Game:Etiquette & Pet Peeves.




Cave missions. Not the newer ones with plenty of room to run around in but the original version with small tunnels.



My biggest in game pet peeve is the speeding of TFs/SFs. I understand why its being done but sometimes I find it more enjoyable to move at a slower pace. Granted there are TFs that are eye gougingly long (Doc QF I'm looking at you.) but over all I don't mind it if we get done with a TF a half hour to an hour later than the speed versions.

My second biggest pet peeve is the Stalker that thinks that they need to go ahead to scout the map or get the glowies when the team is fighting through the mobs. It also seems that they also want to bail on the mission when it gets completed instead of clearing the mobs. I just don't understand this mentality. The more mobs you defeat the more potentially good drops you get.


AE Arc: 305214 Blood Diamonds (Villainous)




Originally Posted by MindRipper View Post
The Villain Empathy IS Pain Domination. That is why Lascota would be irritated by that.

In some case Pain Domination is actually better than Empathy; in some cases, less. Certainly it's comparable. Being that PD also has a fairly nasty Defense/Resist Debuff on it, and that two of my Thugs have Defense Debuffing weapons, saying "screw your PD, I'll hold out for Empathy" is puzzling.



Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
It is not anyones place to tell anyone else how to play on their 15 bucks, especially not if they are doing the same thing.
Its also not anyones place to expect others to suffer through teaming with people that don't take cornerstone powers for an Archtype and hamper everyone else's fun. When I play with people, I don't expect them to be some kind of ultra-elite player that can do everything, however, I do expect basic competency with their current archtype by the 30s.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
Its also not anyones place to expect others to suffer through teaming with people that don't take cornerstone powers for an Archtype and hamper everyone else's fun. When I play with people, I don't expect them to be some kind of ultra-elite player that can do everything, however, I do expect basic competency with their current archtype by the 30s.
I played this game a long time ago when it first came out before I re-started recently.

And I can remember people in the 30's back then not knowing that you needed to slot SOs or even what an SO was. Also remember doing a respec TF with a /regen back when instant healing was a toggle except he didn't take integration so it kept getting stunned off by tank smashers and he was dying over and over, even on an old instant healing toggle /regen.

AE was nowhere around back then....

But if it is a scapegoat for you guys, fine.



Getting a one-word tell "Team?" immediately followed by the invite window. And actually thinking that fulfilled my "Please send tell, it depends on how long I'll be on" search comment.

It only gets worse when they catch me in a good mood, so I send back "Doing what?" and get "missions".

That's it. Just "missions". Y'know, I am intelligent enough to understand the basic operation of a computer and the game, I think I could figure out that much myself, m'kay?



Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
Its also not anyones place to expect others to suffer through teaming with people that don't take cornerstone powers for an Archtype and hamper everyone else's fun. When I play with people, I don't expect them to be some kind of ultra-elite player that can do everything, however, I do expect basic competency with their current archtype by the 30s.
People of this game, nor of the world are here to cater to the whims or opinions of you. No matter what your mother told you.
Your opinion of what a "cornerstone" power is may not be shared by others.

It is your right to say who you will and won't team with for any reason.
Likewise it is their right to build and play their toons how they like for any reason.

Just like I told the Anti-Gay Republican who was insulting my gay friend.
"If his lifestyle (or playstyle) offends you, it is not necessary for your lifestyle to exist 2 feet parallel to his. You are choosing to be that close. You can either waste your life hanging around people you don't like and berate them while they live a full life or you can go out and live one that fulfills you for yourself."

Food for thought.

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



Originally Posted by BlackAmaranth View Post
People of this game, nor of the world are here to cater to the whims or opinions of you. No matter what your mother told you.
Your opinion of what a "cornerstone" power is may not be shared by others.

It is your right to say who you will and won't team with for any reason.
Likewise it is their right to build and play their toons how they like for any reason.

Just like I told the Anti-Gay Republican who was insulting my gay friend.
"If his lifestyle (or playstyle) offends you, it is not necessary for your lifestyle to exist 2 feet parallel to his. You are choosing to be that close. You can either waste your life hanging around people you don't like and berate them while they live a full life or you can go out and live one that fulfills you for yourself."

Food for thought.
I was looking for a way to say this recently, and couldn't come up with a good one. Very nicely done.






Originally Posted by BlackAmaranth View Post
People of this game, nor of the world are here to cater to the whims or opinions of you. No matter what your mother told you.
Your opinion of what a "cornerstone" power is may not be shared by others.

It is your right to say who you will and won't team with for any reason.
Likewise it is their right to build and play their toons how they like for any reason.

Just like I told the Anti-Gay Republican who was insulting my gay friend.
"If his lifestyle (or playstyle) offends you, it is not necessary for your lifestyle to exist 2 feet parallel to his. You are choosing to be that close. You can either waste your life hanging around people you don't like and berate them while they live a full life or you can go out and live one that fulfills you for yourself."

