Cryptic Headhunting?
Now I'm going to worry that I won't get an email
Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
CoH faces
same here. my gaming ego will be destroyed if i dont get a email from them lmao

Very strange, very stupid and very unprofessional.
If I get one I will be unbearable. Which is alright for you lot but I have to live with me
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
If I get one I will still be unbearable. Which is alright for you lot but I have to live with me
[/ QUOTE ]
Edit for accuracy
Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
CoH faces
To be honest I didn't equate this with anything other than the usual gold farming companies, but on seeing this article at Massively I am starting to wonder.
Intriguing though.
Source article
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If I make a "Help Positron Defeat Statesman" arc, do you think I might get a dev choice badge?
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
No, but you may get a "borked the game lore" badge
No, but you may get a "borked the game lore" badge
[/ QUOTE ]
Maybe not - if this turns out to be true, there may be a new history plaque in Independence Port by the ship the STF starts from, marking the spot where Statesman mysteriously fell into the blades of the Longbow helicopter
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Wow, just wow.
No, but you may get a "borked the game lore" badge
[/ QUOTE ]
Maybe not - if this turns out to be true, there may be a new history plaque in Independence Port by the ship the STF starts from, marking the spot where Statesman mysteriously fell into the blades of the Longbow helicopter
[/ QUOTE ]
Wonders what damage falling into helicopter blades would do to an Immortal Invunerability Tank Incarnate.... Hmmm, not much then.
No, but you may get a "borked the game lore" badge
[/ QUOTE ]
Maybe not - if this turns out to be true, there may be a new history plaque in Independence Port by the ship the STF starts from, marking the spot where Statesman mysteriously fell into the blades of the Longbow helicopter
[/ QUOTE ]
Wonders what damage falling into helicopter blades would do to an Immortal Invunerability Tank Incarnate.... Hmmm, not much then.
[/ QUOTE ]
Maybe enough
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Wow, just wow.
[/ QUOTE ]
...they better not being starting this as well

No, but you may get a "borked the game lore" badge
[/ QUOTE ]
Maybe not - if this turns out to be true, there may be a new history plaque in Independence Port by the ship the STF starts from, marking the spot where Statesman mysteriously fell into the blades of the Longbow helicopter
[/ QUOTE ]
Wonders what damage falling into helicopter blades would do to an Immortal Invunerability Tank Incarnate.... Hmmm, not much then.
[/ QUOTE ]
I14 beta seems to have brought back some detoggling on zoning - how tough is States without his toggles up?
By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)
No, but you may get a "borked the game lore" badge
[/ QUOTE ]
Maybe not - if this turns out to be true, there may be a new history plaque in Independence Port by the ship the STF starts from, marking the spot where Statesman mysteriously fell into the blades of the Longbow helicopter
[/ QUOTE ]
Wonders what damage falling into helicopter blades would do to an Immortal Invunerability Tank Incarnate.... Hmmm, not much then.
[/ QUOTE ]
I14 beta seems to have brought back some detoggling on zoning - how tough is States without his toggles up?
[/ QUOTE ]
Not very; you can see him wandering into a spawn without his mezz protection up and getting perma-held here.
Very strange, very stupid and very unprofessional.
[/ QUOTE ]
... and apparently very ok to admit it happened.
They obviously have incredible faith in their own project if they're worried about getting A) beta testers and B) existing fans of the superhero mmo genre.
Also seen at;
Ivan Sulic, Marcom Manager for Cryptic -- "Marcom is basically Community, PR, and Marketing," Sulic says -- responded to our inquiries into the matter with the following official statement:
So, we're currently running the closed beta test for Champions Online and a few of our employees thought it might be a good idea to contact avid MMO notables and various guild leaders floating about to see if they wanted to test. I'm certain this wasn't meant to be a malicious attack on a competing product, nor did anyone intend to steal players, violate user agreements, kill babies, or knife hardworking farmers in the back. We had invites to send and the folks who send them figured people who play MMOs most might want them most. If a line was crossed, it was totally inadvertent and no harm was intended.
That being said, we have just recently restructured the Community, PR, and Marketing departments (part of the reason I'm here), so we'll make sure to stay straight as an arrow from here on. Shills, poaching, bullshotting... No chance, man. We make good games and we hope people will play them. Best anyone can do, right?
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For both parties I think.
Nice... negative publicity?
Nice... negative publicity?
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Any publicity is still publicity though.
Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief
What i don't get and maybe its just me is that they did it because they wanted beta testers that play MMOs and i would guess going by the fact that they targeted the CoH community ones that are interested in superhero MMOs specifically.
yet when you fill in your Beta application the information you give includes what type of games you've played in the past and they've certainly not invited all the coh players that have signed up for beta yet because i'm still waiting for mine
Yeah, I applied for beta and haven't been invited.
I wonder if they wanted specific people "Arcaneville please come fix our game for us?".
I really should do something about this signature.
To be honest I didn't equate this with anything other than the usual gold farming companies, but on seeing this article at Massively I am starting to wonder.

Intriguing though.
Source article