Your defenders...

Adeon Hawkwood



Black Currawong, Sonic/Sonic/Power
Panic Handle, Kin/Energy/Psi
Elthalas Sureshot, TA/A/Power

Paral-Ice, Cold Dom/Psi
Eclypsis, Dark/Psi/Dark
Dr. Roentgenta, Rad/Rad

Miss Katrina Watts, Storm/Elec
BubbleBot v2.0, FF/Energy

Gaian Mind, Emp/Psi

My personal goal is to take a toon from every Defender Primary to 50. It's a long term goal Oh, and of course, as sets proliferate, I'll have new ones to create and level. I'm looking at you, Traps (yay!).

The Sonic/Sonic was the first I leveled to 50, but not my first defender, but certainly my most resilient (the first time I'd survived an Assasin Strike in the PvP zone was w/ her; I giggled and slaughtered the stalker). Started her when Sonics were first released, because I didn't see many around at the time, and I totally was amazed at how much they really rocked.

The TA/A was my third defender, also created when the TA/A sets were released. By far, my most favorite defender to play, and even was back in the "TA lol" days of yore. Also rolled because I didn't see many at the time. A comment I still remember getting on a team playing in Croatoa back in i5 or i6: "Wow, I've never seen someone play a TA so well! Come to think of it, I've never seen someone actually play a TA." I deliberately delayed getting this toon to 50, because I never wanted it to end. The new changes have given me new challenges with him. I originally had Medicine (because I caved into my lonliness), then switched to Leadership; then, post-time-changes, started having Endurance issues, so split-built it to try both, but still have endurance issues, unless I'm on a team. That I'm still determined to go stamina-less with it doesn't help matters. But this was also the first toon I'd run a TF with, Sister Psyche's, and with an 8 man team spawn of Freaks? This set is GOLDEN.

The Emp/Psi was technically my first defender, created 4+ years ago, and still at level 10. Dear lord, what a boring toon (for me). I may have to create a different Emp/? to reach my personal goal; I just hope I can stand it.

Other than the Emp/Psi, I love my other defenders, probably more than what's objectively healthy.



50 Emp/Rad
50 Kin/Rad
50 Rad/Psi
50 Rad/Sonic
50 Storm/Psi
50 FF/Energy
50 Cold/Ice
50 Dark/Sonic



No way I can remember all of them (125+ alts, and a bit of a Defender specialist...), but here are a few:

Spookie (D3, 50). My blueside main, despite not being my first 50. D3s are my specialty...
Festival (kin/psy, 50). My best "force multiplier" and favorite team PvP character, pre-i13.
The Merrie Widow (D4, 42). Very different build focus from Festival, built to be a team leader.
Glitch Kelsey (kin/elec, 45). "Sapper" much fun!
Shadowpounce (D3, 36). Heavy debuff emphasis build. "Hey, we're hardly getting hit...what gives?"
Lt. Tisiphone Lidek (rad/sonic, 25). Oh, this one's going to be sick...!

...and many, many more...

"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."



Originally Posted by Stryke_Force View Post
Dark/Dark - lvl 15 (just started, after 5 years of playing this is the first time I've tried this combo)
DarkityDarks are, as mentioned above, my specialty. I've been playing them since not too terribly long after go-live, and through various stages of uber-ness and nerfing. They remain my favorite characters, my favorite power combo. Some of my most memorable moments in this game have come while playing one of my D3s.

There was a time, back when all that "don't talk about Firetank Club" stuff was going on, that there really was a "Dark Defender Club" - only we really didn't talk about how insanely powerful they were (unlike firetanks...who seemed unable to resist bragging!). We just quietly went about solo'ing AVs and making teams think they were on Team Godmode. Eventually the nerfbat struck and struck hard, but the combo remains supremely effective.

You're going to love your darkling!

"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."



Hm. I started this game on defenders, my first was a rad/rad. I actually remade him 4 times before tailors were introduced, getting his costume right. I didn't mind, I loved playing him. With an account of my own, he was first to be re-made.

That said, the darkside has claimed my allegiance, and I haven't made many more.

My defenders are:
rad/rad, dark/dark, kin/elec. (The last has had a lot more play, as of late. Nothing saps like a kin/elec defender.)

>sigh< I love my defenders. I wish they didn't seem dull after my corruptors. Sorry, wrong forum for that.



