The Kitten-o-Meter




The other day my friend and I were discussing how our Villains would react to encountering a kitten, in order to judge our "evilness". This lead to much entertainment, and the creation of the Kitten-o-Meter.

So, fellow evildoers, what would you do if approached by a kitten?


Capt. Stormrider: Stormrider would first check the kitten's collar, to determine if it contains any precious gems or is otherwise of value. If so, he would swipe the collar and add it to his collection of booty back home. On second thought, he'd swipe the kitten too, collar or not. Hey, he may be a selfish pirate, but who doesn't want a kitten?

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



Eat the kitten, regurgitate it, then proceed to snort the liquid and try to turn it into a loogie.



Gila would scowl, pick up the kitten, sniff it, eye it, give it a pet before getting bored and giving it a light toss in a random direction.



*with kitty tail sticking out of pups mouth* what kitteh?...NOMNOMNOMNOM =D

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



does it come with a side of slaw?



Most of my villains might pet it for a minute, but there's no profit in killing the kitten.

Devouring Wolf might kill a random bystander and rip them up, then feed the meat to the kitten. Once it's full, he'd eat the kitten. (Layers of flavor!)

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Scanning.. Life form... detected... Atamt... Ting to... Communicate...


!! A critical Error has occured and your system must restart !!

Restarting........ Loading...

Scanning.. Life form... detected... Atamt... Ting to... Communicate...


When all hope seems to have drifted away.. and the shadows of death creep closer. Do not fear or cower.. do not make peace or seek salvation. For I will be there, supporting your movement. So give me your pain, weakness, despair, fear and doubt.. The Light will grant you another stand.



Darkmire: Would corrupt the kitten to serve his needs.

Inquisitor Black: Would pet the kitten, he likes cats.

Angelique Discord: Would also pet the kitten, she likes cats.

Tetsu Springsteen: Would scream at the kitten, until it exploded, cuz he's a ****.

Enforcer Blue: Would probably be to busy busting someone's hands for a wallet, to pay attention to said kitten.

Crunch Berry: Depends on his mental stability at that moment.

Hotdog Cart: Well, you'd think with a name like that, bad bad things, but he's indifferent about kittens or puppies, or whatever, probably to busy trying find the big score!

Shiskabob: Yah, its not going end well for that kitten & everything else around it.

Golgari Hunter: Would probably explode the kitten, in one his Omega Bombs+Venom G.+Suppression+Frag G. Combos, in the general area. Since he was aiming for the people near the said kitten.


I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.



Matikz: Corrupting kittens does not further his agenda so he would ignore it
Teknis.: Would probably shock the hell out it just because he can
Black-Gamma: Would attempt to mutate the kitten into some killing machine
Cerebral Angel: Take it home
Kovenant Alpha Squad: Depends on if the kitten is part of a contract
Belldonna Atropa: Feed it to her fly trap
Kommandant Macht: Total Focus it into next week
Cerebral Widow: Kittens are no threat to Arachnos so she'd ignore it



Put the kitten in a big comfy pocket, so it's little fuzzyhead can stick out and mew cutely. Collect more kittens until the very many pockets of your gaint coat are full of happy kittens. Then stroll about robbing banks and dare the cops and heroes to take a shot

I haz 87 Clouded Points



Fey would pick it up, feed it, and try to find it's owner, though she might keep it herself if she can't find the owner....

What? She's a villain, but she's not evil

Don't say I'm out of touch with this rampant chaos your reality

Evilly Yours, Fey Bot/Trap MM



Dirak would probably indiscriminatly destroy the kitten like he does everything else.

Dr. Ironface would probably study the kitten to see if he could apply the kitten's cuteness to a world domination scheme.



Liora Kate eats the kitten, collar and all.

Aisha A. turns it into a robot kitten. With missiles.

Sorrow-Weave dangles the kitten over some kids' heads and teases them.

Jessica Reid gives it food. 'cuz cats are alright by her book.

Freelance Rose uses it to dispose of lab rats.

Discount Ninja praises it for its natural sneakiness and tucks a coupon for 50% of all shuriken expenses (Good this month only!) into its collar. Because people are suckers for kittens.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Most of my criminals are ladies and not really all that evil, at least not on this server. Most of the ladies I know like kittens and can’t help being nice to them, even the ones I know beyond a shadow of a doubt are evil. Liking a touch of realism in my characters, my criminal cartel on Virtue would likely stay true to that form: pet the kitten, play with the kitten, and turn it into a shelter.

There are only two exceptions to the above scenario: 1) My mastermind, who is a guy, would ignore the kitten. Unless no one was looking, in which case he’d at least pet the kitten. 2) My stalker. She doesn’t like cats. She chases cats for practice. She thinks cats make way too much noise when caught. She would pick the kitten up by the tail, sniff it, drop it in the nearest dumpster until it got old enough to chase. She usually doesn’t kill cats, preferring to use a catch and release method so she doesn’t deplete the population of practice targets.

On the other hand, I do have a former Carnie girl on Pinnacle that would use a kitten, puppy, or innocent bystander as ball for some impromptu batting practice (war mace brute).

I've been told that sometimes my lucidity is frightening.
Your logic is no match for concentrated stupid. - Organica
Current MAs:
Stop the catgirl rampage! #66361



Metal Mistress would summarily ignore the kitten. It is irrelevant.

Warman would scoop up the kitten, pet it, whisper to it, listen to it, then go on a murderous rampage to satisfy the kitten's desires.

--Arkham : The Blackened Hatter

Virtue: The Iron Judge - lvl 50 Inv/War Mace Tanker.
And his amazing friends: Warman, Dr. Mindfire, Ms Mallet, Papa Cap, Ibis, Ragman, Queen Steam, Rudraksha, Teflon Girl, Kodiakman.



Cleave Edge would examine the kitten to see if it might be magical and turn into a battle kitten (/cat). If so, she would raise it for herself to add to her devastation tally. Otherwise she would toss (literally) the kitten aside in search of more battle.

Blood Araneae would pet the kitten and check it for a collar. If it had none, she would turn it into the Rogue Islands Pet Shelter for proper... care. If it had a collar, she would return the kitten to its owners--after informing Rogue Island Police about animal abusers in their jurisdiction.

Cadet Zed would lick the kitten clean, cough up a hairball then scream incoherently at the kitten while spray-painting it blue and silver.

You're not super until you put on The Cape!



Joyeux would keep it. She likes cats
Konwakeri would ignore it after making sure it wasn't a danger of some kind.
Dream Razor would check to see if it was worth any money and then hand it to a random stranger
Quality of Mercy would use it as a food taster and to check for booby-traps

Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page



Most of my villains would ignore it. One or two might even pet or feed it.

Lord Malkor would experiment with it to make it even more vicious and cunning than a kitten normally is, implant it with cybernetics, and let it loose somewhere to wreak havoc.

Forum Game: Lower the Rep



Pridemaker already has a kitten. Granted, it's an Ocelot, but it's a kitten.
Feral doesn't really do pets. And depending on situation, would either make cute faces at it or stomp it.

And Tundra?
Tundra ate the kitten.



Hmmm, good question.

Sigma would take the kitten in. Every mage needs a good kitten.

Chain would try and see how far he could throw it.

Op. Leon would report it for being none licensed.

Tarasu would experiment to see how many times it could be stabbed before dieing.

@Lunar Lupun
Looking for an RP Private School for the new year? Check us out at



Thing of Bigness would pick up the kitten, then hug it and squeeze it and pet it and feed it and love it and call it George.

And then beat the hell out of anyone who pointed and laughed at the kitten being on his huge *** shoulders, because he's rather like a certain green skinned dimwit brute. Only red armor clad with wings on the shoulders and goggles.

But I only *wish* I'd come up with this, because this won the thread, hands down:

Originally Posted by Pyro_Tek View Post
Eat the kitten, regurgitate it, then proceed to snort the liquid and try to turn it into a loogie.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



-Elite Dreadnaught might look at it funny (she's from another dimension afterall) and ignore it.
-Deathcall Warlock would sacrifice it to his god.
-Scarlet Needle would take it in, she has a soft spot for all animals.
-Cruel Permafrost would subject it to various different scientific procedures, you know, injecting a random bio sample here, a new drug there.
-Tempest Jester would force it to smile, with electricity and fire. Well, he does that to everyone. He might keep an eye or an ear, he needs to give gifts afterall.
-Webmistress Elhaym would ignore it. Same for my other three SoAs.
-Dread Fey would shoot at it with one of her trick arrows or try and scare it or generally have fun at its expense. If it happens to die, she'll simply make it a zombie.



Interesting one!

Quisling would probably take in the kitten and care for it (she's one of the least villainous of my villains)
Acquisition would turn it over to someone who could care for it (Also very un-evil)
Silhouette Scythe would make sure that the kitten was EXACTLY where it needed to be to stop the whole of TIME screwing UP... and as soon as it tried to move away stab it in the heart and place it exactly right.
Monstrous Regiment would ignore it.
And Exodus Terror would eat it if she was hungry, ignore it if something more interesting was going on, or perhaps play with it a bit if she was really, really bored. Before either ignoring it or eating it.

The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."