Food for thought.
Ok, I am getting tired of you insulting me because you prefer to play the game "your way." Go ahead and play your way, leave me to mine and let this be an end to it. You like Rad Defenders without toggles, well - that’s your prerogative. I am tired of you insulting me and hiding behind an internet name. If you have a problem, BlackAmaranth, them you can reach me anytime in a private tell. Unless, of course, confronting people directly bothers you, in which case, here I am. I have gone head-to-head with the best forum PvPers in existence, go ahead and give it your shot and see how far you get.

I am done with your whining. Come and get it.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by BlackAmaranth View Post
It is your right to say who you will and won't team with for any reason.
The last time I checked, it was my right to decided whom I team with in this game, for any reason. I can't help it if you were offended when I asked why your Rad Defender didn't have the the Rad toggles (the cornerstone of the set) at 41+, however, you let other people carry your gimped character along until you hit 50, (which, I think you did awhile back with that gimped thing. Thank your static teammates for helping you get to 50, since you just wanted to trail in their footsteps to get there instead of contributing to the rest of the group's enjoyment of the game.)

Now, if you don't mind, stay out of my business and don't ever tell me again what I can and cannot do in a game built for my enjoyment. I am done with you in this matter and have reached the end of my patience with your harassment of me in-game. Walk your walk your way and I'll walk mine and may never the two meet again.

This place belongs to eveyone in their own way, not just your way, BM.


"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by Solun_the_Hunter View Post
I played this game a long time ago when it first came out before I re-started recently.

And I can remember people in the 30's back then not knowing that you needed to slot SOs or even what an SO was. Also remember doing a respec TF with a /regen back when instant healing was a toggle except he didn't take integration so it kept getting stunned off by tank smashers and he was dying over and over, even on an old instant healing toggle /regen.

AE was nowhere around back then....

But if it is a scapegoat for you guys, fine.
Not everyone learns basic competency with the archtype you are teaming with. It happens and I'm sorry, however, I have learned to only butt into telling people about their ATs when they ask for it (Otherwise, I get people like BlackAmaranth who hate me for asking why their Rad Defender doesn't have the Rad toggles at 40+. You really don't even want to know the reply to that ).

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by StrayKitten View Post
I was looking for a way to say this recently, and couldn't come up with a good one. Very nicely done.
I am sorry if I prefer my teammates to at least have the powers that define a powerset and are capable of playing a particular AT the way it was meant to be played. If you want to carry people along, by my guest, however, I have been done with teammates that don't contribute to a team fully for a long time now. You play your way, I'll play mine and never the two need meet.

Thank you for your cooperation.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



*sigh* May as well say it now.

Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
I am sorry if I prefer my teammates to at least have the powers that define a powerset and are capable of playing a particular AT the way it was meant to be played. If you want to carry people along, by my guest, however, I have been done with teammates that don't contribute to a team fully for a long time now. You play your way, I'll play mine and never the two need meet.

Thank you for your cooperation.
I wish I could understand where you're coming from, I really do, but unfortunately I don't know how someone not having the same powers you would take from the set would cause them to 'not contribute.' I'm sorry, but until you can find a statement somewhere in the documentation that says "You must take this power in order to play the AT as it was intended in its design," then I'm afraid that you're being incredibly presumptuous in your statements.

EDIT: Also, you apparently didn't read my original post. I was looking for a way to say the same thing recently, not necessarily in response to your post. But since you felt that you needed to respond to me, I felt it was worthwhile to point out that I feel that you are wrong.



Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
Its also not anyones place to expect others to suffer through teaming with people that don't take cornerstone powers for an Archtype and hamper everyone else's fun. When I play with people, I don't expect them to be some kind of ultra-elite player that can do everything, however, I do expect basic competency with their current archtype by the 30s.
Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
The last time I checked, it was my right to decided whom I team with in this game, for any reason. I can't help it if you were offended when I asked why your Rad Defender didn't have the the Rad toggles (the cornerstone of the set) at 41+, however, you let other people carry your gimped character along until you hit 50, (which, I think you did awhile back with that gimped thing. Thank your static teammates for helping you get to 50, since you just wanted to trail in their footsteps to get there instead of contributing to the rest of the group's enjoyment of the game.)

Now, if you don't mind, stay out of my business and don't ever tell me again what I can and cannot do in a game built for my enjoyment. I am done with you in this matter and have reached the end of my patience with your harassment of me in-game. Walk your walk your way and I'll walk mine and may never the two meet again.

This place belongs to eveyone in their own way, not just your way, BM.


What I have a problem with is the way you literally attack anyone who doesn't play "your way" You berated me for half-an-hour over what my build was supposed to be. 30 god-awful minutes. This was AFTER I told you I wasn't interested in your opinions. THAT ruined MY enjoyment of the game. And that is wrong. Anyone with common sense can see that.

You can go your own way, and do what you want.
But, If i see you spewing forth that judgmental B.S. and basically putting down other people for playing they way they want to play, you can be damned sure I'm going to speak up. You annoyed me to no end for one night. But your annoyance made the game less enjoyable for me for weeks after that. I don't want others to have to suffer one minute of annoyance because you are judgmental and have no idea of free rights and tolerance.

You don't want me to leave your posts alone?
All you have to do is stop attacking other people's playstyle.
And you'll never hear from me again.

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*







I'll be at the bar.



"Don't unravel them-- your ears were meant to be that way."
-Steve Aylett




Let's calm down..

*flashes bag*

Let's turn those frowns upside down.



Originally Posted by GATTACA_NA View Post

Let's calm down..

*flashes bag*

Let's turn those frowns upside down.
This is exactly the reason why kilts were a terrible addition to this game. Have some modesty, Gat!

"Don't unravel them-- your ears were meant to be that way."
-Steve Aylett



Originally Posted by StarkFist View Post
This is exactly the reason why kilts were a terrible addition to this game. Have some modesty, Gat!
Genius. Wrong "bag," though. GATT was referring to a scene in "Jay and Silent Bob: Strike Back!"

My pet peeve: Pure Empathy Defenders--especially when the character is 40+. I don't turn them down from my teams, nor do I tell them to change their playstyle, but I like to think that Defenders have a primary *and* a secondary.

Since that kind of relates to the argum--err, discussion...I know where Myrmydon is coming from...when I invite a character of a particular powerset, I have a few powers in mind that I expect them to have. If they get to the zone and I notice that they don't, I usually check their Veteran badges. If it's a new player, I try to politely suggest the "good" powers and tell them why; if it's a long-time veteran, I assume that they had a reason to not take those powers.



Originally Posted by BlackAmaranth View Post
What I have a problem with is the way you literally attack anyone who doesn't play "your way" You berated me for half-an-hour over what my build was supposed to be. 30 god-awful minutes. This was AFTER I told you I wasn't interested in your opinions. THAT ruined MY enjoyment of the game. And that is wrong. Anyone with common sense can see that.

You can go your own way, and do what you want.
But, If i see you spewing forth that judgmental B.S. and basically putting down other people for playing they way they want to play, you can be damned sure I'm going to speak up. You annoyed me to no end for one night. But your annoyance made the game less enjoyable for me for weeks after that. I don't want others to have to suffer one minute of annoyance because you are judgmental and have no idea of free rights and tolerance.

You don't want me to leave your posts alone?
All you have to do is stop attacking other people's playstyle.
And you'll never hear from me again.
I'm just wondering why you are both incapable of using /ignore.

That would have solved you 30 min issue BA and would also solve Myr's issue with you port hunting to snipe at them.

And for the record you would have caught **** from me also for not have EF and RI by the 30's . . . This is of course assuming one of those toggles was not CC, which is well worth skipping.




Since that kind of relates to the argum--err, discussion...I know where Myrmydon is coming from...when I invite a character of a particular powerset, I have a few powers in mind that I expect them to have. If they get to the zone and I notice that they don't, I usually check their Veteran badges. If it's a new player, I try to politely suggest the "good" powers and tell them why; if it's a long-time veteran, I assume that they had a reason to not take those powers.

Yeah, while I totally understand BA's point I must partially agree with expecting certain builds to have certain powers. A rad, I would expect to have all 3 of their rad debuffs and to have A.M.. An emp I would expect to have all or atleast most of the empath powers. A kin I would expect to have SB and fulcrum(omg don't get me started on all the farm builds).

While I don't agree that a player should be berated for not meeting those expectations, to be quite honest after I have invited that person to my team/tf and they don't have the main contributing powers to their sets that I was looking for, I am annoyed. If they are a new player, I might send them a private tell and suggest it would help their teams a whole lot if they got the powers. If they are a vet I will probably be on my vent server grumbling about it.

Lets be honest, when we invite a tank to our teams we are expecting them to be able to perform their duties and have the powers necessary to do so. Same thing with a blaster, rad, kin, emp etc. A blaster with all pool powers and only a couple of attacks isn't blasting a whole lot of anything and putting out the damage the team needs them to. Rads with no toggles are not debuffing which is the main purpose of that build. You get the point.

Attacking people. Bad idea. Perhaps if a player has an excentric build because they have a concept going on or want to play their toons differently should perhaps let team leaders know before joining teams and atleast give them the option to find someone else who can provide what the team needs. I have had many people notify me when I am putting a team together that they don't have the heal other powers on empathy because they solo alot, or they don't have sb because its a farm build or they don't have their buffs on a therm because they solo all the time, etc. 99% of the time I will still invite them to my team, and be very appreciative of them letting me know.

In all fairness though, sometimes a team is in need of something specific to help them succeed. Sometimes when you put a team together those random people volunteering in BMT happen to be all the right stuff to make a balanced team. Other times when there is only a spot or 2 left on the team certain things are needed to make sure we succeed.