g-a-y supergroup




LOL my sg which is very LGBT and hetero friendly is like a family. There is no pick ups or is it in anyway used as such. Of course there are perverts out there but to say that just because people would like to have a sg that has more personal connections with their own struggles is looking for something adult is just fire to the burning stack. I would hope that my sg offers a home for those who want to make good friends and have someone always have their back if the need a friend. Alot of people say that they dont understand why someone would want to have a sg that is openly gay but why not? If you feel at home with people in the sg in which you know are very tolerant and dont stand for bigotry or hate and can just have fun why not. I am coalied with alot of sgs that have similar no hate policies and we are firm on what happens if you do. I just like knowing that if one of my sg mates has a slur used against them they have all of our sg to have their back. And thank you for responding GG.



Originally Posted by CosmicThunderer View Post
LOL my sg which is very LGBT and hetero friendly is like a family. There is no pick ups or is it in anyway used as such. Of course there are perverts out there but to say that just because people would like to have a sg that has more personal connections with their own struggles is looking for something adult is just fire to the burning stack. I would hope that my sg offers a home for those who want to make good friends and have someone always have their back if the need a friend. Alot of people say that they dont understand why someone would want to have a sg that is openly gay but why not? If you feel at home with people in the sg in which you know are very tolerant and dont stand for bigotry or hate and can just have fun why not. I am coalied with alot of sgs that have similar no hate policies and we are firm on what happens if you do. I just like knowing that if one of my sg mates has a slur used against them they have all of our sg to have their back. And thank you for responding GG.
Id like to think you could get that with any SG or at least find a gaming group that can offer this. Most of the groups I have been in are this way.



Originally Posted by Cherokee View Post
Take care and God bless. May He heap many blessings opon you.

I had a good chuckle out of this, thanks.



Originally Posted by CosmicThunderer View Post
LOL my sg which is very LGBT and hetero friendly is like a family. There is no pick ups or is it in anyway used as such. Of course there are perverts out there but to say that just because people would like to have a sg that has more personal connections with their own struggles is looking for something adult is just fire to the burning stack. I would hope that my sg offers a home for those who want to make good friends and have someone always have their back if the need a friend. Alot of people say that they dont understand why someone would want to have a sg that is openly gay but why not? If you feel at home with people in the sg in which you know are very tolerant and dont stand for bigotry or hate and can just have fun why not. I am coalied with alot of sgs that have similar no hate policies and we are firm on what happens if you do. I just like knowing that if one of my sg mates has a slur used against them they have all of our sg to have their back. And thank you for responding GG.
See, maybe it's a cultural (US/EU) thing, I don't know, but this is, I believe, what some people in this thread have been trying to say. I'm a SG leader myself and my SG doesn't have similar 'no hate policies' and I don't think that any of the SG's in coalition do. Why not? Because I find it so obvious that you don't go about spouting hatefull and homophobic/racist/... comments, that it never even occured to me to create an enforcable 'no hate policy' for my SG. As I said, maybe it's a cultural thing, or maybe it's just me being naïeve, but I find that there is, in this game, really no need for homosexual people to group up and unite against the repression and whatnot.

Having said that, if someone really DOES feel the need to create or join a gay SG because he feels uncomfortable being himself around 'straight' (dumb word) people, or for whatever other reason, then by all means go ahead.

I was planning on waffling on some more, but I kinda lost my train of thought there. (It is quite late out here and I had a few drinks )

Actually, this whole discussion is kinda moot, because as far as I can see noone here in this topic is disagreeing on any of the important topics (Be yourself, and let others be theirselves.) so all of this is just talks in the margin.

@GG lol, again

@the christian who isn't religious ... You gotta explain that to me sometime, because I can't see how that works.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Is the game a pulling tool?

I don't think so.

Does the game contain a social component where like-minded people (People who like comics/playing a hero/villain, playing MMORPGs, roleplaying and so forth) can meet, interact, form friendships that may lead to a relationship?


May these people be heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, monogamous, polygamous, black, white, brown, green, purple, a fan of tea, coffee barristas, transgender, transvestite, crossdressing, androgynous, BDSM fans, football fans, yodellers, model train enthusiasts, people who enjoy Tim Curry, Tim Curry, party animals, old, young, young at heart, old at heart, have no heart, human, AI?

Of course! To quote M. Bison in the Street Fighter movie.

Do I know of any Grande bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich- I mean, supergroups on the EU servers? Nope.

Do I know of any open to such members? Well, I'm pretty sure mine is, but we're a casual Roleplaying SG, and kiiiinda inactive.

Are you now thinking of Tim Curry eating a grande BLT while playing with model trains?

... You are now.

Edited because I used Transexual and did not want to be lynched.



Well Fayth,

I hope you have found what you are looking for. I only know of one SG like what you are looking for and they are on Liberty. Really nice bunch of people in that SG. I really dont know about other servers cause I have always been on Liberty since game release. The leader of that SG if you ever wanted to contact him is @Gaymer. I believe he still goes by that global. I havent heard from him in a long time.

