Magic Booster 2 info.




Ok the Magic Pack has definitely been attracting a lot of people.

We are in the process of assigning more resources to the store to help alleviate the current issue.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hamsters twelve to eighteen, you have been assigned new wheels, report to the Store! Mwaaaahahahahahahaha! Run! RUN!

Poor hammies....

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



a lack of imagination

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said the critic to the author...

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Other than the two I gave, Can you think of any other reasons old animations have ended up part of the paid-for magic pack? - happy to hear them if you can think of any.

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Sometimes somethings are reasonably universal and suits what people will generally be happy with and allows more time for other things that will benefit the player base who won't necessarily buy the pack - all at the same time. There are new animations involved in the pack and the fact that you can costume change with a special effect is something. The buffs you can give people are pretty good an all. I can't feel robbed of a few pennies.

Even parts of the Witches costumes is useful for more than just witches and therefore a little bit more universal. If you got a Vampire, Dragon, Demon, Goth or Sorceress the new cossie options suit. The high collars suit Highwaymen, Witch Hunters, Dr Jekyll types as well as Mages.

It all good imo.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Ok the Magic Pack has definitely been attracting a lot of people.

We are in the process of assigning more resources to the store to help alleviate the current issue.

[/ QUOTE ]
Alot is a understatement.

I was earlier in US servers, just playing around with the animations and costumes, within minutes i had a whole crowd around me asking for that tarot buff and looking at the animations.

However for my villain bright light morphing? Thats not evil!

But, Booster pack 2 is a succes The bigger the succes, the more we can expect

And for that male costume, whats that guy with the metal face in a huge cape? From spiderman or such? Really suits great, saw a guy earlier with such costume.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



And for that male costume, whats that guy with the metal face in a huge cape? From spiderman or such? Really suits great, saw a guy earlier with such costume.

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Iron Man? No. He doesn't have a cape.

Umm... Green Goblin! No... he doesn't have a cape either.


Then it can only be...

Dr. Doom!™

Contact Information!

Twitter: @TonyParkeze





And for that male costume, whats that guy with the metal face in a huge cape? From spiderman or such? Really suits great, saw a guy earlier with such costume.

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Generic53927 Man? No. He doesn't have a cape.

Umm... Generic53928 Goblin! No... he doesn't have a cape either.


Then it can only be...

Dr. Generic53929!

[/ QUOTE ]
Edited to pre-empt in-game mods.



Ok, I'm seeing that their could be issues with actually buying the booster pack, is it server stress or something else?

I am having an issue, having not noticed the release of the cyborg booster, I decided to buy that .. no problem. Then when I tried to buy the magic booster ...

... "We're sorry, but we are unable to accept your order at this time. Please try again later or tomorrow. If you continue to have problems, you may wish to visit one of our retail partners."

Is this due to the problems that they were having earlier, or is it their system crying because I already made a purchase today and they don't want to take any more money from me?



Ok, I'm seeing that their could be issues with actually buying the booster pack, is it server stress or something else?

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Avatea said it was latency - which generally means the time taken getting to and from the server, rather than problems with the server itself.

Suspect that large paddle Neko mentioned should be applied to their networking delivery partners... this has been a regular problem with CoH ever since I've been playing.

Sadly you can't simply murder these kind of minions any more and have them replaced instantly by six others begging to serve you.

But someone could at least drop a management Hammer Of Justice-language letter (not email, proper letter) on them. Disappointed in their effectiveness... full review of systems and processes... that sort of thing, make it sound as close to an invasive root canal/alien probe combination as possible without them being able to lawyer up.

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



The costume parts look really good. Considering how long and how often people have suggested costume change emotes, though, I'm a little annoyed that they couldn't put a couple into the game proper before starting to sell them in the booster packs.



Got mine with no trouble at all, site was slow as hell though. Only been charged once.

"Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these. It might have been."



Just bought mine about an hour ago, paid via paypal. Had no problems at all. Site was about as fast (or slow) as it always is for me.



anyone know the slashcommand for those new emotes? if any?



I'm not resisting it AND I'm using a Beyoncé Knowles [censored] Foxxy Cleopatra inflection whilst doing it.



SHAZAM! *punches a mob in the face*


Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Well I purchased it last night and have been billed twice and I have a spare serial in my account now. I work in e-commerce so I know this isn't a case of user error. I only got through to the confirm purchase screen once and I only clicked it once. This is poor as any site that runs the risk of over-billing should not have been launched as this should have been indentified as a show stopping bug at some stage surely?

Anyhow I have raised it with support.

I do love the pack though, great work!

My deviantART page (warning some images nsfw)

GGRRR Comic Series GGRRR Comics on Facebook



The costume parts look really good. Considering how long and how often people have suggested costume change emotes, though, I'm a little annoyed that they couldn't put a couple into the game proper before starting to sell them in the booster packs.

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The paid for packs in the past have been proving grounds for experiments (combat auras,duel capes) so that's probably a reason why the change emotes appear in the booster first and may in time filter down to the free expansions (hopefully)



Hey guys, I was going to buy the magic booster pack last night until I saw the problems people were having so I didn't bother. I just wanted to check, is the NCsoft store working now? I don't really want to be charged more than once heh.



I did they same and held of till today just purchased 1 x Booster pack 2, went a bit slow at the finale confirmation stage but i only received 1 email saying purchase was successful so looks like its working now.



anyone know the slashcommand for those new emotes? if any?

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/cc_emote (or /cc_e) <slot> <change emote>

Where <slot> is the usual 0-5 convention, and <change emote> is one of :


(info slightly paraphrased from BaB's post here. )


The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.



Hey guys, I was going to buy the magic booster pack last night until I saw the problems people were having so I didn't bother. I just wanted to check, is the NCsoft store working now? I don't really want to be charged more than once heh.

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As I mentioned just five posts above yours...I bought mine this morning (a couple of hours ago) and had no problems at all. It is slightly laggy so make sure you only click once on things.



I did they same and held of till today just purchased 1 x Booster pack 2, went a bit slow at the finale confirmation stage but i only received 1 email saying purchase was successful so looks like its working now.

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As I mentioned just five posts above yours...I bought mine this morning (a couple of hours ago) and had no problems at all. It is slightly laggy so make sure you only click once on things.

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Thanks for the conformation I've just been looking at the costume change emotes, they look fantastic, I can't wait to play with it!



The costume parts look really good. Considering how long and how often people have suggested costume change emotes, though, I'm a little annoyed that they couldn't put a couple into the game proper before starting to sell them in the booster packs.

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It's all about the money, to tell you the truth, I'm suprised that NC haven't pulled the plug on CoX for not making enough. They've already killed two of the other games I used to play.



well I bought it last night (took ages) but when I applied it I only had the option of one account name (same as my master account name) so I applied it... only to find out that this was the account I had when I was playing in the states before euro beta... of course, the euro beta account has the same name so I had to change account name for the european account after the transfer

logged a ticket in support but its weird that it only showed me one choice and that was an inactive account.



anyone know the slashcommand for those new emotes? if any?

[/ QUOTE ]

/cc_emote (or /cc_e) <slot> <change emote>

Where <slot> is the usual 0-5 convention, and <change emote> is one of :


(info slightly paraphrased from BaB's post here. )

[/ QUOTE ]

tank you ferry mutsj ;-)



It's all about the money, to tell you the truth, I'm suprised that NC haven't pulled the plug on CoX for not making enough. They've already killed two of the other games I used to play.

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I can assure you that CoH isn't going anywhere. The game is successful and profitable.



there you go again GR, spoiling perfectly good speculation of Dooooooooooooooooooooom (tm) with pesky facts.



Yes bad GR stomping on the Doom (tm) people need something to moan about.

Oh and as your here GR any word on if they'll be a virtual version of the architect boxed edition or are we just getting the Super booster pack?