RATE each AT at PVP!!!





My ADSL line got capped, so I am dead in the water till tomorrow or the day after that (depending on when I get money to buy another GB or so)

Sorry I wont be attending the event tonight unless by some miracle I can beg/borrow or steal another account for tonight.

Hopefully I'll see you tonight, if not then I will arrange for us to have a match sometime early in the new month



Lame as it may be to have a buffbot in base, as said there are still ways to counter it. Same is the case with insps. Insps arent "just load up on XXX", but actual tactical choices if you are gonna do any decent PvP match. "What powers will he use on me? Which one more often than others? Can I counter it?" etc etc should all be answered when buying insps.

Also dont forget that in an arena duel, normally you fight for 10 mins. Presuming you get a kill in at least once, he wont be able to keep perma-popping insps. Or if he pops multiple ones at the same time, he wont have any left at the end of the match. A good PvPer however knows how to counter insps and will make you eat those skittles in like the first minute of the match. So in the end, it still comes down to skills and builds. It just adds another factor of skill/build to it.

Because of this, I always refuse to duel someone that says "no insps". Taking my corr as example, I rely on insps to counter my biggest weakness: lack of mez resistance. I know if I fight a troller one on one without insps, I will always lose cause I'll just get held and hammered. With insps however, I know I'll only lose to a good controller and one that is just a better player than I am. However even with insps I suppose I get hammered by most perma-doms as they go "lol BF".

If my opponent uses them or not, I dont care really, but I WILL use them to balance out my chars.

PS. think of it, if the devs thought insps were giving people unfair advantages in pvp matches, why didnt they add a "no inspirations" option to arena options together with "no travel powers" etc?

[/ QUOTE ]

The buff botting person in question also refuses to fight in the arena with insps..... dont know if the 2 are related

[/ QUOTE ]

Is it also the same kind of person that will only duel people it can beat without insps? I know a certain mind/storm troller on union that only wants to duel without insps, outside arena and youre not allowed to run. However he doesnt want to duel scrappers, tankers, stalkers, brutes or MMs.

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



*votes for a defiant v union test server arena match*

EDIT: WITH inspirations

[/ QUOTE ]

nah its cool we did one ages ago and we beat you guys pretty bad there's no need to do it again

[/ QUOTE ]

When was this :P?

By the way have you set up test yet crystal?



I am good to go on test when ready



*votes for a defiant v union test server arena match*

EDIT: WITH inspirations

[/ QUOTE ]

nah its cool we did one ages ago and we beat you guys pretty bad there's no need to do it again

[/ QUOTE ]

When was this :P?

By the way have you set up test yet crystal?

[/ QUOTE ]

Ive just arrived home, right now im copying the contents to cohtest folder. Ill probably be rdy in 15 mins max, but first ill log in Defiant and practice the char lol, i havent played with him for monts, i forgot what power was where.

Damn something tells me im gonna be owned, but whatever... :P



Oh and fights will have no insps.



*votes for a defiant v union test server arena match*

EDIT: WITH inspirations

[/ QUOTE ]

nah its cool we did one ages ago and we beat you guys pretty bad there's no need to do it again

[/ QUOTE ]

When was this :P?

By the way have you set up test yet crystal?

[/ QUOTE ]

I remember this, no one turned up the first time and the second time it was a rag tag bunch of Union players that didn't team very well (not the usual PvP crowd).



O.o it is downloading a patch, and i have slow download speed, cant be online b4 8 gmt.

Ill let you know when im ready.



Oh and fights will have no insps.

[/ QUOTE ]



Oh and fights will have no insps.

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

Shhh its to reflect the inbalances in not using insp for PvP.



Oh and fights will have no insps.

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

Shhh its to reflect the inbalances in not using insp for PvP.

[/ QUOTE ]

I do think too that inps should be used for pvp, it does balance the game but in this case, ive given away my build, so they all know what inps to bring but i dont know who/what kinda builds im gonna fight to.



Everyone knows your build when you log into the game and there is a handy shop in Pocket D so you can buy insp right there.



I know pfffff, ive written what all my powers do, you dont expect me to know what each power in game do right?



I know pfffff, ive written what all my powers do, you dont expect me to know what each power in game do right?

[/ QUOTE ]




Im on test server now. IGN Sir Cervantes




LMFAO, no inspies. LOL anyways im confident i could give u a smack with my ice/em tank lol




I am more than happy to take you on on that ice/em of yours. Pity only me, TG and Crystal were on Test tonight.

Was fun, thanks guys. Crystal ... mate, don't cash cheques your build can't handle.

10/10 for not retreating mate Thanks for the fun



If i lose i will come here and say my build sucks, and i dont know anything about the game and ill apoligize for being such a noob.

