Game:Etiquette & Pet Peeves.




In-Game SpamMail
I want to make a villian called Gagorac and he will instantly be the most despised



People who think you can't possibly play unless you have a tank on your team.

Founder of The King's Army

@Emperon, @Twisted Humor (Shared Account)



Originally Posted by Coolbreese View Post
People who tell others how they should be playing the game.
Ditto... was going to post this same thing almost word for word, but saw it was already done!

I'd add People who tell others how they SHOULDN'T be playing the game too!



When someone steals something from you in front of your face and you tell them that they are stealing your stuff and then they say no there not so you need to take it by force.



Originally Posted by Emper0n View Post
People who think you can't possibly play unless you have a tank on your team.

Or people who think you can't possibly play without an emp, rad, etc etc.

As if success is dependent on any particular AT on a team, blah.



MMO Rule #1: Don't be a Douchee'!

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



Originally Posted by BlackAmaranth View Post
MMO Rule #1: Don't be a Douchee'!
I thought Rule #1 was RTFM

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



People who don't capitalize their name, add numbers at the end, numbers in the middle to replace a letter, or tweak it so they get that name which is already taken, and spelling.


T3h 0n3
numba too
t3h huIk

Real example I saw:

soilder warriar

First of all Solider and Warrior are not spelled right, they are both not capitalized, they replaced the 'o' for an 'a' in warrior.

Another thing is pretty much says you're a warrior that doesn't know how to spell, or capitalize, plus you soiled yourself.

And last but not least, Soldiers and Warriors are like the same thing...



Originally Posted by Bad_Wonka View Post
People who don't capitalize their name, add numbers at the end, numbers in the middle to replace a letter, or tweak it so they get that name which is already taken, and spelling.


T3h 0n3
numba too
t3h huIk

Real example I saw:

soilder warriar

First of all Solider and Warrior are not spelled right, they are both not capitalized, they replaced the 'o' for an 'a' in warrior.

Another thing is pretty much says you're a warrior that doesn't know how to spell, or capitalize, plus you soiled yourself.

And last but not least, Soldiers and Warriors are like the same thing...
Curiosity question: What if it was intentional and there is a reason for it? Things like andriods/cyborgs/robots with 1337 speak in the name or people who use a misspelling for a play on words.

And to keep with the theme of the thread:

People who automatically blame group x* for something they don't like happening without even thinking about what is actually causing it.

* Replace "group x" with your favorite group to try to scape goat. Example: "Prices on the market are too high, it must be the marketeers running prices up."



Originally Posted by StrayKitten View Post
Curiosity question: What if it was intentional and there is a reason for it? Things like andriods/cyborgs/robots with 1337 speak in the name or people who use a misspelling for a play on words.
Well like if it was a serial number on an android/cyborg/robot then it wouldn't bug me, but '1337 speak' bugs me. It's faster and easier to read when you use regular letters. And can't really think of an example of how you'd misspell for a play on words...



Originally Posted by Bad_Wonka View Post
Well like if it was a serial number on an android/cyborg/robot then it wouldn't bug me, but '1337 speak' bugs me. It's faster and easier to read when you use regular letters. And can't really think of an example of how you'd misspell for a play on words...
Rouge Warrior instead of Rogue Warrior and its a person who has an obsession with make up (poor example, but it was a quick one off the top of my head).

Anyway, /threadjack



Loin cloths.. lack there of.

Global @Gender Poison
Imagine your RL Mug on your COH Mug on your Coffee Mug



Me: Hey, can my Thugs/Pain MM join your ITF?
Them: No, sorry... got an Empath?



GIGA's macros/binds during a Hami raid.

Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion

"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."



people asking if someone is starting a TF every 15-30 mins (and thank you for not spamming).

If you want to do TF A or need it. Ask if there is intrest and/or start one and see if someone else can lead, let the group know this is your 1st time. There are enough regulars TF runners that will help out.

dont be afraid of the star, it doesnt mean you have coodies.

One I been at fault lately dont rush things work with the team (and if you can end the mission make sure someone is not loading)

Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643

Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.



Originally Posted by Bad_Wonka View Post
People who don't capitalize their name, add numbers at the end, numbers in the middle to replace a letter, or tweak it so they get that name which is already taken, and spelling.
The Capitalization thing erks me to no end! IT'S A PROPER NAME PEOPLE! CAPITALIZE THE FIRST LETTER! Is it too much trouble to hit the Shift key?

The Numbers and tweaking, it's a little annoying, but doesn't grind my gears like the capitalization thing.

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



Originally Posted by Bad_Wonka View Post
Real example I saw:

soilder warriar

First of all Solider and Warrior are not spelled right, they are both not capitalized, they replaced the 'o' for an 'a' in warrior.

Another thing is pretty much says you're a warrior that doesn't know how to spell, or capitalize, plus you soiled yourself.

And last but not least, Soldiers and Warriors are like the same thing...
Best part is when someone like that exclaims in broadcast how amazed they are that the name wasn't taken.



I just saw asome heals.




Originally Posted by The_Bronx View Post
People who sit on Heroes all day complaining about no one playing Villains.

This times a billion.


Annoying "AE farm vs. 'Regular Missions'" people.

I was on my new stalker yesterday and asked for an AE team in broadcast. I run papers to get the mayhems for Invader accolade then run AE farms in-between until I get to levels where my attack chain is filled out enough to easily do Arcs. (only my MMs don't need to wait on fuller attack chains)

So in broadcast Pwnunoobs told me that I need to stop asking for AE and get out and "experience the game". Apparently doing virtual missions as opposed to "real" missions wasn't teaching me the game well enough.

Because obviously there is such a huge difference between clicking on the AE console and then doing a mission vs. clicking on a virtual contact and then doing a mission......

Doing all regular missions is fine and doing all AE is fine.

Pretending like you aren't learning the game because you do some AE is ridiculous.

I have played with people that almost never do AE and it didn't make them suck any less or have any better of an understanding of powers.

Some people don't learn how to be retarded, they were just born that way.

Epilogue: Right after Pwnunoobs told me I needed to leave the AE building and "experience the game" I saw him zone into the very same building on his SoA and proceeded to join the AE team I was on before seeing me on it and then suddenly quitting.

LOLZ@ Hypocrites

I think a lot of people come in and do a lot of AE because they are new to the game, it is easy to navigate and may have been the selling point for them getting the game in the first place.

New players always take a while to get up to speed and that isn't necessarily the fault of AE.

I'm pretty sure there have been major SG leaders on this server that had an understanding of powers like I have an understanding of Martian dialects and that was long before AE.



Running AE missions is one thing. If you are actively playing your toon, using your powers as you level, and getting a feel for your powersets, then AE does no harm.

AE farm missions, where the new players sit by the door and collect levels as fillers for some PL farm, are something quite different, and are the source of many people's frustrations.

I generally don't berate those looking/spamming for AE teams. The nearest I came was when a level 41 asked in Atlas broadcast how to get a cape, I advised him to go to the City Representative in city hall, but warned that he would have to leave the AE building to do it.

However, I don't support AE levellers and don't join those teams. I've started two new toons recently, and have leveled up both the "old fashioned" way (albeit with a slight boost during 2 XP weekend when i could avoid the mapserver disconnects). Yes it would be faster to AE until "my attack chain was filled out," but that isn't really the point; at least not for me and my $15/month. Yes, the attack chain is underpowered, but it is also a good time to teach yourself the basic tactics of a new set.

"Don't unravel them-- your ears were meant to be that way."
-Steve Aylett



Farm all you want, PL to your heart's content, but for the sake of children working for peanuts, stop buying Influence, Infamy, and PLing. It's bad etiquette, as it encourages them to send mail to EVERYONE NOT DOING IT.



Originally Posted by Lascota View Post
Me: Hey, can my Thugs/Pain MM join your ITF?
Them: No, sorry... got an Empath?
Why would that bother you just out of curiosity? If they had a team partially put together with a few spots left and needed specifics for those few spots.....

While I don't think every team needs a tank or emp etc....I think every team needs an equal balance of damage/aggro control/heals/buffs. While I personally don't want to turn anyone down for a team to play the toon they want to play...I also am not going to jeopardize something failing or taking entirely too long because the team isn't atleast half-*** put together right.

