Brute? MEH!




When it comes to playing brutes, I'm Meh! Maybe it's my play style, maybe it's my power choices, but I have yet to find a brute I like, and I've played a couple up to at least 35. Of all the villains, I really like my Bots/Dark MM the best so far. Solo, you're an unstoppable killing machine. Teamed up, you're nice to have around (although the bots can make life difficult on a brute with their knock-back).

Stone/Stone - Real nice defenses once you get Granite. But the -speed really sucks! And granite has a -damage mod to it also! I played a Stone/Stone tank up to around 30, it was fun but the brute needs Fury and /Stone is a great way not to build it.

Dark/Willpower - Nice on Endurance, but I can't take an alpha strike. I haven't figured out how to get Tough into my build (everything in /WP seems great, and I need attacks, although I do have Haste/SS). And now that I'm 35+, I'm starting to run into problems - An endurance sucking boss from the Carnival of Shadows had me running to rest (a blue won't help when everything detoggles), and a Fire/Fire tank boss at the end of a bank mission almost took me out (if not for the greens). I've also found that some things can de-toggle my Rise to the Challenge. I don't know what or why, but it's annoying to find it off.

I've thought about making a /SuperReflexes, but I hate status protection that isn't a toggle. Even if I put it on auto-fire, I frequently have powers ready as soon as the current power finishes so it might not get activated when I need it.

Any suggestions?



Not every archetype is for everyone.

With that said, I think you're looking for end-game performance mid-game. You simply won't get that without good teammates.

To get you interested in brutes, I would recommend a primary powerset that is heavy in knockdown. Dark is a great ST set, but lacks the visceral SMASH you get in others. Knockdown also is a great form of mitigation, which can help you take alphas.

There's the generic SS/WP, which is a fun build, even if it's incredibly popular. You mentioned SR, so there's always Mace/EA. All jokes aside, it's a pretty good set now. It isn't cheap to build, but it can be tough.

However, I think I'm going to recommend you stick to willpower for your brute, but look for a different primary. Try superstrength, stone, or warmace.

I've also found that some things can de-toggle my Rise to the Challenge. I don't know what or why, but it's annoying to find it off.
Rise to the Challenge is an offensive toggle and can be dropped if you are mezzed. It happens, but rarely.



Also, don't feel bad about Carnies raining on your parade. Just because you are a brute doesn't mean things like Mask of Vitiation can't stop you in your tracks. A /SR can be great for its high debuff resistance, but there are till things out there that can ruin your day.

I suggest you shop around and try leveling different primaries and secondaries to about 25 or so just to get a real flavor of what you want. Leveling is faster than ever (no, I am not just talking about AE powerleveling) so just try different things out for size. I tried and found my favorite secondary on the first try, but even so, I do have about 4 brutes with different primary/secondary sets that I thoroughly enjoy.

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



Well, /WP is always a reliable secondary to play. It's a well balanced set that, imo, makes it much less painful to level.
As for a primary, I'm not really sure what you want. DM is great, and I'm sure you know that by now. If you want some screen shaking "KAPOW", "BAM", "SMASH" action, then Stone Melee is a great choice and provides some good mitigation.
If I counted right, you've only played 2 brutes up into their 30s. That's not too telling about how they'll perform later. If you want an AT that is soloing a mish full of +2 carnies at in their 20s, then It'll be hard to find. Just pick one brute, give it some time, and odds are it will be a beast once you ding 50.

Good Luck

"People are like stained-glass windows.
They sparkle and shine when the sun is out,
but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is
light from within



Originally Posted by Mageman View Post
When it comes to playing brutes, I'm Meh! Maybe it's my play style, maybe it's my power choices, but I have yet to find a brute I like, and I've played a couple up to at least 35. Of all the villains, I really like my Bots/Dark MM the best so far. Solo, you're an unstoppable killing machine. Teamed up, you're nice to have around (although the bots can make life difficult on a brute with their knock-back).
Yeah, MMs are pretty easy solo. My necro/poison was a beast solo, in teams I held my own and really shined in certain situations. Brutes are not MMs. They are good solo, no doubt, but shine more in a team, at least in my opinion.

