NCsoft Brighton more trouble?




a ban for saying best of luck...seems a little harsh...

very well then...we'll go with the Damz option of things then...

[/ QUOTE ]

Throw the noob to the wolves is it? Meh finneeee So what am i making? Any requests? Bound to force SOMEBODY out of hiding and into the open

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



a ban for saying best of luck...seems a little harsh...

very well then...we'll go with the Damz option of things then...

[/ QUOTE ]

I was being sarcastic but i was threatened with a ban for wasting their time when i sent a petition asking if they could shorten my Smurf chars trench coat cos it was dragging once



I'm in the "recession, what recession, it's mostly made up by the media" bandwagon myself, as I have yet to be affected in any way shape or form.

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Then you are blind, it hasnt effected me in way except its fab news for my business, but it quite obviously is real.

[/ QUOTE ]

What does your business do? Few industries flourish in a recession, liquidators/administrators and corporate lawyers are the only two that spring to mind for me.

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Diamonds, we consult on the cutting of them and sales.

In times of prosperity cut stones sell well retail, in times like this uncut stones sell well to corporations and investors.

The latter being better for us than the former.



The sad thing about all this is that a lot of EU players have lost faith now due to lack of information and arent logging in at the moment. Just logged into union about half hour ago to see if any of mates were online/tell supergroup stuff and the numbers were a lot less that usually are for this time of day. Might be a coincidence i dont know!!!

[/ QUOTE ]
I know that I've not felt like playing my characters anything like as much since the rumours/news broke. And a few comments on the forums seem to imply that I'm not the only one (though I'm not saying it's widespread).

Now not feeling like playing and not playing aren't quite the same thing. And we know that only a fraction of players read/post on the forums...

But I'd be surprised if word of this hasn't got to some of the non-forum-readers ingame.

This is why I'm pretty surprised by the total lackof redname comment. Even unfounded rumours of possible server merge or being TR'd to new US accounts could cause damage to the game population. The simple uncertainty and lack of communication doesn't help anyone feel that the future's bright for players on the EU servers.

If we've absolutely nothing to worry about, why doesn't someone from NC come out and allay our fears?

If they don't know yet, why not at least come out and say 'we can't give you full details yet, but we can tell you next Tuesday.'.

I'd have thought that silence is never a good strategy for a company. And certainly isn't for a company with a reasonable number of customers who may be getting the wrong end of the stick and losing faith in the company.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



If NCSoft is going down the tubes they aint going to be worried about server populations.

I really should do something about this signature.



Well we aint going to have any information until next week now, can any of us really see them posting on a friday?
So in that regards that'ld be almost a week of an unmoderated EU?

oooo ooooo ooooo i call dibs on being temp mod for next few days!!!

*gets ban stick out*

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Rumours are rife in game, i logged on for 10 minutes last night and had about 5 tells.



oooo ooooo ooooo i call dibs on being temp mod for next few days!!!

*gets ban stick out*

[/ QUOTE ]

That's [u]not[u] what mods use as a ban stick! Put it away and do your flies up!



If NCSoft is going down the tubes they aint going to be worried about server populations.

[/ QUOTE ]
True - but I would have thought that they would be if they weren't going down the tubes.

Seriously: Are you reading the signs and portents as pointing to NCSoft going down the tubes?

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



oooo ooooo ooooo i call dibs on being temp mod for next few days!!!

*gets ban stick out*

[/ QUOTE ]

That's [u]not[u] what mods use as a ban stick! Put it away and do your flies up!

[/ QUOTE ]
Can we notify Damz to ban himself for making the banstick all sticky?

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



oooo ooooo ooooo i call dibs on being temp mod for next few days!!!

*gets ban stick out*

[/ QUOTE ]

That's [u]not[u] what mods use as a ban stick! Put it away and do your flies up!

[/ QUOTE ]
Can we notify Damz to ban himself for making the banstick all sticky?

[/ QUOTE ]

ATTENTION ATTENTION .... sticky wicket spotted.... ATTENTION ATTENTION....



If NCSoft is going down the tubes they aint going to be worried about server populations.

[/ QUOTE ]
True - but I would have thought that they would be if they weren't going down the tubes.

Seriously: Are you reading the signs and portents as pointing to NCSoft going down the tubes?

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't like to talk things down, as it tends to make them worse, but in this case, yes.

I really should do something about this signature.



I can see where Judgement Dave is coming from. The silence is rather ominous. Surely if it were a simple cost cutting restructuring exercise, someone would have posted something on the lines of "We're going through a bit of internal reshuffling here, it should have minimal impact on you guys, and we apologise for any inconveniences it causes."

A simple sentance like that and all the worries and speculation would be diminished. Instead, nothing.

@Jaw Dropper - Toons of all levels so drop me a line!

Imaginary Inc.

Twitter me!



If NCSoft is going down the tubes they aint going to be worried about server populations.

[/ QUOTE ]
True - but I would have thought that they would be if they weren't going down the tubes.

Seriously: Are you reading the signs and portents as pointing to NCSoft going down the tubes?

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't like to talk things down, as it tends to make them worse, but in this case, yes.

[/ QUOTE ]
Sadly, agreed. If the bigwigs wanted to keep the EU subscribers onboard for future business they'd try to keep us sweet, I'd hope.

As they're not trying to keep us sweet...



Locking this thread until we get a redname response on the situation

Edit: While i think EU side are now being treated as expendable assets (sp i know but iv been up since 4am doing paper work and tired!) , they cant really ignore us this time with a simple "everythings fine". If they do say that then they'll lose more players than if they put time/effort into doing some sort of transfer imo.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I'm not talking about NCSoft in the EU, I'm talking about the whole of NCSoftWest.

I really should do something about this signature.



If NCSoft is going down the tubes they aint going to be worried about server populations.

[/ QUOTE ]
True - but I would have thought that they would be if they weren't going down the tubes.

Seriously: Are you reading the signs and portents as pointing to NCSoft going down the tubes?

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't like to talk things down, as it tends to make them worse, but in this case, yes.

[/ QUOTE ]


Things going from downsizing EU division to NCSoft going belly up? Isn't that a bit to premature?



I'm not talking about NCSoft in the EU, I'm talking about the whole of NCSoftWest.

It occured to me that the reason for consolodating NCSoft's western operations was in the hope of finding a buyer.

Since no buyer has appeared...

I really should do something about this signature.



I'm in the "recession, what recession, it's mostly made up by the media" bandwagon myself, as I have yet to be affected in any way shape or form.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm very affected by it, it exists. What has happened is that what was an economic downturn has been (to some extent) made worse by fear mongering by alot of media unneccesarily affecting individuals' (and to a lesser extent, companies') spending habits.

But we are definately in a recession, whether you have experienced it or not (not sure why you would as a teacher).

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I agree completly. the recession exist, but has been made much worse by all the media DOOOOOM saying.

But from my personal position, I (and my circle) are unaffected.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think perhaps you're confusing the "credit crunch" which was media hype, with an actual recession. A recession = two consecutive quarters of reduced economic productivity/activity. That is what we are currently in; if you're in any doubt, a quick internet search (hell, a quick Google search) will explain all.

Failing that, take a peak at your interest rates. Or the VAT changes. Or Woolworths.

Everyone is affected, some are just lucky enough to not have been affected too harshly.



It occured to me that the reason for consolodating NCSoft's western operations was in the hope of finding a buyer.

Since no buyer has appeared...

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, then the news might be that NCSoft West breaks free from NCSoft to be an independant corp, owning all stuff created from the west and NCSoft keeps all asian developed games.

Now, is that a good thing or a bad thing? I don't know...


Super Babes database

Electronic Super Greetings



take a peak at your interest rates.

[/ QUOTE ]

Doesn't really affect me, I don't have huge savings, and zero borrowings.

Or the VAT changes.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not enough to have a noticable effect on my bills.

Or Woolworths.

[/ QUOTE ]

I haven't shopped in Woolworths since I was six.

I really should do something about this signature.



I think perhaps you're confusing the "credit crunch" which was media hype, with an actual recession. A recession = two consecutive quarters of reduced economic productivity/activity. That is what we are currently in; if you're in any doubt, a quick internet search (hell, a quick Google search) will explain all.

[/ QUOTE ]
Surely if the media doomsaying caused some people to alter their spending habits it could have lead to or exacerbated the recession.

And btw pretty sure that the UK media started serious talk of recession as being a recession and not a credit crunch way before the 2nd quarter of shrink was announced.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Surely if the media doomsaying caused some people to alter their spending habits it could have lead to or exacerbated the recession.

[/ QUOTE ]


The media caused the credit crunch, which caused the recession.

I really should do something about this signature.



right after seeing the number my fears were verified. They are runing at a huge loss

As ive been saying to a close friend, i can see NCWest in Administration by may/june, whihc be a sad day, but imho and in many other they have brought it on themselve by not doing the following

a) a lack of market and sales in (up into CO/DCUO come out) the ONLY Super Hero/Villian game about
b) a terrible reputation for US/EU PR and support in the majority of there game
c) Communist like behaviour from the devs (meaning if you are not praising us we'll kill you (or in this case ignoring))

Granted the Global recession hasnt helped but CoX is still the only Super Hero/Villian game OUT atm, there really is no excuse for no marketing before the recession happen or even giving current memeber special deals to keep them in the game during the recession.

Think about it if there is a recession what do u do to keep customers and get new ones in without taking an absolute hammering from recession. You put out word of mouth through current customers by giving them special deals. When this happens the customers put out word of mouth saying u know what they are doing something for us and giving us sweet deals, this in turn the customers if they are pleased by this (whihc lets face it who isnt interested in a bargin) will gradually say to there friends who play games theres this sweet game online thats giving sweet deals atm so forth so on

neway thats my 2 pence worth

Is not going to remain VIP after Jan 14th 2012, but may remain an active Premium account holder.
See some of you guys/gals in other/new MMOs Soon(tm)
N.B. If you are going to do smt, please do it or GTFO and STFU nab