I'm not. I do take advantage of every tool I have, again if I didn't I probably wouldn't have cared enough to make this thread to ask...

There are just certain aspects of gameplay I just find downright tedious and one of those is having to take time every 4 minutes to click on 7 other people's names to reapply shiny buffs. That's just not what I'm into.



And that is fine, I've said that's fine. But you are not invited to a team to only control. That's my one and only point. My mind/sonic controller is a total workout in the clickiness category and I don't play her in very long sessions as she can be tiring. Totally get that. The only point I'll even argue here is what a controller is asked to do on a team: that's be a controller....not just control.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Originally Posted by Neg_rogue View Post
Secondly, I said I understand that the secondary is important. I played an Emparthy/Dark Blast defender to 50 and I probably spent more time using my blasts than my primary powers, but I always put priority to my primary powers. Same deal with a controller. I'm invited to teams to CONTROL, so that's my priority.

I'm not saying my secondary isn't important though, if I didn't think it was then I probably wouldn't have even started this thread since my initial question was asking about the importance of a secondary power.

I think there's just a huge amount of misunderstanding going on....
I read your post, and the first thing that came to mind was . . . I'm not invited to teams to control, I'm invited to teams to contribute whatever I can to make the team better. Very often, that includes aspects of my secondary. If I'm a */Rad, teams will expect me to use my debuffs and buffs as well as my controls. If I'm a Stormie, teams will expect me to use Freezing Rain, Hurricane, and even Snow Storm for debuffs, O2 for buffs and Lightning Storm and Tornado for damage. (I was on a TF last night where a */Storm controller had O2 boost and didn't use it to help folks out of stuns -- frustrating. I was nice and didn't say anything, though. My Ill/Rad became the primary healer when our Kin defender had an emergency for most of the TF.) If I'm */Kin, you can be darn sure that the team expects me to use my secondary, probably more than my primary . . . that's what you get when you choose Kinetics.

I think it is reasonable to expect teammates to use whatever tools are available to make the team better, even if it is not their "primary." If you don't want to do that, well, that's fine, but you should inform your teammates of your preferences to keep them from normal expectations.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



I agree with Local here. You're not invited just to Control. There's the whole problem of what you do if and when you team with any sort of really good Tank backed with some good support. A decent tank can easily make your Control fairly unnecessary (as can any team with a couple more controllers on it). At that point your secondary can often be more important to the team than your primary.

Not an attack on you or anything, but I know from experience (especially with my Grav/TA) that on really good, well balanced Steamrolling teams more control can basically be unneeded (what I do then is get bored and start Wormholing extra spawns on top of the Tank too).

Fire/Rad is a great aggressive combo and might lend itself to your concept better.



wait for i16 so you can recolor freezing rain to be fire.



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
I was on a TF last night where a */Storm controller had O2 boost and didn't use it to help folks out of stuns -- frustrating. I was nice and didn't say anything, though.
There just does not seem to be a way to nudge someone to help folks out without knowing for certain you won't offend or cause a ruckus, which is too bad. I have 02 Boost bound into my numberpad just for such situations. If someone is staggering around stunned, they cannot do their job... which may be keeping the heat off of YOU. I don't use 02 a lot, but it is VERY handy to have.

So I guess where I come down in this is that I don't mind it as much that folks don't take powers that are typically very helpful, it is when they HAVE them and NEVER USE THEM. So, to use the most famous example, if a Kin does not want to take Speed Boost, okay... get something else you WILL use, like a Leadership pool power or something. Just don't take SB and never use it, because that is, as Local said, frustrating.

I will often 02 the whole team heading into an encounter where there will likely be a Sapper or two, but that is about the only time I "buff" with 02 like that. Usually it is a la carte to unstun/unsleep/keep someone from death, as I am able. Controls and storm goodness come first... and Freezing Rain is very high on the list. It is just great.

To the OP's point: I would chime in and suggest waiting until you can re-color Freezing Rain. The debuffs are fantastic, and the baddies falling is a bonus. Just call it "Volcanic Ash" or something: you cause a shower of volcanic ash and embers to fall, causing the baddies to lose footing in the fine, slippery ash as it accumulates. You COULD skip FR, but it is so good, you really ought not to. If you cannot bear to take it, meh, it is just a game... play and enjoy.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



So, I say that I DO agree that the secondary is important and that it should be utilized, and that I do utilize it, and people are still arguing as if I don't??

If I didn't care about my secondary I wouldn't have made this thread in the first place since I'm asking about a secondary power.

How many times am I going to have to say it?



