Magic Booster 2 info.




Nope static again, all ncsoft sites are and have been for me, cant even access my account page....*frustration*

Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"



Nope static again, all ncsoft sites are and have been for me, cant even access my account page....*frustration*

[/ QUOTE ]

Weird, working for me here too. Have you tried a different browser just to see if it's something like a Blocked Site list in your browser blocking it or something else?



Can't see this in the NCstore as of yet

Is it a global release on the 14th or just the US ?

Defiant: Snow + many other alts

Arc ID 61069



Tried internet explorer too, normally run on firefox, IE isnt getting the static line but its just flat out not loading ncsofts pages, any other site works fine on both.....frustration rising lol

Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"






...still nope




Refreshing at 89, that page should be added before the update on the main store page.

"Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these. It might have been."



Can't see this in the NCstore as of yet

Is it a global release on the 14th or just the US ?

[/ QUOTE ]

It's a global release, but we won't get it until it's available in the US.

They get it for most of the 14th, we only get it for some of it (likely to be around 4-ish today when their maintenance completes).

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



Still unable to access my master account, all pages relating to plaync eu or us show "" or "waiting for" this is becoming highly frustrating, cant even access support to send details.

Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"



Still unable to access my master account, all pages relating to plaync eu or us show "" or "waiting for" this is becoming highly frustrating, cant even access support to send details.

[/ QUOTE ]

Very weird Stryke, seems to be just you.

I've no idea what's happening really, so will revert to bog standard Tech Support 101. Switch the router off and on again

To be honest at a guess I'd say your ISP is having trouble serving the pages.

Or you could try Opera and set the "User Mode" and "No Images" options on the View Bar. Might be useful if is the image and CSS content server (User Mode means Opera won't look-up / use the CSS sheet and "No Images" means it won't try and retrieve any images on the page).

At least then you might be able to get onto some version of the site.



Checking through pingplotter and it states "destination unreachable" at hop 16, then tried dns tools to ping the host and check port and stated connection timed out and the ping reported site down? all this while on the phone to eros who is checking the site as we speak.

Right now my eagerness for the update is out of the window replaced by concern over my inability to access my master account.

Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"



The annoying part, each time i visit the store, i always get to see the Europe version. How can i tell those .... that i'm trying to buy packs for my US account? (yes, mini link for US version). I want my US account be the default browing one for the store.

No pack yet to be seen though

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Surely if you've logged in on your US account on the US site, it'll default to the US version?

If it doesn't then that's crazy programming gone awry and it must be put out of its misery!

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



Well he'll have the same master account for US and EU accounts i would assume so that wont affect it. I would also guess its determining your region from your IP so the only way for it to automatically log to the US version would be to have a US IP.



Ah well that makes slightly more sense then.

I'll go mumble into the wall over here now

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



Can't see anything in the thread, here's some details on the Mystic Fortune Power:

Mystic Fortune
Inherent Power
You can read the fortune of any player. This grants a random permanent buff for 20 minutes, and they may not have their fortune read again during that time.

Mystic Fortune grants a random "Fortune" buff to your target. Like Vengeance, it cannot be stacked multiple times. The buffs granted by Mystic Fortune are based on the Major Arcana of the Tarot, though not all of the Major Arcana are represented. When cast, the target is given a confirmation box before the fortune is granted.

Recharge Long (60sec)
Effects Ranged (40ft)

Mystic Fortune will grant any one of the following buffs to the target:

Your fortune: Death. Death brings the end of one chapter of a story, and transforms into the beginning of the next. Death symbolizes Transformation, Change and Loss. The Damage and Recharge rate of your powers has improved. Also, all your Defense Debuffs, Speed Debuffs, and To-hit debuffs are increased. Additionally, any Speed buffs, To-hit buffs, and all Endurance modifying powers are also increased.

Duration 20min
Effects Auto
+Damage, +Recharge, +Debuff Special

The Fool
Your fortune: The Fool. The Fool is a traveler, blissfully unaware of their surroundings and charging headlong into destiny. This fortune stands for Thoughtlessness, Folly and Frivolity. Your To-hit has been slightly reduced, however your Movement rate and Recharge rate have improved.

