MA: I weep metaphorical tears of despair




I dont mind an EB in an arc. In fact I like it... providing a) its balanced and b)there is warning of the fact. Actually, on heroic, it seems an EB is downgraded to a boss anyway which is perfect!

Just thought I would share with you my experience this morning

This morning I thought I would take a look at a few random "5 star" missions. Totally at random, but only those with 10 votes or more.


1. There are actually very few of these missions
2. Those that are there tend to be Dev's choice,and tbh most of those only got 4 stars from me (I guess people just go with the crowd to get all those5 stars)
3. BOTH missions I chose. and I emphasise it was random (well,I would have excluded any blatant ALERT THIS SUCKS titles) had

a) no story whatsoever
b) full of typos
c) appalling, or non existant dialogue
d) no imagination whatsoever

one had a custom group that I coudhave knocked up in 5 minutes, the other, just CoT

In short, I gave out my first two "one star" votes.

Yes sir, the voting system is competely useless at the moment.

If I want a good arc, I will ask on MA channel, or if browsing, I have found 4 stars is usually far superior to 5 stars



Anyone else play the Lionhead game "The Movies"? Same thing happened but after a while it sorted itself out.
Then again that had a better interface though.

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I loved that game. Probably with a bit of tweaking roleplayers on here...or anyone really...could do an interesting intro/trailer for their created arc. Of course, similar things could be done with comics, or just drawings, or even a faux magazine article or something. Someone going to a little bit further effort to promote their published arc would be far more likely to stand out and make me give it a play. If of course, the bloody thing would let me make my own one without crashing the game first.

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



I'd much rather that the real dross wasn't published in the first place. I'm more for self-censorship rather than imposing standards.

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And how do you hope that is going to happen?

Your dross is another persons master piece, i honestly dont know how you thought this was going to end any other way.

And i'l be honest seeing all these up in arms about my arc has been griefed, my arc has been burried whining threads has given me the first laugh iv had regarding this game since i14.

Get a grip mate, make your arcs for your pals, your sg or anyone that happens to stumble over it amoung the rest of them, if you want recognition write a book or take up a job in acting.

This is a game, played in the most part by people who want a relaxing laugh and couldnt give 2 hoots about what they publish or what you think of it cos its done for a bit of entertainment.



I dont mind an EB in an arc. In fact I like it... providing a) its balanced and b)there is warning of the fact. Actually, on heroic, it seems an EB is downgraded to a boss anyway which is perfect!

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I wish that was true...I play on Heroic and yet I had to fight many elite bosses. With no warning...on what normally are low level villains(Hellions, Skulls, Outcasts).

The M.A.D. Files - Me talking about games, films, games, life, games, internet and games

I'm not good at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?




They may actually by marked as AV's, which are then downgraded to Elite Bosses on heroic. Which of course is even worse from one perspective!

Im fairly certain on my testing that those marked as EB's go down to bosses on heroic.

Any arc with EBs or AVs should be clearly stated



Suddenly I'm even more concerned about putting that EB into my low level arc. Still I don't think I've had any complaints so far. Will have to replay it again this evening and see if it's too difficult for a low level toon. Damn.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



They may actually by marked as AV's, which are then downgraded to Elite Bosses on heroic. Which of course is even worse from one perspective!

Im fairly certain on my testing that those marked as EB's go down to bosses on heroic.

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I'd guess that is possible, I only have one mission made at the moment with a generic boss fight in it(which was lt. on my last play.


If Cognito is right an EB would be downgraded to an Boss if you play on heroic and solo.

Although you should hardly change your plans because one person thinks EB's are overrated.

I don't rate missions lower because of them either.

The M.A.D. Files - Me talking about games, films, games, life, games, internet and games

I'm not good at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?





What you can do is: Make sure mission description is explicit about what the arc contains.

For a low level arc I would avoid an AV, and maybe have an EB as a grand finale. On a high level, I would have some EBs scattered in the arc, with an AV at the end.

Now thats just my personal preference




Of course it does. Blimey I made a couple of new mobs and villians in 10 minutes flat. I've seen several engaging player made villians. And this is our spare time. And most definately not our profession. It's a piece of cake.

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No, what you did is make new costumes for old mobs using old costume pieces. I can bet you'd be among those whinging the developers were being cheap if they used existing costume pieces and packaged the mobs as "new".

Although if that would please you, then I apologise for over-eestimating your standards.

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I did?
I dont really understand what you're saying.

