Reminder Double XP Weekend starting 31/07/09




It's pretty cool when an ITF get's ruined due to ****** servers.



I got kicked for just trying to access the auction house...TWICE!!!

I'd really like to ask Posi straight up, no outright lies, no marketing BS, but just the honest truth. "Is this game already dead and you're not telling us?" Or worse, "Are you pulling this crap on us 'cause you're really the ones behind CO and want us all to move over there without telling us flat out?"

I've put too much time, money and effort into this game over the past three years to have this crap happen. And this event is telling me that I may have just wasted a lot of that.

Global: @All-American Teen
70 toons across 11 servers.

Top hero -All-American Teen lvl 50 eng/invul Tanker (01:10 EST; 1/24/09)
Top villian -Poisoned Plum lvl 30 robots/devices Mastermind



*Thank's the foresight of the chat channels I got*
Stayed away from the Atlas Park and the Powerlevellers wet dream. I was determined to get my 5'th influence badge and there was not much teaming going on.
Who's (not) bright idea was it to give MA double XP?
Since the MA already gives huge amount of xp... was this not overkill Devs? Next time I would advice you to NOT put double xp on the MA. I've heard now of players with no vet rewards having 2 or more lvl 50. They got No idea what the rest of the game is about, and no relation to their characters. (All thanks to the MA)

Union server has, granted, less population then any of the US servers (I think), so I don't know what it was like over the channel. The last double xp was filled with requests to join teams vs AV's etc in Peregrine. There were lots of requests of joining team. This weekend... was slow. (looks up on the reason i've previously given.)

Oh well atleast I reached the goal I had for this weekend (even though it was a lot of solo play): Fifth influence badge.

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Originally Posted by Dave_67 View Post
I got kicked for just trying to access the auction house...TWICE!!!

I'd really like to ask Posi straight up, no outright lies, no marketing BS, but just the honest truth. "Is this game already dead and you're not telling us?" Or worse, "Are you pulling this crap on us 'cause you're really the ones behind CO and want us all to move over there without telling us flat out?"

I've put too much time, money and effort into this game over the past three years to have this crap happen. And this event is telling me that I may have just wasted a lot of that.
This rant because you got booted from the game due to a bug/server problem? Wow...

Icelock - Ice/Storm Controller
Command Bot 1 - Bot/Traps MM




On a side note, I'd like to know if the XP system can differentiate between an MA NPC and a non MA NPC. If not, well that would answer a lot of people's questions.



Originally Posted by Croesis View Post

On a side note, I'd like to know if the XP system can differentiate between an MA NPC and a non MA NPC. If not, well that would answer a lot of people's questions.
Well... xp is xp. there is no golden flag discriminating the source.

Double xp is a little switch. Used two-three times per year, and it affects the whole game. Coding it for separating the source would be a nightmare-bug filled hell. Its just not productive.

And for those crying to stop MA from functioning... Come on... get a life. This is tiresome. Move over. Play and stop trying to control the others. Run your own teams. There is no shortage of people to play with.

** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.



Originally Posted by KayJMM View Post
Well... xp is xp. there is no golden flag discriminating the source.

Double xp is a little switch. Used two-three times per year, and it affects the whole game. Coding it for separating the source would be a nightmare-bug filled hell. Its just not productive.

And for those crying to stop MA from functioning... Come on... get a life. This is tiresome. Move over. Play and stop trying to control the others. Run your own teams. There is no shortage of people to play with.
That's actually part of the problem, at least on some of the lesser populated servers. Too many are obsessed with levelling as fast as they can in the Atlas AE building, and they never see the rest of the game or team outside of AE farms. AE has created 1) a hoarde of level 50 noobs who have no idea how to really play their characters or powers, and 2) an environment where it is often tough to find enough non-AE players to fill out a team. IMHO, AE was one of the worst additions the devs have ever added to the game.

WRT to 2x XP, would have been nice if I could have played for more than 5 minutes in a stretch without a "lost connection." Finally gave up- the double XP wasn't worth the frustration of getting mapservered in the middle of combat and dying... repeatedly.

"Don't unravel them-- your ears were meant to be that way."
-Steve Aylett



Originally Posted by Lady_Arete_EU View Post
*Thank's the foresight of the chat channels I got*
Stayed away from the Atlas Park and the Powerlevellers wet dream. I was determined to get my 5'th influence badge and there was not much teaming going on.
Who's (not) bright idea was it to give MA double XP?
Since the MA already gives huge amount of xp... was this not overkill Devs? Next time I would advice you to NOT put double xp on the MA. I've heard now of players with no vet rewards having 2 or more lvl 50. They got No idea what the rest of the game is about, and no relation to their characters. (All thanks to the MA)

Union server has, granted, less population then any of the US servers (I think), so I don't know what it was like over the channel. The last double xp was filled with requests to join teams vs AV's etc in Peregrine. There were lots of requests of joining team. This weekend... was slow. (looks up on the reason i've previously given.)

Oh well atleast I reached the goal I had for this weekend (even though it was a lot of solo play): Fifth influence badge.
Not to troll... but I see all the complaining and it's gotten old...

Ok, so let's get a couple of things straight... logically. In 3 days of double XP it IS possible to get one to two level 50's... I've done it before PRE-MA/AE. And I can see that also being the case on people who have played less than 3 months for the first "vet reward." So, I personally see no need in wanting to nerf XP for MA... especially those who run the missions legit.

Secondly, although I do not personally condone the PLing of total newbies through AE... it's up the the people running the team to dispense what they will. And yeah... we're going to get a lot of newbies with no clue how to actually play. The addition of MA/AE would not change the fact that people would still get PLed.. whether in PI or on teams where people would accept them as SKs... so I feel that the whining and ******** about MA/AE is moot.

All in all... I just want to say.. play your game.. what's the point in complaining about how others play? If they're idiots... so be it.. it's not the first time. Eventually people will get bored and run more story arcs and game content.



Considering the amount of venom directed towards MA/AE by what is apparently a wide spectrum of the player base maybe the powers that be would consider making available a non-AE server with free transfers for all interested.

I don't hate MA/AE and I don't love it. It comes in very handy when I need a ton of salvage for my frequent IO crafting binges. And my fire/kin will do the occasional boss farm only because I'm a sucker for beggars and to kill time between TFs (which I do love).

I understand both sides of the argument and as far as I'm concerned everybody's right. Who am I to tell/suggest/implore etc. others where and how they should play? What bothers me though is that the MA/AE/farming debate seeps into every thread on this board and the discourse frequently gets very nasty. I love this game and community but the MM part of this ORPG is not as much fun as it used to be.

And that, my friends, makes me sad. <solitary tear rolls down right cheek>



Now that it's in the rear-view mirror, I have mixed feelings about Double XP weekend. On the one hand, I reached level 50 for the first time since beginning play in January. But the entire weekend was filled with connection to mapserver issues making it both annoying and risky to play.

I was also disappointed in that in the accumulated ten hours I put in over the weekend, I could not find or put together one single team to do missions instead of AE. I had to solo the whole weekend.

I was happy to be ambushed by Blades of Artemis in Atlas Park and see them turn their attention to people on route to Miss Liberty and watch them scream in terror as they were attacked by invisible people and didn't know why.

I was disappointed to see a level 48 player standing around Miss Liberty asking people in broadcast how one gets to King's Row because they couldn't see a King's Row exit or icon on their map.

I was happy to do Tina Macintyre's story arc on double XP, even though I knew the Reward Merits weren't going to be doubled.

And, in the end, I have mixed feelings about the concept of "farming" in general, because even though I had " no AE" in my team seek message, in the waning moments of Double XP weekend, what did I do to get my level 50? Ran around in the parking lot outside Portal Corporation in Peregrine Island dropping level 50 Possessed Scientists and Death Mages for mad XP to ding before the buzzer. -- I knew I was just doing the same thing in the end.

But I think the reason I had to do that is because I couldn't get on any spontaneous task forces and group missions that used to be so readily available before AE came out.

So I guess my verdict is that Double XP weekend was like a garlic-heavy Italian meal. I managed to get my fill, but the satisfaction wore off in a few hours and I was left with a bad taste in my mouth.



This double-xp weekend was odd for me. Logging in was a little slow but whenever I played, Freedom wasn't grey. I didnt get booted from play, though there were two 5 second mapserves in one session of play. It seemed slower to me than the past times I have participated in it. I did stay away from heroes this time so that might have something to do with it.

Badging in a PvP zone?

If you are treasure hunting on a battlefield wearing an enemy uniform, there is a high probability that you will be attacked.

This is an enjoy-the-ride game. "50" is only a number, not the goal of the game. - Noxilicious



This Double XP weekend wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

I managed to put together a single normal content team for a bit, but folks would drop off for the siren's song of AE. One person was barely on the team for 5 seconds before sending "thanks for the team" in chat and then immediately showing up in broadcast "LF AE Farm". Sending tells was more of a chore because I'd either get no response or a rude "is this a farming team?" response. I've been on Freedom for over 4 years and I've never seen it this bad.

And for those saying "oh, I can find a team anytime!", I'd really like to know when and where. I had my flag up for most of the weekend on both red and blue sides with "teaming ok!" in my note, I was occasionally broadcasting LFT and also monitoring broadcast chat. And as stated above, I was sending out tells to try and form my own teams, so all angles covered. I've even tried running on other servers, only to find the same lack of finding/building a team, so I'm not sure what I could be missing.



It was a ok weekend , got kicked out twice and also could not logg in at one time . You also had to adjust lvl for AE mish or you wouldn't get any double EXP , but it was ok . Nearly got one toon to 40 and another to 32 , so i'm happy .



I admit I found the timing of the double XP weekend also a bit odd, starting friday morning and ending sunday evening (for us EU players that is), but all in all I was happy with the extra boost I got throughout the weekend. I only was able to enjoy it friday night and sunday since I went out with friends on a saturday night (omg I have a life!).

Short, but still good



This is my first post ever, so forgive any mistakes I may make.