Originally Posted by Mageman View Post
Stone/Stone - Real nice defenses once you get Granite. But the -speed really sucks! And granite has a -damage mod to it also! I played a Stone/Stone tank up to around 30, it was fun but the brute needs Fury and /Stone is a great way not to build it.
Stone/Stone, yeah, your fury generation is going to be painful, unless you make heavy use of taunt and let the mobs beat on you. You are going to be hard to kill, and pay for it dearly. Some people like /stone, I don't. I hate the lack of mobility, and I hate that recharge is knocked to the floor. Yes, I am aware that there are now 15 billiion kins in the game, give or take. However, I do not like being tied to someone else in order to be efficient. Without IOs, this is the case. Sounds like you are in the same boat.

Originally Posted by Mageman View Post
Dark/Willpower - Nice on Endurance, but I can't take an alpha strike. I haven't figured out how to get Tough into my build (everything in /WP seems great, and I need attacks, although I do have Haste/SS). And now that I'm 35+, I'm starting to run into problems - An endurance sucking boss from the Carnival of Shadows had me running to rest (a blue won't help when everything detoggles), and a Fire/Fire tank boss at the end of a bank mission almost took me out (if not for the greens). I've also found that some things can de-toggle my Rise to the Challenge. I don't know what or why, but it's annoying to find it off.
Willpower is a solid set, but it is not god mode. Every set has its drawbacks. Tough and Weave are easy to fit in, and you are around the level that I would be looking to get it into your build. You should use Mid's and post what you have now, maybe some of us can help you with it. Alpha's shouldnt be that big an issue, as High Pain Tolerance boosts your max hp. That is one of the big mechanics to fight that. It should be slotted with Health, not resistance, if you have it slotted for resistance anyway. I have a Stone/WP I just got to 50, and it is a beast.

Originally Posted by Mageman View Post
I've thought about making a /SuperReflexes, but I hate status protection that isn't a toggle. Even if I put it on auto-fire, I frequently have powers ready as soon as the current power finishes so it might not get activated when I need it.
SR you will hate. At least at first. It is a great set, but takes a long time to feel strong. Doesnt really shine til you get higher in level and fully slotted.

As someone stated previously, most of your complaints stop being issues once you get closer to 50. If they don't you need help with your build, and if that is the case, just ask someone here. Most of us are happy to help.

It may also be that brutes are not for you. They are not tanks. It takes a lot more to make them nigh indestructible, heavy investment in IOs and a solid build. It takes a lot of sacrifice within the build to make sure you get what you need for that survivability. Not all brutes go that route, some try to maximize damage by concentrating on recharge and bonus damage. Literally kill it before it kills you. Nothing wrong with that either. Either way, they are not MM's, completely different playstyle, and totally different mechanics. My first 50 was a MM, my second was a brute. I personally prefer the brute, as I always did like getting my hands dirty.

Dark Armor is like that kid you knew in school that didn't know when to shut up, and no matter how bad he got beaten down, he got right back up again and kept on talking.



Originally Posted by Tonality View Post
I think you're looking for end-game performance mid-game.
This IMO. Keep in mind that Brutes are not tanks. Brute defenses are at the same level as a Scrapper, albeit backed up by a bit more HP. Sure you can tank and take alphas, but you typically have to build for that. A build like that is tight. You have to make difficult choices and sacrifice some things you'd like to have to make it work. Some things might have to be put off until pretty late in the build, or skipped altogether. It's one of the reasons you see posted builds that skip what some people consider to be "core" powers. You can't have it all.



Dark/Willpower - Nice on Endurance, but I can't take an alpha strike. I haven't figured out how to get Tough into my build (everything in /WP seems great, and I need attacks, although I do have Haste/SS). And now that I'm 35+, I'm starting to run into problems - An endurance sucking boss from the Carnival of Shadows had me running to rest (a blue won't help when everything detoggles), and a Fire/Fire tank boss at the end of a bank mission almost took me out (if not for the greens). I've also found that some things can de-toggle my Rise to the Challenge. I don't know what or why, but it's annoying to find it off.
My Dark/WP swears by Air Superiority. Any troublesome bosses end up on their ***** over and over again and in between Air Sups I can rattle off my big hitters. Also with Siphon Life slot Acc, Recharge and End in it mainly over Damage. Fury raises the damage and the quick recharge means more damage done and healing at the same time (slot for End too to save your Blue Bar). I don't even have Tough yet and he's almost the toughest thing I have in the game (my Necro/Dark is probably more survivable once he gets the debuffs and heals going but that's about it). I took Dark Consumption over Stamina, it mightn't be the most efficient overall but sure is nice when you need a spike of End (and fits his concept better).



