RATE each AT at PVP!!!




Downloading patch, be there in 10



Globey, why dont you come yourself?

[/ QUOTE ]

Why would I waste my time in the arena with you, whilst you cry about inspirations and IO's? That wouldn't achieve anything, would it?

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, if that is the excuse i am supposed to believe, yeah fine then, dont come lol.

Oh and i fought with Thabo too, and it was a great and fun fight, we had no problems at all, no "crying over insps, or IOs" as ud say. I wonder why...



Downloading patch, be there in 10

[/ QUOTE ]




globey how can you stun him he has accro lol



The problem with my build is that b4 i can lay my debuffs and make it working, im already dead and even after i put the debuffs, the extra acc from IO sets make them much less useful than before.

Im still in test, if anyones still interested...



globey how can you stun him he has accro lol

[/ QUOTE ]

I was really seriously asking. Why are all of the people here so cocky?!



after i put the debuffs, the extra acc from IO sets make them much less useful than before.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just to prove you wrong once more.The builds you fought aint got +acc.Both blasters are regen recovey hp and recharge focused so they shred u to pieces with aim and bu.

My defender pretty much ignores anything you lay down except tar patch becase a) i got tactics b) i debuff your defense and resistance.

The problem is Dark/energy sucks for pvp.Plain and simple as that.Oh and obviously the two Greek guys you love so much obviously knew what they were talking about in first place.



after i put the debuffs, the extra acc from IO sets make them much less useful than before.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just to prove you wrong once more.The builds you fought aint got +acc.Both blasters are regen recovey hp and recharge focused so they shred u to pieces with aim and bu.

My defender pretty much ignores anything you lay down except tar patch becase a) i got tactics b) i debuff your defense and resistance.

The problem is Dark/energy sucks for pvp.Plain and simple as that.Oh and obviously the two Greek guys you love so much obviously knew what they were talking about in first place.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah recharge then, still its about the IOs, 1 single acc buff (like aim) cancels all the acc debuffs for the duration, so if u can spam aim, well then im useless against you.

Oh and wheres Zaldor?!



Sounds like you had a bad night mate



yeah you lost cos of the io's lol :P



Psy, b4 i go to bed i have time for 1 more match, wanna fight?



I wish i'd been there, damn TV entertaining me.

Oh and almost killing/defeating someone doesn't count. Not a very good argument. What happened on Test was predictable.



yeah you lost cos of the io's lol :P

[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe yes maybe not, 1 way to be sure is to fight with SOs, both of us.



For those not on Test, Psydock won with his Ice/EM tank (Issue 5 build) and is now showing Sir Cevantes his Illusion/Empath Controller and that he can't be defeated (going for a draw).

Edit: Then I had a go, I won.



Ouch sounds like a bad night for crystal_cat



Ouch sounds like a bad night for crystal_cat

[/ QUOTE ]

im not trying to rub salt in the wounds or anything but we all knew the outcome of this before anyone reached test...well except crystal_cat it seems



Diving in on the debate, though I'm not really as qualified as say TG to discuss this.

1) I'm always stupid enough to NOT walk into zonal PvP without a shedload of breakfrees...that would be my main fault, it's stupid and I should probably prep more...but that's my main thing.

2) The reasons scrappers are so far down the 'list' is that Brutes/Scrappers/Tankers all suffer from glaring problems in PvP (suggestions to counter this in the suggestions part):

- We can be kited and unlike other MMOs we rely on toggles for our protection, those go down, we're stuffed. Most other MMOs the melee classes rely on heavy armour to simply reduce their foes blows to a point where they simply don't matter but then most other MMOs the plate wearing melee classes don't come with self heals (bar Paladins...and they're tough nuts to crack).

However they do have one major bonus, most have either a) Ranged stun, b) A charge which gets them into melee and c) abilities to stop ranged ATs from getting away.

These are something that Scrappers/Brutes/Tanks all lack, we have no way of closing the distance really quickly (well there is Super Speed I suppose) and then keeping our targets within distance before they bugger off elsewhere.

So far during my forary into PvP Today to check out how well the Dark Mastery pool faired (compared to the Body pool) I found it exceedingly lacking yet the abilities make it SEEM like it's perfect for PvP, a hold (which doesn't hold anybody in PvP...EVER, not even for say 5 seconds) a Ranged attack (always handy) and a ranged Immobilize (which doesn't immobilize anybody unless already pre-stacked with Midnight Grasp).

Though it's mainly my own fault for playing a melee set which isn't great in PvP, Dark Melee, though it does come with it's major ability (touch of fear), Soul Drain is no decent replacement for Build up (it requires mobs to be near you to work, the more there are, the better it is, useless against a single opponent unless said opponent is a Mastermind, in which case it is very godly). DM is great Sustained DPS but very poor burst DPS, even so, before I respecced into the Dark Mastery pool, my win/loss rate was just breaking even.

The fact was, without Focused Accuracy, my hit/miss rate went down the tubes completely, my DM/Regen scrapper isn't heavily IO'd out (and will be losing two IO sets when I respec BACK into the Body Pool, thank god they were both cheap).

I will say one thing though, Fortunis Fortunata is deadly currently, the complete lack of Confuse suppression really was the bane of my existence during that fight as was the Psi damage (and if there is, it really didn't seem like there was any confuse suppresion).

I ended up fighting a fire/something Corruptor, defeated once, the second time, it ended in a stalemate, my endurance kept reaching zero but I'd always have enough endurance to fire off MoG or IH and the fight just was getting nowhere, though I honestly have no doubt that he would have defeated me in the end.

The short end of the stick is that lolmelee for PvP really needs to be sorted out.

(my attempts to PvP with my Rad/Rad were just dire...but then she is lvl 40, has 1 IO set, no accolade, and the +acc from the targets IO sets, not to mention the Soldier of Arachnos leadership powers, made a mockery of any kind of debuff)

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Ouch sounds like a bad night for crystal_cat

[/ QUOTE ]

im not trying to rub salt in the wounds or anything but we all knew the outcome of this before anyone reached test...well except crystal_cat it seems

[/ QUOTE ]

Anyway, it wasnt that bad for me, thanks to all fought, was fun.



Dr Mechano, those were some good fights we had there.Fortis Fortunis and waaaambulance were my characters.You put out some really good fights in my opinion and stood your ground and thanks for the fun there.



I know pfffff, ive written what all my powers do, you dont expect me to know what each power in game do right?

[/ QUOTE ]I'd expect any good player to do so.



I know pfffff, ive written what all my powers do, you dont expect me to know what each power in game do right?

[/ QUOTE ]I'd expect any good player to do so.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you know all the commands you don't really need to remember, just type in the name of the power in brackets, then read the description lol.



I know pfffff, ive written what all my powers do, you dont expect me to know what each power in game do right?

[/ QUOTE ]I'd expect any good player to do so.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you know all the commands you don't really need to remember, just type in the name of the power in brackets, then read the description lol.

[/ QUOTE ]

I thinkI know what most powers do in the game. Bar masterminds domis and stalkers :P.



How did this thread get so long . .

[/ QUOTE ]



Primarily because I dont want this tread to die, ever, I've come up with an idea. As its the test server the IO situation can be resolved, all CC needs to do is come up with a build, ask for the IOs that fit it and then friendly people, or those interested in taking away excuses, can provide those IOs from existing toons. That would level out the so called IO issue, and provide me with more reading

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



I still beat you with a SO toon.