I decided what height they should be, what colouring, build, costumes and power sets, levels of powers and finally their names.
Sure I used the costume selections that were available to me but they sound like customised characters to me.
And I have seen a good few player generated chars that were better than mine. And, as they were created by the players themselves and never seen before, they were definately customised.

I'm the one who wants diversity and a few surprises after all. How could I complain if the devs were actually trying to get that kind of content out to us?

And if the devs did exactly the same thing, why would I complain?

Don't get into a flap. It's only my opinion and I'm thick

Arc 56763 Lord Anarchys heaven

2 mission arc. Bring friends cause Lord Anarchy means business...



Get a grip mate, make your arcs for your pals, your sg or anyone that happens to stumble over it amoung the rest of them, if you want recognition write a book or take up a job in acting.

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Well, yeah but you're being a bit harsh here, Londoner. It's human nature to want recognition for your efforts isnt it?

This is a game, played in the most part by people who want a relaxing laugh and couldnt give 2 hoots about what they publish or what you think of it cos its done for a bit of entertainment.

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What's funny about that is while it's a game to us, it's a multi million dollar very serious project to certain people. Yet the device that's kept them busy for two issues while big time competition is gearing up fast is, I believe, going to end up exactly as you just stated.

An occasional bit of fluf they'll use once in a while if ever. Because, once they realiose that their arcs will never see light of day, the enthusiasm for making them will drop like a stone. And we'll be left with the hard core MAers.
Good luck to em. Worth these two (imho) crucial issues with the storm clouds that are coming?

Don't get into a flap. It's only my opinion and I'm thick

Arc 56763 Lord Anarchys heaven

2 mission arc. Bring friends cause Lord Anarchy means business...



Get a grip mate, make your arcs for your pals, your sg or anyone that happens to stumble over it amoung the rest of them, if you want recognition write a book or take up a job in acting.

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Well, yeah but you're being a bit harsh here, Londoner. It's human nature to want recognition for your efforts isnt it?

This is a game, played in the most part by people who want a relaxing laugh and couldnt give 2 hoots about what they publish or what you think of it cos its done for a bit of entertainment.

[/ QUOTE ]

What's funny about that is while it's a game to us, it's a multi million dollar very serious project to certain people. Yet the device that's kept them busy for two issues while big time competition is gearing up fast is, I believe, going to end up exactly as you just stated.

An occasional bit of fluf they'll use once in a while if ever. Because, once they realiose that their arcs will never see light of day, the enthusiasm for making them will drop like a stone. And we'll be left with the hard core MAers.
Good luck to em. Worth these two (imho) crucial issues with the storm clouds that are coming?

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Im not arguing with you, i think the whole thing is a complete waste of an issue.




And if the devs did exactly the same thing, why would I complain?

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Because you're you.

If the developers simply rehashed pre-existing content (which is what players are doing with the MA system, minus writing), the playerbase would scream their bloody head off about how it was lazy and uninspired. You don't put mobs in the Hood 1 costume with some alternate colours and call it done, after all. You weren't on about customising missions, you were on about new ones entirely.

You don't get interesting stuff just by recycling the old. It's why nobody eats their own [censored].



I for one have seen "this has breathed new life into the game for me" a lot. But then, I hang around MA a lot.

But its certainly the kind of feedback i have NEVER heard from any other issue, except possibly breakthrough.



Huh, all this hate against MA. I love it to bits so far.

I have done 90% of my playing in teams and 90% of the arcs i have played has either been reccomended to me or been a Dev's Choice. In other words i have played very few awful arcs, out of 25 arcs i think i have only rated two arcs 1's, and most have gotten 4's and some 5's.

As for this love of stories in the arcs, when teaming i often dont even read the story but judge the mish on how it plays. Seriously, how many of you read the story of all the normal arcs out there? When playing like this it also becomes important that the gist of the story will be understood without reading through a wall of text since there aint time or energy to do that when teaming.

As such, quite often i vote based on completely different criteria from some others. I gave an arc a "3" because i felt it was repetitive and bland, later i found out that friend gave it a 5 because he said the story was really impressive. Likevise i can give an arc a rating 5 even if it has a simple story but plays really well with fun and interesting mish.

All in all, i guess what i am saying is that just because you feel that an arc with a 5 average is not worth it others obviously do since they rated it 5! In a system like this majority rules.

Also, if you play random arc after random arc it will seem like a huuuuuge wall of things to play, much of it bad. So rely on friends, SG's, chat channels or whatever community you can find to break things down and play arcs recommended by others.




