Official Forum Feedback Thread




Originally Posted by Texas_Justice View Post
With the way your post is worded, it sounds like you are implying that I don't want more images, but am just proposing everyone turn off images altogether.

That ain't right. And it ain't what I'm about.

I'm sorry, it was never my intention to imply any such thing, and I am aware of your stance on the subject.

There have however been a number of suggestions to turn images off, and I believe that when people read these suggestions, they easily end up evaluating them in context of the old forums (where images in posts were a rarity).

I wanted to elaborate on those situations, and your post seemed like a good starting point to do so.

Again, I'm sorry if it came across as implying that you advocated a position that you do not.



Originally Posted by Golden_Girl_EU View Post
1 - Go to "User CP"
2 - From the list on the left side, select "Edit Options"
3 - Scroll all the way down, and choose "Enhanced Interface"
4 - Weep with joy at the greatness of the new forums.
I've tried that, but it doesn't let me do things that respect white space. As an example I want to make a table that shows the accuracy buffs of higher rank mobs:

Rank Accuracy
Minion +00%
Lieutenant +15%
Boss +30%
AV +50%

Everything gets smashed together. That's what the [code] tag was great for. If you can show me a way to get the forums to not ignore whitespace, I'm all ears.



Originally Posted by PhiloticKnight View Post
Load times should not be an issue
I assure you, load times are surprisingly slow on my 10-megabit line. So it's not the connection.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by Manoa View Post
You can bookmark'll send you directly to the English forums, which has a similar expanded layout as the old forums.
Woohoo! Thanks - that layout is much more to my liking. ; )



Are we likely to get any answers to what exactrly is going to be changed and what definitely isnt? I'm most concerned with the forum password, tbh, i think. everything else is annoying, but that's serious.

I don't want my forum password to be the same as my game account password.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



There is no reply option. There is no way, unless a post is partially quoted, to see the original post.

I'm running at 1280x1024, and the forums seem HUGE. It makes me want to sit back about 6 feet so I don't feel I'm reading a roadside billboard.

I finally figured out the little red stars are the only thing marking new, unread posts (as opposed to the entirely different color of new posts on the old forums). However, if you skip to the end of a thread and enter a post, all the preceding posts (and YOURS) are still new, unread posts. Sometimes I just want to unmark a thread, now I have to click through each page?

The grousing continues...


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville




And no one from Support has responded. In the works?


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Search by user seems to be completely broken. As a test, I tried searching for Arcanaville's posts, because I know she's a prolific poster. The list comes up, but when you click on any of the links it takes you to the first post, not the post by the user you searched for.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Originally Posted by Sarrate View Post
I've tried that, but it doesn't let me do things that respect white space. As an example I want to make a table that shows the accuracy buffs of higher rank mobs:

Rank Accuracy
Minion +00%
Lieutenant +15%
Boss +30%
AV +50%

Everything gets smashed together. That's what the [code] tag was great for. If you can show me a way to get the forums to not ignore whitespace, I'm all ears.
Looking over the list of BB Codes that are available to us, it does not look like we have access to anything that do something similar to the [code] tag. Hopefully, they'll add it in sometime in the near future, but in the interim, I suppose you can create the table in a spreadsheet, make an image out of it and include the image via the [IMG] tag. It's unfortunately a little more work, but it'll at least get you the desired result.



Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
Search by user seems to be completely broken. As a test, I tried searching for Arcanaville's posts, because I know she's a prolific poster. The list comes up, but when you click on any of the links it takes you to the first post, not the post by the user you searched for.
The top link for each entry takes you to the first post of the thread, but the second link (the one inside the white box with quotes from the post) should take you to the post in question.



Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
Search by user seems to be completely broken. As a test, I tried searching for Arcanaville's posts, because I know she's a prolific poster. The list comes up, but when you click on any of the links it takes you to the first post, not the post by the user you searched for.
To do what you want, you'll want to run an advanced search (click search, then advanced search) and use the following criteria:

Search by User Name: Arcanaville
Show Results as: Posts

This will give you a list of all the posts that Arcanaville has posted, with links to the actual post. If you have "Threads" selected in the "Show Results as" section, it'll list the *threads* that she's posted in (which if you click on the links, will take you to the first post of the thread as you describe above).

EDIT - Just saw Stargazer's post above...didn't know that...thanks for the handy advice!



Any plans to get the Dev and Community Digests working again? They were the most useful parts of the forums for me - if they're going away, I have much less reason to visit these forums...



Originally Posted by Siergen View Post
Any plans to get the Dev and Community Digests working again? They were the most useful parts of the forums for me - if they're going away, I have much less reason to visit these forums...
TheOcho indicated in a post last week that they're working on bringing the Dev and Community Digests back and anticipate to have them back soon.



Originally Posted by Stargazer View Post
I'm sorry, it was never my intention to imply any such thing, and I am aware of your stance on the subject.

There have however been a number of suggestions to turn images off, and I believe that when people read these suggestions, they easily end up evaluating them in context of the old forums (where images in posts were a rarity).

I wanted to elaborate on those situations, and your post seemed like a good starting point to do so.

Again, I'm sorry if it came across as implying that you advocated a position that you do not.