If I am putting together a tf and have 6 blasters and a stalker, no the last spot is not going to an MM, sorry. Unless they are by chance the villain version of empathy. (crap I can't ever remember the name of that set, sorry.)

Point is if a team needs certain AT's to make it a successful team then everyone should be willing to play whatever is needed to get the job done. If no one has what is needed then its not wrong for the team leader to try to hold out for what they think is needed.



Originally Posted by Solun_the_Hunter View Post
This times a billion.


Annoying "AE farm vs. 'Regular Missions'" people.

I was on my new stalker yesterday and asked for an AE team in broadcast. I run papers to get the mayhems for Invader accolade then run AE farms in-between until I get to levels where my attack chain is filled out enough to easily do Arcs. (only my MMs don't need to wait on fuller attack chains)

So in broadcast Pwnunoobs told me that I need to stop asking for AE and get out and "experience the game". Apparently doing virtual missions as opposed to "real" missions wasn't teaching me the game well enough.

Because obviously there is such a huge difference between clicking on the AE console and then doing a mission vs. clicking on a virtual contact and then doing a mission......

Doing all regular missions is fine and doing all AE is fine.

Pretending like you aren't learning the game because you do some AE is ridiculous.

I have played with people that almost never do AE and it didn't make them suck any less or have any better of an understanding of powers.

Some people don't learn how to be retarded, they were just born that way.

Epilogue: Right after Pwnunoobs told me I needed to leave the AE building and "experience the game" I saw him zone into the very same building on his SoA and proceeded to join the AE team I was on before seeing me on it and then suddenly quitting.

LOLZ@ Hypocrites

I think a lot of people come in and do a lot of AE because they are new to the game, it is easy to navigate and may have been the selling point for them getting the game in the first place.

New players always take a while to get up to speed and that isn't necessarily the fault of AE.

I'm pretty sure there have been major SG leaders on this server that had an understanding of powers like I have an understanding of Martian dialects and that was long before AE.

It is not anyones place to tell anyone else how to play on their 15 bucks, especially not if they are doing the same thing.

With that being said I will disagree that you can learn the game just by doing AE. You can indeed learn your powersets just in AE, however there are lots of badges that actually give you things that are needed to round out your toon properly that are not offered in AE. Accolades!

While you may do other things in the game besides AE, there are many newer players that are not. They are pl'n toons to 50 in a matter of a couple of days or less and haven't a freaking clue how to play them. Fine, that is their perogative. However those same players are the quickest ones to ask to get on a tf. Yes its frustrating that they are lvl 50 and don't even understand basic attack chains and don't have powers that they NEED in their build such as stamina. However that isn't the issue. The real issue is as veteran players when we kindly try to offer some suggestions to them they are dickheads about it. Then turn around the very next day and want to join the tf/team you are attempting to put together again.

I have found myself not paying any attention to globals I do not recognize as being in the game for a while when I am putting together tf's lately to avoid the AE noobs. That is sad to me because I used to embrace teaming with new players and used to get joy out of offering some mentoring, maybe dropping some influence on them or just chatting it up a bit.



Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
Why would that bother you just out of curiosity? If they had a team partially put together with a few spots left and needed specifics for those few spots.....

While I don't think every team needs a tank or emp etc....I think every team needs an equal balance of damage/aggro control/heals/buffs. While I personally don't want to turn anyone down for a team to play the toon they want to play...I also am not going to jeopardize something failing or taking entirely too long because the team isn't atleast half-*** put together right.

If I am putting together a tf and have 6 blasters and a stalker, no the last spot is not going to an MM, sorry. Unless they are by chance the villain version of empathy. (crap I can't ever remember the name of that set, sorry.)

Point is if a team needs certain AT's to make it a successful team then everyone should be willing to play whatever is needed to get the job done. If no one has what is needed then its not wrong for the team leader to try to hold out for what they think is needed.
The Villain Empathy IS Pain Domination. That is why Lascota would be irritated by that.


AE Arc: 305214 Blood Diamonds (Villainous)
