Your defenders...

Adeon Hawkwood



50 Storm Summoning/Sonic Blast
50 Empathy/Psychic Blast
44 Dark Miasma/Dark Blast
41 Trick Arrow/Psychic Blast
38 Forcefield/Psychic Blast
35 Kinetics/Sonic Blast
14 Radiation Emission/Psychic Blast

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Storm/Psy (Deleted due to tedium)
FF/Dark (deleted)

I think I mentioned them all...never touched Emp



50s(and active)

Rad/Son (37)
Emp/Son (18)
Kin/Dark (33)
Dark/Ice (18)

Deleted or shelved indefinitely-
Emp/Psi (11)
Rad/Elec (36)
Kin/Elec (28)
TA/Son (17)
Cold/Son (11)
Storm/Rad (25)
Storm/Dark (11)
FF/Dark (15)




My Characters



I just have a TA/A defender at the moment.
When I16 comes out I plan to make a Traps/AR Defender as well (mostly because I love my AR/Dev Blaster). Story wise he's likely to end up as either my Blasters younger brother or my blaster in a different suit of armor .

Originally Posted by SkeetSkeet View Post
Defenders really are an addiction.
Friends don't let friends play Defenders?



Emp/Sonic - Solo'd her through most of her 20's and 30's



In order of creation. All but the first made it to at least level 22

Original Account
FF/RAD - - - deleted (first character created, actually only made it to 13th)
RAD/ELEC - - - deleted (immediately regretted this one, Had the name Meltdown (May 04))
DARK/NRG - - - Highest level to date WarMage is level 28

New Account
RAD/ELEC - - - Biospark (first character created on my new account)
SONIC/NRG - - - Deleted with malice
FF/NRG - - - Deleted

EMP/ELEC - - - Biospark deleted and re-created




Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
EF has a 1.5s cast time and applies 30% -Res. TA spends twice that long and applies 10-30% more (dependent on Achilles' Heel proc in Acid) if it uses both Acid and Disruption, or 20-40% with a single application of Acid w/Achilles' Heel proc and 1.83s animation.
I'm not sure what type of hypothetical situation we're discussing here, but the point I was making is that radiation emission can apply its -res and will never have to reapply it throughout a prolonged fight. This is a luxury that other sets with superior -res do not have.
Sonic blast's nature makes it very difficult to accurately estimate damage output, so I don't know what set would actually be the best.



Originally Posted by Garent View Post
I'm not sure what type of hypothetical situation we're discussing here, but the point I was making is that radiation emission can apply its -res and will never have to reapply it throughout a prolonged fight. This is a luxury that other sets with superior -res do not have.
Or one could look at it from the viewpoint of other sets having -Res which doesn't shut down if the defender gets mezzed or have a continuing endurance cost.

Six of one, half a dozen of the other.



Stygian Storm - 50 Storm/Dark/Power
Radically Dark - 27 Dark/Rad
Eagle Eye Avenger - 12 TA/Arch

Storm/Dark was so fun to play, and as my Dark/Rad is maturing, it is really starting to become incredible too. This is my second attempt at Trick Arrow/Archery, and I really want to make it to the 30s. It looks like it will be a pretty fun set.



I have numerous Defenders.

My 4 highest are:

MegaBass: Lvl 50 Sonic/Sonic
Cryon 6: Lvl 50 Cold/Ice
Hard Radiation: Lvl 48 Rad/Rad
Force Guardian: Lvl 46 FF/Rad

I will not rest until we have in-game throwable pies!



Hobo Healer- Emp/Dark 50
Hobo Healer- Emp/Rad 50

That is it. I have/had many up to the 30's, but they are all gathering dust and really don't deserve any mention.



Emp/NRG 50 (first toon to lvl 50, back in the day when empaths were much more loved, wish I had a debuffing secondary as NRG gets very little love due to KB)
Dark/Psi combo to play, may have to recreate
Rad/ the time too many of these were running around so deleted him but great set if you've never played it
FF/Dark...tried the uber +DEF/-ACC combo
Kin/ toon, still play this toon
Kin/Sonic...part of my Kinetic kick I'm on atm
Sonic/Sonic...just messed around with the powersets for a while
Sonic/Dark...going for a toon that could provide both +RES and -ACC (kinda like a mild +DEF in my head)...slotted for -ACC debuffing
TA/Arch...feels more like a controller...but what the who...messed with build for a while
Dark/Ice...very fun toon and worth playing if you get a chance, good pet
Storm/ build but tried built an Earth/Storm about the same time and the 'troller kept my attention all the way to lvl 47...never returned to the Storm defender yet...

Many other alts that don't come to mind...



TA/Rad/Psy 50
Dark/Sonic 18
Kin/Psy/Dark 50
Storm/Ice 34
Kin/Sonic 15
Sonic/Sonic 33

These are my current group of defenders. TA/Rad, Storm/Ice, and Kin/Psy are my favorites right now. Dark/Sonic is really growing on me though.

