RATE each AT at PVP!!!




Your level 24 with SOs, the odds are already heavily stacked against you.



My Accuracy from bonus is higher than tower of Eiffel. Energy blast sucks for pvp, powerbuild up and Total focus wont do a [censored] to me. Anytime you wanna test your toons, come RV and ask for me. Dark/en sucks for pvp hands down. Maybe with another attack powerset and that still MAYBE. Also, your fear wont work one me. Plus your darkest night will be like it doesnt exist. At least it has a good GFX effect. Tar patch is laughable, you cant mez me with anything and on another note, i have phase too. Wont do much i am afraid. Your heal is ok, if you can see your target. The only real thing that could save you is maybe darkest night but as noted before its laughable with my accuracy on my stalker. In an emergency i can easily pop phase and drop Darkest night off. Now, energy just plain sucks in pvp. No damage and [censored] animations.

[/ QUOTE ]

How come nothing of me does anything to you? lol You know the devs?! :P

Oh and the only reasonable statement you made (about how youd work against my build) was your phase shift, yeah i hate when that happens, but remember you might be held, me and my pet has a hold, 2 holds stacking.

Oh and b4 i knew you were a stalker i doubted i could beat you, lol now im relieved.

[/ QUOTE ]

There is no chance you can hold my stalker. Also, there is no chance you could win my stalker. At least with a dark/en.

But if one of you loses too, id expect the same (id love an apology especially from Zaldor, and Tainted_Greek). Oh and id like to fight in arena, not in zone, arena 1on1 rated matches.

[/ QUOTE ]

I dont owe an apology to anyone. There are builds that no matter how good you play it they wont do much in solo pvp. This is your build, dark/en. I dont know the devs but what i said before is true your build wont do much to my em/wp stalker. Sorry if i sounded harsh.



Ok lol, theres a LOT of demand to fight me, Well all will be returned , ill be online thursday night, my character is on Defiant and im repeating i have no IOs, just SOs, so if you have uber IO sets, well i may lose , consider that.

I especially want to fight the lovely Greeks, cos i like them sooo much :P.

If i lose i will come here and say my build sucks, and i dont know anything about the game and ill apoligize for being such a noob. But if one of you loses too, id expect the same (id love an apology especially from Zaldor, and Tainted_Greek). Oh and id like to fight in arena, not in zone, arena 1on1 rated matches.

[/ QUOTE ]

Test server thursday 7pm?



Union or Test arena is good for me for this.



Your level 24 with SOs, the odds are already heavily stacked against you.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, lol im not gonna fight anyone with my lvl24, just my lvl50 defender.



Union or Test arena is good for me for this.

[/ QUOTE ]

I cant wait :P



Hi again guys

So, at what time will we be gathering on the Test Server for this? I guess we will be having the event in Pocket D?

19:00 GMT good for you?

Looking forward to it



I dont have test server installed on the computer right now, so itll take some time ill be home by 7, so 8 pm test server tomorrow is ok for me.



I'll come and watch if your on a defender. Has ToHit been capped yet?



Hi Crystal

Oki doki, I'll see you at 20:00 GMT then. Hehehe, I know this is a very uncomfortable question, but will the use of inspirations be allowed?

Personally I don't use it, because it's not a true reflection of my build and it's abilities.



Hehehe, I know this is a very uncomfortable question, but will the use of inspirations be allowed?

Personally I don't use it, because it's not a true reflection of my build and it's abilities.

[/ QUOTE ]

oh dear...here we go again

"Extremists LOVE to fish to get us annoyed so we break the forum rules."
"The origin of life wasn't planned either, should all life be declared a bug and wiped out?"
"You know me.Ever the realist"



Fighting without insp is like not being lucky, enraged, breaking free etc. in a real fight. Its like not being able to adapt to certain conditions which in the real world means your going to die.



I thought the goal of this exercise was to see how Crystal's build would fare against another build(s) (sorry, no luckies, enraged of breaking free there, just pure planning.)

A test on how well you planned your build accompanied by your experience and skill you have acquired playing your character, and how you use these skills to your advantage.

In my opinion anyone can pop 4 x luckies, 4 x bf and 4 x enrage, kill something and then spend the whole time running away after his inspiration are done, waiting for the clock to run out.

But yes ... I suppose here we go again

If Crystal chooses to uses inspirations then he is free to do so, and I won't mind if we are in a duel. I just choose not to use inspirations in a duel.



I thought the goal of this exercise was to see how Crystal's build would fare against another build(s) (sorry, no luckies, enraged of breaking free there, just pure planning.)

[/ QUOTE ]

By that logic, any toon without mez protection will never win a "duel" against anyone with two seperate mezzes. When one mez suppresses, the other is inflicted. Breakfrees are insprations, after all. Similarly, most melee toons would automatically lose to anyone with telekinesis.