Note: Although The Fool debuffs your tohit, the effect on your hit chance is minor

Duration 20min
Effects Auto
-To-hit, +Movement Rate, +Recharge

The Hermit
Your fortune: The Hermit. The Hermit stands vigilant and alone, wary of deception and trickery. The Hermit stands for Vigilance, Caution and withdrawal. Your Accuracy, Perception and Defense have all been increased.

Duration 20min
Effects Auto
+Acc, +Perception, +Def(All)

The Lovers
Your fortune: The Lovers. The Lovers symbolize Love, Beauty, and Harmony. Your Regeneration and Recovery rate have been boosted. Also, all your Heals, Hit point boosters, Regeneration powers, and Recovery powers are increased in effectiveness. Additionally, any regeneration debuffs and recovery debuffs are also increased

Duration 20min
Effects Auto
+Regen, +Recovery, +Buff Special

The Magician
Your fortune: The Magician. The Magician is a scholar, wise in the ways of the world around him. The Magician stands for Creativity, Spontaneity, and Self reliance. All your damage powers and Control powers, including holds, immobilizes, stuns, sleeps, fears, and confuses have increased in duration. Also, all your Defense Debuffs, Speed Debuffs, and To-hit debuffs are increased. Additionally, any Speed buffs, To-hit buffs, and all Endurance modifying powers are also increased.

Duration 20min
Effects Auto
+Status effects, +Debuff, +Damage

The Moon
Your fortune: The Moon. The original master of the night, The Moon shines as a warning against the deception, mystery and danger in the dark of night. All your control powers, including holds, immobilizes, stuns, sleeps, fears, and confuses have increased in duration. Also, all your Defense Debuffs, Speed Debuffs, and To-hit debuffs are increased. Additionally, any Speed buffs, To-hit buffs, and all Endurance modifying powers are also increased. Being vigilant increases your defense to all attacks.

Duration 20min
Effects Auto
+Status Effect, +Debuff Special, +Def (All)

The Sun
Your fortune: The Sun. The power of The Sun brings strength and life, symbolizing accomplishment, joy and sincerity. Your Damage and Resistance to damage have been increased. Also, all your Heals, Hit point boosters, Regeneration powers, and Recovery powers are increased in effectiveness. Additionally, any regeneration debuffs and recovery debuffs are also increased

Duration 20min
Effects Auto
+Resist, +Damage(All), +Buff Special

The Tower
Your fortune: The Tower. The Tower once symbolized the might and pride of an entire nation, until it was destroyed by powers beyond the comprehension of humanity. The Tower symbolizes Catastrophe, Misery and loss of stability. When this fortune is granted, you will take some damage, however, the Damage of all your powers will be increased.

Duration 20min
Effects Auto
Damage (Self), +Damage(All)

Wheel of Fortune
Your fortune: the Wheel of Fortune. The Wheel of Fortune guides the fate of everyone, and brings the blessings of luck. The Wheel of Fortune symbolizes Destiny, Advancement, and Fate. Your Resistance and Defense to all attacks has been increased.

Duration 20min
Effects Auto
+Resist, +Defense, +Status Protection

My deviantART page (warning some images nsfw)

GGRRR Comic Series GGRRR Comics on Facebook



It is the 14th of April. Magic Booster isn't out.

I demand a Red Name response, stat! O_O

[/ QUOTE ]
Something to do with them going by the US timezone perhaps?



Well, what time is it in America? 6:19? Surely some early bird must've gone into work and pressed the "ON" button!

[/ QUOTE ]

It'll go live after US maintenance time today, so probably around 4pm BST.

(Or earlier if they do it faster)

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



B... b... but I go to work at quarter to five! That's not fair!

*wails in despair*

[/ QUOTE ]

Try not to think about the fact that the US will have access to it from 10am Tuesday 14th April, whereas we'll only have access from 4pm Tuesday 14th April....

Edit Or earlier, as we're just about to go down for maintenance.

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



B... b... but I go to work at quarter to five! That's not fair!

*wails in despair*

[/ QUOTE ]

Try not to think about the fact that the US will have access to it from 10am Tuesday 14th April, whereas we'll only have access from 4pm Tuesday 14th April....

[/ QUOTE ]

We should protest!

What do we want?

teh magic booster

Where is it?

all gone to teh americans



well it would seem even the americans are getting inpatient for the creamy magical goodness




I'm gonna ditch work soon, bettah be there when i get [censored]!