Originally Posted by Neg_rogue View Post
So, I say that I DO agree that the secondary is important and that it should be utilized, and that I do utilize it, and people are still arguing as if I don't??

If I didn't care about my secondary I wouldn't have made this thread in the first place since I'm asking about a secondary power.

How many times am I going to have to say it?
Freezing Rain is the best power in Storm, hands down. Of course you can play Storm without it if you really, really want to. But I wouldn't, without it Storm is a bit lacking (especially since Fire & Hurricane don't play well together). And if you're also skipping Snow Storm you'll have even less to do in combat.



Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
There just does not seem to be a way to nudge someone to help folks out without knowing for certain you won't offend or cause a ruckus, which is too bad. I have 02 Boost bound into my numberpad just for such situations. If someone is staggering around stunned, they cannot do their job... which may be keeping the heat off of YOU. I don't use 02 a lot, but it is VERY handy to have.

So I guess where I come down in this is that I don't mind it as much that folks don't take powers that are typically very helpful, it is when they HAVE them and NEVER USE THEM. So, to use the most famous example, if a Kin does not want to take Speed Boost, okay... get something else you WILL use, like a Leadership pool power or something. Just don't take SB and never use it, because that is, as Local said, frustrating.

I will often 02 the whole team heading into an encounter where there will likely be a Sapper or two, but that is about the only time I "buff" with 02 like that. Usually it is a la carte to unstun/unsleep/keep someone from death, as I am able. Controls and storm goodness come first... and Freezing Rain is very high on the list. It is just great.

To the OP's point: I would chime in and suggest waiting until you can re-color Freezing Rain. The debuffs are fantastic, and the baddies falling is a bonus. Just call it "Volcanic Ash" or something: you cause a shower of volcanic ash and embers to fall, causing the baddies to lose footing in the fine, slippery ash as it accumulates. You COULD skip FR, but it is so good, you really ought not to. If you cannot bear to take it, meh, it is just a game... play and enjoy.
I take stimulant over aid other on my non-buffers specifically because I almost never see people take or use they're anti-mez powers. Last night, in fact, I was on a BSF with my mind/nrg dom and split my time on the last fight between solo-mezzing the spawns and stacking stimulant on the main brute so he didn't get stunned.




Originally Posted by Jorlain View Post
I take stimulant over aid other on my non-buffers specifically because I almost never see people take or use they're anti-mez powers. Last night, in fact, I was on a BSF with my mind/nrg dom and split my time on the last fight between solo-mezzing the spawns and stacking stimulant on the main brute so he didn't get stunned.

Clear Mind was one of my top priorities on my Emp/Dark defender. I'd always try my best to keep it double-stacked on the other defenders, controllers, and blasters on the team, and used it reactively on the tankers and scrappers in case something did get through their mez protection.



Originally Posted by Neg_rogue View Post
So I was thinking of making a Fire/Storm controller, but due to concept reasons I wasn't going to take snow storm/freezing rain (pretty self-explanatory, I'm all about fire, don't want anything to do with cold). Now what concerns me is I just read a guide on Fire/Storm that pretty much declared freezing rain as the "crown jewel" of the storm set, and I'm worried about how severe my concept is going to interfere with my playability in not taking what might be the best power in the storm set.

Now, I could go for a different secondary I guess. I mean, if I'm all about fire why don't I just go with thermal for my secondary? Answer: I hate, hate, hate buffing people. Well, let me rephrase that. I hate buffing people on a controller. I don't mind it on a defender since that's pretty much the main reason I'm on the team, but on a controller I feel I'm there to, you know, control, and buffing just seems to detract from that, at least for me because I'm OCD and have to keep buffs up 100% of the time on everyone.

And please don't respond giving me tips on buffing as a controller, because frankly I don't care. I don't like buffing on a controller, period, end of story, and nothing anyone says will change my standpoint on that. Ever. My only concern with this thread is how severe not taking freezing rain (and snow storm I guess) will effect the validity of my fire/storm controller.

Thanks in advance.
/Storm without Freezing Rain will feel lacking. Its a big part of /Storms overall appeal, a -def,-res power which makes foes easier to hit and increases damage. It would be a great boon for solo and for teaming.

Can you play /Storm without Freezing Rain and still succeed? Of course, especially as you will be Fire/ which has higher damage then most control sets. The only problem is some teams may expect a /Storm to have Freezing Rain like they would expect a /ForceField to have bubbles, so you need to consider that.

Alternatives without buffs would be Trick Arrow and Radiation. Both of these would play better then a /Storm without Freezing Rain.