In my opinion anyone can pop 4 x luckies, 4 x bf and 4 x enrage, kill something and then spend the whole time running away after his inspiration are done, waiting for the clock to run out.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just because you pop a few skittles doesn't mean you're any more likely to be able to kill something. Particularly if you are playing a melee toon. They can just run away, Phase Shift or Cage you until your candies wear off.

The whole point of inspirations in PvP is to balance one-sided fights. Reds to counter -damage debuffs, Yellows to counter +Defense and Stealth, Breakfrees to counter mez, Blues to counter end drain, Greens, Purples and Oranges for Survivability (and TP Foe Resistance). If you know your opponent is bringing a 'sapper', bring blues. For a Controller, bring Breakfrees. The tactics are just common sense.

(Apologies for beating the already-mutilated Pony carcass here, just trying to clarify things...)



You are joking about peacebringers yeh?
If not bring your peacebringer and I will destroy you repeatedly with any of my scrapper,brute or tanker.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, ill fight you with my pb (all human) but hes lvl 24 now. Does your scrapper have a hold, 2 heals (1 recharging pretty fast). But still i havent had any pvp experience with this one so i may be wrong.

[/ QUOTE ]

I really, really wish PBs were even slightly feasible in pvp. I have had a few kills on mine but tbh they were all either cheap hits or sheer luck.
As part of a regular team with buffers etc PB can be effective. Otherwise for random arena and zonal it pretty much consistently underperforms.

[/ QUOTE ]

I love it when people slate Pb's in PvP, obviously havnt met mine. I am without lightform for about a minute and its easy 2 survive wen it drops, pop conserve power, heal and DP and back in action. I neva seem to hav ne problem dealing damage. My self heal comes back every 16 seconds and i can stack DP. U can keep saying they are poor in PvP and this may b the case for most PB's but its defo not the case for mine.



Peacebringers are fairly well known for being survivable. They're very hard to kill in PvP.

Unfortunately, (unless we're talking about a Kheldian in Nova form versus a poorly-played travelpowerless Mastermind) they're also about as dangerous as a wet teabag.

Their most damaging attack chain (Build Up + Radiant Strike + Incandescent Strike + Gleaming Blast) has a long activation and isn't powerful enough to kill a squishy. And they have no mez worth speaking about (IS's hold doesn't break Acrobatics, Pulsar is inaccurate and has a looooong animation).

It's only really possible for a PB to kill stuff toe-to-toe, or possibly on a defender-heavy team due to the +Damage buff from Cosmic balance. Solo and toe-to-toe my own Human/Dwarf PB has killed a Granite Brute. But it took nearly four full minutes of pounding on him, and that was with a fully IO'ed build.




To a point a agree with you about the counters, but then the question should be asked. Do you really want to put your ma/wp scrapper up against something with like a ice/kin, ice/rad or fire/em?

Fight fire, with fire ...

That is the beauty behind the PvP aspect for me.

I guess it depends on what type of PvP you are interested in. I rarely do arena matches and prefer zonal PvP, where I do make use of inspirations (mostly when you have 2 or 3 vs 1)

I've seen my mate on his kin/elec draining a lieut of most of his endurance in 1 or two shots, even if you have all a full tray of blues you would be in a world of trouble if he hits you and drop your toggles.

So why bring something to the fight which can be easily hit, or which does not have a high recovery rate? Wouldn't you rather bring something like a SR scrapper?

I suppose if one reasons like that it might mean that the other party will then just bring a AT killer designed to kill yours and so the cycle continues, but that is the still the beauty of the PvP system.

You can choose to use, or not use inspirations. Both is fair

If I beat something which didn't use inspirations I feel pride in my build, if I get beaten by something which didn't use inspirations I feel that he deserved it. If I kill something which did use inspirations I also have get a sense of pride, and if I loose to something which used inspirations I will get back up and try to kill it again even if I might loose again

My own personal view on PvP'ing ...



Do you really want to put your ma/wp scrapper up against something with like a ice/kin, ice/rad or fire/em?

[/ QUOTE ]

Firstly (and this is not a dig at you) I wouldn't roll a Willpower for PvP in the first place. Especially the Scrapper version, which lacks both an uninterruptable self heal and decent levels of mitigation against ranged attacks.

In fact, I'd have a hard time rolling a scrapper for any PvP duels. I'd happily pit a /Regen against the Fire/EM or a /SR against the Ice/Rad, but I'd prefer to bring an Ice Tanker, a Stalker, a Perma-Dom, another Rad or a Blaster with Phase for both.

Fight fire, with fire ...

[/ QUOTE ]

More like "fight Rock with Paper or Rock (but not scissors)". There are some builds that simply can't be made workable, or at least put you at a huge disadvantage in duels. Dark Armor, for example. Or a Warshade.

I've seen my mate on his kin/elec draining a lieut of most of his endurance in 1 or two shots, even if you have all a full tray of blues you would be in a world of trouble if he hits you and drop your toggles.

So why bring something to the fight which can be easily hit, or which does not have a high recovery rate? Wouldn't you rather bring something like a SR scrapper?