Originally Posted by Mageman View Post
Dark/Willpower - Nice on Endurance, but I can't take an alpha strike. I haven't figured out how to get Tough into my build (everything in /WP seems great, and I need attacks, although I do have Haste/SS). And now that I'm 35+, I'm starting to run into problems - An endurance sucking boss from the Carnival of Shadows had me running to rest (a blue won't help when everything detoggles), and a Fire/Fire tank boss at the end of a bank mission almost took me out (if not for the greens).
I have a willpower tanker instead of a brute. I think there is a problem if you face mobs that hit really hard, or a big wave of alpha. Willpower is a mixed bag of defense, resistance and regeneration, and not strong in any particular area. I suggest to fit in tough and weave when you get to higher level, and also start using IO. I found that defense bonus helps a lot, in particular against alpha. Another route is to use make of your spare endurance, and pick up darkest night as your patron power.

As a tanker, I have also problems with the Ring Mistress from Carnival of Shadows too. Ring Mistress has Mask of Vitiation, which is only typed as ranged, without a negative energy or psionic attribute. So, willpower doesn't have any defense against it. I think it's ok. They are mobs designed to give us challenges. Next time you see Ring Mistress, you've to prepare yourself with a few purples or a lot of blues, and not just blindly rush in.



Originally Posted by Mageman View Post
I've thought about making a /SuperReflexes, but I hate status protection that isn't a toggle. Even if I put it on auto-fire, I frequently have powers ready as soon as the current power finishes so it might not get activated when I need it.

Any suggestions?
The animaton for practiced brawler is the whole reason I made my Katana/Reflexes scrapper. Just put 2 recharge IOs in it and put it on autocast.

@Mazzo Grave
Webmaster Grave, Virtueverse!
Energy/Energy Blaster Guide
Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
you *******!!!!



When CoV first came out I trtied alot of different brute combinations, and hated every one of them. It took years but I finally struggked through the lower levels on a elec/inv brute and fell in love. Now brutes are all I play, aside from my widow and occasionally my crab. I find the uncommon build to be the most fun. Just rolled a stone/EA and am loving it! But then again, like someone said differrent strokes for different folks. Heck I just deleted a 38 corr because I hated the playstyle and needed to free up a slot.



You want fun? Play a Mace/Shields

I love the feel...easily the most fun Brute I have played so far. That being said, I'm already partial to Brutes so my suggestion may not help if you just aren't melee orientated.

MM's are boring to me.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
Dear Devs: Please make Brutes clearly and visibly better than every other AT in the game.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



But... they already are.

Be well, people of CoH.



Dear Devs: Please make BillZ clearly and visibly better than every other player in the game :P

Level 50s: to many to remember at this point



Originally Posted by Mageman View Post
When it comes to playing brutes, I'm Meh! Maybe it's my play style, maybe it's my power choices, but I have yet to find a brute I like, and I've played a couple up to at least 35. Of all the villains, I really like my Bots/Dark MM the best so far. Solo, you're an unstoppable killing machine. Teamed up, you're nice to have around (although the bots can make life difficult on a brute with their knock-back).

Stone/Stone - Real nice defenses once you get Granite. But the -speed really sucks! And granite has a -damage mod to it also! I played a Stone/Stone tank up to around 30, it was fun but the brute needs Fury and /Stone is a great way not to build it.

Dark/Willpower - Nice on Endurance, but I can't take an alpha strike. I haven't figured out how to get Tough into my build (everything in /WP seems great, and I need attacks, although I do have Haste/SS). And now that I'm 35+, I'm starting to run into problems - An endurance sucking boss from the Carnival of Shadows had me running to rest (a blue won't help when everything detoggles), and a Fire/Fire tank boss at the end of a bank mission almost took me out (if not for the greens). I've also found that some things can de-toggle my Rise to the Challenge. I don't know what or why, but it's annoying to find it off.

I've thought about making a /SuperReflexes, but I hate status protection that isn't a toggle. Even if I put it on auto-fire, I frequently have powers ready as soon as the current power finishes so it might not get activated when I need it.

Any suggestions?
Try a fire/fire if you want high damage output. Sure its a bit vexing geting Acro and tough and weave. But my Brute has survived many an occasion on Healing Flames alone. Wp has treated me well, SD is nice for dmg, but the res and def problem is fixed purely by IO's.

"If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything"

"You're like Giraffe's, the way you look down on me, with your vegetarian scorn."



A good brute Build that I've found is Dark/Shield it takes a little bit of time to become really good and such but once you get tough and weave in it the toon gets better much quicker and the dark melee D.P.S. really is the best. Also The shield comes with some good powers as Well hope your brute situation works out.