Good luck man.



Originally Posted by Rubberlad View Post
"Straight acting" is a derogatory term, and its not anyone's responsibility to tone down their sexuality just so they appear more socially acceptable to a predominantly heterosexual community. I personally wouldn't consider anyone a friend if they always had to justify me to themselves and to others as "straight acting."

Tolerance sucks, acceptance rocks. Tell 'em your LGBT friends are "awesome" rather than "straight acting" and move on.

Additionally, there's plenty of openly gay SG's on the US servers, and its not an issue for the Devs or NCSoft. If anything its just one more "themed" supergroup amongst a dozen others - and there's nothing wrong with that. I commend the OP for inquiring about openly gay SGs; keep asking around. I'm sure there's more than a few SG's out there that'll be glad to help you. Unfortunately I don't know the EU LGBT player base well enough yet to make a recommendation.
In the US I believe people describe gays as "a little gay" or say "oh that one is very gay". In Britain we use straight acting for people who you wouldn't know were gay unless you asked them. Its not afaik derogatory. A gay person would simply know that they are not camp.

Its like with some asian people in Britain, they have such a British personality and share the same sort of opinion when it comes to the open door system of letting any immigrant in we may start to call them white. If they took it as derogatory then we won't be offended because there is that other side of the fence to peer from.

The french and the british are treasured enemies so to speak, there is a lot of harmless banter but at the end of the day born in the same country as eachother we would share the same opinions and the same way of putting things.

Some politicians came up with the idea that jokes aimed at gays should be banned but then that would put many gay comedians out of work. Some people are way too PC and take too much too heart when really its all just harmless.

I think people should lighten up before all their basic rights have red tape all over it.



Originally Posted by Rubberlad View Post
"Straight acting" is a derogatory term, and its not anyone's responsibility to tone down their sexuality just so they appear more socially acceptable to a predominantly heterosexual community. I personally wouldn't consider anyone a friend if they always had to justify me to themselves and to others as "straight acting."
"Straight-acting" really isn't derogatory. At least, I've never viewed it as such. It doesn't mean they're trying to hide anything or suppress their behavior. All "straight-acting" means is that the person doesn't fall into the classic stereotype. There are no really outward signs of the person's sexual preferences.

The opposite would be "flaming" (as in "flaming homosexual"), meaning the person does fall into the classic stereotype. This can be viewed as more derogatory, and you won't find many people using it to describe themselves like you will with "straight-acting".



I can't join this group as I fail the criteria. I would probably spend more time arguing with the PC brigade over nothing than having fun but here is a link I found. I hope it works.


He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by kokuryu_EU View Post
In the US I believe people describe gays as "a little gay" or say "oh that one is very gay". In Britain we use straight acting for people who you wouldn't know were gay unless you asked them. Its not afaik derogatory. A gay person would simply know that they are not camp.
See now I actually dislike 'straight acting'. To me it is derogatory. It suggests that in order to 'fit in' and be 'normal' you have to act as if you're straight. And also suggests that sexuality is all about acting a role.

I'm not suggesting that sexuality is the utmost important thing, rather I'm saying that sexuality is a part of me and not something I turn on and off to please other people.

Also, during these discussions it does become an important thing to me. It's a subject (gay identity) that I feel very passionately about.

I'm not sure if the OP has found an SG that they'd like to join. The offer still stands of making one. Union/Defiant? And can you cope with a hopeless altaholic?



Originally Posted by Arctic_Princess View Post
See now I actually dislike 'straight acting'. To me it is derogatory. It suggests that in order to 'fit in' and be 'normal' you have to act as if you're straight. And also suggests that sexuality is all about acting a role.
Out of curiosity what would you use to describe such a person?



I'm curious about that too.... I mean, I've never given any thought to it. I'm just a geek. Can't use 'normal' because that would imply people who have an...

Oh jeez, I'm not even sure how to word this D:


Can't use 'normal' because that would imply people with the tendancies typically associated with homosexuals (overly flambouyant/feminine for men, masculine and 'butch' for women) are abnormal.

"Not displaying stereotypical homosexual patterns of behaviour"?

Colour me confused.



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
I'm curious about that too.... I mean, I've never given any thought to it. I'm just a geek. Can't use 'normal' because that would imply people who have an...

Oh jeez, I'm not even sure how to word this D:


Can't use 'normal' because that would imply people with the tendancies typically associated with homosexuals (overly flambouyant/feminine for men, masculine and 'butch' for women) are abnormal.

"Not displaying stereotypical homosexual patterns of behaviour"?

Colour me confused.
How about.. Steve, or Joe, or Mary, or Helen, or whatever else their names happen to be?


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I know what you mean, Z. Trying to think about it is hurting my brain.

Oddly, I have a couple of friends (not YOU person reading this, I know you are - re-sub already) whom I'd never in a million years assume to be straight, but they are. However, I don't have any gay friends whom I assumed to be straight. It... argh my brain hurts.