[/ QUOTE ]

Because Defense is largely irrelevant in PvP versus most hero-side ATs, even positional defence. As a Kin/Elec defender, (#1) He'd have access to Aim. (#2) He'd have access to Power Boost (#3) His recharge/speed debuffs are irresistable. That's pretty much "Game Over" as far as SR is concerned. I'd rather bring something with either Radiation debuffs, Stealth, Phase Shift, decent ranged damage and/or a ranged Mez. Even a Mastermind would fair better than a Scrapper there (Kins can't keep multiple henchmen debuffed or sapped as easily as a single target).

But I'd still pop a blue when he drained me. "Counters" and all that.
Inspirations are just another form of counter, just like Phase Shift or Defense Debuffs.

You don't need to run an "AT Killer" cycle, there are plenty of combinations that are fairly evenly matched. "Stone versus Stone" is more fun than "Stone versus Scissors" or "Stone versus Paper". "Apple versus Orange" (wierd builds fighting each other, neither designed specifically to kill the other) is the most fun IMO.

I enjoy fighting against challenging opponents too, but not allowing inspirations rules out an awful lot of possible fight combinations.



InspĀ“s doesnt have anything to do with pride tbh, just for balancing it out, simple as. IMO

And btw, when you make 1 hit with your MA scrapper it will prob stun the squishy and thats game over for that squishy in most cases. So not much off a fair fight to me.

Just my 5 cents



This thread - lol

I rock on a fire/EA brute i dont care what you all say, i will beat all of you, then you will say fire/EA is uber, i will duel anyone, but no moving, SO's only and no insps so it a fair reflection of build and skill...

Please listen to the people who are in large numbers telling you that your chosen power set choices dont perform so well in PvP, why would they lie?

Good luck getting your [censored] handed to you!





No worries, to each his own with his preferences. I find it very hard to imagine me playing a stalker or a MM at some stage, even though I have a SS/WP brute which I love to death.

You don't need to run an "AT Killer" cycle, there are plenty of combinations that are fairly evenly matched. "Stone versus Stone" is more fun than "Stone versus Scissors" or "Stone versus Paper". "Apple versus Orange" (wierd builds fighting each other, neither designed specifically to kill the other) is the most fun IMO.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's all about the fun and striving to better yourself



If I beat something which didn't use inspirations I feel pride in my build, if I get beaten by something which didn't use inspirations I feel that he deserved it. If I kill something which did use inspirations I also have get a sense of pride, and if I loose to something which used inspirations I will get back up and try to kill it again even if I might loose again

My own personal view on PvP'ing ...

[/ QUOTE ]

You can have your own personal opinion about PvP as much as you want, but the truth is inspirations BALANCE out PvP.



Please listen to the people who are in large numbers telling you that your chosen power set choices dont perform so well in PvP, why would they lie?

[/ QUOTE ]

And if a large group of people were to tell you that you ARE a brute and if you jump of a 80 story building you will only take 80 damage and not die you would believe it?

Hehehehe ... sorry, I am not part of the "flock" and I don't have a "group" mentality, maybe one of the reasons I prefer my melee toons above any other toons. I choose to try things out for myself and then make an informed decision about it

PS: And you can have your own views about it ... as I said ... I won't mind if you use it if we duel at some stage, I just wont



If I beat something which didn't use inspirations I feel pride in my build, if I get beaten by something which didn't use inspirations I feel that he deserved it. If I kill something which did use inspirations I also have get a sense of pride, and if I loose to something which used inspirations I will get back up and try to kill it again even if I might loose again

My own personal view on PvP'ing ...

[/ QUOTE ]

You can have your own personal opinion about PvP as much as you want, but the truth is inspirations BALANCE out PvP.

[/ QUOTE ]

Except when they go and pop a breakfree just as you're about to finish them off.

Dirty Poppers!!

*Shakes Fist*

And if a large group of people were to tell you that you ARE a brute and if you jump of a 80 story building you will only take 80 damage and not die you would believe it?

[/ QUOTE ]

It's a well known fact that you'll still have 1HP left however far you fall. Even if you fall from space. How do you think they landed that probe safely on Mars the other day? They just dropped it from orbit.


Funnies aside, the fact is that most combinations and styles of play have been tried already. Dozens upon dozens upon hundreds of times. AT this point the only real "unknowns" are the new VEATs.

Certain Powerset choices simply don't perform well in PvP. You can roll them and "have fun", but you'll be playing at a big disadvantage. If you like the challenge, fair enough. But don't pretend the powerset handicaps don't exist, because they are quite easy to prove on paper and demonstrate in the arena.



PS: And you can have your own views about it ... as I said ... I won't mind if you use it if we duel at some stage, I just wont

[/ QUOTE ]

I guess i just find it hard to understand why someone woldnt want to give themselves the best oppurtunity they can, and the whole "insps dont reflect your build" "insps r cheatin" thing really grates on me, purely because people dont look at the bigger picture, apologies if i sounded confrontational.