Cypher Flash: 50 TA/Rad/Dark Defender
Controller = The Guardian Angel over your shoulder who makes sure nothing goes wrong.
Defender = The Combat Corpsman who bandages your wound, kills a Nazi with a tounge depressor, then hands you a clip of ammo.



Lets see,

Emp/Sonic LV 50 - First Lv 50
Kin/Sonic LV 46 - Next To Be 50
Rad/Sonic LV 3 - Just Started
FF/Sonic LV 19 - Made with a friend but havent had a chance to come back yet
Sonic/Dark LV 40 - Level Pacted Awesomeness
Storm/Elec LV 27 - Made a year ago and just haven't brought myself to play him again

Thats the defenders so far and more are in planning

Dreaded Wail hits things freakin' hard.. i like to hit things freakin' hard... so.. id go Wail... SAVE THE WAILS!!!! - Solar_Lunata



I'm weird, so I play all my defenders (and most everyone else) almost exclusively solo and love them to bits (while I play a bunch of mostly ranged characters, the defender forums are the only place where I lurk regularly)

Rad/Rad/Dark (50) - Dr. Gamma: first character, first 50 (and he got there fast, solo, before IOs, XP smoothing, debt nerfing, patrol xp etc...), and the guy I learned a lot of tricks from and made all the mistakes in the game with (such as almost no slotting in the beginning, not taking EMP or LR ASAP and exploring areas of much higher level and getting owned time and again by snipers, unattended ambushes of much higher level, even supa-trolls)... Now, with moderately priced IOs, he survives even better than before (only time I have to be extra careful is against EBs/AVs), does pretty decent ST damage and great AoE damage.

FF/Son (37) - Vibror: current solo project (along with my 42 crab) and he's a blast with softcapped defs, hover (or FB in low ceilings), lots of control and Assault + sonic's res debufs helping even more than I expected with ST damage. But he does suck up end like crazy. Planning on taking Psy soon.

Plus some lowbies:


Can't remember any others right now...

As a loosely related side note... all my corrs remain lowbies...

Playing CoH with Gestures



Defenders are one of my favorite ATs.

Saitada: 50, Dark/Dark/Dark (Love it because it plays like a controller, my other favorite AT.)
Bleak Sky: 50: Storm/Dark/Power (Also very controller-y.)
Flutterby: 41, FF/Psy/Psy (I get gleefully brave on this one. My nephew calls her "Flutterdeath.")
Minerva Medica: 38, Emp/Arch (I like to solo, even my defenders. Not my favorite combo for that.)
Linac: 27, Kin/Rad (Fast-paced fun.)
Ban Sidhe: 26, Dark/Dark (Part of a regular team that stalled. I liked it so much I made another and pretty much soloed it to 50.)
Reveille: 10, Sonic/Sonic (Still getting the feel of this one.)

There are some other combos I'd like to try but I haven't gotten around to them...yet.



I am finishing up my dark/rad def, most fun I have had with a toon sience archery came out for blaters. Major Debuffer, great dmg, for a defender anyways, and just pure awsomeness when I make a rad defender cry.



Radiation emission/Electrical blast (Main, first rolled in beta)
Dark miasma/Sonic blast
Storm summoning/Ice blast
Trick Arrow/Archery
Sonic resonance/Psychic blast
Cold domination/Radiation blast
Empathy/Dark blast

50's, various others at lower level. Kinetics at 33 so only primary really missing is Force fields. Having done that on a mastermind in large teams to 50, I'm kind of bubbled out though. 26 to 28 bubbles to toss out (if the lich was up) and the single target buffs for pets at the time makes it a bad, bad memory of Force fields.



I would have never said I was a Defender man but I always seem to com back to them. Currently aside from brutes that is the AT i have the most 50's with.

Dark/Dark - lvl 15 (just started, after 5 years of playing this is the first time I've tried this combo)



Fallout Phil Rad/Rad 50
Bombast Kin/Nrg 50
Arrow Batix Kin/Arch 50
Decabelle Son/Son 50
Voidcharger Dark/Elec 38
Totem Scarab FF/Dark 38




I plan on making an Emp/? most likely Psi



Arguably my 2nd favorite character, my Kin/Elec/Power sapper has been nothing but fun to play, in both PvP and PvE.

Further down the list, an Emp/Elec, Cold/Dark, and FF/Psi round out my defender roster (until /fire comes along).



So far I've got 3 defenders. (And maybe some forgotten low lvl alts on different servers.)

  • Succuby : lvl50 emp/dark. My very first defender, created when I was still young and inexperient to CoH. It's also my 2nd lvl 50 character. Now quite abandoned and moved to Virtue (before extra slots where available) when I needed a free slot on Victory.
  • Atomik Kitten : lvl50 rad/rad. The second defender I've made. It's the most fun one as well. And always good to bring along on a TF.
  • Acupuncture Kitten : lvl40 ta/arch. The latest defender that I'm leveling up right now. It's getting quite nice now, with rain of arrows finally properly slotted.

Sheline: lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
Thor's Kitten: lvl 50 ela/mace tanker
Hellfrost: lvl 50 ice/rad corruptor
And many more. What can I say? I'm an alt-o-holic.
EuroCore SG - Victory server