At work we call the Gay-Acting Straight guy (he's married)...Darling. When he does something good its "You Sir! Are a Darling!", then he blushes and grins from ear to ear.



Originally Posted by kokuryu_EU View Post
At work we call the Gay-Acting Straight guy (he's married)...Darling. When he does something good its "You Sir! Are a Darling!", then he blushes and grins from ear to ear.
At my work we have a gay acting gay guy. We just call him Gary, because that's his name.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



There is also this guy with Tourettes, he wears a T-Shirt that says "I do not have Tourettes"..."Your just a ****!".

To be PC would be bland.



Originally Posted by Arctic_Princess View Post
See now I actually dislike 'straight acting'. To me it is derogatory. It suggests that in order to 'fit in' and be 'normal' you have to act as if you're straight. And also suggests that sexuality is all about acting a role.

I'm not suggesting that sexuality is the utmost important thing, rather I'm saying that sexuality is a part of me and not something I turn on and off to please other people.

Also, during these discussions it does become an important thing to me. It's a subject (gay identity) that I feel very passionately about.

I'm not sure if the OP has found an SG that they'd like to join. The offer still stands of making one. Union/Defiant? And can you cope with a hopeless altaholic?
Perhaps that is merely how you personally interpret it? Personally to me you arw a person and thats the top. middle and bottom of it. I dont think in no way should you hide who you are I have had my own instances of that in my life. Beleive me growing up and living where I do you dont have to be very different to be considered an outcast. But I simply am who I am and dont beleive I shoud hide my feeling or beleifs/opinions etc. But that ios not the same as crowing them at the top of my voice to make a statement. Or feel i have to defend my identity all the time.



Originally Posted by TheMESS View Post
Out of curiosity what would you use to describe such a person?
John? Alice? That tall guy in the jeans? etc



Yes those all work and would be normally what i would use to describe some one especially as i mite know the persons gay but if they don't come across as gay there's no point saying "see that guy in the crowd he's gay but acts strait" just wouldn't work as a way to describe a single person in a group to some one else.

What I'm talking about in the context it was used in this thread.

Shannon said

"I've got friends who are L, G and B in RL and they're all straight acting so that you wouldn't know unless ya ask them."

what would you use to replace straight acting in that sentence?



Originally Posted by TheMESS View Post
Yes those all work and would be normally what i would use to describe some one especially as i mite know the persons gay but if they don't come across as gay there's no point saying "see that guy in the crowd he's gay but acts strait" just wouldn't work as a way to describe a single person in a group to some one else.

What I'm talking about in the context it was used in this thread.

Shannon said

"I've got friends who are L, G and B in RL and they're all straight acting so that you wouldn't know unless ya ask them."

what would you use to replace straight acting in that sentence?
"You wouldn't expect it from their mannerisms, but they're X and Y and Z."

That still sounds off, but it's still a valid thing to say. If it wasn't, well, would you not allowed to say someone who was so very, very boring and pompous was boring and pompus? The context is a big part of it, and speaking personally as someone on the GBLT spectrum, I don't think it's that offensive.

(Of course, being the B part of that, it's fun that we're the ones that get made fun of in the community. Remember, liking one or the other is okay, but liking both means you are a greedy, sex mad, prone to cheating disease vector who can't make their mind up. )



As per Cherokee's nomination of the Group on Liberty, and our Coalition leader @Gaymer/@Superbia, Our SGs are located on Victory, and our VGs are located on Liberty. This was put in place before the purchase of additional toon slots were available, as many of us had severe alt-itis, and couldn't fathom forcing all of our villains/heroes on one server. But yes, I appreciate the kind words from Cherokee about us. Thank you.

And as for this new direction of the thread. Personally I don't see "straight-acting" as derogatory. But then again there is a difference between using "straight" mannerisms as a social defense, and these mannerisms being apart of who you are. I worked with a coworker for 2 years, he knew I was gay, yet by nature, the way I am, made him forget multiple times that I was gay. He'd even point out women to me, and after a moment would remember again.

So in all essence, if one is forced to "act" as something they are not, that is when it get's to be wrong, but it means nothing when they aren't acting and is just how they are.

Quintessence: the stuff, of which, heroes are made.

Proud Member of the City of Gaymers Coalition



This thread is funny. Fayth made one post a month ago and since then nothing. If they wanted to make a GLB SG then they could have just done so as I know for a fact that having Gay as a prefix on a SG name doesnt bat an eyelid in game at least not on my server.

So if anyone wants to just do it. Dispite the pages and pages here I honestly dont think anyone else minds or cares.

P.S. In BB one time someone thought I was an alt of TG's and didnt like him so yup being TG probably did create more of a fuss then being Gay. :P

P.P.S. My mum comes from the same country as Bruno. Wonder why I laughed so much at his other stereotypes and less at his new one. ;D



Stereotypically does Alan Carr act straight?