[/ QUOTE ]

Start apologising

Not only quit after 3 kills in first match cause i was killing you like no tomorrow.asked to respec came back banged you again,quit match and then start moaning about not having mez protection (god lol!) and how in few days you gonna come back.Dont post if you cant take it.I expect an apology and how much a noob you are and on top of that i petitioned you for making racial comments about my nationality because you are Turkish.I got no problem with Turkish people and some of my friends are turkish.

Good game but not really you suck at pvp and yeah you are a noob indeed.Also lol at chat afterwards and excuses.

Now get posting.



Oh didnt see his post i thought he was still getting test up. Anyways tg taught him a lesson



If i lose i will come here and say my build sucks, and i dont know anything about the game and ill apoligize for being such a noob.

[/ QUOTE ]

Start apologising

Not only quit after 3 kills in first match cause i was killing you like no tomorrow.asked to respec came back banged you again,quit match and then start moaning about not having mez protection (god lol!) and how in few days you gonna come back.Dont post if you cant take it.I expect an apology and how much a noob you are and on top of that i petitioned you for making racial comments about my nationality because you are Turkish.I got no problem with Turkish people and some of my friends are turkish.

Good game but not really you suck at pvp and yeah you are a noob indeed.Also lol at chat afterwards and excuses.

Now get posting.

[/ QUOTE ]

LMAO, your build sucks, and you are a n00b. I'm sorry I can't put it any simpler.



If i lose i will come here and say my build sucks, and i dont know anything about the game and ill apoligize for being such a noob.

[/ QUOTE ]

Start apologising

Not only quit after 3 kills in first match cause i was killing you like no tomorrow.asked to respec came back banged you again,quit match and then start moaning about not having mez protection (god lol!) and how in few days you gonna come back.Dont post if you cant take it.I expect an apology and how much a noob you are and on top of that i petitioned you for making racial comments about my nationality because you are Turkish.I got no problem with Turkish people and some of my friends are turkish.

Good game but not really you suck at pvp and yeah you are a noob indeed.Also lol at chat afterwards and excuses.

Now get posting.

[/ QUOTE ]

LMAO, your build sucks, and you are a n00b. I'm sorry I can't put it any simpler.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok to clear things up. I never ever insult people without reason, and i never said i couldnt be beaten.

The Greek guy, after beating me 3 times said something like "Lol you cant kill a sh.." . Why the swearing? Really is a game that important that you can insult people? And after that i just answered back, thats all.

And for your information, i had no IOs, and Tainted had like the best IO sets in the game. And the first match it was no insps and he toggled telekinesis on, so match over of course.

In the next match we could use insps, and i almost killed him, which he admitted himself too ( i have screenshot as well), considering i had no mez protection and no IOs.

And whoever is still willing to fight im ill be in test server for a while.



The Greek guy, after beating me 3 times said something like "Lol you cant kill a sh.." . Why the swearing? Really is a game that important that you can insult people? And after that i just answered back, thats all.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why are you lying lol!The only reason i answered to you is cause you kept repeating I ALMOST killed you.What does almost have to do with anything.You wouldnt kill me so didnt bother to heal up.

And for your information, i had no IOs, and Tainted had like the best IO sets in the game. And the first match it was no insps and he toggled telekinesis on, so match over of course.

[/ QUOTE ]

Cry me a river.Even with IO's you wont beat me and once again you dont know what you are talking about.I came with a mediocre pvp which was from ages ago compared to my epic current build on live servers.

considering i had no mez protection and no IOs.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you didnt notice and you are THAT much of a noob.I was a defender as well.I didnt have exactly mez protection toggles.

which he admitted himself too

[/ QUOTE ]

Post the screenshot.You cant kill me even if i afk cause you are total noob.

Now i expect to see the post you promised to make instead of a bunch of lame excuses.



Globey, why dont you come yourself?

Oh and just to do what i promised to do. Yeah i dont know the game as well as some people here, all what i said was based on my experiences before issue 8, all of them were true, well obviously not anymore. But still i know that my build doesnt "suck" or like some of you would say isnt "sh.." , its an average build, and im sure would be better with some IOs and a little tweaking.

So here goes, sorry for acting noobish.



The Greek guy, after beating me 3 times said something like "Lol you cant kill a sh.." . Why the swearing? Really is a game that important that you can insult people? And after that i just answered back, thats all.

[/ QUOTE ]

You know im not lying, it was b4 the i almost killed you thing, oh lol.




Globey, why dont you come yourself?

[/ QUOTE ]

Why would I waste my time in the arena with you, whilst you cry about inspirations and IO's? That wouldn't achieve anything, would it?