Curiously odd.. Who is Barrington Harvey?
They seem to be some sort of advertising/press company. Funnily enough they do list NCSoft Europe amongst their clients.
Website is here
Kalis Elfling - Inv/Axe Tanker. [i]Kevin is watching... Always[/i]
Proud member of [url=""]Honourable United[/url]
@Tellis - I reserve the right to be ridiculous![/center]
You got a Free copy of the GvE pack? And a free 45 day time card?
Why cant they do stuff like this around me! >.<
Or me! I never get anything good in the post!
Funnily enough I got a Lord Recluse Statuette from Barrington Harvey today. I assumed I won a competition on Boomtown that I entered. Maybe not...
Yeah, it's quite peculiar, Blue_orbit.
I don't remember signing up to any competitions apart from the one on the updated that the Mirror has organised (and that hasnt even finished yet)
@Solar - lol it would appear those that don't "seek", get the goods.
NFI why it's arrived, and in 3 years on CoH (June 2005 crikey) i've never had any freebies from anything to do with the game, but i'll stop moaning now <g>
Babel Horror - L-50 Illusion/Empathy Controller
Dactylic Antithesis - L-50 Human Warshade
I want free stuff.
Does this count as a form of advertising?
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Gift horse, mouth, and so on.
I want free stuff.
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I want free stuff.
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yer its called "free issues"

I got a GvE copy of the game and a Blue City of Heroes T-Shirt... thought it was the Boomtown comp that I'd entered, but there's nowhere that I can see them announcing the winners to the comp.. not that I'm upset, because the t-shirt is awesome!
-Defiant Server-
H: Wolfsbane(50 MA/ReGen), Orthoclase(50 Stone/Axe), Dreamhunter (50 Ill/Storm)
Daybreak(50 Fire/Kin) Tygrrforce (50 Hooman PB), Tygrrstryke(50 NRG/NRG), EbonWolf(50 WS)
V: Spektor(50 Spiddy)
For some reason I thought Barrington Harvey was Back Alley Brawler's real name.
I only came across BH when I used to work for the website Warcry. At the time being SWG warcry as News Manager. They were one of the groups that had a major impact on doing press releases for many gaming companies. They are considered a fairly major PR company. I haven't done anything like that for years so I couldn't say why they are giving "free stoof".
A lot of 'inside' press releases via certain websites involve BH which includes screenshots and text. They keep below the radar by specifically not asking for credit to keep the usual joe bloggs from torturing them.
As I recall anyway.
Well since it looks like only 3 people have recieved free goodies, I'd say it was the boomtown competition, 2 pp with the GVE version of the game and 1 with the lord recluse statue, Sounds like the prizes to me.
I want free stuff.
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yer its called "free issues"
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However nice the "free issues" are... they are not really qualified as "stuff". You don't get a free issue in the mail, in a package that you can tear open and let out a triuphanf howl when you... ooops. I'll stop there but I want free stuff too, all of it actually.
Well since it looks like only 3 people have recieved free goodies, I'd say it was the boomtown competition, 2 pp with the GVE version of the game and 1 with the lord recluse statue, Sounds like the prizes to me.
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Normally i'd agree, they do indeed sound like prizes, but i've entered no competitions bar the Mirror one 3-4 days ago
Babel Horror - L-50 Illusion/Empathy Controller
Dactylic Antithesis - L-50 Human Warshade
Gift horse, mouth, and so on.
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Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.
I really should do something about this signature.
Gift horse, mouth, and so on.
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Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.
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I know Tainted Greek is odd but employing a PR company to send random people stuff seems a little too odd.
I want free stuff.
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[/ QUOTE ]
yer its called "free issues"
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You have to pay a subscription to get those.
[url=]Take A Gander At This.[/url]
I want free stuff.
[/ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ]
yer its called "free issues"
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You have to pay a subscription to get those.
[/ QUOTE ]
Why do you get free game time when they release a new issue then? Even if its 2 days. Your paying to play the game online, not for the issues.
Why do you get free game time when they release a new issue then? Even if its 2 days. Your paying to play the game online, not for the issues.
[/ QUOTE ]
That's odd. I've been here since EU beta, and I've never been given any free game time when they release a new issue.
Or are you referring to the reactivation weekends? That's just done as a "Hey, we've gotten better, come back to us!" promotion for former players, not current ones.
Anyway, as has been explained in the past by various rednames. Our subscription goes towards server maintenance, bug fixing, further development such as new issues, forum admin, support, and a whole load of other stuff, so yes; we actually pay for the new issues.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Gift horse, mouth, and so on.
[/ QUOTE ]
Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.
[/ QUOTE ]
bearing in mind that this is a MMO. Surely that should be Beware of Geeks bearing gifts
Something a bit odd happened today.
Postman arrived with a jiffybag, a well sealed and presented package, from a firm called Barrington Harvey. I have no idea who this "B H" mob are, other than some kind of PR agency from Hertfordshire.
Anyway, inside package, was a sealed retail copy of Good vs Evil edition, along with 45 days playtime.
Does anyone have ANY idea who Barrington Harvey actually are? and why they'd be sending me copies of CoH!?
Babel Horror - L-50 Illusion/Empathy Controller
Dactylic Antithesis - L-50 Human Warshade