Your scrappers...




At the moment I have a 50 Broadsword/Regeneration, 50 Claws/Regeneration, 50 Dual Blades/Willpower, and I'm levelling a Fiery Melee/Regeneration. I've also tried any and all other combinations :P



I've also tried any and all other combinations :P

[/ QUOTE ]
Except Katana/Invuln

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



Of course, D. I wouldn't disappoint you :P



Broadsword/Dark Armor - super end hog, after I hit level 15, I couldn't be bothered playing with this alt anymore. I have altaholism, so maybe one day...
Dual Blades/Willpower - like everyone else during the test run, I made one of these and joined parties made solely of this specific powersets. Put aside for a while, but recently came back to this character and now she's level 37.
Martial Arts/Regen - When I create characters, I try to pick something which I haven't used before. As this character's backstory was connected to a Energy/Invul Brute, a Super Strength/Super Reflexes Brute, and a Elec/Elec Brute, it pretty much left this option to use on my new Scrapper (can't use Dark/Dark, that's too evil looking ). Once she hit SOs, she was able to solo EBs quite effortlessly, which is pretty nice.
Spines/Dark Armor - yeah, everyone secretly has one of these, don't laugh

Ideon's Paragonwiki page
Member of Paragon/Rogue Knights
Arc: 60092 - Supa Rumble in the Park
"Keep living the dream, and never let any jerk tell you what to do."
-- High-Roller










Broadsword/Dark Armor - super end hog, after I hit level 15, I couldn't be bothered playing with this alt anymore. I have altaholism, so maybe one day...
Dual Blades/Willpower - like everyone else during the test run, I made one of these and joined parties made solely of this specific powersets. Put aside for a while, but recently came back to this character and now she's level 37.
Martial Arts/Regen - When I create characters, I try to pick something which I haven't used before. As this character's backstory was connected to a Energy/Invul Brute, a Super Strength/Super Reflexes Brute, and a Elec/Elec Brute, it pretty much left this option to use on my new Scrapper (can't use Dark/Dark, that's too evil looking ). Once she hit SOs, she was able to solo EBs quite effortlessly, which is pretty nice.
Spines/Dark Armor - yeah, everyone secretly has one of these, don't laugh

[/ QUOTE ]

Ide! I didn't know you were as addicted to Scrappers as me!




Ide! I didn't know you were as addicted to Scrappers as me!

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm only using my DB/WP and MA/Regen scrappers! I haven't used the Spines/Dark (who's stuck at level 39) in a while due to being too easy in teams, and the BS/Dark is just too end-inefficent, so I stopped playing with that one.

Ideon's Paragonwiki page
Member of Paragon/Rogue Knights
Arc: 60092 - Supa Rumble in the Park
"Keep living the dream, and never let any jerk tell you what to do."
-- High-Roller



You should stick at the BS/DA, it's so much fun. Got mine to 50 a few months back and my new IO'd build has a shead load of +dmg and +rechrg.

Plus what could be better than those crit head splitters. Fast low recharge attack chains are for wusses.

Oh and another scrapper to add:

Micky Serendipity - SL 21 DM/SR



You should stick at the BS/DA, it's so much fun. Got mine to 50 a few months back and my new IO'd build has a shead load of +dmg and +rechrg.

Plus what could be better than those crit head splitters. Fast low recharge attack chains are for wusses.

Oh and another scrapper to add:

Micky Serendipity - SL 21 DM/SR

[/ QUOTE ]

We all know that BS/DA is very strong :P But it's quite hard to level up.

Oh btw, happy birthday.



Thanks Aurrius.

Oh and if we wanted it easy, would have made BS/Regen....



Oh and another scrapper to add:

Micky Serendipity - SL 21 DM/SR

[/ QUOTE ]




Kovacs fan then?



Well im kinda playing a bit again after a break for 2 months due to work commitments but yey for scrapper fans.

Got 4 myself

(Seretta) Dual Blades/Regen - 50 (My personal fav)
(Brambly) Spines/Regen - 50
(One Touch) Katana/Dark Armor - 50
(Elesie) Martial Arts/Super Reflexes - 50



Claws/Regen - first and only lvl 50 so far
Spines/Fire - currently lvling this one

Contact me in-game: @CheeseSlicer



Kovacs fan then?

[/ QUOTE ]
Indeed, was sold when I read the review on the back "never less than Unremittingly violent"



Claws/Regen - first and only lvl 50 so far
Spines/Fire - currently lvling this one

[/ QUOTE ]I see a doppleganger.... my only 50 is claws/regen so far, and was just thinking about rolling a spines/fire the other day... but not sure if I can take the annoying spine sound effects or not...

On a side note... I would prefer shockwave to stay as KB, rather than change to KD. Nerfing this power will make me lose my love for claws...

Main 50 & Badger Nine Claws Claws/Regen/Body

Other 50's Ph10x Brute Unjust Law Tanker Samantha Urai Scrapper Codename 1250 Scrapper
Defender Nilus Scrapper
Electro Field Blaster S.PONGE Tanker



Kovacs fan then?

[/ QUOTE ]
Indeed, was sold when I read the review on the back "never less than Unremittingly violent"

[/ QUOTE ]

For me the books were my first foray into Scifi. Loved the setting and loved the idea of sleeving



Bs/Regen lvl 50
Katana/Dark lvl 22
Fire/Fire lvl 10



Wedge Inv/Fire Tank
Wedge NG Bs /Regen Scrapper
White Wedge Bot/Dark MM
Fire Wedge SS /Fire Brute
Rad Wedge Ill/Rad Controller
Fire Wedge Fire/Kin Controller



I have a couple now

My first was a claws/regen by the name of Thabo, it was fun, but the claws kinda lacked the damage to kill a mob quickly, and the regen, yes well, it was something you need to learn how to play. I ended up deleting it a month or so after it dinged 50.

But, seeing as I love scrapping I rolled another scrapper in the mean while, waiting for something that was worth to be re-rolled on the name Thabo, my first. The 2nd scrapper I made and took to 50 was McManus, ma/wp. It is good fun, I love the high damage attacks, the little stuns and the rugged feeling you get standing in the middle of a mob, kicking [censored] and regen'ing like mad.

After that came Satui, my dark/regen scrapper. I learned to play regen effectively this time around, and I loved the dark set with the fear, and the high DoT along with the buffs and debuffs.

Then the fire scrappers came out ... I was weary of the fire secondary at first, and I thought, that in all fairness I could re-roll Thabo as a regen again, but with fire as my primary. Good fun it was leveling him!

Then I decided to see what the whole SR thing was about. Yes, I had a ma/sr sitting at lvl 32, but I didn't have fun playing him for some odd reason. I thought long about taking spines, and mixing it up with SR, but I can now say that I am glad I did. I miss the self heal and the quick regen, but I love running into mobs and seeing the "deflected" pop up on the screen, then ripping lose with spine burst and then following up the with single target attacks, she is at 30 now and I hope to be getting her to 50 before I leave at the end of the month.

And then there is little Sweet Pea ... also something I havent tried before, a dark scrapper sitting at 24.

I was worried about the endurance consumption, and knowing claws has a good attack rate, lowish endurance cost and a good fun play style I went for it. The first few levels before 20 was hell, but now, after stamina and having been able to slot SO's things are MUCH better, and I am having a ball of a time playing it with the slashing and dashing, the backflips and the knockdowns

I love me scrappers, and I'll much rather play any one of them then any of my other characters



Martial Arts/ SR its great just need to be slotted for def and recovery =3

I used to have a Claw/Dark o.o gone walkies i presume hehe

@Thabo, ive never thought of ever doing Dark/Regen o.o im tempted to build one now, sounds like fun.

"Farah O." Stalker: Street/Energy
"Aoi" Scrapper : Kat/SR
"Supa Troll" Tanker: WP/SS
"Milkman Bill" Brute: Staff/Fire



gonna roll ma/fire and fire regen soon and fire/shield in i13. I like scrappers.



MA/Fire is great, should be hitting easy 500+ with eagles claw if you slot it right... Luckily with SR you get +rech from quick reflexes i believe, so i didn't need to slot all my powers with x2 rech instead with just the one which allowed me to boost her acc or attack a bit more than a regular MA would normally get the chance to do.

"Farah O." Stalker: Street/Energy
"Aoi" Scrapper : Kat/SR
"Supa Troll" Tanker: WP/SS
"Milkman Bill" Brute: Staff/Fire



Old: Katana/Regen Lv50
Currently: Dark/SR Lv29
Next: Fire/WP



Current: Katana/WP
Upcoming: MA/Shields