I must agree with many of the posters above. I've been playing this game nearly 4 years and been through a lot of 2xp weekends. This was the first time I have ever seen Freedom not get gray and locked out, Virtue barely seemed to reach yellow, and all the others seemed to stay green all weekend.

I fear that we may be seeing the fruits of some shortsighted decisions by the dev's. The game seems to be populated by more powerlevelers than ever, and there are fewer and fewer people with anything over 6 months of time in the game. Many of the people who were loyal players seem to be leaving because of changes to way the game is now played. I did not join the City of Farmers.

I don't want to slam AE, so just let me close by saying it seems that the overall population in this game has begun to drop signifigantly. Freedom hero side used to have 250-300 heroes online at prime time, now it usually tops out at about 150. I really would like the dev's to put out maybe a quarterly statement about the state of the game. After all this time and money, would hate to get that dreaded email these games give shortly before they shut down.

Here's hoping going Rogue will salvage some things, but i fear it may be too little too late to save a game that has so much promise, but seems to only worry about pleasing short time players that come and go, and will not be there when things start to go fall apart.



Originally Posted by PeregrineZane View Post
This is my first post ever, so forgive any mistakes I may make.

I must agree with many of the posters above. I've been playing this game nearly 4 years and been through a lot of 2xp weekends. This was the first time I have ever seen Freedom not get gray and locked out, Virtue barely seemed to reach yellow, and all the others seemed to stay green all weekend.

I fear that we may be seeing the fruits of some shortsighted decisions by the dev's. The game seems to be populated by more powerlevelers than ever, and there are fewer and fewer people with anything over 6 months of time in the game. Many of the people who were loyal players seem to be leaving because of changes to way the game is now played. I did not join the City of Farmers.

I don't want to slam AE, so just let me close by saying it seems that the overall population in this game has begun to drop signifigantly. Freedom hero side used to have 250-300 heroes online at prime time, now it usually tops out at about 150. I really would like the dev's to put out maybe a quarterly statement about the state of the game. After all this time and money, would hate to get that dreaded email these games give shortly before they shut down.

Here's hoping going Rogue will salvage some things, but i fear it may be too little too late to save a game that has so much promise, but seems to only worry about pleasing short time players that come and go, and will not be there when things start to go fall apart.
Or it could be that they didn't do a reactivation weekend to coincide w/double xp weekend.
Once again AE is not the end of the world ppl,it's just an aspect of the game.Hell,I barely go in there other than to get the day job badge.
The game goes through lulls in activity especially during the summer,do you want to sit inside all day and play?I know I don't.



First let me say, I am a farmer of convenience...meaning if there is something on tv and I can mindlessly push buttons, I will. This double xp let me down. I logged in on my second account to finish off a level and hit it in like 5 minutes. That's when I knew it had happened...double xp was applied to AE. I didn't touch the game the whole weekend.

It's pretty sad because due to my hectic schedule, I will usually log on to do crap stuff like change a costume, but thanks to that, I didn't touch it at all. Architect is getting to the point of outrageous. I still like the stories that I do find there, but when I found out double xp was applied to it, it became no fun. And that's really aweful cuz it doesn't take much for me to have fun. I am not knocking AE because the idea is good, it's just the implementation is flawed. I'm not gonna rant on, but that's my two cents.



Originally Posted by Live_Wyre View Post
First let me say, I am a farmer of convenience...meaning if there is something on tv and I can mindlessly push buttons, I will. This double xp let me down. I logged in on my second account to finish off a level and hit it in like 5 minutes. That's when I knew it had happened...double xp was applied to AE. I didn't touch the game the whole weekend.

It's pretty sad because due to my hectic schedule, I will usually log on to do crap stuff like change a costume, but thanks to that, I didn't touch it at all. Architect is getting to the point of outrageous. I still like the stories that I do find there, but when I found out double xp was applied to it, it became no fun. And that's really aweful cuz it doesn't take much for me to have fun. I am not knocking AE because the idea is good, it's just the implementation is flawed. I'm not gonna rant on, but that's my two cents.
You can always turn off XP for a little while to slow yourself down if you so choose to.

-Defiant Server-
H: Wolfsbane(50 MA/ReGen), Orthoclase(50 Stone/Axe), Dreamhunter (50 Ill/Storm)
Daybreak(50 Fire/Kin) Tygrrforce (50 Hooman PB), Tygrrstryke(50 NRG/NRG), EbonWolf(50 WS)
V: Spektor(50 Spiddy)



Originally Posted by Wolfesbaine View Post
You can always turn off XP for a little while to slow yourself down if you so choose to.

Also, it's not exactly "City of Farmers." And yes... there have been a lot of people who have left the game... mostly due to PvP/AT/Power nerfs. As for AE/MA it's there so people and make their own content, and so waht if double XP was applied to it... people would still find a way to ding 50 quickly.

I'm guilty myself of playing in AE/MA, but after 11-12 level 50's... yeah i am kind of bored with the same old story arcs... oh well? As for the "reactivations"... they rarely do that anymore for special events... but that's the way the devs want to run things... their prerogative.