In the end the decision is yours. It comes down to how much you want your character to be able to manipulate weather. I might add that in my opinion, I find it difficult to see a Storm character who would not delight in creating freezing cold rain in which to make his enemies suffer - even if he did follow with it with blasts of fire



Freezing Rain is arguably my favorite power in the whole game. Like others have said you could play without it, but it's contribution, especially at early levels, and most especially on teams is something you probably couldn't overestimate.

I had a friend who made an Illusion/Storm character once that was a concept build, and he left out some of the most recommended powers. That character basically caused team wipe after team wipe because it couldn't do it's job properly. This from a combination that in my hands is stronger and more capable than anything else I've played. Leaving out Freezing Rain on a Fire/Storm probably won't be that bad, but you will be much less useful to your team than if you had taken it. You would need to take all three leadership toggles to sort of make up for what it does for you, except that Maneuvers, Assault, and Tactics all together won't actually do as much as FR does on it's own. It's that good.

I take it you aren't planning on taking Snowstorm either based on what you said in the original post. Honestly you could leave out one or the other, but /Storm without both really will pretty much completely gimp you. Your ability to mitigate damage will be severely impacted with out one or the other, and O2 boost was never meant to heal through the kind of damage you won't be mitigating.



I wouldn't recommend taking /storm and not taking either Freezing Rain or Snowstorm. But, I'm biased, I love Freezing Rain to death (and to a lesser extent, Snowstorm). I'd look into recoloring Freezing Rain, like suggested earlier. It's just that good of a power.

That being is a possible build, but you'll get more bang for your buck if you're skipping those to focus on micromanaging the other powers to make up for lack of mitigation and debuff from them. For example, learn how to brush badguys with Hurricane, and then switch it off and use the 'run away!' in Hot Feet to keep you relatively safe. Basically, it'd make your life harder.

Not impossible, say, but harder.

'Course I also love bizarre builds (I've been known to take Jump Kick and use it in my attack chain, a completely 'natural' scrapper with no travels and only Fitness as a pool power, and I have Provoke on a corr), so...take my advice with a grain of salt.

Your other option? Therm with none of the buffs. Except for maybe Thaw or Forge. I understand not liking to buff, though most of my characters are buff heavy...but sometimes, I just want to shoot/control/smash things in the face. And before people get cranky, I actually will occasionally duo with someone with a therm corr with nothing but Forge and the heals. He actually works well, and can keep himself and others alive. It's just different than normal.

And I have a high fire/rad cont. I refuse to bother giving people warning for AM. Either they're close or they're not. Tough beans, they should be ok without my buffs. If I'm feeling nice, I'll try to get next to someone with end issues. ...maybe. Buffs are nice, but not vital to playing, and are certainly not what my fire controller is about. I made her to burn things up, not wait for people to gather around me while I fire off my AoE heal or buff.



Originally Posted by Neg_rogue View Post
First off, Enantiodromos DID say if I didn't like buffing I shouldn't play a controller.
Never let anyone here on the boards upset you so. I've had that fight over and over on the boards and it never ends until I just stop responding. There are those on the boards who know the numbers and know the abilities inside and out. They have tested everything and played everything. They feel very strongly about how the game is played and in the end, they know what they enjoy.

Remember, that's just for their play style and likes. They are not you and don't play the same way you do. You're going to know what is right for you. Play styles, themes, and builds are going to be yours alone and what you like. That is the main reason they let you choose what powers you want and don't want. Use that to your advantage and make what ever you want to make and have fun. Later, if you find you didn't pick something you wanted to try or you picked something that doesn't work for you, you can respec, or even delete and redo. As I said before, don't let yourself be downed by something here on the boards. No one is a better you than YOU!

Now - Get out there and enjoy yourself!

Demonfest - 50 - Demon / Thermal Mastermind
Covered Shadow - 50 - Dark Melee / Shield Scrapper



OP you should play a fire/kin, I hear they are pretty hot.

And it's not like most of them use speedboost so no biggy if you skip it right?

As for fire/storm, you could easily skip snowstorm, I did on mine and never missed it. It is a defensively geared power on an offensively oriented build. However skipping freezing rain is putting a lot of gimp into your build.



Originally Posted by Neg_rogue View Post
The thing that's ticking me off here is your notion that it's silly for me to want to play a controller to CONTROL, which is what I want to do.
Yet I said nothing of the sort. Acutally I lamented the fact that controlling is a relatively weak contribution, though it's something I, too, would like to focus on.

Personally, I want to make a toon that does nothing but really awesome ragdoll knockup and knockback. Because I still think it's the best visual improvement to the game ever. But I also know concentrating on that would be a feeble contribution to any team, and that the game's oriented to teaming.