As a brute I liked playing DB/WP, after you get your combos its relitivly fast action. Bad thing is its damage type is resisted on quite a few mobs and it sucks for pvp. But it is fun to play.



Originally Posted by Javelin_NA View Post
You want fun? Play a Mace/Shields
My Mace/Shield Brute hit 18 earlier tonight, and is still painful to play, even slotted with EndRdx. I yearn for Stamina.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by Mageman View Post
Dark/Willpower - Nice on Endurance, but I can't take an alpha strike. I haven't figured out how to get Tough into my build (everything in /WP seems great, and I need attacks, although I do have Haste/SS). And now that I'm 35+, I'm starting to run into problems - An endurance sucking boss from the Carnival of Shadows had me running to rest (a blue won't help when everything detoggles), and a Fire/Fire tank boss at the end of a bank mission almost took me out (if not for the greens). I've also found that some things can de-toggle my Rise to the Challenge. I don't know what or why, but it's annoying to find it off.
Some of this is worrying. RttC is detoggled if you're stunned/held etc, as because of the to-hit debuff it's treated as an offensive toggle, had you forgotten to turn your anti-mez toggle on ? Are you running on SOs only ? There are plenty of IO sets that will up your typed defences so that a fire/fire boss won't hit you often enough to kill you. I play a SM/WP brute and have happily tanked LGTF on it (and ITF, but that was a lot hairier with the defence debuffs).

I actually like my DM/stone brute, the ability solo to pull 2 groups together, wait while they try fruitlessly to hit you for a while and you're close to full fury, then rampage through the mission with no fury issues.

Do you ever play scrappers ? Brutes have the same defences with more hits, and scrappers can do ridiculous things. Many of the sets however develop late and really shine with IOs. If you're going to solo, I'd recommend the much maligned EA, as the main sets required to softcap that stop at 30/35, and my stalker was softcapped by the mid 30s. In teams however, EA is not as good.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
My Mace/Shield Brute hit 18 earlier tonight, and is still painful to play, even slotted with EndRdx. I yearn for Stamina.
Don't all Brutes do this?

My Stone/Fire brutes journey to 20 was the most End sapping experience I've had since that night I got really drunk and brought 2 Malta sappers back to my... Erm, I've said too much.

But yeah, the to-20 run on both my Brutes was horrible, even with just Acc & End Red DOs slotted everywhere.



I've been trying to figure out why I'm seeing my level 38 dm/wp have RttC drop during missions. I don't enter a mission without IW running. That means something is getting through IW just enough to detoggle RttC.

IW has the following for PvE:
-10.38 Stun, Sleep, Held, Confused, Terrorized, Immobilize
RES(Stun, Sleep, Held, Confused, Terrorized, Immobilize) +103.8%
-10 Knockback, Knockup, Repel
RES(Knockback, Knockup, Repel) +10000%

Spot checking the other secondary mez protection values, IW is in line, so it doesn't appear to be a weak to mez problem.

My only guess is that on 5th diff, enough mag is getting stacked to drop RttC but it's not enough to bypass the resistance portion so I don't notice being mezzed when I'm actually being mezzed. Of course, those values are at 50 and they do scale up as you level, so perhaps that is all that's happening.

As an aside, I received this comment on my last post in this thread:

Pointless posts, with no actual in game information. User just wants high number posts and give no actual tips or advice.
Someone must have had their post toasties tampered with.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by BillZBubba View Post
I've been trying to figure out why I'm seeing my level 38 dm/wp have RttC drop during missions. I don't enter a mission without IW running. That means something is getting through IW just enough to detoggle RttC.


My only guess is that on 5th diff, enough mag is getting stacked to drop RttC but it's not enough to bypass the resistance portion so I don't notice being mezzed when I'm actually being mezzed. Of course, those values are at 50 and they do scale up as you level, so perhaps that is all that's happening.
My guess is you'll find your stun protection drops for a half-second. If you're soloing maps set for more than yourself, you'll see that mez stack up. I carry purples when I solo resistance sets when I'm set for a larger team for this reason.



It too played a few Brutes and never found much in the way of enjoyment following my tanking hero-side. That was, however, until I went for SS/WP Brute and found it great fun to play. Perhaps it helped that he was thematically fun but so far SS/WP is my favourite brute combo!

Golden-Phoenix - Lvl 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Oodja Nikabolokov - Lvl 50 SS/WP Brute
Baby-Phoenix - Lvl 50 Peacebringer
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris?