Your scrappers...




Scrappers are:
Level 50 DM/Regen.
Level 40 BS/Regen.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!




DM/DA (first scrapper, got into the late 20s/early 30s then got sick of it)

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pfffff. lack of sticking power

I forgot to add:
ma/regen lvl 27
ma/sr lvl 22
kat/sr lvl 15
bs/wp lvl 15
kat/regen lvl 12
and so many more in the sub 10. area



BS/Regen 50
First 50 his spec is poor but i love him, pvp is different but get stalkered, then i pop dull pain have full health and dispense the pain

also got a few others aswell

going to roll a BS/SR just for giggles i think

BS has the best custom weapons



Just the one for me, although I've always wanted a high level Martial Artist in either CoH or CoV.

Dark/Dark is the one I do have.



Kat/DA, love him to bits



Flitz MA/SR/BM, Union, my only 50!
Shadow Dragon, remade from Kat/DA to DB/DA, Deviant, not going anywhere fast.
Sgian Dubh, BS/WP, Vigilance, part of my one-man base-building concept SG, sitting about lvl 10.

UNION @Flitz 50, Lead Hose 50, Red Rag 50
DEFIANT Rose Bloodthorn 34
VIGILANCE Captain Caledonia 20 - Yeah, I made toons on the French server coz we only had 4 back then (might have to transfer/recreate them on one of the US servers)
..and many more!




and a claws/regen experiment on Vigilance.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)






Cat Anna - katana/regen. She would've been my first 50 if I hadn't deleted her at level 44 and left the game for 6 months! Re-made her and in the 20s so far!

HATED dual blades/willpower




And a few deleeted, not worth mention...



BS/regen 50
DM/regen 50
DM/DA 50
Spines/da 50



Dark/Dark/Dark (50) - My main and badgehunting character.

MA/Regen/Body (50) - Very fun solo character. I love the MA animations.

Spines/Dark (35) - Whirling AoE death machine until she runs out of endurance. This usually happens halfway into the first mob of the mission. Still missing some essential powers.

Fire/Fire (12) - Kinda like a fire tank but fun to play.

I also have some deleted scrappers

MA/Katana (about 35) - Had to decide between this and the MA/Regen, MA was more fun and had more character.

Dark/Dark (27) - My S4 character. Very different from my main, I used him for PvP mostly. I kinda wish I could have kept him, he had tons of history and character.

and then some low level characters I have forgotten.




Lady Dragon L50 Kat/Regen on union, now retired
Hell's Pain L32 Dark/Dark Union, rarely played now
Artegal L38 BS/Dark Union, doesn't get an outing often now

Carmilla La Rouge L16 DB/Dark Defiant
Alice X (Need a new name) L18 Spine/Fire Defiant, will be an AoE monster (I hope).



Those that are high enough level to care about:




I've had a few in my time but The one in my Sig, also got a Claws/DA up to lvl 34 but when my DB/WP one got to within 2 levels I deleted her. My WP scrapper hasn't been played much recently, been concentrating on my Brute (lvl 41 Elec/FA) and my Blaster as per my sig again.

I managed to play Tank on the Imp TF with my Scrapper as we didn't have one, was well pleased as I hardly died at all but we did have plenty of debuffs.

Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief



I think i finally realized why i can't play scrappers, they die a lot. I have the most terrible Scrapperlock and Scrapperhoop all in one. I forget to check my hp bar everytime i get into combat.

Rerolled Claws/WP as Claws/Inv
and have a MA/Regen sitting on level 10 (Usually i tend to delete my un-used characters but that lady is really hot and looks good while kicking so i will keep her alive and turn to her after i level my Tanker and Claws scrapper a bit as they can solo better)



Crimson Belt - lvl50 Dark/Dark

Tho i have a Claws/SR scrapper also, i really only enjoy the Darkness .. never let me down and it never will!



I think i finally realized why i can't play scrappers, they die a lot.

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you've played blasters right?

if you haven't got all 6 debt badges on your blaster by the mid 30's your doing it wrong.

As for scrapper, it took me ages after I hit 50 to get the last 4 debt badges.



For a true Scrapper, dying is just an excuse to get up and fight more.



I think i finally realized why i can't play scrappers, they die a lot. I have the most terrible Scrapperlock and Scrapperhoop all in one. I forget to check my hp bar everytime i get into combat.

Rerolled Claws/WP as Claws/Inv
and have a MA/Regen sitting on level 10 (Usually i tend to delete my un-used characters but that lady is really hot and looks good while kicking so i will keep her alive and turn to her after i level my Tanker and Claws scrapper a bit as they can solo better)

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Scrappers are fairly solo able and survivable and some come with a self res...thats what you need. Pushing ones limits is part of the fun and if you self res then your hardly a burden because your downtime is pretty limited.

The other ATs are better designed for teaming, and I think with the way the scrapper is; the scrapper being rather independent and least required for support, the scrapper is generally last on the priority list of "who shall I help next?" list from the other ATs point of view. As a defender if a scrapper chooses to do their own thing in a completely different group to the team they're possibly on their own. As my scrapper I really rather everyone else is watched over inclusive of tanks cos sometimes when a tank drops, everybody drops.

Once downtime is minimal I wouldn't give a toot about the odd bit of debt.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Rerolled Claws/WP as Claws/Inv

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Hmmm, both great combos indeed, I'd say Claws/WP is a better performer with just IO's while a Claws/Inv with the right sets (I always end up with crazily expensive builds for /Inv) is probably the toughest scrapper. The advantage of claws is that its sustained DPS works well with any secondary.-



Claws/Regen/Body - 50 - Nine Claws
Kat/DA - 34 - Samantha Urai
DB/SR - 24 - Nilus (Concept - only uses what he finds)
MA/WP - 18 - Kai Rartae

Deleted many including a BS/Inv, Claws/Regen, Spines/Regen

Got to get around to making a ***/Fire soon, but not sure on primary... might have to go with Spines, even though hate the look and sounds associated with it.

Main 50 & Badger Nine Claws Claws/Regen/Body

Other 50's Ph10x Brute Unjust Law Tanker Samantha Urai Scrapper Codename 1250 Scrapper
Defender Nilus Scrapper
Electro Field Blaster S.PONGE Tanker



Crazy Dragon - Magic DB/DA/Will be Darkness Mastery - 40 (Stop laughing at the back!)
Richie Stacker - Magic DM/DA - 3 (Dark Melee version of Crazy Dragon)
Ellie Wagner - Natural BS/SR - 14
DJ Stacker - Natural MA/WP - 14 (Crazy Dragon's sister)
Sting Star - Magic Kat/DA - 13
Midnight Max - Magic MA/DA - 14

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Flametongue - Claw/Fire

My only Scrapper