It comes down to the fact that you made it (or tried to) impossible to respond to your post in entirely good faith, much like "I'd really like to know what 2+2 is, but please don't say 4!"

You're acting like the controller's secondary should really be the primary when it isn't.
Truth is, I don't think that's an accurate way to look at primary versus secondary. But that aside: it's not me that's acting like that. It's the game. You'd *should* be more annoyed with me if I didn't point that out.

In short, I'll play for the reasons I want to play, and you're quite arrogant to pretty much say "gtfo of the controller archetype if you don't want to buff".
Except, I didn't say that. I said it was silly. I'm free to describe playing builds certain ways. For example: Pure Healers, also silly.

That doesn't mean the Enantiodromos Police are going to bust down your door and make you stop playing controllers in a way that you're going to find unsatisfying (except insofar as you keep on to prove me wrong).

You're welcome to play any of the buffing secondaries and not buff, nor can I nor want I to stop you. That doesn't mean it's not silly and something I feel obliged, based on the nature of your question, to recommend against.

Yes but I only wanted advice on the one power, not on my decisions and personal preferences.
Look. Better understanding powers may change your decisions. Insisting on information isolated from all context doesn't make sense.

Meh, I think one way or the other I was going to get criticized for not liking to buff. Either I come out with it up front or people keep asking me "why" until I confess.
If you don't like to buff at all, I guess this is largely a misunderstanding. Among the things I found least comprehensible about your stance was saying you were happy with buffing on a defender.

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



Heh, I actually got a PM saying not to bother debating with you Enantiodromos because you pretty much thrive on debate and have inflated opinions on certain things and enjoy poking people with a caddle prod to get them to argue with you.

Really, all you're doing is basing everything on semantics and twisting my posts around to make me look like some sort of fool, and I don't see any point to it except to make other people feel like fools.

And as I've said TIME AND TIME AGAIN, I DO utilize my secondary. I DO feel it is an important part of your hero. I never said it wasn't. I only emphasized focus on the primary because you were so adamant in your position, but thanks for taking that and further assuming I don't use my secondary at all. That assumption is 100% false btw.

Anyway, I'm not going to respond to you anymore, because quite frankly in my eyes you're nothing more than a forum bully. Sure, you might think you're trying to "educate" me, but if such were the case there are much more polite and civil methods to educate people instead of being condescending and making them feel stupid.

Apologies if my OP was a bit hostile, but I figured I'd get my dislike of individual buffing powers out in the open right away because I knew eventually the cat would be let out of the bag and I would receive criticism anyway.

And just to clarify: I don't mind AoE buffs like AM or Empathy's auras. I just don't like the buffs like FF's or Thermals shields were I have to click, buff, click, buff, click, buff, etc. etc.

Anyway, I'm done explaining myself. You'll probably just twist this post around to further benefit whatever argument you're still clinging on to anyway.



Originally Posted by Neg_rogue View Post
...basing everything on semantics and twisting my posts around to make me look like some sort of fool, and I don't see any point to it except to make other people feel like fools.
I doubt anybody thinks you're a fool based on what you've said here. I don't. I think I already said this, but I'm quite sympathetic to at least one of the things you said you wanted to do.

Also, I didn't form the impression you use your primary to the exclusion of your secondary; we were on about something a little subtler than that.

nothing more than a forum bully ... there are much more polite and civil methods to educate people...
I'll take that with a grain of salt, as I was civil throughout. I really think it's important not to characterize people-- at least not negatively, which is why I avoid it. Anyway, that's what I take civil to mean, aside from various issues with bodily noises that aren't possible here.

I get that you don't like that I don't think one of your inviolable decisions makes much sense. Either way, obviously that's settled.

And just to clarify: I don't mind AoE buffs like AM or Empathy's auras. I just don't like the buffs like FF's or Thermals shields were I have to click, buff, click, buff, click, buff, etc. etc.
Strange as this may sound given Empathy's meh reputation (and I boost for it more and more lately, no idea why), it might suit (I don't remember you saying you'd played it). The most click intensive buff is still in application (and you can always claim you don't have much recahrge in it), and the PBAoEs a awesome, especially once you max out recharge. Just ignore the ST heals. Plus fort on pets is nice I hear.