In that case, we're good with no problems.

It was the wording that had me concerned. I even had someone I work with read it to get his impression, and he thought the same thing.

No harm, no foul.

But we still need more options to deal with images.

Ugh, and better smilies (yes, I saw the post that they are coming, I just loathe these enough to bring it up again).

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Initial Response: eh not sure how this is better

What I like so far:

  • The online offline under the users name -
  • the formatting options while posting Much nicer

Dont Like

  • the color scheme isnt nearly as nice as the old one - in my opinion of course - Just seems blahh... I'm a fan of the vivid blue
  • Lack of links at the bottom of the thread to traverse forums
  • smileys have white outline
  • some smileys have very little contrast with background - the all yellow smileys were better
  • seems more difficult to navigate - but I'm sure ill get used to it in time
  • The color of the creator of the post does not change for Devs -

Over All it doesn't feel better but I have noticed some nice features that were not there before.
Hopefully will get better in time.



Appologies if this has already been asked:

Is there a way to restrict search "New Posts" link to just posts in a specific sub-section? For me that would be English since I don't read German and my French is very rusty?

I would also like to echo the sentiments of those who would prefer that the board password not be required to be the same as the in-game password - very concerning that.



The gradient used for the background of posts is not well suited for reading. Espeically with a slightly offwhite text. I found it was easier to read text that was more yellowish than white.

  • Remove that gradient in posts, please.
  • The Social Groups section has bugs and will not display avatars.
  • Deleting posts in the social group still leaves a "deleted post" message, I would prefer it not leave anything at all.
  • Villain skin on social groups avatar box is not lined up correctly, the text overlaps into the avatar placeholder box.
  • Please remove the gray frame around the avatars, it messes up transparent .gifs and .pngs

Signatures are subjective but as long as I have an ability to turn them off, I don't really mind them that much. It would be nice to be able to hide signatures of certain members.



Agree with Grouchybeast. The biggest downside to the forum change for me is that the Guide To Guide is confusing because of the old format scattered throughout (examples: [/b],[/list], [u] ) and useless because the links do not work. Have to dig through threads for them.

The Dev Digest (and Community Digest, I presume) are known issues being addressed, for which I am grateful.



Devs should make an announcement in game when people login, reminding them that the forums are back up.



At least for me, when people are quoted next to their names there is a red X in a white square and the words "View Post". It's where you click to see the quoted post; clearly an icon isn't showing up properly.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



I have to echo what many have been saying about the color scheme and font type & size.

I have just read thru 21 pages of this thread and I now have a headache. My eyes have literally been made more tired by reading this.

I can speculate that it's more the color contrast than anything else, since Facebook (for example) uses a similar size Arial font and I haven't noticed a similar problem.

I also really miss the different appearance of URL links and read/Unread threads. Now I have to look more closely than before.

Some of the current signature images are truly annoying. Someone else mentioned that they hate to try to read a couple of lines of text that have been overwhelmed by the sig image - I have to agree wholeheartedly. I kinda lose the information in the text part of the post and then have to go back to actually read it again to see what has been added to the discussion at hand rather than repeated each and every time that poster enters any discussion. The first few times I see sig images (like PK's multiple choice reply) it's kinda cute and/or interesting - but after the novelty wears off, it just overshadows the new "Information" being posted.

All of Genia's accessibility must be accommodated - and that would most likely answer most of my qualms with the new boards. The Marketing folks who have put the brand on the boards need to become more aware of accessibility in general.

Now I need to go take some "boo boo profen" and sign off the boards before my headache gets worse.

Oh, and I also don't like how difficult it is to trace replies to a specific poster.

Edit to add - I just noticed that my avatar has gone missing again. I set everything up using my husband's laptop earlier today, including the instruction to use the same avvy as before and now it's gone. I guess I have to set it up each time I change computers? That doesn't seem correct (based on my somewhat limited tech knowledge) - so what gives?

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



DEv digest and Community digest links are broken. You cant seem to use them. Is there a technical reason why they are broken or I cant use them.

The Legendary Cosmological Prince Reigar 53rd Illusion Control/Storm Summoning/Primal Forces Mastery/Incarnate

It's a dark and story night. That means something bad is happening out there



Originally Posted by Godling View Post
DEv digest and Community digest links are broken. You cant seem to use them. Is there a technical reason why they are broken or I cant use them.
They're working on it.



O found something else, when browsing threads, if you open a thread near the bottom of the page, and then hit the back button to come back to the list of threads, it puts you at the top of the page rather than near the bottom were you left off.



Why cant i just type in tge quick reply fueld without having to hit 'quuck reoly' button? Its taunting me, that box.

Abd i HATE the fact that the thread title takes you to the first page and tge tiny arrow has to be used for going to first untrad. Im going to want to go to the first post in a thread once, and then im going to be gping to the first unread loads of times. Reverse them please.

Not being able to see 're:whoever' if i just Reply means in order to make it clear who im replying to, ill quote instead every time, which will take up more space.

There was no meed to remove the nested quotes thing. There was already a forum rule in place to deal with abuse of nested quotes.

Password? Anyone? Anyone?



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."