I play more blasters than defenders, but defenders rank as a close second.

Doplar Effect - 50 storm/sonic/elec

Nightingwail - mid 30s dark/sonic
Max Vigil - mid 30s TA/Arch

Dop is the only character I have fully IO'd out. And strangely enough, even though Wail is much more powerful than Max, I enjoy playing Max more. Maybe it's because Wail is touch too controllerish for my taste.



Dark/Dark (my first 50)
(seeing a pattern here? ;P I still can't get over ED and defender dmg (ED alone is a good thing)

Originally Posted by Megajoule
We're being invaded. Again. This time, instead of aliens, zombies, or eyeballs with teeth, it's the marching band.




FF/Energy (you never forget your first)
Mahi/Mahi (actually that was supper)

Cold/Sonic (abandoned)

The only set not represented is Storm, which I have at 38, but abandoned, for now.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



Kelenar - 50 Storm/Elec - My first character I really RP'd, my first 50. Back in the days when men were real men, women were real women, and Storm got you kicked from teams before you even got to the mission door.
Kai-Lian - 50 Dark/Elec - Lockdown and then extra lockdown just in case. My first character to ever make me eye hazard zone mobs with multiple bosses and go '... I bet I can take that.'
Shatterware - 50 Rad/Rad - Probably my favorite character to play on teams to this day. The combo's such a swiss army knife.
Qiao Huang - 50 Cold/Ice - ... feels like she helps the team more than about any two of the others combined on the STF.
Hail Striker - 50 Storm/Archery - All the Storm, 10000000% the Rain of Arrows!
Kael'en - 39 Rad/Dark - Like Rad/Rad, but with more tentacles.
Aurie - 33 Trick Arrow/Archery - Like a Blaster and a pit of fire had a baby!
Ism the Loremaster - 23 Trick Arrow/Sonic - A good combo, but I just can't get into it.
Field Supervisor Orr - 21 Force Field/Dark - Force Field makes me yawn. Where are all the debuffs?!
Cobalt Bomb - 13 Sonic/Sonic - Duoing with another sonic/sonic. Should be quite powerful once we bother to level them.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.





....actually that's it. I've had a few others, but they've all been deleted, the Rad/Sonic is the only one still active and will be my first defender to ever hit 50 (he's already my first to get past 30)

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Radiated Shot: Rad/Arch (so lonley with only one other I saw in this thread)
Erebus Stenetch: TA/PSI

New Project:



Currently Have:

Have Had:
Trick Arrow/Archery

Soon to Have:
Traps/AR (i16)(Or I might wait for GR and hope for Dual Pistols.... yeah probably)

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Currently all my defenders are 50.

Grae Medic: Empathy/Dark
Arctic Woman: Cold Domination/Ice Blast
Ideal: Radiation Emission/Psychic Blast
Coyote Storm: Storm Summoning/Archery


Traps/Assault Rifle

Paragonian Knights
Justice Company



Most of my oldest still-played characters are defenders.

2 of my 4 50s are defenders.

Retrogression - first 50 - kin/rad defender (mind epic) - Champion
Neutrino Lynx - most recent 50 - emp/dark defender (power epic) - Infinity

2 of my other old 'main' characters are defenders, both on champion:
Gamma Radiant (rad/psi) and Crystal Siren (storm/dark). They even have their own web pages... Can't remember their exact current levels, maybe 40 and 36.

I originally made my dark/elec on Champion (name then was Lauren Star). It was a pun off "lone star" and she was a cowgirl design heroine - but - I got some comments that put me off her, and deleted her to make room.

Later I ended up recreating the dark/elec defender on Infinity, as a male, now my highest level male character in the game (level 37). Current name, Dark's Star. Also on infinity is Monogatari, kin/ice, level 16 (made to do Posis for merits with a matching claw/dark scrapper).

I also have a couple defenders on Virtue: Syreeshee, sonic/sonic, level 20 or so, and Omatcar, kin/archery, in the teens.

And one - made at the same time as Gamma Radiant, just because I could get the name I wanted on Freedom but not on Champion: Curie, rad/psi. I play her sometimes still and she's level 15 or so.



My first character, and the first (and currently only) one to reach 50. Although she was designed (along with leadership) to be a selfless team player, even during the early levels I learned how to solo well with her - something not easy to do with this set.