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



Originally Posted by Neg_rogue View Post
So I was thinking of making a Fire/Storm controller, but due to concept reasons I wasn't going to take snow storm/freezing rain (pretty self-explanatory, I'm all about fire, don't want anything to do with cold). Now what concerns me is I just read a guide on Fire/Storm that pretty much declared freezing rain as the "crown jewel" of the storm set,
Having multiple Defender and Controller stormies, I would disagree with that guide. That doesn't mean that I've chosen to skip FR on any of my toons. However, given your other controls, imps, lightning storm, etc.; I fundamentally disagree that NOT taking FR or SnowStorm would overly "gimp" your toon.

and I'm worried about how severe my concept is going to interfere with my playability in not taking what might be the best power in the storm set
You'll lean more heavily on other good powers. You have an abundance of them. I find many situations where FR is useful, but is it vital? No.

Now, I could go for a different secondary I guess. I mean, if I'm all about fire why don't I just go with thermal for my secondary? Answer: I hate, hate, hate buffing people. Well, let me rephrase that. I hate buffing people on a controller. I don't mind it on a defender since that's pretty much the main reason I'm on the team, but on a controller I feel I'm there to, you know, control, and buffing just seems to detract from that, at least for me because I'm OCD and have to keep buffs up 100% of the time on everyone.
I won't play a Kin. Can't stand it. It's your prerogative. Not liking to buff won't greatly impact your choice of playing a stormie: without FR, your /stormie can knockback (useful when used intelligently and mindfully of teammates' needs), stun, damage, and hugely debuff acc (or to-hit...I don't recall offhand).

And please don't respond giving me tips on buffing as a controller, because frankly I don't care. I don't like buffing on a controller, period, end of story, and nothing anyone says will change my standpoint on that. Ever. My only concern with this thread is how severe not taking freezing rain (and snow storm I guess) will effect the validity of my fire/storm controller
If you intelligently and mindfully use hurricane, gale, lightning storm, maybe thunderclap (stacked with the stun from the primary), the loss of FR and SnowStorm will be minimal.

Never take forumites' words as the final answer. If you even suspect they are wrong, go with your hunch. Find out for yourself: a lot of people are wrong, no matter how certain they seem. If you don't try things out just because other people poo-poo the idea, myths never get busted.

Incidently...and this is WAAAAAY beside the point but in response to the "I hate it more when people have a useful power...and don't use it!" posts in this thread, I recently ran that gawdawful "Keep 30 Firbolg from entering door" mission. I was the only controller, and I was a grav/emp at that. Other than me, it was scrappers, a blaster and a defender. As we're prepping for the mish, the team is talking and people are asking: can we do this with this team? I look at the Defender: she's a Dark with Tenebrous Tentacles. I look at the Blaster: devices, with caltrops. I say: "well, it's not like I'm the ONLY one with holds/slows/immobs, the defender has Tentacles and the Blaster has caltrops." The Defender responds with a smiley.....

...and then never uses Tenebrous Tentacles during the mission, and the blaster never layed any caltrops. Our team lasted 5 minutes tops before 30 firbolg got through the door. Given the mind-crushing stupidity one regularly comes across in the game, you not taking FR and SS on your Fire/Storm- a toon which still is exceedingly powerful and has many tools at its disposal- is small beans. I personally would not skip FR, but no: I do not believe you would overly gimp yourself if you did so.

Good luck and have fun.

Life - a sexually transmitted terminal condition.



Originally Posted by Enantiodromos View Post
Strange as this may sound given Empathy's meh reputation (and I boost for it more and more lately, no idea why), it might suit (I don't remember you saying you'd played it). The most click intensive buff is still in application (and you can always claim you don't have much recahrge in it), and the PBAoEs a awesome, especially once you max out recharge. Just ignore the ST heals. Plus fort on pets is nice I hear.
I have. I used to have a lvl 45 Empathy/Dark Blast defender who I played quite well or so I like to think.



Originally Posted by Neuberg_Crowley View Post
Incidently...and this is WAAAAAY beside the point but in response to the "I hate it more when people have a useful power...and don't use it!" posts in this thread, I recently ran that gawdawful "Keep 30 Firbolg from entering door" mission. I was the only controller, and I was a grav/emp at that. Other than me, it was scrappers, a blaster and a defender. As we're prepping for the mish, the team is talking and people are asking: can we do this with this team? I look at the Defender: she's a Dark with Tenebrous Tentacles. I look at the Blaster: devices, with caltrops. I say: "well, it's not like I'm the ONLY one with holds/slows/immobs, the defender has Tentacles and the Blaster has caltrops." The Defender responds with a smiley.....

...and then never uses Tenebrous Tentacles during the mission, and the blaster never layed any caltrops. Our team lasted 5 minutes tops before 30 firbolg got through the door.
Seriously? I used TT on my Emp/DBlast defender as often as I could whether it was crucial to use it or not. It was arguably my favorite power in the Dark Blast set, mainly because it was so satisfying to use.