And if the devs did exactly the same thing, why would I complain?

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Because you're you.

If the developers simply rehashed pre-existing content (which is what players are doing with the MA system, minus writing), the playerbase would scream their bloody head off about how it was lazy and uninspired.

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That is exactly what they do and, funnily enough, exactly why I scream.

You don't put mobs in the Hood 1 costume with some alternate colours and call it done, after all. You weren't on about customising missions, you were on about new ones entirely.

You don't get interesting stuff just by recycling the old. It's why nobody eats their own [censored].

[/ QUOTE ]

Charming analogy.

And to answer your point, yes all MA will do is allow you to put variations on a theme. We know that.
Burt the devs do not have our limitations. they have far more resources at their disposal and, if they wanted to could add more.

We should set up a thread of things we would (realistically) add to MA to make the missions different and original.

Don't get into a flap. It's only my opinion and I'm thick

Arc 56763 Lord Anarchys heaven

2 mission arc. Bring friends cause Lord Anarchy means business...



We should set up a thread of things we would (realistically) add to MA to make the missions different and original.

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How about some of the things that are in game at the moment, like leading hostages to glowies or having two enemy groups fighting without damaging each other.

That last one is my personal bugbear, because it's been the standard mob fighting behaviour for as long as I've been playing.

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



We should set up a thread of things we would (realistically) add to MA to make the missions different and original.

[/ QUOTE ]

How about some of the things that are in game at the moment, like leading hostages to glowies or having two enemy groups fighting without damaging each other.

That last one is my personal bugbear, because it's been the standard mob fighting behaviour for as long as I've been playing.

[/ QUOTE ]

I can't WAIT until this is implemented. So many times I've wanted to see two enemy groups fighting, but they always kill each other before I even see them.

"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.



We should set up a thread of things we would (realistically) add to MA to make the missions different and original.

[/ QUOTE ]

How about some of the things that are in game at the moment, like leading hostages to glowies or having two enemy groups fighting without damaging each other.

That last one is my personal bugbear, because it's been the standard mob fighting behaviour for as long as I've been playing.

[/ QUOTE ]

I can't WAIT until this is implemented. So many times I've wanted to see two enemy groups fighting, but they always kill each other before I even see them.

[/ QUOTE ]

Someone used that to good effect to create a badge farming mission

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



good effect

[/ QUOTE ]

farming mission

[/ QUOTE ]

These two things are mutually exclusive. You cannot create a truth by including them in the same sentance.

Sorry. Fail.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



good effect

[/ QUOTE ]

farming mission

[/ QUOTE ]

These two things are mutually exclusive. You cannot create a truth by including them in the same sentance.

Sorry. Fail.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, if a mission is designed to be used to get badges fast, and it gets the badges fast, then doesn't that make it an effective mission?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



One of many things ide like to see is if we rescue a hostage, the enemy actually tries to actively recapture or kill the hostage. And we have to use our brains to keep them alive.
I know that happens once or twice in CoH (for me notably in rikti war zone) but generally its just a race back to base.

Don't get into a flap. It's only my opinion and I'm thick

Arc 56763 Lord Anarchys heaven

2 mission arc. Bring friends cause Lord Anarchy means business...



good effect

[/ QUOTE ]

farming mission

[/ QUOTE ]

These two things are mutually exclusive. You cannot create a truth by including them in the same sentance.

Sorry. Fail.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, if a mission is designed to be used to get badges fast, and it gets the badges fast, then doesn't that make it an effective mission?

[/ QUOTE ]

No, it doesn't.

Still failed. Sorry.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



Im not arguing with you, i think the whole thing is a complete waste of an issue.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thank god i'm not the only one.

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



good effect

[/ QUOTE ]

farming mission

[/ QUOTE ]

These two things are mutually exclusive. You cannot create a truth by including them in the same sentance.

Sorry. Fail.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, if a mission is designed to be used to get badges fast, and it gets the badges fast, then doesn't that make it an effective mission?

[/ QUOTE ]

No, it doesn't.

Still failed. Sorry.

[/ QUOTE ]

We just did a pretty effective mission then to help with some new badges

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Im not arguing with you, i think the whole thing is a complete waste of an issue.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thank god i'm not the only one.

[/ QUOTE ]

There seem to be more people around right now - new as well as returning players - so I'm not sure that means the Issue has been a waste or not

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork