What did everyone do during the outage?




I got my Spider to 24 today. I must say, for a toon that only uses a rifle for 24 levels hes a nasty little devil. Not quite as sturdy as my MM, but I've had a ton of fun with him so far.

Doc Mech-Nec (Exalted): 50 Bots/FF MM
Crey Radiation Tank (Exalted): 50 Rad/Rad Corr
Servers: Exalted, Triumph, Champion
Alts: 32
Steam Profile




Dbl Exp isnt very much fun, all the people are in Atlas... and I am in PI.



I wandered aimlessly, lost without my beloved source of semi-useless pop-culture information and internet memes.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online

nightblade7295@gmail.com if you want to stay in touch



I'm leveling my cold/dark defender today, and I was bored as hell without the forums last few days.



I was very bored while the forum was down. I spend most of my forum time while at work during downtime when business is slow.



What did everyone do during the outage?
I kept absent-mindedly middle clicking my bar icon for the forums to check the Dev Digest.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. --- Thomas Jefferson
Formerly known as YFNDBA



I discovered this thing, I believe (based on my CoH knowledge) it's called a "door." I tried clicking on it, then I realized that it was beyond the borders of my monitor. I walked over, expecting it to open, and smacked right into it. After some panicked feeling around (not to mention crying in the fetal position for a while) I discovered that these doors require direct interaction with the appendage I use to navigate Paragon City and the Rogue Isles.

Once the door had been breached I found other people within this, apparently new (and strangely small), mission map. I found that there were mobs here and proceeded to attack them. However the one who identified herself as "wife" made me stop and assured me that the short ones are not, in fact, Red Caps, but my children. I was skeptical, but the wife was hot, so I believed her.

Finding this mission map rather unsettling I found another door that led outside. "Alright," I thought, "Now I can get back to AE farming!" Amazingly I went through this door without so much as a hint of a load screen, and found myself on a suburban street. Needless to say I was confused. Had I stumbled across some new zone that we mere players were not yet meant to see? This appeared to be a tree-lined street with individual suburban-style homes, instead of the bustling city with tall buildings everywhere.

I started moving down the street and began to feel nervous when I realized that I had not seen anyone being mugged or attacked for a good 30 feet. Was the sync bug back? Just then my cell phone rang. I answered it in a hurry, imagining maybe that it was Unai Kemen with an update on those scientists with the split souls, or maybe Statesman asking me to join the Freedom Phalanx at long last! However I was disappointed to discover it was this "wife" person again, informing me that the boards were back up and that the neighbors were going to call the police if I didn't stop jumping down the street like a moron.

I returned to the odd, and tiny, mission map, found my way back to the computer and began to hack it. Lo and behold I found the boards were up! This wife person was right! Maybe I should give her a chance...



I actually checked some CoH twitter pages, refreshing them every 15 minutes to see if the forums were back up.

Yes, I'm sad...



Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
I actually checked some CoH twitter pages, refreshing them every 15 minutes to see if the forums were back up.

Yes, I'm sad...
We can be sad together, then.

I followed Twitter obsessively and I *still* missed all the CoH_OCR code giveaways.

Character index



The forums went down, and when they came back up, I found myself covered in blood. So much blood... oh jeez, what did I do?

Actually, TV Tropes, webcomics and Twitter. And messing about with Linux installs.



I discovered Twitter, and apparently was not the only one.



Killed a man in Reno to watch him die.

Then the forums came back up and I lost interest in whatever I was doing.

In the Arena of Logic, I fight unarmed.



I got suckered into a 10-day reactivation to WAR the day before the forums were supposed to go down, and took it as a rather fortuitous event in alleviating my boredom.

And proceded to get my rump alternately curbstomped in most of the scenarios I was in, or ending up somehow getting into top contribution despite playing in my usual bad fashion. Towards the end, I really missed the place, though. Don't think I'll ever give'er up.

...but distractions are nice once in a while.



I played the actual game.
I did a lot of biking, sometimes to place sometimes to really no where at all.
Browsed about a couple different forums. Painfully different =(

Oh, it's good to be back =D

Celtech Main Site
My DA Profile



I sewed a quilt, baked a kid and wrote the songs that make the whole world sing. And caught up on my Sensational Spider-Man, season 2.


"America is about speed. Hot, nasty, bad-[censored] speed."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

...brought to you by Carl's Jr.



I found my new avatar whilst watching my old anime dvds.

Hail Emperor Cole!
(TurmoilX - 50, Fire/Emp Troller) (Emily Meyer - 50, PB) (Olias - 50, Necro/Dark MM) (David R. Scion - 50, Crab) (Haruaki Kaido - 50, SS/Stone Brute) (Chaos Bot - 50, AR/Kin Corr)



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
Same. Twitter.

Oh yeah, and got a lot of work done.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
Same. Twitter.

Oh yeah, and got a lot of work done.
...Crap, work. That's probably what I should have done. :|



Originally Posted by YuriFoxfirega View Post
...Crap, work. That's probably what I should have done. :|
What's work?

In the Arena of Logic, I fight unarmed.



Originally Posted by Gulver View Post
What's work?
Something I suppose you and I aren't very well acquainted with!



Ran around other forums. Played the game more. Saw more sunlight than I'm use to.

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.



I cried myself to sleep every day at work. Then buried my sadness in a mountain of pie.



Mostly worked on CS and played CoH...

Hired on a Graphic Artist (on Speculation) to work on the game's UI. And he's the one that offered up the beautiful logo in my signature.




I got into Twitter for the first time - it's cool - but I think the CoH twitter frenzy might calm down a bit now that we've got our old playground back

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork